laois-st-johns-killenard -- Sacred | To the memory | WILLIAM KEEGAN | Of Rathmiles | Who died eighth of October 1877 | Aged 61 years. | This monument erected | By his loving wife | ELIZA KEEGAN | Who earnestly solicits a passing prayer | For his eternal rest | Also her sons ANTHONY who Died | 18th of October 1876 age 24 years | THOMAS who died 13th of June 1891 | Aged 35 years | And her daughter Mary who | Died 2? October 1894 aged 27 years | R.I.P | Also her son | JOSEPH | Who died 24 January 1909 aged 31 years | Also the above | ELIZA KEEGAN who died 4th March 1919 aged 88 years.
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