Church: FERMANAGH, Births recorded in Newtownbutler Wesleyan Methodist Circuit 1873 - 1942
Ireland Genealogy Project Archives
Church Records
Contributed by George Armstrong


Key (*)= As record

*Wide page..scroll right to see all the information.
*Index at the bottom of the page!

ROW  BORN            BAPTISED         CHILDS                        FATHERS               FATHERS        MOTHERS                   MOTHERS        RESIDENCE                                      BAPTISED BY/                COMMENTS
     DATE            DATE             FORNAME                       FORENAME		  SURNAME	 FORENAME     	           SURNAME							 REGISTERED BY		     NO.
1    11/7/1873       21/8/1873        William John                  William               LUDLOW         Mary M.                   not listed     not listed                                     M. Kerr
2    1/10/1873       16/12/1873       William Henry                 William               WHERRY         Elizabeth                 not listed     not listed                                     Robert Orr
3    18/3/1875       7/4/1875         Florence Kathleen             William               WHERRY         Elizabeth                 not listed     not listed                                     William McMullin
4    23/3/1876       5/4/1876         Richard Henry                 William               LUDLOW         Mary M.                   not listed     not listed                                     James Giffin
5    12/12/1876      18/2/1877        John Thomas                   William               WHERRY         Elizabeth                 not listed     not listed                                     William Ludlow
6    12/9/1877       9/1/1878         Edith Mary Frances            James                 FRAZER         Kate                      LYONS          not listed                                     George Robinson
7    30/10/1877      17/2/1878        James                         James                 COOKE          Ellen                     BELL           not listed                                     George Robinson
8    16/3/1878       5/5/1878         Mary Frances                  Samuel                SHEARSON       Mary Anne                 SHEARSON       not listed                                     James Frazer
9    29/12/1877      11/6/1878        Georgina Caroline             William               BROWN          Eliza                     MOFFIT         not listed                                     James Frazer
10   19/1/1879       25/7/1879        John                          John                  PATTERSON      Letitia                   PATTERSON      not listed                                     Robert Johnston Jones
11   21/7/1879       30/7/1879        Mary                          Edward                GOULDING       Alice                     GOULDING       not listed                                     Martin Hynes
12   4/7/1879        14/12/1879       Fredrick Whitfield            James                 BELL           Sarah                     not listed     not listed                                     Robert Johnston Jones
13   4/9/1879        28/12/1879       Francis James                 Robert                MASTERSON      Mary A.                   not listed     not listed                                     Martin Hynes
14   10/12/1879      19/2/1880        George Jackson                Alexander             CAMPBELL       Catherine                 not listed     not listed                                     Robert Johnston Jones
15   14/10/1879      26/4/1880        John William                  William               BELL           Sarah                     not listed     not listed                                     Robert Johnston Jones
16   22/6/1880       9/7/1880         Caroline                      Samuel                THOMPSON       Susan Anne                not listed     Cornabrass                                     Martin Hynes
17   6/4/1880        17/7/1880        Robert                        John                  FAWCETT        Hannah                    not listed     Kilnacran                                      Robert Johnston Jones
18   25/12/1877 (*)  31/10/1880       Margaret Maud Susan           John Howard           WILSON         Jane                      not listed     Lisnaskea                                      Robert Johnston Jones
19   20/12/1879      31/10/1880       Richard Atwill                John                  HOWARD         Jane                      not listed     Lisnaskea                                      Robert Johnston Jones
20   17/7/1880       10/11/1880       Ethel Annie Elizabeth         Thomas Colquhoun      KNOX           Louie                     not listed     Lisnaskea                                      Andrew Knox
21   24/10/1880      5/12/1880        William Stewart               William               BEATTY         Isabella Olive            not listed     Lisnaskea                                      Martin Hynes
22   29/12/1880      18/4/1881        Samuel Creighton              Samuel                CLARKE         Wilhelmina                not listed     Newtownbutler                                  Martin Hynes
23   10/3/1881       1/5/1881         Reginald St. Clair            William               WHERRY         Elizabeth                 not listed     Lisnaskea                                      Martin Hynes
24   24/5/1880       10/5/1881        Mary Jane                     David                 RUTLEDGE       Anne                      not listed     Ratoal?                                        Martin Hynes
25   19/7/1881       10/8/1881        James                         Thomas Colquhoun      ROBINSON       Eliza Anne                not listed     Lisnaskea                                      Martin Hynes
26   23/7/1881       9/10/1881        Cecil Andrew Sandals          Thomas                KNOX           Louie                     not listed     Lisnaskea                                      Andrew Knox
27   27/5/1881       18/12/1881       Alfred                        James                 COOKE          Ellen                     not listed     Newtownbutler                                  Martin Hynes
28   17/11/1879      26/12/1881       Richard Wingfield             James                 COOKE          Ellen                     not listed     Newtownbutler                                  Martin Hynes
29   17/11/1879      26/12/1881       William Sherin                James                 COOKE          Ellen                     not listed     Newtownbutler                                  Martin Hynes
30   17/1/1882       8/6/1882         Harriett Ideline              Samuel                THOMPSON       Susan Anne                not listed     Cornabrass                                     Martin Hynes
31   15/8/1882       27/9/1882        Catherine Evelyn              Richard               HARVEY         Elizabeth                 not listed     not listed                                     William R. Doonan
32   17/9/1882       3/12/1882        Clement Read                  William               BEATTY         Isabella                  OLIVER?        Lisnaskea                                      Alexander Elliott
33   3/6/1882        4/12/1882        William Irwin Fitzgerald      Samuel                CLARKE         Wilhelmina                not listed     Newtownbutler                                  Martin Hynes
34   25/11/1882      1/1/1883         Thomas Colquhoun              Thomas Colquhoun      ROBINSON       Elizabeth Anne            not listed     Lisnaskea                                      Andrew Knox
35   23/12/1882      28/2/1883        John Wesley                   John                  MOORE          Angelina                  not listed     Moorlough                                      Alexander Elliott
36   15/7/1882       11/4/1883        Catherine Ellenor             David                 RUTLEDGE       Anne                      not listed     Ratoal                                         Alexander Elliott
37   ?/4/1879        18/4/1883        Alexander                     William               ALLEN          Catherine                 not listed     Lisnaskea                                      E. Comeille?
38   26/4/1882       18/4/1883        Jane Elizabeth                William               ALLEN          Catherine                 not listed     Lisnaskea                                      E. Comeille?
39   1/4/1883        15/8/1883        Edith Olivia                  James                 BELL           Sarah Jane                not listed     Newtownbutler                                  Alexander Elliott            1.
40   8/11/1882       28/12/1883 (*)   William James Jones           Thomas                KNOX           Louie                     not listed     Lisnaskea                                      Andrew Knox	              2.
41   26/2/1883       14/3/1884        Francis Edward                Alexander             CAMPBELL       Catherine                 not listed     Lisnaskea                                      Robert Collier
42   10/4/1884       1/6/1884         John                          Edward                CAMPBELL       Margaret                  not listed     Newtownbutler                                  Alexander Elliott
43   8/4/1884        4/6/1884         Thomas Alexander              James                 DOONAN         Jane                      not listed     Ringvilla                                      Alexander Elliott
44   27/5/1884       26/6/1884        John James Randolph           Robert                MAGUIRE        Mary Jane                 not listed     Newtownbutler                                  Thomas Cather Maguire
45   23/3/1884       24/8/1884        Edwin                         James                 COOKE          Ellen                     not listed     Newtownbutler                                  Alexander Elliott
46   23/3/1884       24/12/1884       Jeremiah Samuel               Robert                PRESSLEY       Jane                      not listed     Annaghmullin                                   Alexander Elliott
47   8/4/1884        4/2/1885         Mary Anne                     Samuel                THOMPSON       Susan Anne                not listed     Cornabrass                                     William Lovett
48   16/11/1884      22/2/1885        Kathleen Mary                 Thomas Colquhoun      ROBINSON       Elizabeth Anne            not listed     Lisnaskea                                      Alexander Elliott
49   29/1/1885       2/4/1885         Harriette Augusta             John                  MOORE          Angelina                  not listed     Moorlough                                      Alexander Elliott
50   26/1/1885       10/9/1885        James Fitzgerald              Samuel                CLARKE         Wilhelmina                not listed     Newtownbutler                                  William Lovett
51   3/8/1885        13/10/1885       William                       Thomas                PLUNKET        Susana                    not listed     Derryadd( Derryad?)                            William Lovett
52   25/12/1884      15/4/1886        Florence                      John                  MCCLURE        Margaret                  not listed     Killalahard                                    William Lovett
53   21/4/1885       25/4/1886        Frederick William             Ralph                 BRADSHAW       Mary                      not listed     Lisnaskea                                      William Lovett
54   18/8/1886       26/9/1886        Margaret Elizabeth            John                  CLARKE         Susan Elzabeth            not listed     Drumavale (Drumaveel?)                         William Lovett
55   29/10/1886      5/1/1887         Alice Elizabeth Maud          Robert                MAGUIRE        Mary Jane                 not listed     Newtownbutler                                  William Lovett
56   8/2/1887        27/3/1887        Frances Maud                  John                  MOORE          Angelina                  not listed     Moorlough                                      William Lovett
57   27/8/1886       17/4/1887        Samuel Balfour                Ralph                 BRADSHAW       Mary                      not listed     Lisnaskea                                      William Lovett
58   21/3/1887       20/4/1887        William James                 Isaac                 THOMPSON       Sarah Anne                not listed     Cornabrass                                     William Lovett
59   31/1/1887       27/4/1887        Dora                          James                 COOKE          Ellen                     not listed     not listed                                     William Lovett
60   23/2/1887       9/6/1887         Andrew Wilson                 John                  MCCLURE        Margaret                  not listed     not listed                                     William Lovett
61   27/6/1887       7/8/1887         Charlotte Elizabeth           Thomas Colquhoun      ROBINSON       Elizabeth Anne            not listed     not listed                                     William Lovett
62   11/9/1887       26/9/1887        Marian Jane                   Gabriel J. (Rev.)     SPENCE         Mary                      not listed     not listed                                     J.N.A. MacWilliam
63   26/7/1887       11/10/1887       Harriett                      Thomas                PLUNKET        Susana                    not listed     Lisnaskea                                      William Lovett
64   27/10/1887      8/2/1888         Louisa Jane                   John                  WEST           Essie                     not listed     Corslea? (Corlea?)                             William Lovett
65   20/11/1887      30/4/1888        Alice Kathleen                John                  CLARKE         Susan Elizabeth           not listed     Drumavale (Drumaveel?)                         Alexander Elliott
66   14/9/1888       3/1/1889         Francis Henry                 Isaac                 THOMPSON       Sarah Anne                not listed     not listed                                     John Kerr
67   9/1/1889        17/2/1889        Cathrin Maria                 Ralph                 BRADSHAW       Mary                      not listed     not listed                                     John Kerr
68   9/1/1889        17/2/1889        Violet Mary                   Ralph                 BRADSHAW       Mary                      not listed     not listed                                     John Kerr
69   22/2/1889       1/4/1889         Letitia                       Ralph                 PLUNKET        Letitia                   not listed     Derryadd( Derryad?)                            Robert Knox
70   6/5/1889        6/6/1889         Olive Hugina                  Robert                MAGUIRE        Mary Jeane                not listed     not listed                                     John Kerr
71   25/6/1889       13/7/1889        Elizabeth Margaret Irvine     Jonas                 KNOX           Elizabeth Mary            not listed     Maguiresbridge                                 Andrew Knox
72   20/6/1889       20/8/1889        Jane Maria                    John                  MOORE          Angelina                  not listed     not listed                                     Alexander Elliott
73   12/8/1889       6/9/1889         John Robert                   John                  CLARKE         Susan Elizabeth           not listed     Drumavale (Drumaveel?)                         Robert Knox
74   9/8/1889        13/11/1889       Annie                         John                  WEST           Essie                     RUTLEDGE?      Corslea? (Corlea?)                             William Moore
75   6/7/1889        6/12/1889        Christopher Eustace Eltrid?   Thomas                PLUNKET        Susana                    not listed     Derryadd( Derryad?)                            Robert Knox
76   16/10/1889      20/1/1890        Lucinda                       Thomas John           ARMSTRONG      Jane Alice                not listed     Fargram (Fargrim?)                             William Moore
77   1/4/1890        4/7/1890         John William                  James                 FAWCETT        Mary Eleanor              not listed     Beltreagh                                      Robert Knox
78   1/3/1890        19/8/1890        Kate                          William Henry         PATTERSON      Lizzie                    not listed     Rossbeg, Lisnaskea                             Robert Knox
79   not listed      26/8/1890        Hugh Riddell                  Ralph                 BRADSHAW       Mary                      not listed     Lisnaskea                                      Robert Knox
80   11/10/1890      24/12/1890       William Bowes                 Robert                FIFE           Elizabeth                 not listed     Ballyho?                                       William Wilson
81   4/10/1890       5/2/1891         John James                    James                 PRITCHARD      Alice                     not listed     not listed                                     William Wilson
82   9/1/1891        5/2/1891         John William                  John Robert           GRAY           Catherine A.              not listed     Derryelvin                                     William Wilson
83   18/2/1891       26/3/1891        Robert Alexander              Robert                GRAYDON        Sidney                    not listed     not listed                                     William Wilson
84   17/2/1891       21/5/1891        Anna Mary Catherine           Isaac                 THOMPSON       Sarah A.                  not listed     Cornabrass                                     William Wilson
85   11/4/1891       25/5/1891        Sarah Jane                    Thomas J.             ARMSTRONG      Jane                      not listed     Corslea? (Corlea?)                             William Wilson
86   1/9/1891        25/9/1891        Lilly                         John                  WEST           Essie                     not listed     Corslea? (Corlea?)                             William Wilson
87   20/2/1889       5/10/1891        Henry                         John                  MCCLURE        Margaret                  not listed     Killalahard                                    William Wilson
88   1/5/1891        5/10/1891        Charles                       John                  MCCLURE        Margaret                  not listed     Killalahard                                    William Wilson
89   18/9/1891       1/11/1891        Mabel Melrose                 Robert                MAGUIRE        Mary Jane                 not listed     Newtownbutler                                  William Wilson
90   15/10/1891      22/11/1891       John Balfour                  Ralph                 BRADSHAW       Mary                      not listed     Lisnaskea                                      William Wilson
91   6/8/1891        21/2/1892        Richard George                George                ARNOLD         Henrietta                 not listed     Lisnaskea                                      William Wilson
92   16/2/1892       24/5/1892        Alice Kathleen                John Robert           GRAY           Kate A.                   not listed     Newtownbutler                                  William Wilson
93   12/6/1892       19/6/1892        Robert                        Samuel                CRAIG          Mary                      not listed     Lisnaskea                                      G.W. Rea
94   ?/?/1892        ?/?/1892         Edith Adelaide Jane           John                  BRYSON         Jeannie                   not listed     Lisnaskea                                      G.W. Rea
95   25/5/1892       22/8/1892        Edward Thomas                 Thomas John           ARMSTRONG      Alice                     not listed     not listed                                     William Wilson
96   21/9/1892       16/10/1892       Margaret Annie                George                HARPUR         Margaret                  not listed     not listed                                     William Wilson
97   10/12/1892      9/2/1893         William Robert                James                 PRITCHARD      Alice                     not listed     not listed                                     William Wilson
98   1/12/1892       10/2/1893        Frances Jane                  John                  WEST           Essie                     not listed     not listed                                     William Wilson
99   2/2/1893        24/3/1893        John Welsh                    James                 DARLING        Rebecca                   not listed     not listed                                     William Wilson
100  10/12/1892      9/4/1893         Henrietta                     R.B.                  BRADSHAW       Mary                      not listed     not listed                                     William Wilson
101  28/1/1893       20/4/1893        Sophia Elizabeth              Isaac                 THOMPSON       Sarah Anne                not listed     not listed                                     William Wilson
102  23/2/1893       25/4/1893        Sophia Louisa                 John Robert           GRAY           Catherine A.              not listed     not listed                                     William Wilson
103  10/10/1892      14/5/1893        Alfred Percy                  George                ARNOLD         Henrietta                 not listed     not listed                                     William Wilson
104  7/12/1892       8/6/1893         Margaret Jane                 William H.            PATTERSON      Elizabeth                 not listed     not listed                                     William Wilson
105  26/7/1893       7/12/1893        Elizabeth                     James                 FAWCETT        Mary Eleanor              not listed     not listed                                     John Gilcriest
106  15/12/1893      30/12/1893       Charlotte Mabel               Samuel                BOTHWELL       Annie                     not listed     not listed                                     John Gilcriest
107  4/7/1893        18/1/1894        Arthur James                  John                  BRYSON         Jane                      not listed     not listed                                     John Gilcriest
108  29/1/1894       7/4/1894         Arthur James Balfour          Ralph                 BRADSHAW       Mary                      not listed     Lisnaskea                                      Andrew M. Rutledge
109  29/3/1894       9/5/1894         Annie Elizabeth               Thomas John           ARMSTRONG      Jane Alice                not listed     Fargram (Fargrim?)                             Andrew M. Rutledge
110  29/3/1894       4/6/1894         Stella Isabel Agusta?         Robert                MAGUIRE        Mary Jane                 not listed     not listed                                     Andrew M. Rutledge
111  22/1/1894       1/8/18940        Henrietta Grace               George                ARNOLD         Henrietta                 not listed     Lisnaskea                                      Andrew M. Rutledge
112  18/2/1894       5/9/1894         Elizabeth Ethel               William Henry         PATTERSON      Elizabeth                 not listed     Castle Balfour                                 Andrew M. Rutledge
113  11/11/1894      4/12/1894        Florence Maria                John R.               GRAY           Catherine A.              not listed     not listed                                     Andrew M. Rutledge
114  17/1/1895       23/3/1895        Francis John                  John                  WEST           Essie                     not listed     Corslea? (Corlea?)                             Andrew M. Rutledge
115  2/10/1894       17/4/1895        James McGarry?                James                 WADSWORTH      Annie                     not listed     Drumralla                                      Andrew M. Rutledge
116  22/3/1895       31/7/1895        Alice Kathleen                James                 PRICHARD (*)   Alice                     not listed     not listed                                     Andrew M. Rutledge
117  4/6/1895        5/9/1895         Sarah Jane                    Isaac                 THOMPSON       Sarah Anne                not listed     not listed                                     Andrew M. Rutledge
118  22/9/1895       8/11/1895        Edward                        Samuel                KNOTT          Evelysa?                  not listed     Killacornan? (Killycornan?)                    Andrew M. Rutledge
119  not listed      19/11/1895       Edward Andrew                 Edward                GARDINER       not listed                not listed     not listed                                     William Elsworth Lawson
120  16/4/1895       15/12/1895       Florence Rebecca              Ralph                 BRADSHAW       Mary                      not listed     not listed                                     Andrew M. Rutledge
121  23/7/1894 (*)   10/1/1896        William Thomas                William               BRYANS         Eliza Jane                not listed     Moorlough                                      William Elsworth Lawson
122  11/10/1895      24/3/1896        Margaret Louisa               Robert                NICHOL         Eliza                     not listed     Killypaddy                                     William Elsworth Lawson
123  4/4/1896        12/5/1896        Kathleen                      Thomas John           ARMSTRONG      Alice                     not listed     not listed                                     Andrew M. Rutledge
124  17/11/1895      7/7/1896         James William                 John                  LITTLE         Sophia                    not listed     Leitrim                                        Andrew M. Rutledge
125  9/2/1896        4/10/1896        Victor Henry                  Thomas                PLUNKET        Emma Jane                 not listed     Derryadd( Derryad?)                            Albert E. Glanville
126  23/6/1896       6/10/1896        Margretta Blakely             John Robert           GRAY           Catherine Anne            not listed     not listed                                     James Carson
127  17/9/1896       23/10/1896       Hadassah Martha               James                 WADSWORTH      Annie                     not listed     Drumralla                                      James Carson
128  14/6/1896       29/10/1896       James Charles                 James                 FAWCETT        Mary Eleanor              not listed     Baltreagh, Lisnaskea                           Albert E. Glanville
129  3/1/1897        18/1/1897        Mary Elizabeth Harriett       George                JOHNSTON       Mary Jane                 not listed     Killynamph                                     Albert E. Glanville
130  10/10/1896      8/2/1897         John Edmund                   John                  BRYSON         Mary Jane                 not listed     Lisnaskea                                      Albert E. Glanville
131  12/12/1896      17/5/1897        Lillie Garnet                 Robert                MAGUIRE        Mary Jane                 not listed     Newtownbutler                                  James Carson
132  11/4/1897       27/8/1897        Vera Dorcas Evelyn            John                  LITTLE         Sophia                    not listed     Leitrim                                        James Carson
133  13/7/1897       2/9/1897         Josephane                     Isaac                 THOMPSON       Sarah Anne                not listed     not listed                                     James Carson
134  28/12/1896      28/9/1897        David Alexander               John                  WEST           Essie                     not listed     Corslea? (Corlea?)                             James Carson
135  24/5/1897       29/9/1897        Joseph                        James                 PRITCHARD      Alice                     not listed     Cloncallick                                    James Carson
136  1/10/1897       1/11/1897        Robert Irvine                 John Robert           GRAY           Catherine Anne            not listed     Derryelvin                                     James Carson
137  2/9/1897        16/11/1897       Sarah Jane                    Edward                GARDINER       Elizabeth                 GARDINER       not listed                                     James P. Carter
138  1/12/1897       16/1/1898        William Madden                William               ANDERSON       Georgina                  not listed     not listed                                     James Carson
139  16/7/1897       16/2/1898        Francis (*) (Frances?) Edith  William Henry         PATTERSON      Lizzie                    not listed     not listed                                     James P. Carter
140  19/7/1898       13/9/1898        John Frank Bennet             James                 WADSWORTH      Annie                     not listed     not listed                                     James Carson
141  24/7/1898       16/12/1898       John Wesley                   John                  LITTLE         Sophia                    not listed     Leitrim                                        James Carson
142  20/9/1898       3/2/1899         Alice                         Thomas John           ARMSTRONG      Jane Alice                not listed     not listed                                     James Carson
143  14/1/1899       14/3/1899        James William                 Thomas James          BEAVIS         Elizabeth Anne            not listed     not listed                                     James Carson
144  30/1/1899       22/5/1899        Robert                        George                JOHNSTON       Mary Jane                 not listed     Killynamph                                     Charles Wilson
145  12/12/1898      6/6/1899         Samuel                        John                  WEST           Essie                     not listed     Corslea? (Corlea?)                             James Carson
146  30/7/1899       3/10/1899        Robert Moore                  Thomas                MURRAY         Jane                      not listed     Lisnaskea                                      John Coulter
147  26/6/1899       12/11/1899       Bertha Louisa                 John                  BRYSON         Mary Jane                 not listed     Lisnaskea                                      John Coulter
148  12/10/1899      4/12/1900        Robert                        Isaac                 THOMPSON       Sarah Anne                not listed     Cornabrass                                     John Coulter
149  15/5/1900       5/6/1900         Herbert                       Thomas J.             BEAVIS         Elizabeth A.              not listed     not listed                                     John Coulter
150  20/9/1885 (*)   14/6/1900        Anna Georgina                 William               WALLACE        Lizzie                    not listed     Leitrim                                        John Coulter
151  16/9/1886       14/6/1900        Frederick Walter              William               WALLACE        Lizzie                    not listed     Leitrim                                        John Coulter
152  14/7/1900       20/9/1900        Robert Dawson                 Ralph                 BRADSHAW       Mary                      not listed     Lisnaskea                                      P.Wesley Oliver?
153  27/3/1900       25/10/1900       Henrietta                     William Henry         PATTERSON      Lizzie                    not listed     Castle Balfour                                 John Coulter
154  10/10/1900      12/12/1900       Bertha Wilson                 Thomas                BERESFORD      Kate A.                   not listed     Lisnaskea                                      P.Wesley Oliver?
155  12/11/1900      3/2/1901         Charlotte Ann Jane            George                JOHNSTON       Mary Jane                 not listed     Killynamph                                     John Coulter
156  27/5/1901       19/6/1901        John Edward Thomas            George                ACHESON        Eliza Anne                not listed     Lisnaskea                                      P.Wesley Oliver?
157  1/4/1901        7/8/1901         John                          John James            FAWCETT        Mary Anne                 not listed     Kilnacran                                      John Coulter
158  16/3/1901       9/8/1901         Robert Arthur Stewart         John                  COULTER        Annie                     not listed     Methodist Manse, Newtownbutler                 Robert Orr
159  12/12/1900      24/9/1901        George Albert                 John                  WEST           Essie                     not listed     Corslea? (Corlea?)                             John Coulter
160  22/3/1902       11/5/1902        James William                 Rowan                 BOWES          Annie                     not listed     Croghan (Croaghan?), Lisnaskea                 G. Walter Bradley
161  2/1/1902        25/5/1902        William Theodore Hammond      James                 WADSWORTH      Anna                      not listed     Drumralla                                      John Coulter
162  23/3/1902       28/5/1902        George Thomas                 Thomas                BEAVIS         Eliza                     not listed     Clonshanagh (Clonshannagh?)                    John Coulter
163  27/2/1902       6/7/1902         John Robert Harold            Joseph                RODEN          Emily                     not listed     Leitrim                                        John Coulter
164  1/5/1902        13/1/1903        Eva May                       Albert E.             GLANVILLE      Alice B.                  not listed     not listed                                     Frederick E. Harte
165  3/2/1903        21/2/1903        Ernest William                William               SURPLIS        Maria                     not listed     Lisnaskea                                      Robert Rainey
166  27/1/1903       14/3/1903        Adelaide Elizabeth            Mark                  DAWSON         Anne Jane                 not listed     Mullabreedin (Mullaghbreedin?)                 Albert E. Glanville
167  22/5/1903       10/6/1903        Amelia Isabella               George                JOHNSTON       Mary Jane                 not listed     Killynalph? (Killynamph?), Lisnaskea           Robert Rainey
168  3/7/1903        1/9/1903         Albert William                Albert E.             GLANVILLE      Alice B.                  not listed     Newtownbutler                                  Robert Orr
169  24/5/1903       22/9/1903        John James                    John                  WEST           Ester                     not listed     Corslea? (Corlea?)                             Albert E. Glanville
170  10/9/1903       8/10/1903        Mary Jane                     William J.            ARMSTRONG      Essie                     not listed     Newtownbutler                                  Albert E. Glanville
171  5/8/1903        1/12/1903        Samuel                        Thomas John           HUTCHINSON     Elizabeth J.              not listed     Clonhumphry? (Clonumphry?)                     John Magill
172  19/9/1903       16/2/1904        William Edmund                Joseph                RODEN          Emily                     not listed     Leitrim, Newtownbutler                         Albert E. Glanville
173  11/1/1904       31/3/1904        William Edward                John                  BRYSON         Jeannie                   not listed     Lisnaskea                                      Robert Rainey
174  8/5/1904        26/7/1904        Mary Jane Gertrude?           Thomas                BEAVIS         Elizabeth Anne            not listed     Clonshanagh (Clonshannagh?)                    Albert E. Glanville
175  20/5/1904       30/7/1904        John James                    Mark                  DAWSON         Anne Jane                 not listed     Mullabreedin (Mullaghbreedin?)                 Albert E. Glanville
176  23/9/1904       24/11/1904       Stephen                       William J.            ARMSTRONG      Essie                     not listed     Newtownbutler                                  Albert E. Glanville
177  14/10/1904      11/1/1905        Eliza Jane                    John James            GILLESPIE      Lizzie                    not listed     Hermitage, Fastry, Redhills                    Albert E. Glanville
178  11/9/1904       16/1/1905        Alfred                        George                JOHNSTON       Mary Jane                 not listed     Killynalph? (Killynamph?), Lisnaskea           Robert Rainey
179  26/1/1905       5/5/1905         Herbert David                 William               SURPLIS        Maria                     not listed     Lisnaskea                                      Robert Rainey
180  9/3/1905        18/6/1905        Thomas John                   Thomas John           HUTCHINSON     Elizabeth J.              not listed     Clonhumphry? (Clonumphry?)                     Albert E. Glanville
181  19/7/1905       13/10/1905       Mary Margaret Ethel           Joseph                RODEN          Emily Martha              not listed     Leitrim                                        Robert Maxwell
182  28/7/1905       7/12/1905        Harriet Amelia Jane           John                  LITTLE         Sophia                    not listed     Leitrim                                        Robert Maxwell
183  5/11/1905       16/12/1905       Sarah Louisa                  Mark                  DAWSON         Anna                      not listed     Mullaghbreedin                                 Robert Maxwell
184  14/1/1906       10/5/1906        Walter John                   John James            GILLESPIE      Eliza C.                  not listed     Hermitage, Redhills                            Robert Maxwell
185  8/4/1906        8/5/1906         William Gregg                 Robert John           PARKER         Fanny                     not listed     Fairview, Lisnaskea                            Bertram C. Moran
186  10/12/1905      1/6/1906         Kathleen Maud                 George                JOHNSTON       Mary Jane                 not listed     Killynamph, Lisnaskea                          Robert Maxwell
187  24/2/1906       1/6/1906         Doris Crawford                Robert                MAXWELL        Grace Evangeline          not listed     Newtownbutler                                  Caleb S. Laird
188  22/5/1906       9/8/1906         Kathleen May Randall          Joseph                COULTER        Florence                  not listed     Lisnaskea                                      Robert Maxwell
189  22/5/1906       7/9/1906         Kathleen Mary Evelyn          John                  ABRAHAM        Mary Jane                 not listed     Ardmoney, Brookborough                         Robert Maxwell
190  28/6/1906       7/9/1906         Leslie Raymond                John                  MORRISON       Margaret                  not listed     Lisnaskea                                      Robert Maxwell
191  19/3/1907       13/5/1907        Essie Elizabeth               William John          ARMSTRONG      Essie                     not listed     Newtownbutler                                  Robert Maxwell
192  17/3/1907       6/6/1907         Kathleen Anna Patricia        James Irvine          ARMSTRONG      Elizabeth Jane            not listed     Lisnaskea                                      Robert Maxwell
193  30/3/1907       13/6/1907        Alexander Wesley              Mark                  DAWSON         Anna                      not listed     Mullaghbredin (Mullaghbreedin?)                Robert Maxwell
194  24/6/1907       22/7/1907        John Mills                    Samuel Marshal        PARKHILL       Margaret Elizabeth Maud   not listed     Clonkee, Newtownbutler                         Robert Maxwell
195  29/3/1907       31/7/1907        Kezia?                        Thomas John           HUTCHINSON     Elizabeth Jane            not listed     Clonhumphry? (Clonumphry?)                     Robert Maxwell
196  5/6/1907        3/10/1907        Kathleen Maud                 John James            GILLESPIE      Elizabeth C.              not listed     Hermitage, Redhills                            Robert Maxwell
197  21/9/1907       10/1/1908        Noble                         George                JOHNSTON       Mary Jane                 not listed     Killynamph, Lisnaskea                          Robert Maxwell
198  4/11/1907       2/2/1908         Cecil                         John                  MORRISON       Margaret                  not listed     Lisnaskea                                      Robert Maxwell	            3.
199  11/3/1908       15/5/1908        Anna Georgina                 Robert John           PARKER         Frances                   not listed     Fairview, Lisnaskea                            John Woodrow
200  29/1/1908       not listed       Annie                         Joseph                WOODS          Lizzie                    not listed     Tullynevin (Tullyneevin?)                      John Woodrow
201  20/1/1908       12/8/1908        Violet Mildred Cross          Joseph                RODEN          Emily Martha              not listed     Leitrim, Newtownbutler                         James Carson
202  19/9/1908       28/10/1908       Charles Wesley                George                JOHNSTON       Mary Jane                 not listed     Killynamph, Lisnaskea                          Samuel George McIntyre
203  10/9/1908       30/10/1908       James Samuel                  Samuel Marshal        PARKHILL       Margaret Elizabeth        not listed     Clonkee, Newtownbutler                         Samuel George McIntyre
204  24/7/1908       16/11/1908       Alan Harold                   Thomas James          BEAVIS         Elizabeth Anne            not listed     Clonshanagh (Clonshannagh?), Drummully         Samuel George McIntyre
205  1/9/1908        19/11/1908       William Alexander             Thomas                GRAYDON        Elzabeth                  not listed     Pipers Hill                                    Samuel George McIntyre
206  25/1/1909       21/4/1909        Marshall Henry                John James            GILLESPIE      Lizzie                    not listed     Hermitage, Redhills                            Samuel George McIntyre
207  17/2/1909       23/5/1909        John Campbell                 James J.              ARMSTRONG      Elizabeth                 not listed     Lisnaskea                                      Samuel George McIntyre
208  17/3/1909       4/6/1909         Charlotte Elizabeth Randall   Joseph                COULTER        Florence May              not listed     Lisnaskea                                      Samuel George McIntyre
209  3/3/1909        14/6/1909        William Robert                George Robinson       SHERRY         Clara Isabel              not listed     Ports, Newtownbutler                           G.A. Joyut?
210  31/3/1909       3/7/1909         Mabel Margaret                Mark                  DAWSON         Anna                      not listed     Mullabreden (Mullaghbreedin?), Newtownbutler   Samuel George McIntyre
211  7/7/1907 (*)    6/8/1909         Aileen                        Joseph                WOODS          Elizabeth                 not listed     Tullyneevin, Lisnaskea                         John McCaffrey
212  7/3/1910        ?/5/1910         Geraldine Jane                Samuel                PARKHILL       Maud                      not listed     Clonkee, Newtownbutler                         Samuel George McIntyre
213  20/9/1909       20/5/1910        Emily Adelaide                Joseph                RODEN          Emily Martha              not listed     Leitrim                                        Samuel George McIntyre
214  31/3/1910       1/7/1910         Robert Albert                 Thomas John           HUTCHINSON     Elizabeth J.              not listed     Clonhumphry? (Clonumphry?)                     Samuel George McIntyre
215  9/4/1910        14/8/1910        Laura Agnes Elizabeth         James Irwin           ARMSTRONG      Elizabeth Jane            not listed     Lisnaskea                                      Samuel George McIntyre
216  12/4/1910       24/8/1910        Robert James                  John James            GILLESPIE      Lizzie                    not listed     Hermitage                                      Samuel George McIntyre
217  12/4/1910       3/10/1910        Mary Dorothy                  Samuel George         MCINTYRE       Frances                   not listed     The Manse, Newtownbutler                       James Ritchie
218  14/11/1910      17/2/1911        Victor Robert                 Thomas James          BEAVIS         Elizabeth Anne            not listed     Clonshanagh (Clonshannagh?)                    Samuel George McIntyre
219  27/2/1911       23/4/1911        Frederick Albert              Joseph                RODEN          Emily Martha              not listed     Leitrim                                        Samuel George McIntyre
220  11/12/1910      27/4/1911        Mary Adelaide                 Humphry               LANG           Mina                      not listed     Milltown                                       Samuel George McIntyre
221  29/3/1911       25/5/1911        Anna Elizabeth                Thomas                GRAYDON        Elizabeth                 not listed     Pipers Hill                                    Samuel George McIntyre
222  23/4/1911       22/7/1911        William David                 Mark                  DAWSON         Anna                      not listed     Mullabrden (Mullaghbreedin?), Newtownbutler    John McCaffrey
223  29/5/1911       not listed       Sarah Jane                    George R.             SHERRY         Clara J.                  not listed     Ports, Newtownbutler                           John McCaffrey
224  30/9/1909       not listed       Violet Mary Foster            William               SURPLIS        Maria                     not listed     Lisnaskea                                      John McCaffrey
225  2/8/1911        22/3/1912        Alfred Carrothers             Samuel                PARKHILL       Maud                      not listed     Clonkee, Newtownbutler                         Samuel George McIntyre
226  17/2/1912       ?/4/1912         Thomas Allen                  Thomas                MAGUIRE        Eliza J.                  not listed     Aughnahinch (Aghnahinch?)                      Samuel George McIntyre
227  15/3/1912       3/6/1912         Kathleen Elizabeth            William               CAMPBELL       Charlotte                 not listed     Derryhullah (Derryhullagh?)                    John McCaffrey
228  24/4/1912       4/6/1912         Gertrude Elizabeth            Joseph                WOODS          Elizabeth                 not listed     Tullynevin (Tullyneevin?)                      John McCaffrey
229  4/4/1912        16/6/1912        Samuel Francis                George                JOHNSTON       Mary J.                   not listed     Killynamph                                     Samuel George McIntyre
230  3/6/1912        2/9/1912         George                        George                SHERRY         Clara                     not listed     Ports, Newtownbutler                           Samuel George McIntyre
231  8/8/1912        ?/2/1913         Joseph Reginald Cross         Joseph                RODEN          Emily                     not listed     Leitrim                                        Samuel George McIntyre
232  6/10/1912       6/3/1913         Ada Muriel Foy? Gwendoline    William               ALLEN          Annie                     not listed     Lisnaskea                                      Samuel George McIntyre        4.
233  1/2/1913        10/4/1913        David Francis                 Thomas                GRAYDON        Elizabeth                 not listed     Pipers Hill                                    Samuel George McIntyre
234  10/9/1912       23/5/1913        Jane Elizabeth                Thomas                BROOKES        Isabella                  not listed     Parsons Green, Newtownbutler                   Samuel George McIntyre
235  10/1/1913       ?/5/1913         Letitia Gertrude              John James            GILLESPIE      Lizzie                    not listed     Hermitage                                      Samuel George McIntyre
236  27/10/1910      not listed       Joseph Alexander              Joseph                WOODS          Elizabeth                 not listed     Tullynevin (Tullyneevin?)                      John McCaffrey
237  28/3/1913       3/6/1913         Ethel                         Alexander             TAYLOR         Sara                      not listed     Landbrock                                      Samuel George McIntyre
238  8/6/1913        10/6/1913        William John                  Thomas                MAGUIRE        Lizzie                    not listed     Aughnahinch (Aghnahinch?)                      Samuel George McIntyre
239  21/3/1913       13/6/1913        Eileen Gertrude               Humphrey              LANG           Mary Jane                 not listed     Milltown                                       Samuel George McIntyre
240  13/7/1912       15/6/1913        Roberta Jackson               James                 ARMSTRONG      Elizabeth                 not listed     Lisnaskea                                      Samuel George McIntyre
241  27/5/1913       9/10/1913        Thomas Lipton                 Robert                DOGHERTY       Elizabeth                 not listed     Newtownbutler                                  James Gibson
242  27/11/1913      21/1/1914        Hazel Grace                   Thomas William        GOULDING       Sarah                     not listed     Annaghmullin                                   James Gibson
243  4/3/1914        4/3/1914         Abraham Ralph                 Ralph                 PLUNKETT       Mary                      not listed     Newtownbutler                                  James Gibson
244  4/3/1914        4/3/1914         Margaret Elizabeth            Ralph                 PLUNKETT       Mary                      not listed     Newtownbutler                                  James Gibson
245  24/1/1914       27/3/1914        Isabella Sophia Gertrude      Joseph                RODEN          Emily                     not listed     Leitrim                                        James Gibson
246  8/4/1914        29/5/1914        Anna Laetitia?                John                  BELL           Minnie                    not listed     Newtownbutler                                  James Gibson
247  29/5/1914       5/9/1914         Lilly                         George                SHERRY         Clara                     not listed     Ports, Newtownbutler                           Arthur Johnston
248  20/1/1915       22/3/1915        William Robert                Humphrey              LANG           Mary Jane                 not listed     Milltown                                       James Gibson
249  20/3/1915       17/5/1915        Marshall West                 Samuel                PARKHILL       Maud                      not listed     Clonkee, Newtownbutler                         James Gibson
250  6/4/1915        11/6/1915        James Herbert                 Joseph                RODEN          Emily                     not listed     Leitrim                                        James Gibson
251  6/6/1915        27/7/1915        Alice Ida                     Thomas William        GOULDING       Sarah                     not listed     Annaghmullin                                   James Gibson
252  5/5/1915        30/7/1915        Verah Constance               John James            GILLESPIE      Lizzie                    not listed     Hermitage                                      James Gibson
253  11/7/1915       23/8/1915        Anna Dorothy                  Mark                  DAWSON         Anna                      not listed     Mullabreden (Mullaghbreedin?), Newtownbutler   James Gibson
254  22/7/1915       5/11/1915        James Francis                 George                SHERRY         Clara                     not listed     Ports, Lisnaskea                               R.M.L. Waugh
255  27/10/1915      1/1/1916         James Everia? Saunders        John                  BELL           Minnie                    not listed     Newtownbutler                                  James Gibson
256  11/1/1916       6/2/1916         William Henry                 George                JOHNSTON       Mary Jane                 not listed     Killynamph                                     R.M.L. Waugh
257  25/1/1916       11/4/1916        Gwendoline Yvonne             Thomas John           MURPHY         Wilhelmina                not listed     Drumbrughas, Lisnaskea                         R.M.L. Waugh
258  28/10/1915      15/6/1916        John Wesley                   Thomas                GRAYDON        Elizabeth                 not listed     Pipers Hill                                    James Gibson
259  12/3/1916       10/10/1916       George                        Frank                 CAMPBELL       Kate                      not listed     Cornamoney                                     R.H. Lockhart
260  11/8/1916       11/11/1916       Gilbert Kitchener             Joseph                RODEN          Emily                     not listed     Leitrim, Newtownbutler                         John J. Hutchinson
261  25/11/1916      14/2/1917        Mary Evelyn                   Thomas                MAGUIRE        Lizzie                    not listed     Aughnahinch (Aghnahinch?)                      John J. Hutchinson
262  4/6/1916        26/2/1917        William Herbert               David                 RUTLEDGE       Martha Amelia             not listed     Ratoal                                         John J. Hutchinson
263  26/1/1917       21/4/1917        Hedley Washington             Alexander             PLUNKETT       Ethel Frances             not listed     Lisnaskea                                      D.C. Hutchinson
264  16/5/1917       19/7/1917        William Walker                Thomas John           MURPHY         Wilhelmina Maud           not listed     Drumbrughas                                    John J. Hutchinson
265  8/6/1917        7/8/1917         Ethel Mary                    John                  BELL           Minnie                    not listed     Newtownbutler                                  John J. Hutchinson
266  23/2/1918       24/3/1918        Doreen Alicia                 Robert James Wesley   HUTCHINSON     Nelly Dora                not listed     not listed                                     John J. Hutchinson
267  7/1/1918        15/4/1918        Margaret Eileen Maude         Samuel                PARKHILL       Maude                     not listed     Clonkee                                        John J. Hutchinson
268  13/10/1917 (*)  12/2/1919        George Fleming                David                 RUTLEDGE       Martha Amelia             not listed     Ratoal, Newtownbutler                          John J. Hutchinson
269  17/1/1919       12/2/1919        James Robert                  David                 RUTLEDGE       Martha Amelia             not listed     Ratoal, Newtownbutler                          John J. Hutchinson
270  28/11/1918      14/3/1919        Austin Cecil                  John James            GILLESPIE      Lizzie                    not listed     Hermitage, Redhills                            John J. Hutchinson
271  6/8/1918        19/3/1919        Mabel Jane                    Thomas                GRAYDON        Elizabeth                 not listed     Pipers Hill                                    John J. Hutchinson
272  13/4/1919       30/5/1919        Pamela Irene                  John                  BELL           Minnie                    not listed     Newtownbutler                                  John J. Hutchinson
273  5/4/1919        4/6/1919         Hiram                         Thomas John           HUTCHINSON     Elizabeth J.              not listed     Clonhumphry? (Clonumphry?)                     John J. Hutchinson
274  30/7/1918       15/6/1919        John Desmond                  Thomas John           MURPHY         Wilhelmina Maud           not listed     Drumbrughas                                    John J. Hutchinson
275  19/6/1919       5/11/1919        Sarah Frances                 Frank                 CAMPBELL       Kate                      not listed     Cornamoney                                     George Kell
276  1/11/1919       5/5/1920         Evelyn Beatrice Helena        Samuel Marshal        PARKHILL       Margaret E.               not listed     Cloverhill                                     William Wilson
277  30/1/1920       11/5/1920        Martha Emily                  Thomas                MAGUIRE        Eliza Jane                not listed     not listed                                     J. Saunderson
278  12/1/1920       23/6/1920        Matthew Allen                 John                  KENNY          Mary Jane                 not listed     not listed                                     George Kell
279  4/10/1920       27/10/1920       George Andrew                 Thomas Henry          FARLOW         Gertrude                  not listed     not listed                                     Joseph T. Burchill
280  7/9/1920        29/10/1920       Hester Stella                 Alexander             PLUNKETT       Edith Frances             not listed     not listed                                     Joseph T. Burchill
281  25/10/1920      13/1/1921        Russell Howard                Thomas John           MURPHY         Wilhelmina Maud           not listed     Drumbrughas                                    Joseph T. Burchill
282  18/10/1920      26/4/1921        Edith Wilhelmina              J.J.                  GILLESPIE      Lizzie                    not listed     Hermitage                                      Joseph T. Burchill
283  30/4/1921       3/7/1921         Phyllis Audery Maureen Adela  Ross                  MCANUFF?       Vera                      not listed     Lisnaskea                                      Joseph T. Burchill
284  11/11/1920      4/7/1921         Mary Elizabeth                Frank                 CAMPBELL       Kate                      not listed     Lisnaskea                                      Joseph T. Burchill
285  8/1/1921        15/8/1921        Wilfred Lynott Booth          John                  BELL           Minnie                    not listed     Newtownbutler                                  William M. Wilson
286  20/1/1922       22/2/1922        Irene Jane Florence           John James            JOHNSTON       Margaret                  not listed     Forfey                                         W.J. Mitchell	           5.
287  25/11/1921      13/4/1922        Alexandra Balnche Ethel       Alex                  PLUNKETT       E.F.                      not listed     Lisnaskea                                      J. Saunderson
288  1/12/1921       22/4/1922        Maud                          Marshall              PARKHILL       Maud                      not listed     Summerhill, Clones                             J. Bradley Templeton
289  17/2/1922       5/6/1922         John Thomas                   James                 PATTERSON      Mary Jane                 not listed     Tullynevin (Tullyneevin?)                      J. Saunderson
290  6/1/1922        15/8/1922        Francis Edward                Francis               CAMPBELL       Catherine                 not listed     not listed                                     W.J. Mitchell
291  22/2/1922       28/8/1922        Elizabeth                     John                  KENNY          Catherine                 not listed     Cushwash, Lisnaskea                            W.J. Mitchell
292  6/1/1922        30/8/1922        Francis Edward                Francis               CAMPBELL       Catherine                 not listed     not listed                                     W.J. Rooney
293  6/5/1921        24/9/1922        Thomas Gordon                 Thomas John           MURPHY         Maud                      not listed     Drumhose, Lisnaskea                            W.J. Mitchell
294  14/6/1922       24/9/1922        Margaret Blanche              Thomas John           MURPHY         Maud                      not listed     Drumhose, Lisnaskea                            W.J. Mitchell
295  9/10/1921 (*)   23/11/1922       Samuel                        Samuel                MOFFITT        Bridget                   not listed     not listed                                     W.J. Rooney
296  not listed      3/2/1923         Olive                         John                  BELL           Minnie                    not listed     Newtownbutler                                  W.J. Rooney
297  20/1/1923       22/2/1923        Irene Jane florence           John James            JOHNSTON       Margaret Jane             not listed     not listed                                     W.J. Rooney	             6.
298  27/2/1923       15/3/1923        James                         Fred                  HOLOHAN        Catherine                 not listed     Derryadd( Derryad?)                            W.J. Rooney
299  3/4/1923        15/5/1923        William Dilworth              Richard               STEWART        Eva                       not listed     Loughnavoy?                                    W.J. Mitchell
300  3/2/1922 (*)    10/6/1923        Fred Alexander                Robert James          JOHNSTON       Louise                    not listed     Gortbranin (Gortbarnnan?)                      W.J. Rooney
301  1/5/1923        3/7/1923         Wilhelmina Mary               not listed            NOT LISTED     Rebecca                   CLINGAN        Derrycannon (Derrycanon?), Lisnaskea           W.J. Mitchell
302  12/5/1923       18/7/1923        John Joseph Ennis             Samuel                PRESLEY        Anna Edith Jane           not listed     Annaghmullin                                   W.J. Rooney
303  19/8/1923       10/12/1923       Edward Joseph                 Edward                MORROW         Mary Jane                 not listed     Caragara? (Carrowgarragh?), Lisnaskea          W.J. Mitchell
304  1/2/1924        4/3/1924         Francis George                William Henry         LEE            Prudence                  not listed     not listed                                     W.J. Mitchell
305  28/1/1924       14/3/1924        Annie                         not listed            NOT LISTED     Ellen                     MORRISON       Lisnaskea                                      W.J. Mitchell
306  not listed      17/3/1924        Margaret Adeline              not listed            GREEMLEESE?    not listed                not listed     not listed                                     W.J. Rooney
307  11/12/1923      24/4/1924        William John                  John                  PATTERSON      Mary                      not listed     Lisnaskea                                      W.J. Mitchell
308  24/2/1924       29/5/1924        William Robert                John James            JOHNSTON       Margaret Jane             not listed     Forfey                                         W.J. Mitchell
309  20/3/1924       29/5/1924        Thomas Edward                 John                  KENNY          Mary Jane                 not listed     not listed                                     W.J. Mitchell
310  12/5/1924       6/6/1924         Letitia                       James                 PATTERSON      Mary Jane                 not listed     Tullynevin (Tullyneevin?)                      W.J. Mitchell
311  2/9/1924        22/9/1924        Dorothy                       not listed            NOT LISTED     Margaret                  SCOTT          Lisburn road, Belfast                          W.J. Rooney
312  21/1/1924       10/10/1924       James                         Frank                 CAMPBELL       Kate                      not listed     Killypaddy                                     Hubert Quinn
313  19/7/1924       23/11/1924       Margretta                     Hugh                  ALLEN          Sarah                     not listed     Shareholder, Lisnaskea                         William M. Wilson
314  16/10/1924      15/1/1925        Samuel Richard Basil          Samuel                PRESLEY        Anna Edith Jane           not listed     Annaghmullin                                   W.J. Rooney
315  6/11/1924       31/1/1925        Norman James                  John                  ADAMS          Harriet Louise            not listed     Derrycannon (Derrycanon?)                      Hubert Quinn
316  29/3/1925       24/6/1925        Rosalin? Patricia             John                  BELL           Minnie                    not listed     Newtownbutler                                  William M. Wilson
317  30/5/1925       14/7/1925        Florence Millicent            Thomas                GRAYDON        Elizabeth                 not listed     Pipers Hill                                    W.J. Rooney
318  15/6/1925       13/8/1925        Joseph                        not listed            NOT LISTED     Annie                     ARMSTRONG      Drumbroughas (Drumbrughas?)                    Hubert Quinn
319  10/8/1925       5/10/1925        Edith Beulah                  Alexander             PLUNKETT       Edith Frances             not listed     Main Street, Lisnaskea                         Hubert Quinn
320  11/8/1925       14/10/1925       Anna Gwendoline (illegible)   Edward                MORROW         Mary Jane                 not listed     Caragara? (Carrowgarragh?), Lisnaskea          Hubert Quinn
321  26/4/1925       23/12/1925       Herbert Joseph                James                 EBBITT         Maggie                    not listed     Fawney, Lisnaskea                              Hubert Quinn
322  19/8/1925       13/1/1926        Anna Elizabeth                John Thomas           PATTERSON      Minnie                    not listed     Keenaghy, Lisnaskea                            Hubert Quinn
323  1/1/1926        11/3/1926        Thomas Francis                Thomas                BROWN          Elizabeth Jane            not listed     Cleenagh, Redhills                             W.J. Young
324  2/3/1926        11/8/1926        Mary Rebecca                  Robert James          JOHNSTON       Louise J.                 not listed     Drumralla, Newtownbutler                       W.J. Young
325  3/4/1927        27/7/1927        Mary Jane                     Thomas                BROWN          Elizabeth                 not listed     Cleenagh, Redhills                             James Johnston
326  4/5/1928        22/7/1928        Frederick Henry               Thomas Henry          AGNEW          Henrietta                 not listed     Laurel Hill, Redhills                          William M. Wilson
327  24/3/1928       9/8/1928         Evelyn Angelina               Richard               GRAY           Mary Jane                 not listed     Main Street, Lisnaskea                         James B. Barton
328  16/6/1928       11/8/1928        Bridget                       Francis               MCMANUS        Hattie                    not listed     Church Street, Lisnaskea                       James B. Barton
329  2/8/1928        23/8/1928        William Samuel                Thomas                BROWN          Elizabeth                 not listed     Cleenagh, Redhills                             James Johnston
330  10/8/1928       29/8/1928        Noble Wellington              Victor                HUTCHINSON     Elizabeth                 not listed     Magheraveely                                   William M. Wilson
331  27/5/1928       12/10/1928       Wesley James Dawson           John                  CALDWELL       Sarah Louisa              not listed     Killynamph, Lisnaskea                          James B. Barton
332  28/11/1928      21/11/1928       Evelyn Margaret               Robert James          JOHNSTON       Louisa Jane               not listed     Drumralla, Newtownbutler                       James Johnston
333  3/4/1928        4/1/1929         John Robert                   Edward                MORROW         Mary Jane                 not listed     Carrowgara? (Carrowgarragh?), Lisnaskea        James B. Barton
334  23/1/1929       31/5/1929        Robert                        John                  PATTERSON      Minnnie                   not listed     Keenaghy, Lisnaskea                            James B. Barton
335  19/2/1929       10/6/1929        Mary Thelma                   John James            BRAYNS         Mary                      not listed     Crockaness, Lisnaskea                          James B. Barton
336  26/3/1929       10/6/1929        Elsie Jane                    John William          FAWCETT        Annie Elizabeth           not listed     Beltragh, Lisnaskea                            James B. Barton
337  6/4/1929        10/6/1929        Wesley Joseph                 John                  KENNY          Mary Jane                 not listed     Whitepark, Lisnaskea                           James B. Barton
338  23/5/1929       10/6/1929        Ethel Sarah                   John William          GREENLEESE     Ethel Adeline             not listed     Lisnaskea                                      James B. Barton
339  4/5/1929        18/8/1929        Daphne Jean Vivian            Thomas                TRACEY         Eleanor                   not listed     Station house, Newtownbutler                   James Johnston
340  21/4/1924 (*)   21/8/1929        Irene Anna                    Thomas John           MURPHY         Maud                      not listed     Drumbrughas                                    James Johnston
341  23/1/1926 (*)   21/8/1929        Doreen Elizabeth Maud         Thomas John           MURPHY         Maud                      not listed     Drumbrughas                                    James Johnston
342  23/2/1927 (*)   21/8/1929        Derick Stanley                Thomas John           MURPHY         Maud                      not listed     Drumbrughas                                    James Johnston
343  2/9/1928        21/8/1929        Austin Ernest                 Thomas John           MURPHY         Maud                      not listed     Drumbrughas                                    James Johnston
344  13/2/1929       9/9/1929         Albert Victor Leslie          Albert Victor         HODGETT        Lilian                    not listed     Lisnaskea                                      Samuel J. Crawford
345  6/6/1929        10/10/1929       Georgina                      James                 PATTERSON      Mary Jane                 not listed     Tullynevin (Tullyneevin?)                      Samuel J. Crawford
346  5/10/1929       20/10/1929       Francis Joseph                Francis               MCMANUS        Hatty                     not listed     Pound Lane, Lisnaskea                          Samuel J. Crawford
347  14/11/1929      17/11/1929       William Godfrey               Arthur James          BRYSON         Minnie Alberta            not listed     Lisnaskea                                      James Johnston
348  14/11/1929      17/11/1929       Harold James                  Arthur James          BRYSON         Minnie Alberta            not listed     Lisnaskea                                      James Johnston
349  31/7/1929       13/12/1929       Mary Elizabeth                John James            JOHNSTON       Margaret Jane             not listed     Forfey, Lisnaskea                              Samuel J. Crawford
350  18/11/1929      17/12/1929       John Welsley                  Thomas                BROWN          Elizabeth J.              not listed     Cleenagh, Redhills                             James Johnston
351  30/3/1930       7/6/1930         Joan Isobel CalvinRichard     Richard               CHERRY         Esther Evangeline Tate    not listed     Forfey House, Lisnaskea                        Samuel J. Crawford
352  28/2/1930       12/6/1930        Mina                          William               GLENN          Maud                      not listed     Faraculky? (Farranacurky?), Lisnaskea          Samuel J. Crawford
353  21/5/1923 (*)   17/7/1930        Annie Vera                    Ross                  MCANUFF        Vera                      not listed     Kings Mill Avenue, Guelph, Canada              Samuel J. Crawford
354  8/5/1925 (*)    17/7/1930        William Albert                Ross                  MCANUFF        Vera                      not listed     Kings Mill Avenue, Guelph, Canada              Samuel J. Crawford
355  3/8/1929 (*)    31/8/1930        Hugh Montgomery               Hugh Montgomery       ALLEN          Sarah                     not listed     Fawney, Lisnaskea                              Frederick McIvor
356  21/2/1931       22/3/1931        Edwin Arnold                  Frederick             MCIVOR         Frances Elizabeth         not listed     Methodist Manse, Newtownbutler                 J.P. Carter
357  21/1/1924 (*)   20/5/1931        Kenneth Leslie                Samuel                BOYD           Susan                     not listed     Lisnaskea                                      Richard S. Morris
358  24/10/1930      20/5/1931        Olive Gwendoline              Samuel                BOYD           Susan                     not listed     Lisnaskea                                      Richard S. Morris
359  24/10/1930      20/5/1931        Samuel Ronald                 Samuel                BOYD           Susan                     not listed     Lisnaskea                                      Richard S. Morris
360  9/4/1931        10/9/1931        Margaret Iris                 William               GLENN          Maud                      not listed     Farnacorky (Farranacurky?)                     Harry Belshaw
361  31/7/1931       17/9/1931        David Alexander               Thomas                BROWN          Elizabeth Jane            not listed     Cleenagh, Newtownbutler                        Frederick McIvor
362  7/5/1931        11/11/1931       Mary Jane                     James                 PATTERSON      Mary Jane                 not listed     Tullynevin (Tullyneevin?)                      Harry Belshaw
363  19/11/1931      31/12/1931       Cecil John                    John                  CALDWELL       Sarah Louisa              not listed     Killynamph, Lisnaskea                          Frederick McIvor
364  1/1/1932        21/4/1932        Celia Jane                    Hugh                  ALLEN          Sarah                     not listed     Fawney, Lisnaskea                              Harry Belshaw
365  1/5/1932        27/5/1932        James                         Francis               MCMANUS        Hattie                    not listed     Curraghrowe (Corrachrow?), Lisnaskea           Harry Belshaw
366  13/11/1931      27/6/1932        Edith Muriel                  John William          FAWCETT        Annie Elizabeth           not listed     Beltragh (Baltreagh?)                          Harry Belshaw
367  11/6/1932       7/8/1932         Dorothy                       John                  KENNY          Mary Jane                 not listed     Lisnaskea                                      J.J. Harrison
368  13/5/1932       6/9/1932         Freda May                     Richard               GRAY           Mary Jane                 not listed     Lisnaskea                                      Frederick McIvor
369  24/5/1932       8/9/1932         Albert Alexander              William John          HETHERINGTON   Margaret Evelyn           not listed     Kilgarret (Kilgarrett?), Newtownbutler         Frederick McIvor
370  8/6/1932        not listed       Mervin Stanley                not listed            NOT LISTED     Maggie                    MCKEANEY       Pound Lane, Lisnaskea                          J.J. Harrison
371  16/10/1932      18/10/1932       Kathleen Elizabeth            Albert                RYAN           Elizabeth                 not listed     Church Street, Lisnaskea                       J.J. Harrison
372  7/9/1929 (*)    9/2/1933         Myrtle Elizabeth              Robert James          JOHNSTON       Louisa Jane               not listed     Drumralla, Newtownbutler                       Frederick McIvor
373  9/8/1932        9/2/1933         William John                  Robert James          JOHNSTON       Louisa Jane               not listed     Drumralla, Newtownbutler                       Frederick McIvor
374  21/9/1932       5/7/1933         Francis John                  Francis John          WEST           Florence Matilda          not listed     Mullyduff, Newtownbutler                       Frederick McIvor
375  2/5/1933        17/9/1933        William Hamilton              John                  CALDWELL       Sarah Louisa              not listed     Killynamph, Lisnaskea                          W. Moore Graham
376  5/9/1933        5/10/1933        Vivian Olive                  Hugh M.               ALLEN          Sarah                     not listed     Fawney, Lisnaskea                              W. Moore Graham
377  14/9/1933       14/5/1934        John Robert                   William               FAWCETT        Annie Elizabeth           not listed     Baltreagh, Lisnaskea                           Frederick McIvor
378  22/12/1933      18/7/1934        William Wesley                William               GLENN          Maud                      not listed     Farnicurkey (Farranacurky?), Lisnaskea         Thomas Kennedy
379  16/9/1934       18/11/1934       Maureen Elizabeth             Samuel                HUTCHINSON     Mary Frances              not listed     Newtownbutler                                  William Bryans
380  12/3/1935       28/8/1935        William Alexander             Francis John          MATILDA        Matilda                   not listed     Mullyduff, Newtownbutler                       William Bryans
381  17/7/1935       14/9/1935        not listed                    Francis               MCMANUS        Harriett                  not listed     Caraghcrow (Corrachrow?)                       Thomas Kennedy
382  28/7/1935       14/9/1935        Charles Edward                George                LAW            Mary Anne                 not listed     Killypaddy                                     Thomas Kennedy
383  8/1/1936        27/2/1936        Edith Doreen                  John James            JOHNSTON       Margaret Jane             not listed     not listed                                     Thomas Kennedy
384  31/1/1936       27/5/1936        William Ronald Mark           William               FARRELL        Adelaide Elizabeth        not listed     not listed                                     Thomas Kennedy
385  not listed      22/4/1937        Olga Florence                 Robert                WOODHOUSE      Mary Louisa               not listed     not listed                                     G. Wesley Doonan
386  24/1/1937       17/5/1937        Richard Cecil Graham          Albert Victor         HODGETT        Elizabeth (Lily)          not listed     not listed                                     G. Wesley Doonan
387  29/5/1937       22/8/1937        Thomas Albert                 Samuel                HUTCHINSON     Mary Frances              not listed     not listed                                     William Bryans
388  11/4/1937       16/11/1937       George Albert                 Francis John          WEST           Matilda                   not listed     Mullyduff                                      William Bryans
389  8/1/1935 (*)    8/7/1938         Ernest Boyd                   John William          FAUCETT        Annie                     not listed     not listed                                     Thomas J. Kyle
390  26/8/1938       18/10/1938       Violet Elizabeth              John                  WELSH          Mary Elizabeth            not listed     illegible                                      William Bryans
391  9/8/1938        23/10/1938       Richard? George Neville       Thomas                LATTIMER?      Kathleen G.               not listed     not listed                                     William Bryans
392  13/10/1938      25/10/1938       John                          Francis               MCMANUS        Harriet                   not listed     not listed                                     Thomas J. Kyle
393  20/9/1939       17/10/1939       William John                  William Archibald     WALMSLEY       Emily Maud                not listed     not listed                                     Thomas J. Kyle
394  1/8/1939        24/12/1939       Albert                        John William          FAWCETT        Annie                     not listed     Baltreagh, Lisnaskea                           Thomas J. Kyle
395  7/9/1939        31/1/1940        Percival James                William               FARRELL        Adelaide Elizabeth        not listed     Newtownbutler                                  Thomas J. Kyle
396  29/1/1940       22/3/1940        Margaret Olivia               William               JOHNSTON       Eileen                    not listed     Lisnaskea division                             Thomas J. Kyle
397  3/1/1940        29/8/1940        William James Alexander       William James         ARMSTRONG      Ethel Doreen              not listed     Lisnaskea division                             R.J. Storey
398  9/7/1940        29/9/1940        Joyce Adelaide                Richard M.            EBBITT         Margaret E.               not listed     not listed                                     John Montgomery
399  3/10/1940       27/11/1940       Isabella Margaret Edna        John T.               MC-ARNAN?      Mary J.                   not listed     Lisnaskea                                      R.J. Storey
400  30/11/1940      9/3/1941         Margaret Eleanor Ruth         Frederick Vernon      ARMSTRONG      Anna E.                   not listed     Newtownbutler                                  John Montgomery
401  31/3/1941       23/6/1941        Joice Georgina Margaret       Thomas                LATIMER        Kathleen                  not listed     Lisnaskea                                      Robert Storey
402  26/4/1941       25/6/1941        William Earnest               Gerald Earnest        RICHEY?        Elizabeth                 not listed     Lisnaskea                                      Robert Storey
403  12/5/1941       26/6/1941        William John                  William               JOHNSTON       Eileen                    not listed     Lisnaskea                                      Robert Storey
404  16/5/1941       29/6/1941        William Winston               Samuel                HUTCHINSON     Mary Frances              not listed     not listed                                     John Montgomery
405  22/10/1941      20/2/1942        Melvin Leslie                 not listed            NOT LISTED     Kathleen                  REA            Lisnaskea                                      Robert J. Storey
406  27/11/1941      27/3/1942        Thomas Daniel                 John                  WELSH          Mary E.                   not listed     Colman (Coleman?)                              John Montgomery
407  5/8/1942        4/10/1942        Irene Heather                 James E.              DOUGAN         Pamela                    not listed     Dublin                                         A. Benjamin Allen
408  15/9/1942       12/11/1942       Thomas Ronald                 Thomas A.             GRAHAM         Catherine R.              not listed     Derryhurdin, Lisnaskea                         Hedley W. Plunkett

1. Child listed as  "Died May 1884"
2. Baptismal date listed as 28/12/1883 but I think it should be 1882
3. Date of birth recorded as 4/11/1908, I think it should be 1907 as I have listed
4. Date of birth recorded as 6/3/1912, I think it should be 1913 as I have listed
5. Record listed in 1922 & 1923
6. Record listed in 1922 & 1923

SURNAME             CHILD'S NAME                    ROW
ABRAHAM             Kathleen Mary Evelyn      	    189
ACHESON             John Edward Thomas        	    156
ADAMS               Norman James              	    315
AGNEW               Frederick Henry           	    326
ALLEN               Ada Muriel Foy??? Gwendoline    232
ALLEN               Alexander                 	    37
ALLEN               Celia Jane                	    364
ALLEN               Hugh Montgomery           	    355
ALLEN               Jane Elizabeth            	    38
ALLEN               Margretta                 	    313
ALLEN               Vivian Olive              	    376
ANDERSON            William Madden                  138
ARMSTRONG           Alice                     	    142
ARMSTRONG           Annie Elizabeth           	    109
ARMSTRONG           Edward Thomas             	    95
ARMSTRONG           Essie Elizabeth           	    191
ARMSTRONG           John Campbell             	    207
ARMSTRONG           Kathleen                  	    123
ARMSTRONG           Kathleen Anna Patricia    	    192
ARMSTRONG           Laura Agnes Elizabeth     	    215
ARMSTRONG           Lucinda                   	    76
ARMSTRONG           Margaret Eleanor Ruth           400
ARMSTRONG           Mary Jane                 	    170
ARMSTRONG           Roberta Jackson           	    240
ARMSTRONG           Sarah Jane                	    85
ARMSTRONG           Stephen                   	    176
ARMSTRONG           William James Alexander   	    397
ARNOLD              Alfred Percy              	    103
ARNOLD              Henrietta Grace           	    111
ARNOLD              Richard George            	    91
BEATTY              Clement Read              	    32
BEATTY              William Stewart           	    21
BEAVIS              Alan Harold               	    204
BEAVIS              George Thomas             	    162
BEAVIS              Herbert                   	    149
BEAVIS              James William             	    143
BEAVIS              Mary Jane Gertrude??      	    174
BEAVIS              Victor Robert             	    218
BELL                Anna Laetitia????         	    246
BELL                Edith Olivia              	    39
BELL                Ethel Mary                	    265
BELL                Fredrick Whitfield        	    12
BELL                James Everia???? Saunders 	    255
BELL                John William              	    15
BELL                Olive                     	    296
BELL                Pamela Irene              	    272
BELL                Rosalin??? Patricia       	    316
BELL                Wilfred Lynott Booth      	    285
BERESFORD           Bertha Wilson             	    154
BOTHWELL            Charlotte Mabel           	    106
BOWES               James William             	    160
BOYD                Kenneth Leslie            	    357
BOYD                Olive Gwendoline          	    358
BOYD                Samuel Ronald             	    359
BRADSHAW            Arthur James Balfour      	    108
BRADSHAW            Cathrin Maria             	    67
BRADSHAW            Florence Rebecca          	    120
BRADSHAW            Frederick William         	    53
BRADSHAW            Henrietta                 	    100
BRADSHAW            Hugh Riddell              	    79
BRADSHAW            John Balfour              	    90
BRADSHAW            Robert Dawson             	    152
BRADSHAW            Samuel Balfour            	    57
BRADSHAW            Violet Mary               	    68
BRAYNS              Mary Thelma               	    335
BROOKES             Jane Elizabeth            	    234
BROWN               David Alexander           	    361
BROWN               Georgina Caroline         	    9
BROWN               John Welsley              	    350
BROWN               Mary Jane                 	    325
BROWN               Thomas Francis            	    323
BROWN               William Samuel            	    329
BRYANS              William Thomas            	    121
BRYSON              Arthur James              	    107
BRYSON              Bertha Louisa             	    147
BRYSON              Edith Adelaide Jane       	    94
BRYSON              Harold James              	    348
BRYSON              John Edmund               	    130
BRYSON              William Edward            	    173
BRYSON              William Godfrey           	    347
CALDWELL            Cecil John                	    363
CALDWELL            Wesley James Dawson       	    331
CALDWELL            William Hamilton          	    375
CAMPBELL            Francis Edward            	    290
CAMPBELL            Francis Edward            	    292
CAMPBELL            Francis Edward            	    41
CAMPBELL            George                    	    259
CAMPBELL            George Jackson            	    14
CAMPBELL            James                     	    312
CAMPBELL            John                      	    42
CAMPBELL            Kathleen Elizabeth        	    227
CAMPBELL            Mary Elizabeth            	    284
CAMPBELL            Sarah Frances             	    275
CHERRY              Joan Isobel CalvinRichard 	    351
CLARKE              Alice Kathleen            	    65
CLARKE              James Fitzgerald          	    50
CLARKE              John Robert               	    73
CLARKE              Margaret Elizabeth        	    54
CLARKE              Samuel Creighton          	    22
CLARKE              William Irwin Fitzgerald  	    33
COOKE               Alfred                    	    27
COOKE               Dora                      	    59
COOKE               Edwin                     	    45
COOKE               James                     	    7
COOKE               Richard Wingfield         	    28
COOKE               William Sherin            	    29
COULTER             Charlotte Elizabeth Randal	    208
COULTER             Kathleen May Randall      	    188
COULTER             Robert Arthur Stewart     	    158
CRAIG               Robert                    	    93
DARLING             John Welsh                	    99
DAWSON              Adelaide Elizabeth        	    166
DAWSON              Alexander Wesley          	    193
DAWSON              Anna Dorothy              	    253
DAWSON              John James                	    175
DAWSON              Mabel Margaret            	    210
DAWSON              Sarah Louisa              	    183
DAWSON              William David             	    222
DOGHERTY            Thomas Lipton             	    241
DOONAN              Thomas Alexander          	    43
DOUGAN              Irene Heather             	    407
EBBITT              Herbert Joseph            	    321
EBBITT              Joyce Adelaide                  398
FARLOW              George Andrew             	    279
FARRELL             Percival James            	    395
FARRELL             William Ronald Mark       	    384
FAUCETT             Ernest Boyd               	    389
FAWCETT             Albert                    	    394
FAWCETT             Edith Muriel              	    366
FAWCETT             Elizabeth                 	    105
FAWCETT             Elsie Jane                	    336
FAWCETT             James Charles             	    128
FAWCETT             John                      	    157
FAWCETT             John Robert               	    377
FAWCETT             John William              	    77
FAWCETT             Robert                    	    17
FIFE                William Bowes             	    80
FRAZER              Edith Mary Frances        	    6
GARDINER            Edward Andrew             	    119
GARDINER            Sarah Jane                	    137
GILLESPIE           Austin Cecil              	    270
GILLESPIE           Edith Wilhelmina          	    282
GILLESPIE           Eliza Jane                	    177
GILLESPIE           Kathleen Maud             	    196
GILLESPIE           Letitia Gertrude          	    235
GILLESPIE           Marshall Henry            	    206
GILLESPIE           Robert James              	    216
GILLESPIE           Verah Constance           	    252
GILLESPIE           Walter John               	    184
GLANVILLE           Albert William            	    168
GLANVILLE           Eva May                   	    164
GLENN               Margaret Iris             	    360
GLENN               Mina                      	    352
GLENN               William Wesley            	    378
GOULDING            Alice Ida                 	    251
GOULDING            Hazel Grace               	    242
GOULDING            Mary                      	    11
GRAHAM              Thomas Ronald             	    408
GRAY                Alice Kathleen            	    92
GRAY                Evelyn Angelina           	    327
GRAY                Florence Maria            	    113
GRAY                Freda May                 	    368
GRAY                John William              	    82
GRAY                Margretta Blakely         	    126
GRAY                Robert Irvine             	    136
GRAY                Sophia Louisa             	    102
GRAYDON             Anna Elizabeth            	    221
GRAYDON             David Francis             	    233
GRAYDON             Florence Millicent        	    317
GRAYDON             John Wesley               	    258
GRAYDON             Mabel Jane                	    271
GRAYDON             Robert Alexander          	    83
GRAYDON             William Alexander         	    205
GREEMLEESE???       Margaret Adeline          	    306
GREENLEESE          Ethel Sarah               	    338
HARPUR              Margaret Annie            	    96
HARVEY              Catherine Evelyn          	    31
HETHERINGTON        Albert Alexander          	    369
HODGETT             Albert Victor Leslie      	    344
HODGETT             Richard Cecil Graham      	    386
HOLOHAN             James                     	    298
HOWARD              Richard Atwill            	    19
HUTCHINSON          Doreen Alicia             	    266
HUTCHINSON          Hiram                     	    273
HUTCHINSON          Kezia???                  	    195
HUTCHINSON          Maureen Elizabeth         	    379
HUTCHINSON          Noble Wellington          	    330
HUTCHINSON          Robert Albert             	    214
HUTCHINSON          Samuel                    	    171
HUTCHINSON          Thomas Albert             	    387
HUTCHINSON          Thomas John               	    180
HUTCHINSON          William Winston           	    404
JOHNSTON            Alfred                    	    178
JOHNSTON            Amelia Isabella           	    167
JOHNSTON            Charles Wesley            	    202
JOHNSTON            Charlotte Ann Jane        	    155
JOHNSTON            Edith Doreen              	    383
JOHNSTON            Evelyn Margaret           	    332
JOHNSTON            Fred Alexander            	    300
JOHNSTON            Irene Jane Florence       	    286
JOHNSTON            Irene Jane florence       	    297
JOHNSTON            Kathleen Maud             	    186
JOHNSTON            Margaret Olivia           	    396
JOHNSTON            Mary Elizabeth            	    349
JOHNSTON            Mary Elizabeth Harriett   	    129
JOHNSTON            Mary Rebecca              	    324
JOHNSTON            Myrtle Elizabeth          	    372
JOHNSTON            Noble                     	    197
JOHNSTON            Robert                    	    144
JOHNSTON            Samuel Francis            	    229
JOHNSTON            William Henry             	    256
JOHNSTON            William John              	    373
JOHNSTON            William John              	    403
JOHNSTON            William Robert            	    308
KENNY               Dorothy                   	    367
KENNY               Elizabeth                 	    291
KENNY               Matthew Allen             	    278
KENNY               Thomas Edward             	    309
KENNY               Wesley Joseph             	    337
KNOTT               Edward                    	    118
KNOX                Cecil Andrew Sandals      	    26
KNOX                Elizabeth Margaret Irvine 	    71
KNOX                Ethel Annie Elizabeth     	    20
KNOX                William James Jones       	    40
LANG                Eileen Gertrude           	    239
LANG                Mary Adelaide             	    220
LANG                William Robert            	    248
LATIMER             Joice Georgina Margaret         401
LATTIMER????        Richard??? George Neville 	    391
LAW                 Charles Edward            	    382
LEE                 Francis George            	    304
LITTLE              Harriet Amelia Jane       	    182
LITTLE              James William             	    124
LITTLE              John Wesley               	    141
LITTLE              Vera Dorcas Evelyn        	    132
LUDLOW              Richard Henry             	    4
LUDLOW              William John              	    1
MAGUIRE             Alice Elizabeth Maud      	    55
MAGUIRE             John James Randolph       	    44
MAGUIRE             Lillie Garnet             	    131
MAGUIRE             Mabel Melrose             	    89
MAGUIRE             Martha Emily              	    277
MAGUIRE             Mary Evelyn               	    261
MAGUIRE             Olive Hugina              	    70
MAGUIRE             Stella Isabel Agusta??    	    110
MAGUIRE             Thomas Allen              	    226
MAGUIRE             William John              	    238
MASTERSON           Francis James             	    13
MATILDA             William Alexander         	    380
MAXWELL             Doris Crawford            	    187
MCANUFF             Annie Vera                	    353
MCANUFF             William Albert            	    354
MCANUFF???          Phyllis Audery Maureen Ade	    283
MC-ARNAN????        Isabella Margaret Edna    	    399
MCCLURE             Andrew Wilson             	    60
MCCLURE             Charles                   	    88
MCCLURE             Florence                  	    52
MCCLURE             Henry                     	    87
MCINTYRE            Mary Dorothy              	    217
MCIVOR              Edwin Arnold              	    356
MCMANUS             Bridget                   	    328
MCMANUS             Francis Joseph            	    346
MCMANUS             James                     	    365
MCMANUS             John                      	    392
MCMANUS             not listed                	    381
MOFFITT             Samuel                    	    295
MOORE               Frances Maud              	    56
MOORE               Harriette Augusta         	    49
MOORE               Jane Maria                	    72
MOORE               John Wesley               	    35
MORRISON            Cecil                     	    198
MORRISON            Leslie Raymond            	    190
MORROW              Anna Gwendoline      	    320
MORROW              Edward Joseph             	    303
MORROW              John Robert               	    333
MURPHY              Austin Ernest             	    343
MURPHY              Derick Stanley            	    342
MURPHY              Doreen Elizabeth Maud     	    341
MURPHY              Gwendoline Yvonne         	    257
MURPHY              Irene Anna                	    340
MURPHY              John Desmond              	    274
MURPHY              Margaret Blanche          	    294
MURPHY              Russell Howard            	    281
MURPHY              Thomas Gordon             	    293
MURPHY              William Walker            	    264
MURRAY              Robert Moore              	    146
NICHOL              Margaret Louisa           	    122
NOT LISTED          Annie                     	    305
NOT LISTED          Dorothy                   	    311
NOT LISTED          Joseph                    	    318
NOT LISTED          Melvin Leslie             	    405
NOT LISTED          Mervin Stanley            	    370
NOT LISTED          Wilhelmina Mary           	    301
PARKER              Anna Georgina             	    199
PARKER              William Gregg             	    185
PARKHILL            Alfred Carrothers         	    225
PARKHILL            Evelyn Beatrice Helena    	    276
PARKHILL            Geraldine Jane            	    212
PARKHILL            James Samuel              	    203
PARKHILL            John Mills                	    194
PARKHILL            Margaret Eileen Maude     	    267
PARKHILL            Marshall West             	    249
PARKHILL            Maud                      	    288
PATTERSON           Anna Elizabeth            	    322
PATTERSON           Elizabeth Ethel           	    112
PATTERSON           Francis              	    139
PATTERSON           Georgina                  	    345
PATTERSON           Henrietta                 	    153
PATTERSON           John                      	    10
PATTERSON           John Thomas               	    289
PATTERSON           Kate                      	    78
PATTERSON           Letitia                   	    310
PATTERSON           Margaret Jane             	    104
PATTERSON           Mary Jane                 	    362
PATTERSON           Robert                    	    334
PATTERSON           William John              	    307
PLUNKET             Christopher Eustace Eltrid	    75
PLUNKET             Harriett                  	    63
PLUNKET             Letitia                   	    69
PLUNKET             Victor Henry              	    125
PLUNKET             William                   	    51
PLUNKETT            Abraham Ralph             	    243
PLUNKETT            Alexandra Balnche Ethel   	    287
PLUNKETT            Edith Beulah              	    319
PLUNKETT            Hedley Washington         	    263
PLUNKETT            Hester Stella             	    280
PLUNKETT            Margaret Elizabeth        	    244
PRESLEY             John Joseph Ennis         	    302
PRESLEY             Samuel Richard Basil      	    314
PRESSLEY            Jeremiah Samuel           	    46
PRICHARD            Alice Kathleen            	    116
PRITCHARD           John James                	    81
PRITCHARD           Joseph                    	    135
PRITCHARD           William Robert            	    97
RICHEY???           William Earnest           	    402
ROBINSON            Charlotte Elizabeth       	    61
ROBINSON            James                     	    25
ROBINSON            Kathleen Mary             	    48
ROBINSON            Thomas Colquhoun          	    34
RODEN               Emily Adelaide            	    213
RODEN               Frederick Albert          	    219
RODEN               Gilbert Kitchener         	    260
RODEN               Isabella Sophia Gertrude  	    245
RODEN               James Herbert             	    250
RODEN               John Robert Harold        	    163
RODEN               Joseph Reginald Cross     	    231
RODEN               Mary Margaret Ethel       	    181
RODEN               Violet Mildred Cross      	    201
RODEN               William Edmund            	    172
RUTLEDGE            Catherine Ellenor         	    36
RUTLEDGE            George Fleming            	    268
RUTLEDGE            James Robert              	    269
RUTLEDGE            Mary Jane                 	    24
RUTLEDGE            William Herbert           	    262
RYAN                Kathleen Elizabeth        	    371
SHEARSON            Mary Frances              	    8
SHERRY              George                    	    230
SHERRY              James Francis             	    254
SHERRY              Lilly                     	    247
SHERRY              Sarah Jane                	    223
SHERRY              William Robert            	    209
SPENCE              Marian Jane               	    62
STEWART             William Dilworth          	    299
SURNAME             Childs  Name       		    ROW
SURPLIS             Ernest William            	    165
SURPLIS             Herbert David             	    179
SURPLIS             Violet Mary Foster        	    224
TAYLOR              Ethel                     	    237
THOMPSON            Anna Mary Catherine       	    84
THOMPSON            Caroline                  	    16
THOMPSON            Francis Henry             	    66
THOMPSON            Harriett Ideline          	    30
THOMPSON            Josephane                 	    133
THOMPSON            Mary Anne                 	    47
THOMPSON            Robert                    	    148
THOMPSON            Sarah Jane                	    117
THOMPSON            Sophia Elizabeth          	    101
THOMPSON            William James             	    58
TRACEY              Daphne Jean Vivian        	    339
WADSWORTH           Hadassah Martha           	    127
WADSWORTH           James McGarry??                 115
WADSWORTH           John Frank Bennet         	    140
WADSWORTH           William Theodore Hammond  	    161
WALLACE             Anna Georgina             	    150
WALLACE             Frederick Walter          	    151
WALMSLEY            William John              	    393
WELSH               Thomas Daniel             	    406
WELSH               Violet Elizabeth                390
WEST                Annie                     	    74
WEST                David Alexander           	    134
WEST                Frances Jane              	    98
WEST                Francis John              	    114
WEST                Francis John              	    374
WEST                George Albert             	    159
WEST                George Albert             	    388
WEST                John James                	    169
WEST                Lilly                     	    86
WEST                Louisa Jane               	    64
WEST                Samuel                    	    145
WHERRY              Florence Kathleen         	    3
WHERRY              John Thomas               	    5
WHERRY              Reginald St. Clair        	    23
WHERRY              William Henry             	    2
WILSON              Margaret Maud Susan       	    18
WOODHOUSE           Olga Florence             	    385
WOODS               Aileen                    	    211
WOODS               Annie                     	    200
WOODS               Gertrude Elizabeth        	    228
WOODS               Joseph Alexander          	    236