Censubs: Freemen of Limerick, 1746-1836 A-B

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Limerick Index


File contributed by:  C.Labath


Abriel           Thomas                 Serjeant, L.C.M.                                    15/2/1813
Adams            Arthur                 Esqr, Landwaiter, Port Limerick                     30/6/1768
Adams            Goold Michael          Esqre, Jamesbrook                                   24/1/1814
Adamson          Christopher            Esqre, Birth                                        28/6/1830
Addamson         Christr                Esqr, Neworo'                                       29/1/1817
Addison          Nicholas               Gentleman                                           1/10/1750
Addison          John                   son of Captn Addison                                8/10/1770
Addison          Richard                son of Captn Addison                                8/10/1770
Addison          Henry                  son of Captn Addison                                8/10/1770
Addison          Cornet Henry Robert    2nd Dragoon Guards in right of marriage             29/6/1829
Alcock           Benjamen               Master, Band, L.C.M.                                15/2/1813
Alcock           Joseph                 Serjeant, L.C.M.                                    29/1/1817
Alcock           Joseph                 Serjeant, L.C.M.                                    29/1/1817
Alcock           Major                  Waterford Regiment                                  6/8/1817
Alcock           William                Corporal                                            14/1/1823
Aldworth         St Leger               Esq Doneraile                                       10/10/1763
Aldworth         Richard                Esqre, Newmarket, Co. Cork                          4/12/1792
Allen            Joseph                 Merchant                                            3/10/1757
Alley            William                Shopkeeper                                          7/5/1747
Alley            Thomas                 Chandler                                            8/10/1753
Alley            Gabriel                Merchant                                            13/10/1760
Ally             Jeremy                 Gent. Donoughmore, Co. Tipperary                    10/10/1762
Alp              Hammond                Lieut 4th Dragoons                                  12/10/1818
Alton            James                  Esqre                                               28/6/1819
Alymer           Fitzgerald             Sir, City Dublin                                    11/5/1762
Ambrose          Stephen                Innholder                                           11/5/1762
Anderson         Henry                  Esqr, Ann Street                                    15/2/1813
Anderson         Henry                  Serjeant, L.C.M.                                    29/1/1817
Anderson         Paris                  Esqr Fort Henry                                     28/6/1819
Anderson         William                Esqr                                                27/6/1825
Anderson         Henry                  Esqr                                                27/6/1825
Andrews          Francis                Dr.                                                 5/9/1758
Anglesay         The Most Noble Marquis Lord Lieut of Ireland                               2/4/1831
Anglim           James                  Merchant                                            29/6/1795
Apjohn           William                Saddler                                             7/5/1747
Apjohn           William                Linfeld                                             5/5/1762
Apjohn           Michael                Linfeld                                             5/5/1762
Apjohn           Lloyd Michael          Esqr Linfield                                       6/8/1817
Armstrong        John                   Barrister                                           3/9/1757
Armstrong        Edmond, Esqre          Buncraggy, Co. Clare                                12/10/1780
Armstrong        William                Esqr, Mountheaten, King's County                    10/6/1793
Armstrong        Burton Edward          Esqr, son of Robt. A, Buncraggy                     13/10/1794
Armstrong        Carew Robert           Revd. Cloncoulty, Co. Tipperary                     24/1/1814
Armstrong        John                   Brother of E.B. Armstrong, Willow Bank              6/8/1817
Arthur           Thomas                 Esqr, Ann Street                                    15/2/1813
Ashe             Jonathan               Esqr, Ashville                                      10/10/1791
Atkinson         John                   Gentn                                               21/9/1768
Atkinson         Richard                Cordwainer                                          29/8/1823
Averill          John                   Revd. Dean of Limerick                              8/10/1770
Bagwell          Richard                Rev. Dean of Clogher                                6/8/1817
Baker            Ryves Hugh             Esqre.                                              1/7/1816
Baker            William                son of the late Richd. Baker, Ballydavid, Co Tip.   6/8/1817
Baker            George                 son of the late Richd. Baker, Ballydavid, Co Tip.   6/8/1817
Baker            John Mr.               Tervoe                                              14/2/1823
Baker            Robt                   Esqre                                               14/2/1823
Baker            Thomas                 Gentn, birth                                        1/4/1833
Banatyne         Jas                    marriage                                            29/6/1835
Banks            Percival               M.D. Ennis, Co. Clare                               30/6/1817
Barclay          Thomas                 Gentn, Ballyartney                                  13/10/1760
Barclay          Thomas                 Esqre, Ballyartney                                  11/10/1819
Barclay          Richard                Esqre, Ballyartney                                  11/10/1819
Barker           Richard                Corporal L.C.M.                                     29/1/1817
Barker           William                Gentn, marriage                                     27/6/1831
Barnard          Robert                 Clothier                                            8/10/1753
Barnard          John                   Clothier                                            8/10/1753
Barrett          James                  Joiner                                              7/5/1747
Barrett          John                   Esqre, M.D.                                         7/5/1747
Barrett          John                   Son of John Barrett Burgess                         10/9/1756
Barrett          Thomas                 Son of Jno. Barrett, Burgess                        12/9/1757
Barrington       Croker                 Son of Banamen Barrington, Burgess, deced.          12/10/1747
Barrington       Mathew                 Son of Banamen Barrington, Burgess, deced.          12/10/1747
Barrington       Samuel                 Esqre, Collector of Ennis                           20/6/1752
Barrington       John                   Son of Benjn Barrington, Burgess                    5/9/1758
Barrington       Benjamen               Son of Benjn.                                       5/9/1758
Barrington       Joseph                 Esqre                                               11/10/1819
Barrington       Mathew                 Attorney, birth                                     1/7/1822
Barrington       Croker                 Esqre, birth                                        5/1/1835
Barry            Green John             Major General                                       21/4/1815
Barry            Joseph                 Esqre, Barrister, Mallow                            1/7/1816
Barry            Richard                Esqre, Portarlington                                6/8/1817
Barton           William                Esqre, Grove, Co Tipperary                          29/1/1817
Bassatt          Edward                 of Limk. Marriage, son-in-law to James Corneile     27/6/1836
Bateman          John                   Esqre                                               1/10/1751
Baylee           Sexton                 Gentleman                                           7/5/1747
Baylee           Tyrell                 Revd                                                14/1/1752
Baylee           Sexton                 son of Sexton Baylee, Burgess                       10/9/1756
Baylee           Stacpoole                                                                  12/9/1757
Baylee           Edward                 Son of Sexton Baylee, Burgess                       12/9/1757
Baylee           Henry John             Son of Aldn Sexton Baylee                           5/5/1762
Baylee           Henry William          Esqre                                               28/6/1819
Beech            Richard                Plumber, marriage                                   11/10/1830
Bell             Peter                  Cardmaker                                           9/9/1748
Bell             George                 Cardmaker                                           13/10/1760
Benn             Hugh                   Gunner                                              13/10/1760
Benn             William                son of Ewer Benn, Esqre                             4/1/1819
Bennett          George                 Esqre, Barrister, Mallow                            6/8/1817
Bennett          Samuel                 Esqre                                               28/6/1819
Bennett          Charles                Esqre, brother to Geo. W. Bennett, Esqre, Bosnetown 28/6/1819
Bennett          John                   Barrister                                           Riversto11/10/1819
Bennis           Mitchell               Sadler                                              9/9/1748
Bennis           Jacob                  Wigmaker                                            13/10/1760
Benson           Thomas                 Gentn                                               28/6/1819
Bentley          Henry John             Chandler                                            13/10/1760
Bernard          Luke                   Postmaster                                          29/1/1817
Bernard          Edward                 his son                                             29/1/1817
Bernard          Luke                   birth                                               29/8/1823
Bernard          Joseph                 servitude                                           6/6/1825
Bernard          William                Clothier, birth                                     4/4/1831
Bevan            Godfrey                Esq, of Glentworth Street                           25/6/1825
Bevan            Godfrey                Esqre, marriage                                     13/10/1834
Bindon           William Henry          Esqre                                               6/3/1746
Bindon           Burton                 Gentn                                               6/3/1746
Bindon           Samuel                 Esqre, Waterpark, Co. Clare                         29/1/1817
Bindon           R. John                Lieut R.N.                                          19/1/1817
Bindon           Burton                 Esqre, Cloonagh, Co Clare                           6/8/1817
Bindon           Samuel                 Esqre, Junr, birth                                  10/10/1836
Black            James                  Esqre                                               1/7/1816
Blackwell        Thomas Walsh           birth, apothecary                                   11/10/1830
Blakeney         Sir Edward             Major General                                       11/10/1830
Blennerhassett   Thomas                 Esqre                                               21/9/1753
Blennerhassett   Gerald                 Esqre, Riddlestown                                  10/2/1817
Blennerhassett   John                   Esqre, his brother                                  10/2/1817
Bligh            Thos                   Lt General                                          21/5/1755
Bligh            Robert                 Revd                                                5/5/1762
Blood            John                   Cordwainer                                          7/5/1747
Blood            Robert                 son of Alexr Blood                                  29/1/1817
Blood            Edmond                 Esqre                                               29/1/1817
Blood            Neptune                Esqre, Brickhill, Co. Clare                         9/10/1815
Blundell         John                   Esqre, City Kilkenny                                5/5/1762
Bodkin           Thomas George          Grover, birth                                       1/7/1822
Bodkin           James                  marriage                                            29/8/1823
Bonfoy           Nicholas               Esqre                                               4/6/1755
Bouchier         Joseph John            Esqre                                               30/6/1817
Bouchier         Gabbett Joseph         Esqre                                               6/8/1817
Bouchier         Richard                Apothecary                                          6/8/1817
Boulger          Richard                Gentn                                               1/10/1750
Boulster         George                 Innholder                                           9/9/1748
Boulster         Richard                Saddler                                             7/10/1754
Bourke           John                   Esqre, Comssr. Lof the Revenue                      1/10/1750
Bourke           Richard                the younger, Esqre                                  13/10/1755
Bourke           Theobald               the younger, Esqre                                  13/10/1755
Bourke           Thomas                 Merchant                                            13/10/1760
Bowen            Benjamen               Aldn, City Dublin                                   7/10/1754
Bowen            John William           Revd.                                               7/10/1754
Bowles           John                   marriage                                            30/6/1834
Boyd             James Butler           Merchant, marriage                                  25/6/1832
Boyle            Michael                Clothier                                            9/9/1748
Boyse            John                   Attorney                                            13/10/1760
Boyse            John                   Attorney, birth                                     1/7/1822
Boyse            John                   Junr, eldest son John Boyse, attry, birth,          14/2/1823
Bradley          Samuel                 Clothier                                            9/9/1748
Bradshaw         Benjamen               Butcher                                             3/9/1759
Bradshaw         George                 Esqre, Cahernarry, son-in-law to And. Cripps        29/8/1823
Brady            James                  Chandler                                            13/10/1760
Brady            Hugh                   Esqre                                               1/7/1816
Brasier          Brooke                 Esqre                                               1/10/1751
Brasier          Kilner                 Gentn, the younger                                  1/7/1754
Brasier          George                 Sadler                                              11/10/1819
Brazill          thomas                 Esqre, Janesboro'                                   1/7/1816
Brazzill         Stephen Dickson        Esqre birth                                         11/10/1830
Brehan           Thomas                                                                     13/10/1760
Brehon           Collins                Goldsmith                                           7/5/1747
Brereton         Henry                  Esqre, brother to Sheriff Brereton                  1/7/1816
Brereton         Westropp Ralph         Esqre, son of Sheriff B.,                           29/1/1817
Brerton          Edward                 Esqre                                               28/6/1755
Bridson          Christopher            Merchant                                            21/9/1753
Bridson          Thomas                 Son of Cr. Bridson, Sheriff                         26/6/1758
Briggs           Thomas                 Gentn                                               8/10/1753
Briscoe          John                   Esqre, Tobboroughy, Co Kilkenny                     5/5/1762
Briscoe          William Henry          Of the County Kilkenny, Gentn                       5/5/1762
Briston          William Henry          Right Hon.                                          27/6/1757
Brommell         Joseph                 Ironmonger                                          8/10/1821
Bromwell         Joseph                 Nailor                                              8/10/1753
Brown            Vincent                Son of the Revd. Chanselor Brown                    20/2/1747
Brown            Edmond                 Son of the Revd. Chanselor Brown                    20/2/1747
Brown            John                   Esqre, Distiller                                    29/1/1817
Brown            John Southwell         Esqre, Mount Brown, birth                           25/6/1832
Browning         Hercules               Sheomaker                                           9/9/1748
Browning         Jewfferey              Esqre, Carrass Court                                9/10/1815
Brownrigg        Robert                 Gentn                                               1/10/1750
Brummer          Richard                Clothier                                            10/9/1756
Brush            George                 Jeweller                                            1/10/1750
Buckley          James                  Baker                                               8/10/1753
Bull             Edward                 Shopkeeper                                          1/10/1750
Bull             Jones                  Silversmith                                         1/10/1750
Bull             James                  Shoemaker                                           9/10/1752
Bull             Arthur                 Son of Jno. Bull, Burgess                           10/9/1756
Bull             Robert                 Cordwainer, birth                                   11/10/1830
Bunton           Timothy                Pawnbroker                                          12/4/1823
Bunton           John                   eldest son of Timothy Bunton, Pawnbroker            29/8/1823
Burgh            Thomas                 Esqre, Nass                                         1/10/1750
Burgh            Richard                Esqre, Drumkeen                                     1/10/1750
Burgh            Richard                Revd                                                1/10/1750
Burgh            John                   Revd, Nass                                          1/10/1750
Burgh            Richard                Son of the Revd. Richard Burgh                      11/5/1762
Burgh            Hussey John Revd       Liliput                                             1/7/1816
Burrell          William Henry          Shoemaker                                           1/7/1754
Burslem          George James           Esqre, birth, son-in-law to Thos. Vokes             10/10/1836
Burstead         Addis                  Gentn                                               13/10/1760
Burton           Pierpoint Francis      Esqre                                               7/5/1747
Burton           Benjamen               Rt. Hon.                                            5/5/1762
Bury             Benjamen               Ropemaker                                           7/5/1747
Bury             John                   Esqre, Shannongrove                                 9/9/1748
Bushell          Ralph                  Chandler                                            7/5/1747
Butler           James                  Esqre                                               7/5/1747
Butler           Newton                 Lord                                                3/9/1759
Butler           Walter                 Esqre, Cregg, Co. Galway                            29/1/1817
Butler           William Henry          Esqre, Barratow, Co. Clare                          29/1/1817
Butler           Walter                 Esqre, his son                                      29/1/1817
Butler           James                  Shopkeeper, Gort                                    29/1/1817
Butler           Henry                  Esqre, Castlecrine                                  6/8/1817
Butler           William                Rev.                                                6/8/1817
Byrom            John                   Carpenter, servitude                                7/10/1822
Byrum            William Henry          Clothier                                            8/10/1753

Source: N. Munster Antiq Journal, 4(3) (1945)