Cemeteries: Tullamaine Graveyard Tombstones

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Kilkenny Index


File contributed by: Callan Heritage Society
Posted with the kind permission of Joe Kennedy,
Seanachie of Callan


Transcribed by Jimmy Hoyne, Patricia Meagher and
Joanne Meagher, and was indexed by Ann Marie
Hoyne. (Index under transcription section)

(Two miles east of Callan)
Stone No: ( 15" x 6")

1. Here lieth the body
Of John 0' Shea
Who deced
May the 4th
Anno Domini

2. Here lieth the body
Of Thomas Murphey
Who dep'd this life
On the 30th day of March
1733 aged 39 years.

3. Erected by Patrick Power
In memory of his father,
Thos. Power,
Who died October 24.
His wife Elenor Power alias. Walsh
Died Feb. 10th aged 44 yrs.
Also his son who died August 10th 1811
Departed this life the .... November 1822.
May they rest in peace. Amen.

4. Erected by Mary Power of Tullamaine
In memory of her father Edmd Power
Who Died Feb. 17th 1868 aged 69 years,
Also her mother,
Margt Power, who Died
Aug 9th 1862, aged 62 years,
Her sister Ellen who Died
Nov 1st 1848, aged 16 years,
Also her two brothers,
Who Died young.
Patrick Power
Died 6th March 1946 aged 70.
Ellen Power
Died 13th Jan. 1962 aged 81
Her daughter Mary Ellen Power.
Died 18 th Sept1972 aged 62.

5. Erected by
Michael 0' Neill, Scough.
In loving memory of his parents
Hanora 0' Neill ( nee Finn) Died 1882 aged 42 yrs.
Patrick 0' Neill. Kilbride Died 1913 Aged 73 yrs.
Also his wife Ellen 0' Neill ( nee Hennelly)
Sefin, Co. Mayo Died 1931 Aged 52 yrs.
Also his granddaughter who died in infancy.
Her husband the above Michael 0' Neill
Died 1957 Aged 83 yrs.

6. Erected by
James Neil of Kilbride
In memory of his father John Neil
Who dep'd this life 28 August 1822
Agd 60 yrs & his daughter Bridget Neil
Who died 11th February 1827 Agd 27 yrs.
Patrick Neil died 27th June 1913, aged 73.
Thomas Neil

7. Here lieth ye body
of Bridget Dannell
who dep'd. This life
April ye 20th 1750 aged
56 years also her son
Roger Shanahan who
died June ye 15th 1750
Aged 32 years, Also his son
John died July ye 23rd ,
1750 Aged 3 years.

8. Here lieth the body of
Thomas Dannell who dep'd.
This life Jan. the 16th 1782
Agd 50 years.
May his soul rest in peace. Amen.
Erected by his wife, Joan Dannell,
Als Bryan

9. This Stone
Was erected by Patrick
Carty in memory of his
Wife Mary Carty
Who Died Feb V 1766
Aged 36 yrs.

10. Erected by
Miss Mary Power
In memory of her father
Robert Power of Whitehall,
Kilkenny who departed this life
In the year 1840 Aged 49 years.
And of her two brothers
Daniel and John Power
Both of whom died in 1841
The former in the eleventh
And the latter in the seventh
Year of his life.

11. Erected by
Con Bryan of Kilkenny
In memory of his wife Judith
Bryan alias Murphy dep'd this
Life May 14th 1809 Aged 65 yrs.
May they rest in Peace. Amen.

12. No inscription.

13. No inscription

14. Erected by Edmund Stapleton of Tullamaine In
memory of his father Michael Stapleton Who died May
25th 1808 Aged 85 years Also his mother Mary
Stapleton alias Whelan Who died April 12th 1830 Aged
68 years Also his dearly beloved wife Catherine
Stapleton alias Browne who died Dec. 22nd 1840 Aged
45 years Also his brother John Stapleton who died April
24th 1849 aged 35 years Also his sister who died young
May they rest in peace. Amen.

15. Erected by Miss Kate Stapleton Of Brooklyn. NY.
America To the memory of her father Edward
Stapleton, who died Jan. 3rd 1880 Aged 82 years. Also
his son Richard who died March 7th 1856 Aged 19
years. Also Michael Stapleton who died January 28th
1900 Aged 61 years His wife, Anastatia, died July 4th

16. In loving memory of my Mam, Lucy O'Grady Lonely
is the home without you. Life to me is not the same, All
the world would be like Heaven, If only 1 could have
you back again. Brian.

17. Erected by Michael 0' Grady, Westcourt In memory
of his family: Daniel O'Grady Died 10th July 1959 aged
84 yrs. His wife Bridget nee 0' Halloran Died 12th Feb.
1964. Aged 65 yrs. Their son James Died 3rd Dec 1943
Aged 22 yrs. Their daughter Maureen Died 28th Dec
1993 Aged 66 yrs. Also six of their children died young
And their granddaughter Lucy 0' Grady Died 25th Dec
1995 Aged 33 yrs. Also Michael's grand parents Thomas
0' Grady Died 4th April 1911 Aged 78 yrs. His wife Judy
nee Larkin Died 22nd September 1919 Aged 84 yrs.
Rest in Peace.

18. Erected by Michl. Gready of Westcourt In memory
of his father James Gready Who died 22nd June 1849
Aged 108 years, also His mother Catherine Gready alias
Mahar who Died 22nd December 1859 Aged 101 yrs,
also his wife Marg. Gready alias Tinan who died 17th
May 1868 Aged 65 yrs, also three of their children who
died young.

19. Here lieth ye the body of Mary Buggey who died on
the 13th day (Stone worn) April 1735 Aged 40 years.
20. Erected by Mary Lawler alias Ready of Williamstown
in Memory of her husband Jim Lawler Who dep'd this
life the 3rd of Oct. 1833 aged 68 years, also his son
John Lawler who Died 1837 aged 22 years, also her
daughter Margaret Lawler who dep'd. this life 25th Dec
1857 Aged 29 years.

21. Here lieth the body of (Tomb or stone slab: 4ft x 6ft)
Danl Tearney who parted Height: 12" ?" 15" This life
March the 20th Aged 87 years, 1727. His wife Margret
Tearney Parted 7Ber the 8th, aged 76 years, 1737,
Erected by John Tearney and Mary Tear- Ney, his wife.

22. God he merciful to the soul of Edmd Grace He died
the 7th of Dec 1778. Aged 82 years also his daughter
Mary Brennan als Grace who died 5th June 1768 aged
19 yrs. Erected by his son John Grace who died 7th of
Dec. 1829 aged 68 yrs. Also his wife Mary Grace alias
Healy who died the 9th of June 1820 Aged 70 yrs.
(Sunburst & Urns Gloria in Eccelsis Deo In Semi Circle )

23. Erected by Margaret Grace alias Kennedy of
Ballymack in memory of her dearly Beloved husband
Robert Grace who departed This life July 13th 1819.
Aged 56 years Also her son James Grace Who departed
August 5th 1851 (Large Slab Aged 16 years also, her son
John Grace 4ft wide x 6ft high) Who departed
September 1852 Aged 20 years Also William Dea died
4th 1914 aged 89 years His wife Mary Dea who died
June 7th 1909 Also Margaret Dea died Jan 7th 1901
aged 21 May their souls Rest in Peace. Amen.

24. In loving memory of Laurence Maher, Broadmore
Died 5th June 1961 His son James died 29th Oct 1947
His brother Edward died 17th March 1953 & his Parents
Edward and Catherine Maher. Thomas Maher died 20th
April 1973. Ellen Maher died 13th July 1975. R.I.P.
Erected by his loving wife & family

25. Erected by John and Kyran Meagher Of Broadmore,
in memory of their Father Laurence Meagher who died
6th June 1811 agd 56 yrs also their Mother Mary
Meagher alias Butler who died 4th May 1832 agd 40
yrs, their brother James died 4th March 1832 agd 46
yrs. And Joseph died 7th Dec agd. 42 yrs. Also Eilin
Meagher died 30th Jan 1842 Aged 50 yrs.

26. Erected by Mrs. Bridget Ryan, Bridge St., Callan In
loving memory of her mother Bridget Kennedy. Who
died 18th March 1868 aged 70 years. (Celtic Cross Also
her son John Ryan died 22nd Dec 1909 7ft high) Aged
37 years. The above Mrs. Bridget Ryan died 28th Feb
1925 Aged 86 years. R.I.P. Left side of Stone: In loving
memory of Mrs. Margaret Ryan, wife of Michael Ryan
who died 20th Dec 1920 Aged 34 years. (The above Mrs
Ryan was shot by The 'Black and Tans' during a curfew
imposed for one of their members funeral. He was
killed during A shootout with a local IRA unit at

27. Erected by Elenor Aylward in Memory of her husbd
Andrew Coughlin dep'd this life 15th Decr 1805 agd 52
yrs & his brothr John Coughlin he dep'd this life 17th
March 1785 agd 30 yrs.

28. In memory of Patrick Maher, Tullamaine Who died
6th Aug 1906 Aged 80 years. Also his wife
Bridget Maher, died 8th April 1916 And his son
William Died 15th July 1951, his wife Bridget died 16th
April 1966. Erected by his children (Celtic Cross 7ft high))

29. Here lieth the body of (Ornate granite stone Patrick
Murphy 3-4ft high) Who departed this life March 10th
1774 Aged 65 years This Stone was erected by his Wife
Ally Murphy.

30. Erected by Willm Commons of Mullashy, Callan in
memory of his loving wife Catherine Commons als
McGrath. She deptd This life April the 14th 1805 aged
44 years Also their daughter Bridget Commons Aged 3
yrs. He died 28th of November 1826 aged 70 yrs May
their souls rest in peace. Amen

31. Slate Stone- no inscription

32. Erected by Patrick Stapleton of the city of Kilkenny
In memory of his father John Stapleton of Tullamain
who died 16th May 1833 Aged 64 years. Also his
mother Elenor Stapleton alias Carrigan Who departed
this life the 22nd December 1835 Aged 67 years.

33. Erected by John Stapleton Tullamain In memory of
his father James Stapleton Died Nov 26th 1899 aged 85
years (Celtic Cross Also his beloved Mother Johanna
Stapleton 9ft high By Died March 27th 1900 aged 63
years. 0' Shea, Callan) R.I.P.
Side of Stone
John Stapleton died 16th March 1938 Aged 74 years.
His wife Bridget died 8th March 1944 aged 7lyrs. R.I.P.

34. John And Bridget (Stone: 15"x9") Meagher.

35. Erected by ------- in memory of his Grandfather (Part
of Stone Wilm Burke who died 22nd June 1790 agd.70
yrs broken off) & his sistr, Mary Burke who died Febry.
3rd 1812 Aged 78 years & his mother Elenor Burke alias
Read Who'died 30th Decr 1820 aged 53 yrs & his father
Patt Burke.

36. Erected by Anastatia Thornley, nee Burke,
Melbourne Australia in memory of her Parents Patrick
Burke, Kylvehagh Died 14th June 1877 aged 100 years
(Celtic Cross  died 8ft high) Judath Burke nee Cuddihy
1st Jan 1835 aged 42 years. Her sister Mary Burke died
11th March 1851 aged 30 years. Bridget Burke died
7thApril 1852 aged 19 years. Her brothers Edward
Burke Died 20th May aged 21 years, John Burke died
7th Feb 1895 aged 68 years Patrick Burke who died
young R.I.P.
Left Side of Stone:
Also her grandparents Michael Burke who died 4th May
1821, Aged 84 years Mary Burke nee Stapleton. Died
10th Feb 1817 aged 49 years.

37. Erected by Patrick Burke Kylevehagh In memory of
his father Michael Burke Who died May 4th 1821 aged
84. And his mother Mary Burke alias Stapleton who died Feb
10th 1817 aged 49 years and his wife Judath Burke alias
Cuddilty who died Jan 1st 1833 aged 42 years (I.H.S. in

38. Erected by David Burke, Montana, U.S.A. In memory
of his father Richard Burke, Died 1880 aged 88 yrs. His
mother Mary Burke died 1878 Agd 78 yrs. Also his
brother William Burke Died 1890 aged 87 years.

39. Erected by Margaret Power In memory of her
husband James Burke Who died 28th Dec 1884 and
four Of their children who died young.

40. Erected by Thomas Guilfoyle, Commons, Callan, in
memory of his wife Margaret Guilfoyle who died 2nd
June 1904 aged 70 years. Thomas Guilfoyle died Sept
15th 1912 Aged 70 years Mary.

41. In loving memory of Mary Corcoran nee Guilfoyle
Knockrea, Callan. Died 27th March 1920 Her husband
James Corcoran Was interred in England. R.I.P.

42. Erected by John Kerby of the city of Kilkenny In
memory of his beloved wife Mrs. Elizabeth Kerby alias
Morisy who dep'd this life May 16th, 1818 aged 44
years also 4 of his children who died young. Also the
remains of John Kerby who dep'd this life March 17th
1829 aged 58 years and two children Who died young.
May their souls rest in peace. Amen

43. In loving memory of my parents
Martin Connors Ballywalter
Died 7th Aug. 1943
And Margaret Connors nee Walsh
Died 16th May 1952
And my Sister Margaret Coley, nee Connors
Died 1981 aged 68 yrs.
And Kate Markey nee Connors
Died 8 July 1997
Rest in Peace.
Erected by Kitty Markey nee Connors.

43b. BRIEN

44. Here lieth the body of John Cass who
Died the 4th of April 1790 agd 82 yrs.
Also his wife Catherine Cass als Murphy
Who died the 4th of April 1790 agd 76 yrs.
May their souls rest in peace. Amen.
Erected by his brother James Cass

45. This tomb was - - - ------------------
In memory of his wife --------------- (Ground Slab
Who dep this life -------------------- 4ft x 8ft, damaged on
one side)
Also his son John -- - ---------------
March 1791.

46. Erected by James Cass in memory
Of his wife Margaret Cass als Dowlin
Who died the 18th of Jan 1784 aged 57 years
May her soul rest in Peace. Amen.

47. Erected by Patr Shortall in memory
Of his beloved wife Mary Shortall als
Cass who dep'd this life July 24th 1822
Aged 30 years
May her soul rest in peace. Amen.

48. Erected by Mrs, Margaret Ruth in memory
Of her father Mr. Richd Cass who dep'd this
Life on the 22nd day of Nov 1797 aged 48 years
Also his daughter Anne Cass who dep'd
On the 26th of April 1809 aged 22years
And also his son Martin Cass who dep'd
On 12th of Jany 1826 aged 29 years
Requiescat in pace Amen.

49. Erected by Percy Cass in memory of his parents
Johanna Cass nee Lahart, Newtown
Died 11th Dec 1941 aged 54 years
Edward Cass Died 12th Feb 1963 aged 80 yrs.
His brothers, John Cass
Died 14th Nov 1936 aged 20yrs
Thomas Cass Died 19th Sept 1975 aged 53
Richard Cass who died young. R.I.P.

50. R.I.P.
Erected by John Cass of Newtown
In memory of his father Richard Cass
Who died 30th May 1876 aged 76 years
Also his uncle John Cass who died
27th June 1861 aged 51 years
Also his sister Catherine, who died
Aug 1st 1876 aged 34 years (0' Shea Stone)
And his sister Mary died 10th March
1873 aged 27 years.
Also his grandfather & grandmother
John and Elizabeth Cass
Who lie beneath
John Cass died 28th Sept 1911
Aged 68 years.
May the Lord have mercy on their souls
And the souls of the faithful departed
Through the merciful intercession
Of Mary Immaculate.
Mrs Johanna Cass died 17th Feb 1912 aged 65
James Cass died 11thFeb 1912 aged 71
John Cass died 26th Jan 1996 aged 81 yrs.

51. Erected by Richard Kenehan
Of Cuffsgrange in memory of his dearly
Beloved wife Catherine Kenehan alias Cass
Who dep'd this life 8th of May 1832 Aged 39 years.
Resquiescant in Pace. Amen.

52. In loving memory of my dear mother
Mary Tobin nee Murrey, Callan
Died 12th Sept 1917 aged 52 yrs.
And my dear father James Tobin
Died 12th Nov 1921 aged 46yrs
Also their dearest relations.
May God have mercy on their Souls. Amen.
Erected by their son Michael and his wife

(Two miles east of Callan)
Aylward No. 27 1805
Brennan No. 22 1786
Brien No. 43B
Browne No. 14 1840
Bryan No. 8
Bryan No. 11 1809 Kilkenny
Buggey No. 19 1735
Burke No. 35 1790
Burke No. 36 1877 Kylvehagh
Burke No. 37 1821 Kylevehagh
Burke No. 38 1880 Montana, U.S.A.
Butler No. 25 1832
Carrigan No. 32 1835
Carty No. 9 1776
Cass No. 44 1790
Cass No. 46 1784
Cass No. 47 1822
Cass No. 48 1797
Cass No. 49 1941 Newtown
Cass No. 50 1876 Newtown
Cass No. 51 1832
Coley No. 30 1805 Mullassy, Callan
Connors No. 43 1943 Ballywalter
Corcoran No. 41 1920 Knockrea, Callan
Coughlin No. 27 1805
Cuddihy No. 36 1835
Cuddihy No. 37 1833
Dannell No. 7 1750
Dannell No. 8 1782
Dea No. 23 1914
Devlin No. 46 1784
Finn No. 5 1882
Guilfoyle No. 40 1904 Commons, Callan
Guilfoyle No. 41 1920
Grace No. 23 1819 Ballymack
Grave No. 22 1779
Gready No. 18 1849 Westcourt
Healy No. 22 1820
Hennelly No. 5 1913 Sefin, Co. Mayo
Kenehan No. 51 1832 Cuffesgrange
Kennedy No. 23 1819
Kennedy No. 26 1868
Kerby No. 42 1818 Kilkenny
Lahart No. 49 1941
Larkin No. 17 1919
Lawlor No. 20 1833 Williamstown
Mahar No. 18 1859
Maher No. 28 1906 Tullamaine
Maher No. 24 1961 Broadmore
Markey No. 43 1997
McGrath No. 30 1805
Meagher No. 25 1811 Broadmore
Meagher No. 34
Morisy No. 42 1818
Murphy No. 2 1733
Murphy No. 11 1809
Murphy No. 29 1774
Murphy No. 44 1790
Murray No. 52 1917
Neil No. 6 1822 Kilbride
O'Grady No. 16
O'Grady No. 17 1959 Westcourt
O'Halloran No. 17 1964
O'Neill No. 5 1882 Skevgh
O'Shea No. 1 1721
Power No. 3 1811
Power No. 4 1868 Tullamaine
Power No. 10 1840 Whitehall, Kilkenny
Power No. 39 1884
Read No. 35 1820
Ready No. 20 Williamstown
Ruth No. 48
Ryan No. 26 1925 Bridge St., Callan
Shanahan No. 7 1750
Shorthall No. 47 1822
Stapleton No. 14 1808 Tullamaine
Stapleton No. 15 1880
Stapleton No. 32 1833 Tullamaine
Stapleton No. 33 1899 Tullamaine
Stapleton No. 36 1817
Stapleton No. 37 1817
Tearney No. 21 1727
Thornley No. 36 Melbourne, Australia
Tinan No. 18 1868
Tobin No. 52 1917 Callan
Walsh No. 3 1811
Walsh No. 43 1952
Whelan No. 14 1830