Galway - Alphabetical List of Landowners in 1870's - S-Y

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Galway Index


File contributed by:  C. Hunt & M. Taylor


Owner Name                         Owner Residence-1873-75]
Sadlier,  Rev. Ralph               Trinity College         Dublin                            
Sadlier,  William                  The Grange              Fermoy                            
St. George,  Christopher           Tyrone House            xxxx                              
St. George,  Richd. J. U.          Headford Castle         xxxx                              
Sampson,  Francis C.               Williamstadt            Whitegate                         
Sampson,  William B.               Williamstadt            Whitegate, co. Galway             
Sanderson,  George                 Heathlawn               Kilmore                           
Savage,  Richard  [Reps. Of]       xxxx                    Tuam                              
Scanlon,  John                     Sonnagh                 Creggs, co. Galway                
Scanlon,  William                  Bonovoree               Tulla                             
Schaffers,  Edward                 Tours                   France                            
 *** and Kenny, Maria Clare        Ditto                   Ditto                             
Seagriff,  Henry                   xxxx                    Wolverhampton                     
Seymour,  Elizabeth H.             xxxx                    Dublin                            
Seymour,  Thomas                   Ballymore Castle        Laurencetown                      
Seymour,  Wm.  [Reps. Of]          Somerset                Ballinasloe                       
Shannon Commissioners              xxxx                    Dublin                            
Shea,  Maria                       xxxx                    Ballinasloe                       
Sisters of Charity                 xxxx                    Clarinbridge                      
Skerrett,  Emma                    Rafarm                  Loughrea                          
Skerrett,  Patrick                 xxxx                    Galway                            
Skerritt,  Peter R.                thgal Park              Rathgoole                         
Smith,  B. Leigh                   xxxx                    xxxx                              
Smyth,  John                       Masonbrook              Loughrea                          
Smyth,  Robert R.                  Portlick Castle         Athlone                           
Smyth,  William                    xxxx                    Australia                         
Smythe,  William B.                xxxx                    co. Westmeath                     
Society, Galway Agriculture                                                                  
   & Educational                   xxxx                    xxxx                              
Sparrow,  William                  xxxx                    Galway                            
Stanton,  Patrick junr.            xxxx                    Eyrecourt                         
Stanus,  Walter Trevor             Manor House             Lisburn, co. Antrim               
Staunton,  George L.               Clydagh                 Headford                          
Stewart, Dr. Henry                 75 Eccles-st            Dublin                            
Strachan,  Alexander               xxxx                    Tuam                              
Stratheden,  Lord                  Hartrigge  House        Jedburgh, N.B.                    
Stuart, Sir  John W.               Ballygawley House       Tyrone                            
Studdert, Mrs.                     xxxx                    xxxx                                         
Suffield,  Ellen                   xxxx                    Dublin                            
Sweeney,  Bernard                  Caher                   Castlerea                         
Synge , Catherine                  xxxx                    Rathmines, co. Dublin             
Taaffe,  Philip                    xxxx                    Kilkelly, co. Mayo                
Taffe,  John                       xxxx                    xxxx                              
Talbot,  Wm. J. (a minor)          xxxx                    Mount Talbot                      
Taylor,  F. M.                     Ardrahan                Gort                              
Taylor,  Walter Shawe              Castle Taylor, Ardrahan xxxx                              
Thompson,  Alexander               xxxx                    Dublin                            
Thompson,  Colin H.                xxxx                    Laruck                            
Thompson,  Thomas H.               xxxx                    Dublin                            
Thompson,  William H.              xxxx                    Dublin                            
Tighe, Thomas                      xxxx                    Ballinrobe, co. Mayo                         
Trench,  Hon. Charles J.           Merrion-square          Dublin                            
Trench,  Chas. O' Hara             Clonfert                Eyrecourt                         
Trench,  Emily M.                  Newlands                Clondalkin                        
Trench,  Henry                     Cangort Park            Roscrea                           
Trench,  John A.                   xxxx                    Sligo                             
Trench,  Kate Le Poer              xxxx                    Ballinsloe                        
Trench,  Rev. Wm. F.               xxx                     Kells                             
Trustees of Kirkaldys              xxxx                    Edinburgh, Scotland               
Trustees of Rev. Peter Dooley      xxxx                    Galway                            
Trustees of Robt. Martin, junior   xxxx                    xxxx                              
Trustees of Samuel Handy           xxxx                    Tyrrelspass                       
Tully,  Thomas                     Rathfarm                Loughrea                          
Twining,  Frederick                xxxx                    Cleggan                           
Touhy, John                        Carrowroe, East         xxxx                              
Turbett,  Jas. [Reps. Of]          Oaklawn                 co. Tipperary                     
Usher,  William                    Kilgerl                 Kilconnell                        
Usher,  William                    Heathfield              Kilconnell                        
Ussher,  Christopher               Eastwell                Kilconnell                        
Vandeleur,  Crofton Thos.          Wardenstown             Killucan                          
Vesey,  George                     Longillan               Surrey, England                   
Villiers,  Edward C.               Beech-hill, Woodlawn    Ballinasloe                       
Wade,  Francis                     xxxx                    Ballinasloe                       
Wade,  Gustavus                    Clare-street            Dublin                            
Wade,  Patrick                     xxxx                    Creggs, Ballyglanin               
Wade,  Rochford R.                 Fairfield               Aughrim                           
Waithman,  Robert W.               xxxx                    Moyne                             
Walker,  Rev. J. C.                xxxx                    Ballinsloe                        
Wall,  Mary Anne                   xxxx                    Errislanan                        
Wallace, ---- (a minor)            xxxx                    Dublin                            
Wallis,   J. E.                    Beaufort-square         London                            
Wallscourt, Lord                   Ardfry                  Oranmore                          
Walsh,  Michael                    xxxx                    Muckenagh                         
Ward,  Michael                     xxxx                    Clifden                           
Watson,  John P.                   Stowlin                 Eyrecourt                         
Welsdon,  James                    xxxx                    England                           
West, Very  Rev.  A. W.            xxxx                    Edgeworthstown                    
West,  Henry                       Loughlinstown           Dublin                            
Westmeath,  Earl of                Pallas                  Tynagh                            
Whitaker, Rev. Chas.               xxxx                    North Wales. England              
White,  William                    Richmond House          Wexford                           
Whyte,  Denis                      Derrainey               Whitegate. co. Galway                        
Wilberforce,  H. W.                xxxx                    London                            
Wilde, Sir  William                                                                          
      *** Willis,  Thomas          1 Merrion-sq.           Dublin                            
Woodcock,  Mary   and              North Ormond-quay                                         
      *** Geo. Stanford [Reps. Of] xxxx                    xxxx                              
Wrixon,   Mrs. John N.             xxxx                    Kingstown                         
Young,  William                    xxxx                    Stradbally, Queen's Co.           

Extracted from - Return of Owners of Land In Ireland: A 
Summary for each Province & For All Ireland Presented to 
both Houses of Parliament by Command of the Queen [Out of 