Waterford - Stradbally Parish [Lismore Diocese]

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Waterford Index


File contributed by: C. Hunt & M. Taylor

[Kindly contributed by Mr. Richard O'FLYNN, OF 
Worcester, Mass. U.S.A.]

'From the Churchyard of the ruined Monastery of Stradbally'

"Erected by Laurence BARRON of Waterford. Here lies the body 
of James BARRON, who depd. this life the 8th of March 1754 
aged 70 years.  Also his wife, Mary BARRON alias POWER who 
died April ye 10, 1733 aged 45 years"
"Here lie ye rem. of Mr. Morgan BARRON of Durragh who died 
Novbr ye 12 1776, aged 23 years.  The Lord have mercy on his 
soul, Amen"
"Erected by Edward BUTLER of Liecane in memory of his Father 
Laurence BUTLER who deptd. this life the 21 June 1813 aged 
59 years"
"Here lieth the body of the Revd Father Pierce BYRNE who 
died July 2, 1777, aged 34 years" 
"Erected by Patrick BURGESS of Liecane.  In memory of his 
mother, Marg. BURGESS alias BARRY, who died October 26 1810 
aged 62 years;  Also his sister Mary RYAN, alias BURGESS who 
depd. this life the 6 of June, 1810 aged 33 years."
"Erected by Judith M'GRATH ,alias CONNER, in memory of her 
Father William CONNER who departed this life Sept. 26, 1784 
aged 38 years;  also his [wife] Mary Conner[s] alias CASEY 
who deptd. this life May 15 1818 aged 78 years, also three 
of her sisters, Margt., Cath., and Bridget"
"Here lies the body of Thomas CROTTY who depd. this life 
Sept. the 11, 1803 aged 56 years"

'At the time of his death he lived at Ballyvooney.  The 
priest who lived there also held a "station" at a 
neighbouring house, where Mr. CROTTY received the Holy 
Communion, after which he went down to Ballyvooney Cove to 
bathe and was drowned.  The body floated away to the "Point" 
near Dungarvan, where the first to recognise it was his son, 
Captain David CROTTY (Merchant Service); he had left his 
father's house the same evening'
Erected by Michael MARTIN and Philip DWYER in memory of 
their Father Danl. DWYER of Newgate, Brogue Maker, who depd. 
this life Sept. 6 1797 aged 52 yrs.  Also the body of their 
grandfather Maurice DWYER who dept March 25 1784 aged 77.  
And his consort Eleanor DWYER, alias POWER who died August 
10th 1777 aged 62. Also 2 of their brothers who died young"
"Here lies the body of Laurence DWYER who departed this Life 
Sept. 6 1779 aged 3 yrs. Also Edmond DWYER'S burial place"
Here lieth the body of Maurice GOFF who depd. this life 
Octr. 30 1782 aged 60 years"
"In memory of Willm. GOFF who depd. May the 6th, 1800 aged 
60 years"
"Erected by Mrs. Anne CARROLL of Killanaspeg, in memory of 
her Father Michael HALLY died 30 May 1838, aged 63 years and 
her sister Anastasia died 3 Sept., 1853 aged 35 years.  Her 
mother Catherine died 5 Octr. 1854 aged 60 years, her 
brother John died 3rd April 1862 aged 49 years"
"Here lies the body of James HALLY who died April 9, 1777 
aged 46 years"

'None of this family in the male line are now (1894) living; 
three daughters of Michael were married the same night - two 
of them to two brothers named M'KEON of Garrantartan, and the 
other to a man named CARROLL; one of the brothers eloped 
with and married a daughter of Minister HILL of Mothill.'
"Here lyeth the body of Mr. Anthony HAGHERIN late of Brennan 
he departed this life January ye 10th 1752 aged 54 years.  
Here lyeth the body of Catherine M. M'GRATH otherwise 
HAGHERIN who departed this life ye 25th June 1761 aged 32 
years. Also her son, 5 years"
Erected by James KENNEDY in memory of Edward KENNEDY who 
died June ye 6th, 1775 aged 45 years"
"Here lyes the body of Mary KENNEDY alias KEATING wife of 
Darby KENNEDY of Bally- keerogue, gentleman, who departed 
this life 8 day of November 1719 in the 58 year of her age.  
Here lies ye body of the above named Darby KENNEDY who 
departed this life the 10 of Decembr (sic) 1745 aged 97 
years 3 months 28 days"
"Erected by Mary Morris in memory of her husband Jeremiah 
MURPHY who depd. this life April 17, 1797 aged 75 years"
"Here lieth the body of Philip O'SULLIVAN who departed his 
(sic) life 1723 aged 112and John his son, aged 29"
'The following is on a stone placed against the east wall 
inside the Abbey. LALOR constructed a wall about 5 feet high 
outside the grave space' :-
"The names of the POWERS of Ballyvoile whose remains are 
buried here are inscribed on this memorial which was erected 
by their kinsman Thomas LALOR of Cregg, Esq. D.L., J.P. Wm. 
POWER of Ballymote, Esq. who was a descendant of the Barons 
of Gleniheera and who died in 1727. His wife was a daughter 
of Baron KEATING and their sons, Nicholas and Pierce, Anne 
Roe, niece of Sir Nicholas OSBORNE and wife of Nicholas and 
their sons, William. Richard, Pierce and Andrew, Anne LONGON 
of Ballynacourtey, wife of William and their son Robert, 
Honora, Maria, daughter of Edward SHANAHAN, Barron of 
Woodhouse and wife of Robert and their children who died in 
infancy, Mary POWER, sister of Robert and wife  of Edward, 
second son of Lorenzo POWER of Ballindesart and their son 
and Daughter Lorenzo, Elizabeth, William, Richard and Anne, 
William the last of the POWERS, of Ballyvoile and the last 
male of the POWERS of Ballindessart, Kilmeaden, died on the 
27th March 1877 in the 93 year of his age. R.I.P."
"Here lies the body of William POWER of Ballykeerrogue who 
deptd. this life Janry. the first 1777 aged 70 years.  Also 
2 of his grandchildren, William and John, 6 and 3yrs"
"Here lies the body of James POWER who died January 6, 1777 
aged 80 years"
"Here lies the bodies of David RODERICK, Martin RODERICK, 
George RODERICK, Esq. sons of Samuel RODERICK of 
Ballyvooney, Esq.;  David departed this life March 17 1749 
aged 48 years.  George, July 23, 1753 aged 34 years.  
Martin, Feb. 14 1770, aged 52 years."


1]	"ROBERT UNIACKE, Esqre., departed  this life 9th Oct. 
1802 aged 49 years. Nannette UNIACKE departed this life 15th 
August 1791, aged 10 months"

2]	"Annette Constantia BERESFORD, daughter of the Right 
Honorable John BERESFORD and niece of the first Marquis of 
Waterford, born April 5 1768, married first, January 7th 
1790 Robert UNIACKE of Woodhouse, secondly July 2, 1805, 
Robert DOYNE of Wells, Co. Wexford, departed this life 
August 15th, 1826"

3]	"Annette Constantia DOYNE, youngest daughter of Robert 
DOYNE, Esq. of Wells, Co. Wexford, departed this life Sept. 
5, 1819 aged 8 years"

4]	"Robert UNIACKE, departed this life July 1853 aged 29 

'This was the last male heir of the Woodhouse family'

6]	"George John BERESFORD, Colonel Royal Artillery, died 
11th February, 1864 aged 57 years. Frances UNIACKE [UNIACKE] 
wife of the above died 29th October, 1867 aged 45 years"

7]	"Lady Mildred UNIACKE, daughter of the Right and 
Honorable Revd. Richard BOURKE, Bishop of Waterford and 
Lismore, and sister of Robert, Earl of Mayo, Born 12th 
December 1795, died July 9, 1869 aged 73 years."

8]	"Here lies the body of John WHELAN who died May 20th, 
1807 aged 22 years.  Also James WHELAN, died Feb. 20, 1802 
aged 12 years'

9]	"Erected by Thomas and Maurice WHITE of the City of 
Waterford in memory of their father's mother, Margaret WHITE 
alias POWER, who departed this life March 15, 1805 aged 73 
years.  Also three of Thomas' children who died young"

Journal of the Association for the Preservation of the 
Memorials of the Dead in Ireland, 1894. FHL# 1279252