Kilmakerrill Cemetery, Manorhamilton, County Leitrim, Ireland
Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Leitrim Index
File contributed by: Dave Hall
Transcription: Valerie Ackroyd


Photo No.0
IHS | Pray for the soul of BOYCE CLANCY | who departed this
life Feb. 20th 1861 | Aged 80 Years | Also his wife MARY
CLANCY alias | MAGOURTY who departed this life | Feb 24th
1878 Aged 88 Years | Also their son BRYAN CLANCY who died |
March 16th 1901 Aged 86 years | And his wife ANNE CLANCY
Alias LEE who ...

Photo No.1
In loving memory of | MARGARET DALY (nee McDERMOTT) |
Ballaghaderreen | Died 1st July 1950, aged 61 | Her husband
| JOHN DALY | First Northern Division I.R.A. | Interned and
starved in Frongoch Prison Camp, | North Wales, after the
1916 Rising | Died 10th February 1975, aged 92 | Erected by
their son PEARSE.

Photo No.2
IHS | Pray for the | Soul of CORMICK | DERMOTT, Who | Died
December | the 20th 1786 Ag | ed 28 Years

Photo No.3
Pray for the souls of | CHARLES DOLAN Carrickrevagh | Died 4
July 1882, Aged 70 yrs. | his wife ROSE Died 7 Oct. 1897,
Aged 85 yrs. | BRIDGET DOLAN Manorhamilton | Died 18 Nov.
1887, Aged 30 yrs. | her son PATRICK STANISLAUS | Died 18
March 1890, Aged 7 yrs. | CATHERINE DOLAN Carrickrevagh |
Died 18 Sept. 1895, Aged 47 yrs. | LAURENCE DOLAN | Died 14
March 1901, Aged 48 yrs. | his son CHARLES | Died 28 Aug.
1905, Aged 18 yrs. | MARION DOLAN Manorhamilton | Died 3
June 1905, Aged 47 yrs. | JOHN DOLAN | Died 28 March 1906,
Aged 55 yrs. | R.I.P.

Photo No.4
Mary Pray | In loving memory of | ROSE DOLAN died 30-6-1925.
| JOHN DOLAN died 7-5-1929. | KATHERINE HERNAN | Died
7-8-1939. | LAURENCE DOLAN died 8-11-1951 | NORA DOLAN died
1-7-1960 | MARY DOLAN died 3-2-1966 | PATRICK DOLAN died
27-1-1972 | MARY DOLAN died 21-10-1978 | DOLAN

Photo No.5
Of your charity | Pray for the soul of | JOSEPH KEANY | Who
died at Deerpark | May 18th 1894 aged 75 years | Also his
son | JOHN KEANY M.D. | Who died at Kinlough | Sept. 22nd
1893 aged 28 years | ELIZABETH | Wife of the above JOSEPH
KEANY | Died Jan. 23rd 1903. Aged 77 years | And their son
JOSEPH KEANY | Died Sept. 19th 1931 aged 73 years. | MARY
ELIZABETH KEANY | Who died at Deerpark, | 29th Nov. 1934
aged 63 years. | AGNES TERESA | Wife of the above JOSEPH
KEANY ... | Earlsfield House Sept 9th 19..

Photo No.6
Erected in memory of | JAMES KEANY | Glenfarne | P.O. | Who
died the 10th | of October 1881 | Aged 66 years | Also his
beloved wife | MARY KEANY Alias | O'HARA who died | the 22nd
of June 1864 | Aged 44 years | Also their son, JAMES KEANY |
Who died at Glenfarne P.O. | January 15th 1889 aged 30
years. | And his wife MARY KEANY | Who died October 22nd
1889 | Aged 29 years | R.I.P.

Photo No.7
Here lieth the Body of | MATHEW KEANY who Depd | this life
.... 18...  aged .. | years

Photo No.8
Here lieth the Body | of MICHAEL KEANY | who Depd this life
| August ye 3rd 1793 aged | 50 yrs. | Brothers | THOMAS -
JAMES | Parents | PATRICK - BRIGID | Grandparents | DENNIS -

Photo No.9
IHS | Pray for the soul of FRANCIS | MAGOURTY who departed
this | Life in the year 1837 Aged 76 | years. | Also his
beloved wife BRIDGET | MAGOURTY alias DERMOTT who | Departed
this life November | the 6th 1846 agd. 64 years

Photo No.10
This Monument was Erected by FRANIS | MAGUIRE of Lower
Brockagh and PATRICK | MAGUIRE of East Bars for Themselves |
and their posterity. Christian reader, pray for the soul of
FRANCIS MAGUIRE who | Departed this life | October the 9th |
1856 aged 53 years. | Christian reader, | pray for the soul
of | PATRICK MAGUIRE who | Departed this life | 12th
December 18.. | aged 81 years. And | his wife BRIDGET
MAGUIRE | alias ROONEY ... | 2nd August 18.. aged | 54

Photo No.11
In Loving Memory | of | BRIDGET MAGUIRE | Briscloonagh |
Died 13th Feb 1935 aged 88 yrs | Her grandchild ANNIE T.
TRAVERS | Died 3rd Jan 1943 aged 14 yrs. | Her son-in-law
ALFRED TRAVERS | Died 5th Feb. 1963 aged 67 yrs | Her
granddaughter MARY B. TRAVERS | Died 26th June 1965 aged 41
yrs. | Her daughter | MARGARET TRAVERS | Died 13th June 1983
aged 88 yrs | TRAVERS

Photo No.12
IHS | Pray for the Soul of .. | McDERMOT who Depd. this |
Life 29th of November 1805 | aged 76 yrs.

Photo No.13
Erected by LAURENCE McDERMOTT | in memory of his beloved
wife | BRIDGET McDERMOTT alias LEE | who departed this life
the 12th of | August 1853 Aged 50 (?) years

Photo No.14
MARGARET McDERMOTT died 1928 | JOHN McDERMOTT died 1968. |

Photo No.15
Sacred | to the memory of | FARRELL (?) McDERMOTT | of
Lisnag... who died | Feb 18-1896 (?) Aged ... | also his
beloved wife | ROSE McDERMOTT | alias WALSH who died | aged
.. years | Their son JOHN died 1932 | His wife SARAH died
1942 | Their son MICHAEL | Died Apr ..-1970 | Aged 64 years

Photo No.16
Pray for the soul of PATRICK | McDERMOTT who Departed | This
life Jany the 20th .... | Aged 78 (?) years | To whose
memory this | Monument was Erected | by his beloved wife |
SARA McDERMOTT alias | ... Kilkenny | who Departed this life
| January the 3rd .... aged | .. years

Photo No.17
Lord | have mercy on the soul of | THOMAS McGLOUGHLIN | of
Corranmore who died | on the 12th March 1875. | aged 51
years. And his | beloved son JOHN who died | 5th September,
1876. | aged 26 years. | Also his daughter MARY ROONEY |
Died at Killea March 17th 1904 | Aged 55 years. | And her
son PATRICK ROONEY | Died 25th July 1905 aged 16 years. |
Her husband LARRY | Their son DAN died 8-12-1972, | His wife
MARY died 13-3-1955. | Their daughter MARY ELLEN | Died 3rd
Dec. 2004 aged 93 yrs | R.I.P.

Photo No.18
In Loving Memory of | THOMAS McGOURTY | Scardan Glenboy |
Died 17th March 1917 | his wife CATHERINE | died 16th March
1947 | Their son THOMAS JAMES | Died 14th February 1910 |
MARY McGOURTY | died 25th December 1938 | JOHN McGOURTY |
died 21st November 1973 | ANN McGOURTY | Died 28th May 1977
| CHARLES McGOURTY | died 11th May 1985 | Rest in Peace |

Photo No.19
In loving memory | of my mother | ANNE McGOVERN nee KEANY |
Who died at Corran, Dec. 12th 1919. | Aged 53 years. And her
parents | OWEN KEANY who died Dec 19th 1899. | Aged 68 years
and his wife | MARY KEANY nee CLANCY | Who died Feb. 19th
1908. Aged 84 years. | On whose souls sweet Jesus have mercy
| Erected by her son J. J. McGOVERN

Photo No.20
Left stone: In | Loving Memory | of | WILLIAM O'HARA |
Monakill. | Died 28th June 1945 | His 1st wife ROSE ANN |
Died 2 - Nov. 1923 | Their son PETER | Died 17 - June 1952 |
His 2nd wife KATE | Died 28 - Sept. 1973. | R.I.P. | Erected
by | Their loving family. | O'Hara. Second-from-left stone:
In | Loving Memory | of | LARRY O'HARA | Monakill. | Died
26th October 1966 | Aged 76 years. | His wife KATE | Died
2nd February 1964 | Aged 76 years. | Rest in Peace | Erected
by their son | MICHAEL | O'HARA. Second-from-right stone: In
| Loving Memory | of | MICHAEL O'HARA | Tawnyinshinagh |
Died 10 - Nov. 1967 | His wife WINIFRED | Died 4 - March
1964 | Their daughter MARY KATE | Died 14 - Oct 1968. |
R.I.P. | Erected by the family | O'HARA. Right stone: In |
Loving Memory | of | PATRICK O'HARA | Straduffy, | His wife
November 1994. | Her husband WILLIE | Died 24th August 2002
| Rest in Peace. | Erected by | WILLIE and LIZZIE O'HARA |

Photo No.21
Pray for the | Soul of LAUGHLEN | REAGAN who died | July the
30th 17.. | Aged 82 (?) Years

All images Copyright by Photographer