Obituary: Steep, Sarah Sherwood June 3, 1908

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Limerick Index


File contributed by: Steve McKay March 8, 
2011, 7:08 pm

Thorold Post, Thorold Ontario, Canada 5 June 2008
    Mrs. Sarah Steep, at the age of nearly ninety-one years, 
quietly passed away from sheer old age at the home of her 
daughter, Mrs William Teasdale, Merrittton, Wednesday 
morning.  The funeral will be held this (Friday) afternoon, 
at two o'clock at the home on Almond street, and the 
interment taking place at Lakeview cemetery, it being the 
expressed wish of the old lady that she should be laid 
beside her daughter Sarah (Mrs. Cushion), who died at Auburn 
(N.Y.) in 1891, and was brought to Thorold for interment.  
Rev. Mr Almon officiates, deceased being a life long 
Anglican, and the pall-bearers are: Geo. B. Wilson, Frank 
Bassett, J. Johnston, R. Gibson, J. M. Ness and Bernard 

    Mrs. Steep was born in Ireland, in the town of 
Killifinen, county of Limerick, in October, 1818, being Miss 
Sarah Sherwood.  She was married to Michael Steep, and in 
1852, with four young children the couple came to Canada, 
settling first at Streetsville, then at Guelph, and removing 
to Thorold in 1857 where they resided until the decease of 
the husband in 1881, and the last twenty-three years Mrs. 
Steep has made her home with her daughter at Merritton.  She 
is survived by eight children, all married, but one.  They 
are Peter of Thorold, Patrick of Merritton, Mrs. John Craik 
of Buffalo, Mrs. Geo. McKay of Auburn (N.Y.), Mrs. Elizabeth 
Lafferty, Miss Agnes Steep, Mrs. James Boyle and Mrs. 
Teasdale, the last four of Merritton.  She leaves also 
thirty-two grandchildren and eleven great-grandchildren.

    Though Mrs. Steep was a faithful wife and a good mother, 
her life was clouded by several sad tragedies.  In 1866 her 
eldest son, William, was killed at Bridgeport, now called 
Jordan Station, while working on then “the trestle,” or the 
iron bridge which was being erected to replace the original 
timber bridge used by the Great Western railway (now the 
Grand Trunk) to cross the Twenty-mile pond, the bridge which 
only several years ago gave place to new double-track 
bridge, and the stone piers of which, yet standing, excite 
the curiosity of strange tourists.  In 1873 another son 
George, was run down and killed on the Welland railway this 
side of Port Colborne; about ten years ago a son-in-law, Wm. 
Lafferty, was killed on the Grand Trunk at Merritton; and 
again only three years ago a grandson, George Steep, was 
drowned in the tail- race opposite the coal-yard of Sam 
Lambert (now Grenville's) at Thorold.  Still the old lady 
maintained a wonderful amount of spirits, and carried her 
duties in life cheerfully to the end, reaching an age twenty 
years beyond the allotted span.