Fermanagh - Collum, John February 11, 1813

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Fermanagh Index


File contributed by: Rosalind Dunning 
ros.dunning@outlook.com January 14, 2018, 1:10 pm


Source: National Archives Kew England
Written: February 11, 1813
Recorded: January 14, 2018

In the Name of God Amen I John Collum Surgeon Sally Bank 
Fermanagh Ireland being thanks to Divine Providence of a 
perfectly sound disposing mind memory & understanding and 
recollection for divers good causes and considerations me 
thereunto moving and in consequence of a former Will made by 
me shortly after my Arrival in this Country in May 1810 
having most unaccountably disappeared from among my private 
Papers I think during my absence on an excursion to Belfast 
in September 1812 notwithstanding any all and every Will 
Testament promise or writing by me at anytime heretofore 
made to the contrary do leave devise and bequeath to my 
beloved Wife Margaret and the Heirs of her body whether male 
or female by me lawfully begotten all and singular the whole 
and every part of the Property whether in Money Goods or 
otherwise of which I shall be possessed at my death to be 
divided between them Share and Share alike and failing Heirs 
I leave devise and bequeath to my beloved Wife Margaret 
aforesaid all and singular the whole and every part of the 
Property whether in Money Goods or other Articles of which I 
shall be possessed at my death to be disposed of as she 
shall think proper and this provided nevertheless 
notwithstanding any all and every Will Testament promise or 
writing by me at anytime heretofore made to the contrary and 
this for the following reasons that Archy has more than 
sufficient for himself and family none of whom can I think 
from the nature of their Education cut a figure my father 
not being calculated to derive any benefit from a 
disposition in his farm and poor Daugs habits of life I much 
fear having wholly incapacitated from profitting with the 
Goods of this World and with the execution of this my last 
Will and Testament I charge and constitute and nominate and 
appoint as Executors my friend John Armstrong of Enniskillen 
Apothecary and my Brother in Law Alexander Mitchell Downs 
Wharf London who are hereby constituted nominated and 
appointed my Executors accordingly Given under my hand and 
seal this 11th day of February 1813 at Sally Bank John 
Collum _ Witness Nugent Bell
Proved at London 21st November 1817 by the Oath of Alexander 
Mitchell the surviving Executor
PCC Prob11/1598