Cemetery:  Delgany New Churchyard 

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Wicklow Index


File contributed by: C. Hunt

    [From the Kev. R. S. Maffett, B.A.] 

'There are at present in this churchyard about 100 memorials 
besides those given below as belonging to Section I. The 
inscriptions on a few of these have already been printed in 
the Journal, and to such the proper references will be given 
as these memorials occur in the various rows. For the 
inscriptions in the church itself, see vol. ii, pages 245 
and 567. For convenience of description the graveyard may be 
divided into five sections. Section I runs along the whole 
of the boundary called the "western,"which, however, appears 
to incline somewhat to the north. Sections II and III lie 
along the "east"of this portion, and are divided from one 
another by a walk running from the gate opposite the church 
tower, which is reached by ascending a few steps from the 
level of the gravelled "sweep "in front of the church. 
Sections IV and V, lying at the "north"of the church, are 
separated from Section III by a walk (south to north) from 
another entrance into the graveyard facing the large gates 
into the church grounds. These gates are situated on the 
road leading from Greystones to Delgany, along which is the 
"southern "boundary of the ground. Section IV is a small 
plot, in the shape of the instrument known as a"square,"at 
the north-east angle of the gravelled  space spoken of 
above, and separated by a walk from Section V, which lies 
beyond the church along the "northern"boundary, and is now 
being extended round the "east "end of the ground also. I 
should mention that the entrance to the La Touche vault is 
at the south-east of the church grounds. Forming the 
boundary along the road from Greystones, before we come to 
the church gates, is the low building which Ferrar tells us 
in his "Tour to Bellevue" was constructed for the stabling 
of the horses of those attending service. The doors to this 
building are from the road, which is much lower than the 
ground inside. There appear to be only two 
"eighteenth-century "monuments in this churchyard, which has 
many funeral urns, but, as yet, no upright crosses. The 
ground is usually in excellent order, and the close-cut sod 
refreshing to the eye. 

'The First Section may be said to consist of two rows, Row I 
being close to the west wall of the churchyard, and the 
position of No. 1 in it, far up the row. Before we come to 
this memorial there is a glass shade - WILLIE SMYTH, 1906. 

'Row I, No. 1. - Marble headstone, ROGERS, 1905. 

'Row I, No. 2. - Headstone a little beyond No. 1, Lane-Poole, 
' Row I, No. 3. - Marble headstone after greater distance, 
WM. ROBT. STEADMAN, late R.H.A., 1903. 

'Row I, No. 4 - After some distance, and not far from the 
northern boundary, is a memorial in the form of a headstone 
with carving. A darker stone inserted bears the inscription, 
the first line of which is in old English characters, and 
several others in italics, the names being in capitals. The 
space below the headstone is flagged ' : - 

Sacred | to the memory of | WILLIAM WALLACE IRELAND | of 
Ballyhorsey in this County ] who departed this life 12 th 
March 1849, | aged '75 years, j He was a most affec- tionate 
Husband and kind Parent. | This monument is erected by his 
Wife | ELIZABETH. | Also ELIZABETH Ireland | wife of William 
Wallace | Ireland who died April 7 th | 1855 aged 63 years. 
| Also in memory of | BENJAMIN W. IRELAND | who fell asleep 
in Jesus, Dec r 7 th 1894 | Aged 68 years. | And his two 
Children | GEORGE and THOMAS | Col. iii. 4. 

F. Hynes, Fecit | Glasnevin. 

'Beyond the above there is a glass shade, with cards, 
WILLIAM DOYLE, aged 50; HERBERT DOYLE, aged 22, 14th 
October, 1892. Both father and son (boatmen) were washed off 
the pier at Grey- stones and drowned, along with the 
coxswain of the lifeboat, in presence of large crowds, while 
endeavouring to save a coal vessel. A large subscription was 
raised for the families of those drowned.' 

'Row II. Not far from the south boundary are two upright 
stones only 4 or 5 feet from the wall, between which and the 
memorials there used to be a mass of laurels, which latterly 
completely covered the stones. These have been all taken 

'1 No. 1.- HARRISON, 1854-1859. 

'No. 2. A slate upright stone, having the inscription in 
capitals with the exception of the abbreviations. No month 
is mentioned in connexion with the death of LUCY ' :- 

HANAH [sic] LUISA [sic] BOYLE | died Nov r 14 th 1843 | aged 
4 year 8 & 6 months | Lucy died 17 th 1843 | aged 1 year & 8 

'No. 3. - A slate headstone some 9 feet from the wall, with 
the first and third lines in capitals ' : - 

Sacked | to the Memory of | SARAH HEPENSTAL | who fell 
asleep in Jesus | May 16 1846 aged 7 years. | Suffer little 
children to come. unto | me and forbid them not for of such 
| is the kingdom of God. | Also MARY HEPENSTAl who died Decr 
| the 2d 1857 aged 17 years. And SARAH | HEPENSTAL died Decr 
4th 1857 aged 11 yr s 

'After these is a piece of stone, and some glass shades 
close to it. Price, 1893 (now disappeared) - BANNISTER 
(Kingstown), 1891. 

'No. 4. - After some distance, and between Nos. 2 and 3 of 
Row I, is a marble headstone. BURNS, 1900. 

'No. 5 is a marble headstone, "erected by friends"to MATHEW 
MURPHY, "for above fifty years an earnest faithful scripture 
reader in this parish,"1883. The filling in of the lettering 
has become very defective on this memorial. 

'No. 6 is a marble headstone standing a little more to the 
front than the last. Mrs. RACHEL HEALY, 1893. 

'No. 7 is a marble headstone just in front of the "Ireland " 
memorial of Row I, and with square space surrounded by curb. 
"Col. CHARLES WYNNE, R.A., died Oct. 11 1893."

'No. 8. - Close to the last is a small space, the railings 
round which are broken, where I believe a child was buried. 
There is no stone. 

'No. 9. - A headstone. EVANS, 1889. No date of death after 
the first two names. 

Journal of the Association for the Preservation of the 
Memorials of the Dead in Ireland.  Vol vii, FHL# 1279254