Louth - Alphabetical List of Landowners in 1870's - J-M Only

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Louth Index


File contributed by: C. Hunt & M. Taylor
Owner Name			Owner Residence-1873-75
Jameson & Co., James		xxxx			Dublin
Jebb, D.  [Reps. Of]		xxxx			xxxx
Jebb, Robert			xxx			xxxx
Jeffers, Francis		Drumleck		Castlebellingham
Jeffers, James			Killineer		Drogheda
Johnston, Arthur		Lisdoo			Dundalk
Johnston, Henry			Quay-road		Dundalk
Johnston, Thomas		Longfield		Carrickmacross
Jones, John Fleming		8 Dolier-st.		Dublin
Jordan, Mary			Mullacrew		Louth

Kearney, John			Commons			Carlingford
Kearney, Miss Mary		Templetown		Carlingford
Kearney, Patrick		xxxx			Carlingford
Keelan, Mary			xxxx			Ardee
Kelly, Denis			Waterlodge		Dundalk
Kelly, Henry E.			Tullydrim		Corcreagh
Kelly, James			Balriggan		Dundalk
Kelly, Michael			Clanbrassell-street	Dundalk
Kelly, Patrick			Mullacrew		Louth
Kelly, Thos. [Reps. Of]		Rathmullen		Drogheda
Kenny, Charles P.		xxxx			Dublin
Kenny, Mary			xxxx			Kingstown
Kenny, Plunket			Rocksavage		Inniskeen
Kenny, Theobald P.[Reps. Of]	Callanberge		Inniskeen
Kidd, John			57 Rutland-sq.		Dublin
Kieran, James			Painestown		Dunleer
Kieran, Jane			Dromin			Dunleer
Kieran, John			Dromin			Dunleer
Kieran, Laurence		Ashville		Collon
Kieran, Laurence		Dromin			Dunleer
Kieran, Mrs. 			Moremount		Dunleer
Kieran, Patrick			Dromin			Dunleer
Kieran, Simon			Bolies			Castlebellingham
King, John P.			Togher			Dunleer
King, Mary J.[Reps. Of]		Ballug Castle		Carlingford
King, Miss			Rathneety		Louth
King, Mrs.			Grange			Knockbridge
Kirk, George Harley		xxxx			Clogher Head
Kirwan, William			xxxx			Kingstown, co. Dublin
Knaggs, George			Cordery			Reddypenny
Knaggs, George			West-street		Drogheda

Lamb, Bernard			Mullacrew		Louth
Lamb, Patrick			Mullacrew		Louth
Larassy, Mary			Commons			Carlingford
Lawlor, Mrs.			Knockdrinnan		Dunleer
Leggett, William		xxxx			Dundalk
Leland, Frederick		South-quay		Drogheda
Leland, F. W.			West-street		Drogheda
Leland, F. W. and others	Beltichbourne		Drogheda
Lennon, Anne			Lurgankeel		Dundalk
Lennon, James			Lurgankeel		Dundalk
Lennon, Laurence		Mullacrew		Louth
Lennon, Patrick			Mullacrew		Louth
Lennon, Patrick W.		Lurgankeel		Dindalk
Lennon, Rose			Lurgankeel		Dundalk
Lennon, Stephen			Lurgankeel		Dundalk
Lennon, Thomas			Lurgankeel		Dundalk
Lennon, Thomas, sen.		Lurgankeel		Dundalk
Local Government Board		Custom House		Dublin
Long, Eliza			Commons			Carlingford
Long, Peter			Commons			Carlingford
Long, Peter			Grange Irish		Carlingford
Lonsdale, Arthur P.		xxxx			London
Louth, Lord 			Louth Hall		Ardee
Lowe, Nathaniel			Nantyleoak, West	Canada
Lynch, Mary			Stoneyhurst College	xxxx

Macann, Richard			Drumcashel		Castlebellingham
Macken, Laurence  [Reps. Of]	Mullacrew		Louth
Mackin, Andrew			Commons			Carlingford
Mackin, Denis			Commons			Carlingford
Mackin, Thomas			Grange Irish		Carlingford
McAlester, Michael		Faughart		Dundalk
McAlester, Thos. and W.		Faughart		Dundalk
McAlister, Daniel		Commons			Carlingford
McArdle, Robert			Nicholas-st.		Dundalk
McCabe, Charles			xxxx			Morpeth, England
McCabe, Charles F.		xxxx			Morpeth, England
McCabe, Owen			xxxx			Ardee
McCabe, Patrick  [Reps. Of]	xxxx			Liverpool
McCann, Margaret		Quay-road		Dundalk
McCann, Patrick			Knockbridge		Dundalk
McCann, Patrick			Palregan		Dundalk
McCann, Richard			Drumcashel		Castlebellingham
McCarte, John			Philipstown		Dundalk
McClintock, Rev. R. L.		Spencer Hill		Castlebellingham
McCourt, Arthur			Commons			Carlingford
McCourt, Patrick		Commons			Carlingford
McCourt, Patrick		Commons			Carlingford
McCourt, Patrick, jun.		Commons			Carlingford
McCready, Henry S.		xxxx			Dublin
McCullagh, Patrick		Beltichbourne		Drogheda
McDarra, Patrick		Grange Irish		Carlingford
McDermott, Catherine		Commons			Carlingford
McDonald, Alexander		Commons			Carlingford
McDonald, John			Commons			Carlingford
McDonald, John			Church-street		Dundalk
McDowell, John			Faughart		Dundalk
McDowell, Robert		Belmont			Carlingford
McEleavy, Bernard		xxxx			Carlingford
McElveen, Patrick		Dromin			Dunleer
McEntegart, Mary		Philipstown		Dundalk
McEntegart, Owen		Philipstown		Dundalk
McEntegart, Thomas		Philipstown		Dundalk
McGee, John			Lurgankeel		Dundalk
McGee, Judith			Lurgankeel		Dundalk
McGough, Michael		Lurgankeel		Dundalk
McGough, Owen			Lurgankeel		Dundalk
McIvor, Rev. James		17 Rathmines-road	Dublin
McKee, Rev. Henry		Tenure			Drogheda
McKenna, Edward			Mullacrew		Louth
McKenna, Owen			Mullacrew		Louth
McKenna, Patrick		Mullacrew		Louth
McKeogh, Peter			5 Lr. Dominick-st.	Dublin
McKeone, Francis		Commons			Carlingford
McKevitt, Arthur		xxxx			Carlingford
McKevitt, Hugh			xxxx			Fullagh, Meath
McKevitt, Patrick		Commons			Carlingford
McKone, James			Belrobin		Dundalk
McKone, Thomas			Mullacrew		Louth
McLaughlin, Bernard		xxxx			Ardee
McLoughlin, Peter		Roestown		Ardee
McMahon, Charles		Brookfield		Dundalk
McNamee, Bernard		Lurgankeel		Dundalk
McNeil, Torquil			Faughart		Dundalk
McNeill v. Bruce		In Chancery		xxxx
McNeill, Miss M.		xxxx			Dublin
McNello, John			Carrickadoon		Louth
McShane, Arthur			Lurgankeel		Dundalk
McShane, Francis		Commons			Carlingford
McShane, Patrick		Lurgankeel		Dundalk
Magee, Catherine		Belfeddock		Slane
Magee, James			Richardstown 		Dunleer
Magee, John			xxxx			Newry
Magee, Mary			xxxx			Ardee
Magee, William			xxxx			Newry
Magennis, Cornelius		Commons			Carlingford
Magill, Anne			Townparks		Ardee
Magrath, Patrick		Ardtullybeg		Carlingford
Magreehan, Bryan		Commons			Carlingford
Magreehan, Owen			Commons			Carlingford
Maguire, Patrick		Commons			Carlingford
Maguire, Rose,  		Mayne			Clogher Head
	w/* A. John & A. C.
Major, George			xxxx			Knocknagoran, Meath
Manning, Francis Geo.		Drakestown		Ardee
Marchbanks, Philip J.		Rathnestin House	Louth and Dublin
Marist Fathers, The		xxxx			Dundalk
Markey, Nicholas Owen		Parsontown		Clogherhead
Marley, Charles B.		St. Catherine's Lodge	London, N.W.
Marley, John  [Reps. Of]	xxxx			Rathgar, Dublin
Martin, John			Lurgankeel		Dundalk
Martin, Patrick			Lurgankeel		Dundalk
Massereene, Lord		Oriel Temple		Collon
Mateer, Archibald		Catherine's Grove	Carlingford
Mateer, Eleanor			xxxx			xxxx
Mateer, John			xxxx			Carlingford
Mathews, Arthur			Mullacrew		Louth
Mathews, Jane			Upper Marshes		Dundalk
Mathews, Patk.  [Reps. Of]	Annagor			Drogheda
Mathews, Peter			Ballymakenny-road	Drogheda
Maxwell, J. N.			xxx			Magenta, Florence
Mayne, Joseph			xxxx			Warrenpoint
Mee, Charles H.			xxxx			England
Milling, Henry			xxxx			Shanlis
Mitchell, Cadwaller B.		Nucella Lodge		Omeath
Mohan, Michael			Nicholastown		Louth
Montgomery, Richd. T.		Beaulieu		Drogheda
Moore, James			xxxx			France
Moore, John L.			xxxx			Canada
Moore, Laurence			Highfield House		Ballymakenny-road
Moore, Mary			xxxx			xxx
Moore, Col. T. A.		xxxx			Dublin
Morgan, Daniel			Lemoneigh		Carlingford
Morgan, Daniel, junior		Lemoneigh		Carlingford
Morgan, James			Mullacrew		Louth
Morgan, Patrick			Mullacrew		Louth
Mouritz, Isabella  [Reps. Of]	Clanbrassell-street	Dundalk
Mulholland, Bernard		Rooskey			Carlingford
Mulholland, Mary		Rooskey			Carlingford
Mulholland, Rose		Rooskey			Carlingford
Mulkittrick, Miss		Caroline Terrace	Rathgar
Mulligan, Bridget		Lurgankeel		Dundalk
Mulligan, Michael		Lurgankeel		Dundalk
Mulligan, Owen			Lurgankeel		Dundalk
Murdock, William		Dungooly		Dundalk
Murphy, James			Sugar Island		Newry
Murphy, James			Grange Irish		Carlingford
Murphy, James			Commons			Carlingford
Murphy, James, junior		Commons			Carlingford
Murphy, John			Castletown		Dundalk
Murphy, Matthew			Balriggan		Dundalk
Murray, M.			xxxx			Dublin
Murray, Mary			Lurgankeel		Dundalk

NOTE: "Mc" names were transcibed from "M'" for ease in search

Extracted from - Return of Owners of Land In Ireland: A Summary for each Province & For All Ireland
	 Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of the Queen [Out of Copyright]