Marriage: Assorted South Tipperary Marriage Extracts 1864-1918

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Tipperary Index


File contributed by:  Sheila Collins 

 (Use Ctr-F to find name on page)

 MARRIAGES                     Register examined & copied by S. Creed Collins                 Book 1 Bansha            Jan1864 - Jan 1866              50 entries

 PLACE      DATE         	NAME                AGE  STATUS      PROFESSION               RESIDENCE                FATHERS NAME                   FATHERS PROFESSION       WITNESSES            CELEBRANT               BOOK PAGE ENTRY NO
 Bansha     30th Jan 1864	John Loughman        28  Bachelor    Labourer                 Kilmoyler                Michael Loughman               Labourer                 Edmund Connery       Fr. William Keane 	    C1 	  1   1
                         	Judy Darcy           29  Spinster         -                   Kilaldriffe              Daniel Darcy                   small Farmer             Hanna Keating
 Bansha     6th Feb 1864 	Michael Burns       full Widower     Labourer                 Ballinlough              John Burns (decd)              Labourer                 John Galvin          Fr. John Cooney PP	     1 	   3  6
                         	Bridget Quirke      full Spinster         -                   Rathdarby                Michael Quirke (decd)          Labourer                 James Peters
 Bansha     6th Feb 1864 	John Hogan          full Widower     White smith              Ballinlough              Philip Hogan (decd)            Labourer                 John Galvin          Fr. John Cooney PP	     1 	   4  8
                         	Johanna Loughlan    full Spinster         -                   Raheen                   Michael Loughlan (decd)        Cooper                   Margaret Galvin
 Kilmoyler  16th Feb 1864	William Peters       40  Bachelor    Farmer                   Kilmoyler                Richard Peters                 Farmer                   John Darcy           Fr. John Cooney PP	     1 	   5  9
                         	Mary Darcy           30  Spinster         -                   Tankardstown             Richard Darcy (decd)           Farmer                   Richard Darcy
 Kilmoyler  19th Apr 1864	Maurice Keane        22  Bachelor    Farmer                   Ballyverane              Thomas Keane (decd)            Farmer                   Patrick Keane        Fr. William Keane 	    C1 	   6  12
                         	Ellen Peters        full Spinster         -                   Ballycarron              John Peters                    Farmer                   Margaret Peters
 Bansha     1st Nov 1864 	John O'Donnell       26  Bachelor    Labourer                 Ballyverane              Harry Donnell (decd)           Labourer                 Stephen Irwin        Fr. John Cooney PP	     1 	   9  17
                         	Mary Kane            21  Spinster         -                   Ballyverane              Edmond Kain                    Labourer                 Kate Quirke
 Bansha     29th Jan 1865	John Kirby           35  Widower     Labourer                 Clogheragh               Ned Kirby (decd)               Labourer                 John Galvin          Fr. John Cooney PP	     1 	  12  24
                         	Ally Cleary         full Widow            -                   Ballydrihid              James Cleary (decd)            Labourer                 Bridget Kearney
 Bansha     9th Feb 1865 	Michael Nugent       30  Bachelor    Subconstable             Knockavilla              James Nugent                   Farmer                   James Scanlon        Fr. John Cooney PP	     1 	  13  26
                         	Catherine Murphy    full Spinster    of police                Templeahurna             Ned Murphy                     Caretaker                Maria Murphy
 Kilmoyler  14th Oct 1865	Patrick Quinlan      35  Bachelor    Farmer                   Ballyarter               Michael Quinlan                Farmer                   Thomas Peters        Fr. John Cooney PP	     1 	  24  48
                         	Margaret Peters      24  Spinster    Farmers daughter         Ballycarron              John Peters                    Farmer                   Mary Peters mark

 MARRIAGES               	Register examined & copied by S. Creed Collins                Book 2 Bansha            Feb 1866 - 1868                50 entries

 PLACE      DATE         	NAME                AGE  STATUS      PROFESSION               RESIDENCE                FATHERS NAME                   FATHERS PROFESSION    WITNESSES               CELEBRANT         	    BOOK PAGE ENTRY NO
 Kilmoyler  10th Feb 1866	James Barry          30  Bachelor    Farmer                   Tankardstown             Richard Barry (decd)           Farmer                John Ryan               Fr. Michael Harty 	    C2 	  3    6
                         	Ellen Peters         25  Spinster         -                   Ballydavid               Thomas Peters                  Farmer                Hanora Callaghan
 Bansha     13th Feb 1866	Patrick Scanlon      34  Bachelor    Farmer                   Ballydavid               Thomas Scanlon (decd)          Farmer                Michael Brien           Fr. John Cooney PP	     2 	   5   10
                         	Bridget Peters mark  24  Spinster         -                   Rathdarby                James Peters                   Farmer                Margaret Peters mark
 Bansha     25th Sept 186	Timothy Long         19  Bachelor    Caretaker                Grallagh                 James Long                     Caretaker             Catherine Cleary        Fr. John Cooney PP	     2 	   7   13
                         	Nancy Peters (Anne)  22  Spinster    Farmers daughter         Ballinlough              James Peters                   Farmer                Margaret Peters
 Bansha     26th Feb 1867	Michael O'Brien     full Bachelor    Constabulary             Bansha                   Patrick O'Brien                Farmer                James Scanlon           Fr. John Cooney PP	     2 	  11   21
                         	Bridget Moloney     full Widow            -                   Bansha                   Patrick Hayes                  Farmer                Annie Whitslow
 Bansha     25th Jan 1868	Miles Sweeney mark   30  Bachelor    Servant                  Rossbog                  Thomas Sweeney (decd)          Labourer              Michael Cleary mark     Fr. John Cooney PP	     2 	  15   30
                         	Margaret Brien mark  30  Spinster         -                   Ardane                   Timothy O'Brien                Small farmer          Mary Peters mark
 Bansha     13th  Feb 1868	Patrick Lonergan     30  Bachelor    Driving a postcar        Cahir                    James Lonergan                 A dealer              Thomas Fitzgerald mark  Fr. John Cooney PP	     2 	  16   32
                         	Johanna Martin mark  24  Spinster         -                   Ballydrihid              James Martin (decd)            Farmer                Margaret Martin
 Kilmoyler  22nd Feb 1868	Patrick Scanlan     full Bachelor    Farmer                   Knockavilla              James Scanlan                  Farmer                John Scanlon            Fr. William Keane 	    C2 	  19   37
                         	Margaret Scanlon    full Spinster         -                   Ballidrihid              Thomas Scanlon                 Farmer                Mary Lonergan
 Kilmoyler  22nd Feb 1868	Patrick Burke mark  full Bachelor    Farmer                   Cahir                    Thomas Bourke                  Labourer              Thomas McGrath mark     Fr. John Cooney PP	     2 	  22   43
                         	Ellen Scanlan mark  full Spinster         -                   Ballidrihid              William Scanlon                Labourer              Ella Kavenagh mark
 Bansha     27th June 1868	William Scanlon     full Widower     Small Farmer             Ballidrihid              James Scanlon (decd)           Farmer                Bryan O'Donnell         Fr. John Cooney PP	     2 	  22   44
                         	Mary Barron         full Widow            -                   Ballidrihid              William Donnell                Farmer                Mary O'Donnell
 Bansha     27th Oct 1868	William Duggan       22  Bachelor    Labourer                 Ballidrihid              Timothy Duggan (decd)          Farmer                Thomas Peters           Fr. John Cooney PP	     2 	  24   47
                         	Margaret Duggan mark 24  Spinster         -                   Ballidrihid              Michael Duggan                 Farmer                Margaret Peters mark

 MARRIAGES               	Register examined & copied by S. Creed Collins                Book 3 Bansha            1869 - Feb 1882             200 entries

 PLACE      DATE         	NAME                   AGE  STATUS      PROFESSION            RESIDENCE                FATHERS NAME                FATHERS PROFESSION    WITNESSES               CELEBRANT                    BOOK PAGE ENTRY NO

 Bansha     9th Feb 1869 	David Cary          	  45  Widower     Smith               Ballidavid               David Cary                  Farmer                John Peters             Fr. John Cooney PP	        3     3   6
                         	Margaret Hays mark  	  46  Widow       Labourer            Knocknacurra             Daniel Hays                 Farmer                Mary Magner mark
 Kilmoyler  18th Feb 1870	John Connors        	  30  Bachelor    Farmer              Boytonrath               William Connors (decd)      Farmer                Laurence Cleary         Fr. William Keane 	       C3    14   28    27 ??
            17th         	Johanna Peters      	  26  Spinster         -              Drangan                  Richard Peters              Farmer                Margaret Peters
 Bansha     2nd Feb 1871 	Patrick Kiely       	  30  Bachelor    Labourer            Ballidrihid              James Kelly (decd)          Labourer              Daniel Murphy           Fr. William Keane 	       C3
                         	Bridget Fogarty     	  32  Widow            -              Ballidrihid              Denis Fogarty (decd)        Labourer              Mary Murphy
 Bansha     16th Feb 1871	John Duggan         	  25  Bachelor    Farmer              Skehanarinka             Ned Duggan                  Farmer                James Tobin             Fr. William Keane 	       C3    22   43
                         	Bridget Bourke      	  24  Spinster         -              Ardane                   James Bourke                Farmer                Bridget Peters
 Bansha     18th Feb 1871	William Peters      	  29  Bachelor    Farmer              Ballydavid               William Peters              Farmer                Richard Peters          Fr. John Cooney PP	        3    22   44
                         	Mary Crowley        	  20  Spinster         -              Lisgibbon                Edmund Crowly               Farmer                Mary Keating
 Bansha     21st Feb 1871	Michael Kenane Kinane     26  Bachelor    Farmer              Ballyglass               James Kenane (decd)         Farmer                John Peters             Fr. John Cooney PP	        3    23   46
                         	Margaret Peters         22/26 Spinster         -              Ratharby                 James Peters                Farmer                Hannah Peters
 Kilmoyler  30th Sep 1871	John Martin         	  30  Bachelor    Farmer              Ballidrihid              John Martin                 Farmer                Thomas Lonergan         Fr. Michael Harty 	       C3    26   51
                         	Hanora O'Dwyer      	  32  Widow            -              Ballidrihid              James Peters                Farmer                Bridget Scanlon
 Kilmoyler  10th Feb 1872	John Lonergan       	  25  Widower     Farmer              Cahir                    Thomas Lonergan             Farmer                John Moran              Fr. William Keane 	       C3    28   55
                         	Ellen Kivil Kevil   	  24  Spinster         -              Ballidrihid              John Kivil                  Farmer                Margaret Moran
 Bansha     14th Nov 1872	Daniel Geary        	  31  Bachelor    Farmer              Ballinacurra             William Geary               Farmer                James Hickey            Fr. John Cooney PP	        3    32   64
                         	Ellen Sheehy        	  27  Spinster         -              Ballydrihid              William Sheehy              Farmer                Mary Sheehy
 Bansha     25th Feb 1873	Patrick Carthy      	 aged Bachelor    Farmer              Ballygurtin              Patrick Carthy              Farmer                Richard Peters          Fr. William Keane 	       C3    36   71
                         	Mary Boyce          	  18  Spinster         -              Ballygurtin              John Boyce                  Farmer                Mary Dwyer
 Kilmoyler  3rd July 1873	Henry Bresnan       	  29  Bachelor    Farmer              Ballynare                William Bresnan             Farmer                William Bresnan         Fr. John Cooney PP	        3    38   75
                         	Mary Sheehy         	  22  Spinster         -              Ballydrihid              Roger Sheehy                Farmer                Bridget Sheehy
 Kilmoyler  22nd Feb 1874	Bryan Donnel        	  24  Bachelor    Farmer              Ballydrehid              Thomas Donnel               Farmer                John Lonergan                   ??        	        3
                         	Catherine Hogan     	  19  Spinster         -              Toureen                  Daniel Hogan                Farmer                Ellen Hogan
 Kilmoyler  14th June 187	John White          	  30  Bachelor    Labourer            Kilmoyler                Thomas White (decd)         Labourer              Richard Peters          Fr. William Keane 	       C3    43   85
                         	Catherine Glasheen  	  30  Spinster    Servant             Cappauniac               William Glasheen            Labourer              Mary Tierney
 Kilmoyler  6th July 1874	John Fitzgerald     	  44  Widower     Farmer              Ballidrihid              James Fitzgerald            Tradesman             John Byrne              Fr. John Cooney PP	        3    44   87
                         	Honora Ryan         	  38  Spinster    Servant             Kilmoyler                Michael Ryan                Farmer                Kate Peters
 Bansha     30th Jan 1875	Hugh Peters         	  29  Bachelor    Farmer              Ballough                 James Peters                Farmer                John Peters             Fr. John Cooney PP	        3    46   91
                         	Margaret Tobin      	  17  Spinster         -              Ballough                 William Tobin               Farmer                Mary Tobin
 Bansha     10th Feb 1876	Edward Dwyer        	 full Bachelor    Relieving Officer   Bansha                   James Dwyer                 Farmer                Thomas Power            Fr. Michael Harty 	       C3    551  10
                         	Bridget Power       	 full Widow       Shopkeeper          Bansha                   Thomas Power (decd)         Farmer                Kate Power
 Bansha     12th Feb 1876	Richard Peters      	  24  Bachelor    Cooper              Ardane                   Thomas Peters (decd)        Farmer                Thomas Peters           Fr. Michael Harty 	       C3    561  11
                         	Mary Hannon         	  26  Spinster    Farmers daughter    Bansha                   Patrick Hannon              Farmer                Mary Bowes
 Bansha     12th Feb 1876	John Morressy mark  	  26  Bachelor    Labourer            Foxfort                  John Morressy               Labourer              Michael Morressy mark   Fr. Michael Harty 	       C3    561  12
                         	Ellen Peters        	  25  Spinster    Dressmaker          Ballough                 Thomas Peters               Labourer              Margaret Peters
 Bansha     29th Feb 1876	William O'Connor    	 full Widower     Farmer              Boytonrath               William O'Connor            Farmer                William Golden          Fr. I Tuohy CC    	        3    601  20
                         	Margaret Peters     	 full Spinster    Farmer              Ballydavid               Thomas Peters               Farmer                Margaret Finnane
 Kilmoyler  29th Feb 1876	Denis Gorman        	  28  Bachelor    Farmer              Kilardamee Ardfinnan     John Gorman (decd)          Farmer                John Gorman             Fr. Michael Harty 	       C3    611  21
                         	Catherine Peters mark	  20  Spinster         -              Ballydrehid              William Peters (decd)       Farmer                Margaret Gieran
 Kilmoyler  26th Nov 1876	Matthew Nugent      	 full Bachelor    Farmer              Lagganstown              Matthew Nugent (decd)       Farmer                John Murphy                     ??        	        3
                         	Ellen O'Donnell     	 full Spinster         -              Ballydrihid              Michael O'Donnell           Farmer                Mary O'Donnell
 Bansha     2nd Dec 1876 	Daniel Loughman     	  40  Widower     Labourer            Ballydrehid              Pierce Loughman             Labourer              John Martin mark        Fr. John Cooney PP	        3    651  29
                         	Hanora Martin       	  42  Widow            -                   -                   John Martin (?incorrect)    Labourer              Bridget Collins mark
 Kilmoyler  10th Nov 1877	John Martin mark    	 full Bachelor    Labourer            Ballydrehid              John Martin (decd)          Labourer              Edmund Martin           Fr. John B Hanley 	       R3    741  48
                         	Johanna Lonergan    	 full Spinster         -              Ballydrehid              Patrick Lonergan (decd)     Labourer              Johanna Martin
 Bansha     2nd May 1878 	Michael Keating     	 full Widower     Farmer              Tourmore Burncourt       Daniel Keating (decd)       Farmer                John Corbett            Fr. John Cooney PP	        3    801  59
                         	Mary Peters         	 full Spinster         -              Ardane                   Thomas Peters (decd)        Farmer                Bridget Peters
 Kilmoyler  22nd  Feb 187	Patrick Gorman      	 full Bachelor    Farmer              Dranganmore              John Gorman                 Farmer                Michael Gorman          Fr. I Tuohy CC    	        3    851  69
                         	Mary Peters         	 full Spinster         -              Ballydrihid              William Peters (decd)       Farmer                Mary Geran
     ??     25th Feb 1882	John Heffernan      	 full Bachelor    Farmer              Cordangan                John Heffernan              Farmer                John Peters             Fr. Timothy Heffernan CC         3    861  72
                         	Hannah Peters (Johanna)  full Spinster         -              Rathdermott              James Peters                Farmer                Bridget Loughman
 Kilmoyler  10th Jan 1880	Edmund Molany       	 full Bachelor    Farmer              Ballymacadam Cahir       Edmond Molany               Farmer                Edmond C Sheehy         Fr. Timothy Heffernan CC         3    901  79
                         	Bridget Kearny      	 full Spinster         -              Kilmoyler                James kearney               Farmer                Bridget Kearney
 Kilmoyler  3rd July 1881	John Dalton         	 full Bachelor    Labourer            Ballydrihid              Michael Dalton (decd)       Labourer              James O'Connor          Fr. Timothy Heffernan CC         3    971  94
                         	Bridget Kenealy     	 full Spinster    Servant             Ballydrihid              Michael Kenealy             Labourer              Ellen Ryan
 Kilmoyler  ??? 1882     	Denis Cushion       	 full Bachelor    Labourer            Knockgraffon Cahir       John Cushion (decd)         Labourer              John Doherty            Fr. Timothy Heffernan CC         3    991  97
                         	Hanora Boland       	 full Spinster    Servant             Ballydrihid              Patrick Boland              Labourer              ??? Scanlon

 MARRIAGES               	Register examined & 	 copied by S. Creed Collins           Book 4 Bansha            Feb 1882 -??                100 entries

 PLACE      DATE         	NAME                	 AGE  STATUS      PROFESSION          RESIDENCE                FATHERS NAME                FATHERS PROFESSION    WITNESSES               CELEBRANT                     BOOK PAGE ENTRY NO

 Bansha     15th May 1882	Martin Kennedy      	 full Bachelor    Labourer            Ballydrehid              Patrick Kennedy             Labourer              Patrick Murphy          Fr. Timothy Heffernan CC	4     2   4
                         	Mary Gorman         	 full Spinster    Servant             Ballydrehid              John Gorman                 Labourer              Mary Galvin
 Bansha     7th Feb 1883 	John Walsh          	 full Bachelor    Farmer              Rossbog                  John Walsh                  Farmer                Patrick Connors         Fr. Timothy Heffernan CC	4     6   12
                         	Ellen Peters        	 full Spinster    Farmer              Ballough                 James Peters                Farmer                Margaret Peters
 Kilmoyler  5th Feb 1883 	James Kearney       	 full Bachelor    Farmer              Ballydrehid              James Kearney               Farmer                John Keevil             Fr. Timothy Heffernan CC	4     8   15
                         	Kate Hoolahan       	 full Spinster    Farmer              Ballydrehid              Robert Hoolahan             Farmer                Mary Kavanagh
 Kilmoyler  16th Feb 1884	James Clifford      	 full Bachelor    Farmer              Ballylooby               James Clifford (decd)       Farmer                Richard Martin          Fr. Timothy Heffernan CC	4    14   27
                         	Mary Sheehy         	 full Spinster    Farmer              Ballydrehid              William Sheehy              Farmer                Anne Sheehy
 Bansha     16th Oct 1884	Thomas Dwyer        	 full Bachelor    Farmer              Ballydrehid              James Dwyer                 Farmer                John Galvin             Fr. Timothy Heffernan CC	4    23   46
                         	Marie Fennell       	 full Spinster    Farmer              Ballydrehid              Lwyllen Fennell             Gentelman             Mary Galvin mark
 Bansha     28th Oct 1884	Patrick Carthy      	 full Bachelor    Labourer            Crogue                   Daniel Carthy               Tinker                John Heffernan Crogue   Fr. Timothy Heffernan CC	4    24   48
                         	Margaret Ryan       	 full Spinster    Servant             Lisnagaul                Thomas Ryan                 Labourer              Margaret Peters
 Bansha     3rd Feb 1885 	Michael Kavanagh ma 	 full Bachelor    Farmer              Ballydrehid              Thomas Kavanagh             Farmer                Matthew Fitzgerald      Fr. Timothy Heffernan CC	4    28   55
                         	Mary Hanrahan       	 full Spinster    None                Ballydrehid              James Hanrahan              Labourer              Maggie Byron
 Bansha     7th Feb 1885 	Patrick Hoare mark  	 full Bachelor    Labourer            Thomastown               James Hoare (decd)          Labourer              Patrick Hoare           Fr. John Kelly CC  	     	4    28   56
                         	Mary Lonergan       	 full Spinster    Servant             Kilmoyler                John Lonergan               Smith                 Katie Lonergan
 Bansha     10th Aug 1885	Philip Carbery      	 full Bachelor    Labourer            Carrick on Suir          John Carbery (decd)         Cattle Dealer         Thomas Peters           Fr. John Kelly CC  	     	4    31   61
                         	Ellen Ryan          	 full Spinster    Servant             Bansha                   John Ryan                   Labourer              Honoria Dunne
 Kilmoyler  8th Mar 1886 	Patt Ryan           	 full Bachelor    Labourer            Lisnagaul                John Ryan (decd)            Farmer                Edmund Barton           Fr. Timothy Heffernan CC	4    35   70
                         	Honora Duggan       	 full Spinster    Servant             Lisnagaul                Henry Duggan                Farmer                William Peters
 Bansha     22nd June 188	Thomas Brennan      	 full Bachelor    Policeman           Toureen                  Timothy Brennan (decd)      Farmer                James Reilly            Fr. John Kelly CC  	     	4    37   73
                         	Catherine Condon    	 full Spinster    Farmer              Toureen                  Pat Condon                  Farmer                Maria Condon
 Bansha     12th Feb 1887	John Ryan mark      	 full Bachelor    Labourer            Townspark                John Ryan                   Labourer              Stephen Clohessy        Fr. John Kelly CC  	     	4    39   78
                         	Bridget Brien       	 full Spinster    Servant             Ballydrehid              Michael Brien (decd)        Labourer              Margaret Byron
 Kilmoyler  17th Feb 1887	Richard Peters      	 full Bachelor    Farmer              Ballycarron              John Peters (decd)          Farmer                William Hanley          Fr. John Kelly CC  	     	4    40   79
                         	Catherine Marnane   	 full Spinster    Farmer              Toureen                  Ed Marnane                  Farmer                Lizzie Murnane
 Bansha     22nd Feb 1887	Owen Hickey         	 full Bachelor    Farmer              Tankerstown              Thomas Hickey               Farmer                John Fraher             Fr. John Kelly CC  	     	4    42   83
                         	Bridget Peters      	 full Spinster    Farmer              Ardane                   Thomas Peters               Farmer                Kate Quirke
 Kilmoyler  4th Sept 1887	Daniel Crowley      	 full Bachelor    Land Steward        Ballycarron Golden       Edmond Crowley              Farmer                James Devereux          Fr. John Kelly CC  	     	4    44   88
                         	Mary Tobin          	 full Spinster    Land Steward        Lisgibbon Bansha         William Tobin               Farmer                Mary Lonergan
 Bansha     8th Oct 1887 	John Peters mark    	 full Bachelor    Farmer              Ardane                   Thomas Peters (decd)        Farmer                William Peters          Fr. John Kelly CC  	     	4    45   90
                         	Ellen English       	 full Spinster    Farmer              Ardane                   James English               Farmer                Alice Cangney
 Kilmoyler  18th Jan 1888	John Sadlier        	 full Bachelor    Auctioneer          Fethard                  Richard Sadlier (decd)      Farmer                Thomas Hayden           Fr. John Kelly CC  	     	4    46   91
                         	Eliza O'Gorman      	 full Spinster    Farmer              Toureen                  Thomas O'Gorman(decd)       Farmer                Maggie Morrissey
 Kilmoyler  8th Aug 1888 	Giles Baker         	 full Widower     Working man         Ballydavid               George Baker                Gentleman             Joseph Buckley          Fr.Martin O'Connell	     	4    49   98
                         	Mary Fitzgerald     	 full Spinster    Farmers daughter    Ballydrehid              John Fitzgerald             Farmer                Lizzie Fitzgerald

 MARRIAGES               	Register examined & 	 copied by S. Creed Collins           Book 6 Bansha            Sept 1915 -??               100 entries

 PLACE      DATE         	NAME                	 AGE  STATUS      PROFESSION          RESIDENCE                FATHERS NAME                FATHERS PROFESSION    WITNESSES               CELEBRANT                   BOOK PAGE ENTRY NO

 Bansha     17th Feb 1914	James Byron         	 full Bachelor    Farmer              College                  Patrick Byron               Farmer                Gerald Byron            Fr. Martin O'Connel	      6     1   1
                         	Alice Phelan        	 full Spinster    Farmer              Tankardstown             Thomas Phelan               Farmer                Minnie Phelan
 Lisvernane 26th Feb 1916	Jeremiah McGrath    	 full Bachelor    Farmer              Barna                    Jeremiah McGrath            Farmer                John Quinlan            Fr. Michael Houriga	      6     1   3
                         	Catherine Kiely     	 full Spinster    Farmer's daughter   Longford                 William Kiely               Farmer                Brigid Kiely
 Bansha     16th Feb 1916	Cornelius Cavanagh  	 full Bachelor    Farmer              Cappa                    Patrick cavanagh            Farmer                Thomas Quirke           Fr. John Quinlan CC	      6     1   5
                         	Bridget Burke       	 full Spinster    Farmer              Ballough                 Richard Burke               Farmer                Mary Anne Cronin
 Kilmoyler  17th Feb 1917	Edmond O'Brien      	  29  Bachelor    Labourer            Ballydavid               Edmond O'Brien              Labourer              Maurice Holloway        Fr. Philip Byrne CC	      6     2   12
                         	Catherine White     	  33  Spinster    Servant             Cappauaniac              Michael White               Labourer              Lizzie Smithwick
 Kilmoyler  22nd Sept 191	Richard Fahy        	  35  Bachelor    Carpenter           Cappauaniac              David Fahy                  Shepard               Patrick Fahy            Fr. Daniel Moloney 	      6    13
                         	Josephine Quirke    	  30  Spinster              -         Ballydrehid              David Quirke                Shopkeeper            Mary Keville
 Kilmoyler  9th Feb 1918 	Thomas Peters       	 full Bachelor    Farmer              Kilnacask Ballygurteen   James Peters                Farmer                John O'Brien            Fr. James Byrnes PP	      6    19   38
                         	Johanna McCarthy    	 full Spinster    Farmer's daughter   Kilmoyler                Patk McCarthy               Farmer                Alice O'Shea
 Kilmoyler  12th Feb 1918	Timothy Heney       	 full Bachelor    Farmer              Toureen, Cahir           William Heney               Farmer                Matthew Beirne          Fr. James Byrnes PP	      6    21   41
                         	Johanna Kearney     	 full Spinster    Farmer's daughter   Ballydrehid              James Kearney               Farmer                Mary Kearney
 Lisvernane 18th Apr 1918	John Martin         	 full Bachelor    Farmer              Glenroe                  James martin                Farmer                James martin            Fr. John Quinlan CC	      6    24   43
                         	Honora Kelly        	 full Spinster    Farmer's daughter   Knockaunhack Galbally    John Kelly                  Farmer                Nancy Lane
 Kilmoyler  30th Nov 1918	Patrick Duggan      	 full Bachelor    Farmer              Ballydrehid              Michael Duggan              Farmer                Thomas Duggan           Fr. Philip Byrne CC	      6    24   48
                         	Mary Harris         	 full Spinster    Housekeeper         Ballydrehid              Michael Harris              Farmer                Margaret Harris