Old Donaghmoyne Church,County Monaghan, Ireland
Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Monaghan Index
File contributed by: Pat Traynor tray@hughes.net (1-2)
& Pat McDonnell pvmcdonnell@msn.com (3)



DONAGHMOYNE | Donaghmoyne or "Domhnach Maghen" | The church
of the precincic! | is stated to have been founded by St
Patrick, | The term "Domhnach" would suggest that the site |
was an early Patrician foundation. | In 832 the Annals of
Ulster record that the Vikings | raided Donaghmoyne & took
the shrine of Adamnan | - the biographer of Columcile - from
the site. | It has been speculated that a reli__y | found in
a ___ grave at St Germain in France | might be that from
Donaghmoyne. | In 1207 the church and lands of Donaghmoyne |
were granted by Roger P_pard to the hospital | of St. John
the Baptist at Ardee. | The church also had close relations
| with the Abbey at Louth. |

IHS | In Loving Memory | of | Patrick WARD | Tullynacross, |
Died  | 11th September 1961 | His Wife Mary Anna | Died 26th
Feb  | 1978 | |

Erected | By | James LYNCH R.I.C. | of Londonderry.| In  |
Memory of His Mother | MARY BOYLAN LYNCH | Who Died At Her
| Residence Levadinna  | 29th March 1880 Aged 70 Years |
Also | His Uncle MICHAEL BOYLAN | Who Died At His Residence
| Ednamagh Inniskeen  1st August 1828 | Aged 21 Years. |
Also | His Grand Mother | MARY KELLY BOYLAN | Who Died At
Her | Residence | Ednamagh Inniskeen 9th Novr 1860 | Aged
75  | Years. | Also His Grand Father | PATRICK BOYLAN | Who
Died  | At His Residence | Ednamagh Inniskeen 4th Feby 1862,
| Aged  | 80 Years. | The Above JAMES LYNCH | Died in U.S.A.
Aug. 1939  | Also ROSE LYNCH | Died Jan. 8th 191_ |
Her Son PHILIP. | Died Jan. 3rd 19__ | Her husband
PATRICK | Died March 30th  | ...

Erected by HENRY MCDONALD | In Memory of his Parents | HENRY
MCDONALD and ANN MCDONALD of Crover | Who died Feb 9th 1911
82 Years | and Jan 18th 1915  78.

All images Copyright by Photographer