Censubs: Alphabetical List of Landowners in 1870's - Names & Addresses Only-A-C

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Kilkenny Index


File contributed by:  C. Hunt & M. Taylor


Owner Name			     	Owner Residence-1873-75

Adair, John George			xxxx			Glenveagh Castle
Alexander, Lorenzo			Leighlin Bridge		co. Carlow
Alley, John				Loughull, Ballinakill	Abbeyleix
Ambrose, Joseph & Dyer, George		xxxx			Waterford & Inistioge
Anderson, Paul				Gorteens		Waterford
Anderson, T. W.				Gracedieu		Waterford
Andrews, Anne Jane			88 Lwr. Baggott-st.	Dublin
Andrews, James				Comber			co. Down
Andrews, John [Reps. Of] 		Comber			co. Down
Andrews, Maunsell			xxxx			Cloughjordan
Andrews, William D.			2 Gardiner's-place	Dublin
Arnold, Pierce [Reps. Of] 		Mill-st.		Thomastown
Ashbrook, Viscount			Durrow			Queen's co.
Aylmer, [none shown]			xxxx			Cork
Aylward, Bryan				Riversfield		Callan
Aylward, Catherine			Knockmoylan		Mullinavat
Aylward, Edward				Attitinoe		Callan
Aylward, James K.			Shankhill Castle	Whitehall
Aylward, Michael			Ashtown			Piltown
Ayres, Rev. George			Leixlip			co. Dublin

Babington, Henrietta			Rathgar			Dublin
Backas, R. S.				xxxx			Waterford
Bagot, Charles J.			28 William-st.		Dublin
Baker, Godfrey T.			Fortwilliam		Cork
Baker, Rev. H. S.			xxxx			Lonwick-bridge Vicarage
Ball, Hannah S.				xxxx			Three Castle
Ball, W. H.				Agent: W. Moffat & Son	Fort Fergus, co. Clare
Barker, William Ponsonby		Kilcooley Abbey		co. Tipperary
Barnes, F. Piers			xxxx			Blackrock
Barnes, John				Ballyglasheen		Clonmel
Barnes, Thomas				Stephen's-greem		Dublin
Barron, Patrick				xxxx			Listerlin
Barry, John				xxxx			Radestown, North
Bartolucci, Signor V.			Greenville		Waterford
Barton, Benjamin			Whitehouse		Callan
Beamish, John N.			Mifddleton Park		Cork
Belcher, Sarah				Rathduff		Thomastown
Bennett, Thomas				Ballysalla		Johnswell
Bergin, John				xxxx			Leggettsarath
Bessborough,  Earl of			Bessborough		Piltown
Bibby, Ellen				45 Richmond-rd.		Bayswater, London
Bird, Mrs. Henry			xxxx			Kilkenny
Black, Thomas [Reps. Of] 		27 Eccles-st.		Dublin
Blake, James A.				Ballinamona		Thomastown
Blunden, Sir John, bt.			xxxx			Castle Blunden
Blunden, William P.			xxxx			Bonnettstown
Boland, John				xxxx			Leggettsarath
Bolger, W. H.				Rower			New Ross
Bolton, Anne				xxxx			Waterford
Bookey, Capt. Thos. P. T. 		Doninga			Goresbridge
Bouchier, J. M.				xxxx			co. Galway
Bouchier, Rev. Somerset B.		xxxx			Rome
Bowers, Maunsell (Minors)		E. Roberts (Receiver)	Waterford
Bowers, Thomas				Graigavine		Piltown
Bowers, Thomas				xxxx			Mooncoin
Bowers, Thomas				Owning			Piltown
Boyd, Thomas				xxxx			New Ross
Boyse, Captain H. S. H.			Bannow			co. Wexford
Bradish, William			xxxx			Liverpool
Bradley, Catherine			xxxx			Castlecomer
Bradley, John				Coon East		Leighlin Bridge
Bradley, Mark (a minor)			xxxx			Ennisnag
Bradley, Thomas				Kellsgrange		Thomastown
Brady, Miss L. G .B.			Weston			Duleek
Breen, Daniel				Westcourt		Callan
Brehon, Mrs.				xxxx			New Ross
Brenan, Anne				31 Merion-sq., North	Dublin
Brenan, Gerald J.			Eden Hall		Ballyragget
Brennan, James				Kilkeasy		Mullinavat
Brennan, John (Mary)			Ossory Hill		Kilkenny
Brennan, P. P.				Belmount		Waterford
Bride, Andrew				Kylevehagh		Callan
Brisco, W. H.				xxxx			Rosbercon
Briscoe, Abraham			Belleisle House		Dalkey
Briscoe, Edward W.			Harristown		Piltown
Briscoe, Richard			xxxx			Australia
Briscoe, Rivers				Harristown		Piltown
Broderick, Rev. H.			Whittlebury		Towcester
Brown, Elizabeth			Moankeal		Callan
Brown, James				xxxx			New Ross
Brown, John				xxxx			Dublin
Brownrigg, William B.			Brannockstown		co. Kildare
Bruce, Samuel				Skeagaturrish		Bennetts-bridge
Brush, George				Guildhall, Dromore	co. Down
Bryan, Denis				Brownsford		New Ross
Bryan, George Leopold			xxxx			Jenkinstown
Bryan, John [Reps. Of] 			xxxx			Dunbell
Bryan, Rev. William B.			Avoca			co. Wicklow
Buckley, William			Westcourt		Callan
Bucknall, John				Isle of Wight		England
Budd, James 				xxxx			Dungarvan
Budd, J. P. 				Dunkitt			Waterford
Budds, Rev. Thomas			xxxx			Dublin
Buggy, Eliza				Cantwell's-court	Kilkenny
Buggy, Patrick				Bilboa, Coolcullen	Leighlin Bridge
Bulfins,  (Minors)			51 Thomas-st.		Dublin
Bunbury, Major				xxxx			Kilkenny
Burke, Sir Bernard			The Castle		Dublin
Burke, Patrick				Kylevehagh Commons	Callan
Burnett, Helena				Merrion-sq.		Dublin
Burroughs, J. B.			Westwall		Bristol
Burtchall, Henry			Coolrue			Graigue
Burtchall, Peter			xxxx			Kilkenny
Burtchall, R. R.			Brandondale		Graigue
Burton, Sir C. W. C.			Pollerton House		co. Carlow
Bushe, Emilia J.			xxxx			Raheny
Bushe, Gervaise P.			Glencairn Abbey		Lismore
Butler, Mrs. Dorothea			Patrick-st.		Kilkenny
Butler, Henry				Kilmurry		Thomastown
Butler, James				Killaloe		Callan
Butler, John				Minanes			Callan
Butler, John				Westcourt		Callan
Butler, John				Maidenhall		Bennett's Bridge
Butler, John				Minanes			Callan
Butler, Maria				Upper Mount-st.		Dublin
Butler, Michael				Minanes			Callan
Butler, Patrick				The Commons		Knocktopher
Butler, Richard				Bauntha			Callan
Butler, Thomas				Westcourt		Callan
Butler, William				Wilton			Urlingford
Byrne, John				Ossoryhill		Kilkenny

Cahill, Edmond				Bauntha			Callan
Cahill, James				Bauntha			Callan
Cahill, Mary				Cappahenry		Callan
Cahill, Michael				Ballyconra		Ballyragget
Callaghan, Anthony			Broadmore		Callan
Cantwell, J. M'Namara			24 Dominick-st.		Dublin
Cantwell, Peter				Dangan			Thomastown
Carr, Edward				xxxx			New Ross
Carrick, Earl of			Mountjuliet		Thomastown
Carroll, James				xxxx			Lacken
Carroll, Maurice			Dysart			Thomastown
Cass, John				Westcourt		Callan
Cass, Mary				xxxx			Callan
Caulfield, James M.			xxxx			xxxx
Caulfield, St. George			Tyndhurst		Hampshire
Chancery, Court of			xxxx			Dublin
Chapman, E. M.				xxxx			Aylwardstown
Christian Brothers			xxxx			Dublin
Christmas, Octavia			Cheltenham		England
Church Temporalities, Commsr' of	xxxx			Dublin
Clayton, Richard C. B.			Carrickbyrne		New Ross
Clerke, Jonathan			xxxx			Dublin
Clifden, Viscount			Gowran Castle		Gowran
Cliffe, Anthony				Bellevue		Enniscorthy
Clifford, M. J.				xxxx			Dublin
Clifford, R. H.				xxxx			India
Clonmel, Earl of			Bishop's Court 		Straffan, co. Kildare
Coady, Richard				Brownsford		New Ross
Cody, Michael				xxxx			Callan
Cody, Michael				Coolmore		Knocktopher
Cody, Patrick				xxxx			Callan
Coffee, Anthony				xxxx			xxxx
Coghill, Sir Jocelyn			Belvidere		Dumcondra
Coghill, The Misses			xxxx			Dublin
Cole, Henry				xxxx			Dublin
Colles, Abraham				Ballyfallon Athboy	co. Meath
Colles, Alexander			xxxx			Millmount
Comerford, James			xxxx			Mooncoin
Comerford, Nicholas			xxxx			Bullockhill
Commissioners of, Town			xxxx			Callan
Commons, Edmond				Ballycloven		Callan
Commons, James				Westcourt		Callan
Condon, Michael				Bauntha			Callan
Congreve, Ambrose			Mount Congreve		Waterford
Conn, J. L.				Mount Ida		Waterford
Connellan, Peter			Coolmore		Thomastown
Connery, Jane				Vicar-st.		Kilkenny
Connolly, Patrick			Skeard			Waterford
Connolly, P. R. 			xxxx			Waterford
Connor, William K.			North East Castle	Cork
Conway, Margaret			Ballinalinagh		Kilmoganny
Cooke, John				Ballyneale		New Ross
Cooney, Patrick				Desart			Callan
Corcoran, Edward			Timahoe			Queen's co.
Cornock, Isaac [Reps. Of] 		The Grange		Wexford
Corporation of Kilkenny			xxxx			Kilkenny
Corporation of Waterford		xxxx			Waterford
Cramer, Eugene				15 College-green	Dublin
Crampton, Cecilia			xxxx			Dublin
Cronin, Mary F.				xxxx			xxxx
Cronyn, Sarah				xxxx			Thomastown
Crowe, Matilda				xxxx			Paris
Cuddihy, Edmond				Ballycloven		Callan
Cuddihy, Elizabeth			Kylevehagh		Callan
Cuddy, James				Lowgrange		Goresbridge
Cuffe, Sir Charles F. W., bart.		xxxx			Lyrath
Cuffe, Harriett				Norfolk-st., Park-lane	London
Cuffe, John				essenden, Amersham	Buck, England
Cuffe, John Otway			xxx			xxxx
Cuffe, Susan				xxxx			Waterford
Cullen, Daniel [Reps. Of] 		xxxx			Kilkenny
Cullen, John B.				xxxx			New Ross
Cunningham, James			xxxx			England

Extracted from - Return of Owners of Land In Ireland: A Summary for each
Province & For All Ireland Presented to both Houses of Parliament by
Command of the Queen [Out of Copyright]