Church: FERMANAGH, Births recorded in Maguiresbridge CoI 1865-1899	
Ireland Genealogy Project Archives					
Contributed by George Armstrong 							

TRANSCRIBED BY GEORGE ARMSTRONG © 2015			                		
PRONI MIC 1/60/1			                                		

Key *=As Record

(Widw Page. Scroll to the Right to see all information)
Index at the bottom of the page.   

Also See Part 1

BORN          BAPTISED        CHILDS  NAME                     FATHERS NAME         FATHERS NAME             MOTHERS NAME          MOTHERS NAME   RESIDENCE			                     OCCUPATION                                        BAPTISED/REGISTERED BY                COMMENTS                  
15/1/1865     19/1/1865       Martha Anne                      Robert               HAMILTON                 Anne                  not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Cattle Dealer                                     William W. Deering                  
16/2/1865     20/2/1865       William                          William              WALKER                   Jane                  not listed     Millwood			                     Labourer                                          William W. Deering                  
31/1/1865     27/2/1865       George Rennick Ruthurn?          John Echlien?        MATTHEWS                 Hester                not listed     Lisduff			                     Late Captain in 14th. Regiment of Foot            William W. Deering                  
12/3/1865     16/3/1865       Annie Jane                       William              HUNTER                   Susanna               not listed     Lislea			                     Farmer                                            William W. Deering                  
26/8/1864     8/4/1865        Margaret                         not listed           not listed               Jane                  MCFARLAND      From Irvinestown, Lodging in Coolcrannel           not listed                                        William W. Deering                  
17/3/1865     23/4/1865       Elizabeth                        William              PHAIR                    Jane                  not listed     Drumleagues Big		                     Farmer                                            William W. Deering                  
25/4/1865     25/4/1865       John                             William              GRAHAM                   Ellen                 not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Rag Man                                           William W. Deering                  
25/4/1865     25/4/1865       Mary Jane                        William              GRAHAM                   Ellen                 not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Rag Man                                           William W. Deering                  
22/4/1865     7/5/1865        Charles                          William              MCCLELLAND               Mary                  not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Shoemaker                                         William W. Deering                  
15/5/1865     4/6/1865        Robert                           not listed           not listed               Margaret              GRADY          Maguiresbridge		                     not listed                                        William W. Deering                  
5/5/1865      8/6/1865        Jane                             Noble                CLARKE                   Mary Anne             not listed     Kilmore			                     Farmer                                            William W. Deering                  
21/4/1865     9/7/1865        Mathew                           Richard              TRIMBLE                  Eliza Jane            not listed     Edragole (Edergole?)		                     Farmer                                            William W. Deering                  
15/8/1865     3/9/1865        James                            John                 BOARDMAN                 Sarah                 not listed     Coolbeg			                     Labourer                                          William W. Deering                  
13/9/1865     17/9/1865       Jane                             not listed           not listed               Anne                  SOMMERS        Kilc----? or Drumgoon		                     not listed                                        William W. Deering                  
22/10/1865    12/11/1865      Margaret                         George               MORRISON                 Jane                  not listed     Lisnagole			                     Farmer                                            William W. Deering                  
9/9/1865      10/12/1865      William                          Hugh                 DENNIS                   Mary Anne             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Labourer                                          William W. Deering                  
5/1/1865 *    7/1/1866        Mary Jane                        not listed           not listed               Rose                  BARTON         Staff Island			                     not listed                                        William W. Deering                    Child listed as illegitimate                  
23/1/1866     11/2/1866       James Arthur                     James                ROBINSON                 Eliza                 not listed     Lisnagole			                     Farmer                                            William W. Deering                  
17/1/1866     25/2/1866       Sarah                            James                THOMPSON                 Sarah                 not listed     Coolcrannel			                     Labourer                                          William W. Deering                  
6/2/1866      25/2/1866       Robert                           William              GARDINER                 Elizabeth             not listed     Corrard			                     Farmer                                            William W. Deering                  
27/1/1865 *   2/3/1866        William                          William              RAINBIRD                 Selina                not listed     Gledstown			                     Carpenter                                         William W. Deering                  
1/2/1866      11/3/1866       Emma Jane                        James                ACHESON                  Ellen                 not listed     Lisaderney (Lisadearny?)	                     Labourer                                          William W. Deering                  
27/11/1865    25/3/1866       Louisa Jane                      James                CARSON                   Mary                  not listed     Gledstown			                     Methodist Preacher                                William W. Deering                  
19/3/1866     29/4/1866       John                             William              MCCLELLAND               Mary                  not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Shoemaker                                         William W. Deering                  
27/2/1866     27/5/1866       Thomas                           James                ALLEN                    Charlotte             not listed     Drumgowna			                     Farmer                                            William W. Deering                  
28/3/1866     27/5/1866       Elizabeth                        Andrew               DOWNEY                   Eliza                 not listed     Innishleague			                     Labourer                                          William W. Deering                  
13/4/1866     27/5/1866       James                            James                THOMPSON                 Margaret              not listed     Millwood			                     Farmer                                            William W. Deering                  
20/4/1866     27/5/1866       Margaret                         Thomas               HOGG                     Anne                  not listed     Bonahesco (Bunnahesco?)	                     Farmer                                            William W. Deering                  
8/3/1866      17/6/1866       Mary Jane                        Thomas George        DOONAN                   Elizabeth             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Merchant, Shop Keeper                             William W. Deering                  
9/7/1866      16/7/1866       Robert                           Robert               DEVERS                   Eliza                 not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Labourer                                          William W. Deering                  
15/7/1866     31/7/1866       William Thomas                   not listed           not listed               Mary Anne             DALY           Arnmore?			                     not listed                                        William W. Deering                    Child listed as illegitimate                  
12/8/1866     13/8/1866       John James                       not listed           not listed               Mary Jane             NELSON         Maguiresbridge		                     not listed                                        William W. Deering                  
21/8/1866     6/9/1866        Robert                           not listed           not listed               Mary Jane             ADAMS          Gledstown			                     not listed                                        William W. Deering                  
10/9/1866     19/9/1866       William                          William              CARROLL                  Jane                  not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Dealer                                            William W. Deering                  
28/7/1866     23/9/1866       Sarah Eleanor                    George               BELL                     Jane Anne             not listed     Corrard			                     Farmer                                            William W. Deering                  
26/8/1866     30/9/1866       Alice                            James                IRVINE                   Mary                  not listed     Bonahesco (Bunnahesco?)	                     Farmer                                            William W. Deering                  
8/8/1866      18/11/1866      Robert Moreton                   Jackson              PARKINSON                Catherine             not listed     Edragole (Edergole?)		                     Farmer                                            William W. Deering                  
9/10/1866     25/11/1866      Annabella                        Francis              MORRISON                 Elizabeth             not listed     Corraclare			                     Farmer                                            William W. Deering                  
not listed    23/12/1866      not listed                       John                 VEITCH                   Mary Anne             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Labourer                                          William W. Deering                  
10/9/1866     24/12/1866      Robert                           not listed           not listed               Elizabeth             JOHNSTONE      Gledstown			                     not listed                                        William W. Deering                  
18/11/1866    26/12/1866      Priscilla Rebecca                Hugh                 CONNELLY                 Isabella              not listed     Kilronan, Lisnaskea		                     Farmer                                            William W. Deering                  
22/1/1867     10/2/1867       Annabella                        Robert               MONTGOMERY               Isabella              not listed     Corrard			                     Labourer                                          William W. Deering                  
not listed    18/2/1867       Adam                             Archibald            GRAHAM                   Mary                  not listed     Drumgoon			                     Carpenter                                         William W. Deering                  
10/2/1867     16/3/1867       Ellen                            John                 TROTTER                  Anne                  not listed     Drumgoon			                     Labourer                                          William W. Deering                  
1/4/1867      4/4/1867        William                          James                ROBINSON                 Eliza                 not listed     Lisnagole			                     Farmer                                            William W. Deering                  
1/4/1867      4/4/1867        Mark Robert                      James                ROBINSON                 Eliza                 not listed     Lisnagole			                     Farmer                                            William W. Deering                  
4/4/1867      7/4/1867        John James                       Francis              DENNIS                   Margaret Jane         not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Labourer                                          William W. Deering                  
27/3/1867     21/4/1867       Sarah Anne                       William              MCVITTIE                 Sarah                 not listed     Lisaderney (Lisadearny?)	                     Labourer                                          William W. Deering                  
22/4/1867     19/5/1867       William                          William              GRAHAM                   Ellen                 not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Rag Man                                           William W. Deering                  
31/10/1866    26/5/1867       William                          Charles              ELLIOTT                  Eliza                 not listed     Tattinderry			                     Labourer                                          William W. Deering                  
13/4/1867     16/6/1867       Elizabeth                        James                ACHESON                  Ellen                 not listed     Lisaderney (Lisadearny?)	                     Labourer                                          William W. Deering                  
not listed    28/6/1867       Margaret Anne                    William              SLATER                   Elizabeth             not listed     Formerly of Drumharriff now in New York            Labourer                                          William W. Deering                    Child listed as 5 1/2 years old prior to baptism                  
17/5/1867     3/7/1867        Richard                          Richard              TRIMBLE                  Eliza Jane            not listed     Edragole (Edergole?)		                     Farmer                                            William W. Deering                  
14/1/1867     15/7/1867       David                            Andrew               BARTON                   Elizabeth             not listed     Staff Island			                     Farmer                                            William W. Deering                  
12/11/1863 *  10/8/1867       Mary                             Andrew               BARTON                   Elizabeth             not listed     Staff Island			                     Farmer                                            William W. Deering                  
3/7/1867      11/8/1867       Mary Jane                        William              FAIR                     Jane                  not listed     Drumleagues			                     Farmer                                            William W. Deering                  
5/7/1867      15/8/1867       Margaret Rebecca                 Joseph               HOEY                     Elizabeth             not listed     Tattinderry			                     Farmer                                            William W. Deering                  
4/8/1867      20/10/1867      Josephine                        James                MORRISON                 Mary                  not listed     Aghinure			                     Farmer                                            William W. Deering                  
3/11/1867     17/11/1867      John Thomas                      Robert               LOWRY                    Elizabeth             not listed     Drumroo			                     Farmer                                            William W. Deering                  
not listed    24/11/1867      Robert                           William              RAINBIRD                 Selina                not listed     Gledstown			                     Carpenter                                         William W. Deering                  
25/10/1867    8/12/1867       James                            Finlay               PARKINSON                Sarah                 not listed     Tully				                     Farmer                                            William W. Deering                  
12/12/1867    2/1/1868        Elizabeth                        Robert               CRANSTON                 Anne                  not listed     Cornafanoghy? (Cornafannoge), Parish of Aghavea    Labourer                                          William W. Deering                  
not listed    23/3/1868       not listed                       not listed           THOMPSON                 not listed            not listed     not listed			                     Labourer                                          William W. Deering                  
14/3/1868     19/4/1868       Thomas                           Noble                CLARKE                   Mary                  not listed     Kilmore?			                     Farmer                                            William W. Deering                  
25/4/1868     24/5/1868       Mary Jane                        Robert               DEVERS                   Eliza                 not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Butcher                                           William W. Deering                  
21/3/1868     31/5/1868       Anna Louisa                      Thomas               PATTERSON                Matilda               not listed     Lisaderney (Lisadearny?)	                     Labourer                                          William W. Deering                  
12/1/1868     21/6/1868       Walter                           Thomas George        DOONAN                   Elizabeth             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Merchant, Shop Keeper                             William W. Deering                  
3/3/1868      5/7/1868        Robert                           Charles              BLEAKLEY                 Mary Jane             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Carpenter                                         William W. Deering                  
1/4/1868      5/7/1868        Robert                           Abraham              ADAMS                    Anne                  not listed     Gledstown			                     Scutcher                                          William W. Deering                  
26/7/1868     4/8/1868        Samuel Little                    John                 DOONAN                   Jane                  not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Merchant                                          William W. Deering                  
20/7/1868     17/9/1868       Irwin?                           Charles              ELLIOTT                  Eliza                 not listed     Tattinderry			                     Labourer                                          William W. Deering                  
29/3/1868     30/9/1868       Margaret                         Andrew               ARMSTRONG                Anne                  not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Labourer                                          W. Gonig?                  
14/8/1868     18/10/1868      Mary                             George               BELL                     Jane Anne             not listed     Corrard			                     Farmer                                            W. Gonig?                  
22/11/1868    not listed      Margaret Jane                    John                 IRVINE                   Rhoda                 not listed     Killacloughy (Killycloghy?)	                     Farmer                                            W. Gonig?                  
11/11/1868    17/1/1869       Mary Jane                        Thomas               WILSON                   Christiana            not listed     Drumleagues			                     Farmer                                            E.M. Weir                  
9/2/1869      11/2/1869       Mary Jane                        not listed           not listed               Margaret              BEATTY         Skeagh			                     not listed                                        Arthur M. Dobbs                  
11/2/1869     19/2/1869       Mary Jane                        not listed           not listed               Lizzie                ADAMS          Maguiresbridge		                     not listed                                        Arthur M. Dobbs                  
7/4/1869      17/4/1869       Isabella                         John                 DEVERS                   Rebecca               not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Butcher                                           B. Moffett                  
16/12/1868    9/5/1869        Charlotte?                       James                ALLEN                    Charlotte             not listed     Drumg-----?			                     Farmer                                            Arthur M. Dobbs                  
4/4/1869      30/5/1869       James                            Francis              MORRISSON *              Elizabeth             not listed     Corraclare			                     Farmer                                            Arthur M. Dobbs                  
20/4/1869     6/6/1869        Mary Jane                        Robert               MONTGOMERY               Isabella              not listed     Lisdrum			                     Labourer                                          Arthur M. Dobbs                  
14/5/1869     20/6/1859       Emma Jane                        not listed           LOVITT?                  not listed            not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     not listed                                        Arthur M. Dobbs                  
4/6/1869      20/6/1869       John                             William              RAINBIRD                 Selina                not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Carpenter                                         Arthur M. Dobbs                  
21/5/1869     27/6/1869       Christopher                      James                THOMPSON                 Margaret              not listed     Millwood			                     Farmer                                            Arthur M. Dobbs                  
13/6/1869     15/8/1869       James William                    James                ACHESON                  Ellen                 not listed     Lisaderney? (Lisadearny?)	                     Labourer                                          Arthur M. Dobbs                  
9/7/1869      28/8/1869       Margaret Anne                    James                WILEY                    Margaret              not listed     Drumgoon			                     Miller                                            Arthur M. Dobbs                  
10/7/1869     11/9/1869       George Henry                     John                 TAYLOR                   Alice                 not listed     Gledstown			                     Labourer                                          Arthur M. Dobbs                  
1/7/1869      19/9/1869       James William                    Archibald            NOBLE                    Elizabeth             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     School Master                                     Robert Beatty                  
7/8/1869      19/9/1869       John                             James                ROBINSON                 Elizabeth             not listed     Lisnagole			                     Farmer                                            Robert Beatty                  
11/10/1869    12/12/1869      Henry                            Finlay               PARKINSON                Sarah                 not listed     Tully				                     Farmer                                            Arthur M. Dobbs                  
20/11/1869    19/12/1869      Matilda                          William              FAIR                     Jane                  not listed     Drumleagues			                     Farmer                                            W.S. Burnside                  
24/12/1869    28/12/1869      William                          Thomas               DOONAN                   Elizabeth             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Shop Keeper                                       Arthur M. Dobbs                  
8/11/1869     30/12/1869      James                            John                 FIFE                     Mary anne             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Labourer                                          Arthur M. Dobbs                  
14/12/1869    30/12/1869      James                            William              GRAHAM                   Ellen?                not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Labourer                                          Arthur M. Dobbs                  
14/11/1869    17/1/1870       John Thomas                      Thomas               PATTERSON                Matilda               not listed     Lisaderney (Lisadearny?)	                     Labourer                                          Arthur M. Dobbs                  
not listed    30/1/1870       Thomas Robert                    George               JOHNSTON                 Mary Jane             not listed     Corranewy			                     Sergeant in Police                                Arthur M. Dobbs                  
BORN          BAPTISED        CHILDS  NAME                     FATHERS NAME         FATHERS NAME             MOTHERS NAME          MOTHERS NAME   RESIDENCE			                     OCCUPATION                                        BAPTISED/REGISTERED BY                COMMENTS                  
7/3/1870      9/3/1870        Francis                          Francis              GRAHAM                   Susan Anne            not listed     Lislea			                     Farmer                                            E.M. Weir                  
24/4/1870     29/4/1870       James                            James                NELSON                   Jane                  CAVEL          Maguiresbridge		                     not listed                                        E.M. Weir                  
18/1/1870     22/5/1870       Edward                           James                THOMPSON                 Sarah                 not listed     Aghnascue (Aghnaskew?)	                     Labourer                                          H.H. Holmes                  
20/6/1870     14/8/1870       Mary Jane                        William              HAYES                    Jane                  not listed     Drumharrow?			                     Labourer                                          John Orr                  
21/8/1870     18/9/1870       Robert                           James                IRWIN                    Mary                  not listed     Bonahesco (Bunnahesco?)	                     Farmer                                            John Orr                  
9/6/1870      9/10/1870       George                           Andrew               ARMSTRONG                Anne                  not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Labourer                                          John Orr                  
9/9/1870      23/10/1870      Catherine Elizabeth              Francis              DENNIS                   Margaret Jane         not listed     Lisadearney (Lisadearny?)	                     Labourer                                          John Orr                  
not listed    6/11/1870       Thomas                           not listed           HOG                      not listed            not listed     not listed			                     Farmer                                            John Orr                  
22/9/1870     22/1/1871       Montgomery                       James                ROBINSON                 Margaret              not listed     Clay				                     Farmer                                            John Orr                              Birth date given as 22/9/1871 & baptismal date as 22/1/1871. Assumed that birth date should                  
25/10/1870    31/1/1871       Louisa Ellen                     William              GARDINER                 Catherine             not listed     Corrard			                     Farmer                                            John Orr                  
18/3/1871     26/3/1871       William John                     James                SHERRETT OR STERRETT?    Mary Anne             not listed     Corfannan			                     R.I.C.                                            John Orr                  
14/3/1871     16/4/1871       Sarah                            John                 FIFE                     Mary Anne             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Labourer                                          John Orr                  
8/4/1871      14/5/1871       Geraldine? Rachel                William              WILEY?                   Eliza Jane            not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Merchant                                          John Orr                  
20/4/1871     14/5/1871       William John                     William              ELLIOTT                  Charlotte             not listed     Millwood			                     Labourer                                          W.S. Burnside                  
20/4/1871     14/5/1871       William                          Joseph               HARVEY                   Mariah                not listed     Boyhill			                     Farmer                                            John Orr                  
1/4/1871      11/6/1871       Francis                          Francis              GRAHAM                   Susan                 not listed     Lislea			                     Farmer                                            John Orr                  
9/5/1871      11/6/1871       Mark                             Mark                 PERCY                    Letitia               not listed     Lisnagole			                     Farmer                                            John Orr                  
16/7/1871     17/9/1871       Margaret Anne                    William              BELL                     Fanny                 ELLIOTT        Killyrover			                     Farmer                                            John Orr                  
9/8/1871      5/11/1871       Anne                             Robert               MCCLINTOCK               Jane                  HALL           Lebally			                     Farmer                                            John Orr                  
28/12/1871    21/1/1872       Margaret                         Robert               FOWLER                   Jane                  not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Farmer                                            John Orr                              Birth date given as 28/12/1872 & baptismal date as 21/1/1872. Assumed that birth date should                  
1/1/1872      2/2/1872        William                          Hamilton             HUNTER                   Catherine             not listed     Lislea			                     Farmer                                            John Orr                  
18/9/1871     4/2/1872        Finlay                           James                HOWE                     Margaret              not listed     Tatnamona (Tattenamona?)	                     Farmer                                            John Orr                              Birth date given as 18/9/1872 & baptismal date as 4/2/1872. Assumed that birth date should b                  
1/10/1871     4/2/1872        George Richard                   Charles              BLEAKLEY                 Mary Jane             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Carpenter                                         John Orr                  
4/1/1872      4/2/1872        Elizabeth                        William              DOUGLAS                  Jane                  not listed     Drumcoon? (Drumcoo or Drumgoon?)                   Labourer                                          John Orr                  
16/1/1872     24/2/1872       Mary? Jane                       Thomas               DAVIS                    Teresa?               not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Dealer                                            John Orr                  
14/2/1872     29/2/1872       Elizabeth                        William              GRAHAM                   Ellen                 not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Labourer                                          John Orr                  
19/1/1872     2/3/1872        Fanny Amelia                     William              GARDINER                 Catherine             not listed     Corrard			                     Farmer                                            John Orr                  
31/1/1871     not listed      William                          James                NELSON                   Alice                 not listed     Lislea			                     Farmer                                            John Orr                  
12/2/1872     2/6/1872        John William                     Thomas               HALL                     Ellen                 not listed     Lebally			                     Farmer                                            John Orr                  
2/6/1872      21/7/1872       Narriett                         Thomas               PATTERSON                Matilda               not listed     Lisadearney (Lisadearny?)	                     Labourer                                          John Orr                  
15/7/1872     25/8/1872       Elizabeth Jane                   Robert               BRYANS                   Elizabeth             not listed     Littlemount			                     Labourer                                          W.S. Burnside                  
28/6/1872     8/9/1872        Margaret                         William              FAIR                     Jane                  not listed     Drumleagues			                     Farmer                                            John Orr                  
?/5/1872      15/9/1872       James William                    James                HURST                    Mary                  FORSTER        Killycloghey (Killycloghy?)	                     Farmer                                            John Orr                  
12/5/1872     22/9/1872       Elizabeth                        James                THOMPSON                 Sarah                 not listed     Aghnascue (Aghnaskew?)	                     Labourer                                          John Orr                  
31/8/1872     30/9/1872       Thomas                           John                 TAYLOR                   Alice                 not listed     Gledstown			                     Labourer                                          John Orr                  
9/9/1872      15/10/1872      Alexander                        Andrew               ARMSTRONG                Anne                  not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Labourer                                          John Orr                  
31/8/1872     31/10/1872      Letitia Margaret                 James                ALLEN                    Charlotte             not listed     Drumgowna			                     Farmer                                            John Orr                  
27/8/1872     10/11/1872      Letitia Elizabeth                James                MONTGOMERY               Margaret              not listed     Clay				                     Farmer                                            John Orr                  
not listed    24/11/1872      Margaret Jane                    not listed           COALTER                  not listed            not listed     Millwood			                     Labourer                                          John Orr                  
9/11/1872     30/11/1872      William Irwin                    Richard              BEATTY                   Mary Anne             not listed     Irvy?				                     Farmer                                            John Orr                  
16/11/1872    22/12/1872      William                          James                PHILLIPS                 Mary                  not listed     Millwood			                     Cooper                                            John Orr                  
17/1/1873     9/2/1873        Richard Alexander                Richard              MCSEVAN?                 Elizabeth             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Shoemaker                                         Robert N. Atwill                  
24/2/1871 *   15/3/1873       Thomas William                   John Dunbar          ELLIOTT                  Mary Jane             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Shopkeeper                                        John Orr                  
15/2/1873     16/3/1873       Henry                            Hugh                 MCCOLLUM                 Susan                 not listed     Tully				                     Labourer                                          John Orr                  
17/2/1873     6/4/1873        Joseph Henry                     William              GARDINER                 Catherine             not listed     Corrard			                     Farmer                                            John Orr                  
19/5/1873     22/6/1873       Noble                            Noble                NOBLE *                  Eliza Atwill?         not listed     Drummeer			                     Labourer                                          John Orr                  
not listed    28/9/1873       Catherine                        John                 FIFE                     Mary anne             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Labourer                                          John Orr                  
18/10/1873    9/11/1873       Margaret Jane                    Charles              BEATTY                   Mary Anne             MCVIETY        Maguiresbridge		                     Farmer                                            John Orr                  
31/10/1873    17/11/1873      Francis                          Francis              DENNIS                   Margaret Jane         not listed     Lisdrum			                     Labourer                                          John Orr                  
15/4/1873     7/12/1873       James Thomas                     Humphrey             BOYD                     Jane                  not listed     Drumbrughas			                     Farmer                                            John Orr                  
26/7/1873     7/12/1873       Thomas                           William              PRENTICE?                Margaret              not listed     Tully				                     Labourer                                          John Orr                  
9/9/1873      not listed      John Francis                     Michael              MASON                    Fanny                 not listed     Drumgoon			                     Steward                                           John Orr                  
10/4/1874     ?/5/1874        Mary Anne                        William              JOHNSTON                 Eliza                 not listed     Irvy?				                     Farmer                                            John Orr                  
15/4/1874     21/6/1874       David?                           Charles?             BLEAKLEY                 Mary Jane             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Carpenter                                         John Orr                  
9/1/1873      not listed      Sophia Catherine                 James                NELSON                   Alice                 not listed     Lislea			                     Farmer                                            John Orr                  
11/8/1874     6/9/1874        Sarah                            John                 TAYLOR                   Alice                 not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Labourer                                          Thomas Averell?                  
4/7/1874      11/10/1874      Mary                             Andrew               COULTER?                 Margaret              not listed     Kilmore			                     Herd                                              Thomas Averell?                  
19/?/1874     15/11/1874      Thomas                           James                ROBINSON?                Eliza                 not listed     Lisnagole			                     Farmer                                            William Chapman                  
24/10/1874    15/11/1874      Nixon Hamilton                   Hamilton             HUNTER                   Catherine             not listed     Lslea				                     Farmer                                            John Orr                  
not listed    29/11/1874      James Hawell                     Patrick? Hawell      ILLEGIBLE                Mary Anne Daily       not listed     Derrylee, Maguiresbridge	                     Servants                                          William Chapman                  
not listed    13/12/1874      Thomas                           John                 WILSON?                  Martha                not listed     Aughinure (Aghinure?)		                     Farmer                                            William Chapman                  
9/7/1874      10/1/1875       Sarah Jane                       James                MONTGOMERY               Margaret              not listed     illegible			                     Farmer                                            William Chapman                  
2/2/1875      18/2/1875       Alexander                        Robert               ILLEGIBLE                Lizzie                not listed     Drum---?			                     Farmer                                            William Chapman                  
16/1/1875     22/3/1875       John Robert                      Joseph               NEVILLE                  Anne                  not listed     Lisduff			                     Herd                                              William Chapman                  
5/2/1875      7/4/1875        Joseph                           Thomas               PATTERSON                Matilda               not listed     Lisaderny (Lisadearny?)	                     Labourer                                          William Chapman                  
23/12/1874    11/4/1875       Jane                             Andrew               ARMSTRONG                Anne                  not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Labourer                                          William Chapman                  
14/4/1875     16/5/1875       Elizabeth Jane                   John                 RAINBIRD                 Margaret              not listed     Gledstown			                     Carpenter                                         William Chapman                  
9/5/1875      6/6/1875        James William                    James                THOMPSON                 Sarah                 not listed     Aughnascue (Aghnaskew?)	                     Labourer                                          William Chapman                  
27/7/1875     25/8/1875       Margaret Anne                    George               MORRISON                 Jane                  CRATIN?        Ballindolagh? (Ballydoolagh?)	                     Grocer                                            William Chapman                  
5/9/1875      19/9/1875       Anne                             John                 MCMULLEN                 Anne                  not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Labourer                                          William Chapman                  
20/8/1875     20/9/1875       Leticia                          Noble                DENNIS                   Eliza                 not listed     Lislea			                     Labourer                                          William Chapman                  
14/8/1875     19/11/1875      Robert                           John                 WILSON                   Martha                not listed     Aughanure (Aghinure?)		                     Farmer                                            William Chapman                  
18/10/1875    14/1/1876       Martha Elizabeth                 James                WILEY                    Margaret              not listed     Drumgoon			                     Farmer                                            William Chapman                  
27/11/1875    16/1/1876       Elizabeth                        John                 FIFE                     Mary Anne             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Labourer                                          William Chapman                  
5/9/1875      25/2/1876       Annie                            William              PRENTICE                 Margaret              not listed     Tully				                     Labourer                                          William Chapman                  
1/2/1876      5/4/1876        William Thomas                   James                ROBINSON                 Margaret              not listed     Clay				                     Farmer                                            William Chapman                  
13/3/1876     7/5/1876        James                            John                 SUMERVILLE               Eliza                 not listed     Gledstown			                     Labourer                                          William Chapman                  
17/3/1876     10/5/1876       John Thomas                      Thomas               MACDONAGH                Christian             not listed     Tully				                     Labourer                                          William Chapman                  
4/4/1876      10/5/1876       Catherine                        Hamilton             HUNTER                   Catherine             not listed     Lislea			                     Farmer                                            William Chapman                  
25/5/1876     13/6/1876       Elinor Jane                      Thomas               HALL                     Elinor                not listed     Leiboly (Lebally?)		                     Farmer                                            William Chapman                  
7/5/1876      15/6/1876       Alfred                           William              GARDNER                  Catherine             not listed     Currard (Corrard?)		                     Farmer                                            William Chapman                  
10/6/1876     2/7/1876        Emma Jane                        John                 CARLTON                  Elizabeth             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Labourer                                          William Chapman                  
16/2/1876     4/6/1876        George Willis                    Luke Patrick         KNIGHT                   Frances Elizabeth     not listed     Abbey Lodge			                     Gentleman                                         John Reid                  
2/6/1876      30/6/1876       William                          James                HALL                     Mary                  not listed     Kitnamullagh (Kiltnamullagh?)	                     Farmer                                            William Chapman                  
18/4/1876     31/7/1876       William                          John                 JOHNSTON                 Letticia              not listed     Lislea			                     Farmer                                            William Chapman                       Date of birth listed as 31/7/1876 & baptismal date as 18/4//1876. Assumed these to be the ot                  
26/6/1876     31/7/1876       Mary Anne                        Charles              BEATTY                   Mary Anne             not listed     Drumgoon, Maguiresbridge	                     Labourer                                          William Chapman                       Date of birth listed as 31/7/1876 & baptismal date as 26/6/1876. Assumed these to be the oth                  
11/7/1876     13/8/1876       Margaret Anne                    Henry                SUMMERS                  Sidney                not listed     Drumgoon			                     Farmer                                            William Chapman                  
10/9/1876     19/9/1876       James                            Mark                 PERRY                    Alice                 not listed     Lisnagole			                     Farmer                                            William Chapman                  
7/6/1876      27/9/1876       William George                   James                MONTGOMERY               Margaret              not listed     Clay				                     Farmer                                            William Chapman                  
15/10/1876    29/12/1876      Joseph                           Joseph               PARKER                   Elizabeth             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Carpenter                                         William Chapman                  
30/11/1876    31/12/1876      Joseph Henry                     Francis              DENNIS                   Mary Jane             not listed     Tattinderry			                     Labourer                                          William Chapman                  
not listed    5/1/1877        Eliza Jane                       Henry                LAWE?                    Maria                 not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Labourer                                          William Chapman                  
26/11/1876    11/1/1877       William George                   Robert               SHAW                     Amelia                not listed     Lisaderny (Lisadearny?)	                     Farmer                                            William Chapman                  
11/11/1876    23/1/1877       Henry                            Henry                ALGEO                    Mary                  not listed     Millwood			                     Carpenter                                         William Chapman                  
7/1/1877      26/1/1877       Mary Jane                        Finley               PARKINSON                Sarah                 not listed     Tully				                     Farmer                                            William Chapman                  
2/2/1877      5/3/1877        Noble Andrew                     Jams                 ALLEN                    Charlotte             not listed     Drumgowna			                     Farmer                                            William Chapman                  
1/1/1877      6/4/1877        Jane                             Thomas               CARTER                   Elizabeth             not listed     Currard (Corrard?)		                     Farmer                                            William Chapman                  
3/2/1877      9/5/1877        Mary Anne                        William              THOMPSON                 Grace                 not listed     KiltyClogher (Killyclogher?)	                     Farmer                                            William Chapman                  
2/4/1877      9/5/1877        Joseph                           John                 SWINDLE                  Ellen                 not listed     Tully				                     Labourer                                          William Chapman                  
7/4/1877      4/5/1877        Margaret Anne                    John                 JOHNSTON                 Litticia              not listed     Lislea			                     Farmer                                            William Chapman                  
3/5/1877      9/5/1877        Mary Frances Edwine or Edwina    Luke Patrick         KNIGHT                   Frances Elizabeth     not listed     Abbey Lodge			                     Gentleman                                         William Cripps Ledger                  
11/4/1877     14/5/1877       William                          William              PRENTICE                 Margaret              not listed     Tully				                     Labourer                                          William Chapman                  
22/2/1877     27/5/1877       Sarah Ellenor                    John                 WILSON                   Martha                not listed     Aughanure (Aghinure?)		                     Farmer                                            William Chapman                  
25/5/1877     7/6/1877        Leticia Jane                     James                HALL                     Mary                  not listed     Kitnamullagh (Kiltnamullagh?)	                     Farmer                                            William Chapman                  
8/4/1877      20/6/1877       Joseph                           Hamilton             IRWIN                    Mary Anne             not listed     Tully				                     Labourer                                          William Chapman                  
9/8/1877      2/9/1877        George                           John                 CONNAWIN?                Catherine             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Labourer                                          William Chapman                  
27/3/1877     16/9/1877       Andrew                           Andrew               ARMSTRONG                Anne                  not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Labourer                                          William Chapman                  
27/7/1877     6/11/1877       Emily                            Henry                SUMMERS                  Sidney                not listed     Drumgoon			                     Farmer                                            William Chapman                  
9/7/1877      18/11/1877      Anne Jane                        Joseph               NEVILLE                  Anne                  not listed     Lisduff			                     Labourer                                          William Chapman                  
12/11/1877    6/1/1878        Alice                            John                 FERRIS                   Elizabeth Anne        not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Smyth * Smith?                                    William Chapman                  
6/2/1878      12/3/1878       Samuel                           Mark                 PERRY                    Alice                 not listed     Lisnagole			                     Farmer                                            William Chapman                  
7/3/1878      3/5/1878        John Robert                      Charles              CASSIDAY                 Mary                  not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Labourer                                          William Chapman                  
12/3/1878     25/5/1878       Margaret                         Hamilton             HUNTER                   Catherine             not listed     Lislea			                     Farmer                                            William Chapman                  
13/4/1878     9/6/1878        Emma Jane                        John                 FIFE                     Mary Anne             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     La or small Trader                                William Chapman                  
14/7/1878     13/6/1878       Mary                             Thomas               IRWIN                    Elizabeth             not listed     Kilmore			                     Labourer                                          William Chapman                  
20/6/1878     24/7/1878       George                           John                 WILSON                   Martha                not listed     Aughinure (Aghinure?)		                     Farmer                                            William Chapman                       Birth date given as 24/7/1878 & baptismal date as 20/6/1878. Assumed these to be reversed                  
29/10/1878    27/11/1878      James Robert                     John                 RAINBIRD                 Margaret              not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Nailor to Trade                                   William Chapman                  
28/10/1878    28/11/1878      Carolina?                        William              GARDNER                  Catherine             not listed     Currard (Corrard?)		                     Farmer                                            William Chapman                  
30/11/1878    ?/1/1879        Annie Magdalin                   Thomas               HALL                     Elenor                not listed     Laboly (Lebally?)		                     Farmer                                            William Chapman                  
4/11/1878     19/1/1879       Luines? Francis Skilten?         Luke Patrick         KNIGHT                   Frances Elizabeth     not listed     Abbey Lodge			                     Gentleman                                         William Chapman                  
17/12/1878    20/1/1879       Robert Johnston                  Thomas               PATTERSON                Matilda               not listed     Lisaderny (Lisadearny?)	                     Labourer                                          William Chapman                  
3/2/1879      19/2/1879       Maria                            Henery               SUMMERS                  Sidney                not listed     Drumgoon			                     Farmer                                            William Chapman                  
29/12/1878    24/2/1879       Frances                          James                MONTGOMERY               Margaret              not listed     Clay				                     Farmer                                            William Chapman                  
4/2/1879      2/4/1879        John Thomas                      James                HALL                     Mary                  not listed     Kitnamullagh (Kiltnamullagh?)	                     Farmer                                            William Chapman                  
29/3/1879     2/4/1879        Charles                          Joseph               SWINDLE                  Ellen                 not listed     Drum---?			                     Herd                                              William Chapman                  
20/3/1879     11/5/1879       George                           Johnston             THOMPSON                 Mary Jane             not listed     Drumgoon			                     Labourer                                          William Chapman                  
11/5/1879     27/5/1879       Isaac                            James                ROBINSON                 Margaret              not listed     Clay				                     Farmer                                            William Chapman                  
25/5/1879     13/6/1879       George                           William              THOMPSON                 Grace                 not listed     KiltyClogher (Killyclogher?)	                     Farmer                                            William Chapman                  
2/3/1879      19/6/1879       George                           William              PRENTICE                 Margaret              not listed     Tully				                     Scutcher                                          William Chapman                  
23/6/1879     15/7/1879       William James                    James                BURNSIDE                 Mary Anne             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Car Driver                                        William Chapman                  
30/9/1879     2/11/1879       Isabella                         Benjamin             KENNEDY                  Emma Jane             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Hotel Keeper                                      Charles J. Ward                  
2/9/1879      22/11/1879      John                             John                 WILSON                   Martha                not listed     Aughanure (Aghinure?)		                     Farmer                                            Charles J. Ward                  
7/8/1879      2/2/1880        Jane                             John                 JOHNSTON                 Letitia               not listed     Lislea			                     Farmer                                            Charles J. Ward                  
19/8/1879     8/2/1880        John Finley                      Finley               PARKINSON                Sarah                 not listed     Tully				                     Farmer                                            Charles J. Ward                  
6/12/1879     10/2/1879       Thomas Robert                    Robert               SHAW                     Emilia                not listed     Lisaderney (Lisadearny?)	                     Farmer                                            Charles J. Ward                  
BORN          BAPTISED        CHILDS  NAME                     FATHERS NAME         FATHERS NAME             MOTHERS NAME          MOTHERS NAME   RESIDENCE			                     OCCUPATION                                        BAPTISED/REGISTERED BY                COMMENTS                  
28/1/1880     19/2/1880       John James                       William              TIERNEY                  Elizabeth             not listed     Drumeer (Drummeer?)		                     Labourer                                          Charles J. Ward                  
7/11/1879     16/3/1880       Sarah Jane                       James                WILEY                    Margaret              not listed     Drumgoon			                     Farmer                                            Charles J. Ward                  
5/2/1880      22/3/1880       Henrietta Charlotte              Hamilton             HUNTER                   Catherine             not listed     Lislea			                     Farmer                                            Charles J. Ward                  
29/3/1880     24/4/1880       Elizabeth Noble                  Luke Patrick         KNIGHT                   Frances Elizabeth     not listed     Abbey Lodge			                     Sub Sherriff                                      Charles J. Ward                  
27/4/1880     12/6/1880       William                          Thomas               IRWIN                    Elizabeth             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Scutcher                                          Charles J. Ward                  
15/3/1880     4/7/1880        Sidney                           Henry                SOMERS                   Sidney                not listed     Drumgoon			                     Farmer                                            Charles J. Ward                  
10/7/1880     27/9/1880       Anna Elizabeth                   Mark                 PERRY                    Alice                 not listed     Lisnagole			                     Farmer                                            Charles J. Ward                  
31/7/1880     27/9/1880       William Frederick                Thomas               PATTERSON                Matilda               not listed     Lisaderney (Lisadearny?)	                     Labourer                                          Charles J. Ward                  
21/9/1880     10/10/1880      Robert                           James                BURNSIDE                 Mary Anne             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Car Driver                                        Charles J. Ward                  
11/12/1880    31/3/1881       Sarah                            not listed           not listed               Catherine             SHANNON        Giltagh			                     not listed                                        Charles J. Ward                  
14/4/1881     23/5/1881       William Alexander                William              PRENTICE                 Margaret              not listed     Tully Mills			                     Scutcher                                          Charles J. Ward                  
18/3/1881     31/5/1881       Mary Anne                        John                 HALL                     Martha                not listed     Pettigoe, Co. Donegal		                     Police, Sub constable                             Charles J. Ward                  
17/3/1881     5/6/1881        Mary Elizabeth                   Thomas               HALL                     Eleanor               not listed     Lebally			                     Farmer                                            Charles J. Ward                  
28/5/1881     22/6/1881       James                            not listed           not listed               Margaret              LITTLE         Maguiresbridge		                     not listed                                        Charles J. Ward                       Child listed as illegitimate                  
24/5/1881     24/7/1881       Emma Jane                        Johnson              THOMPSON                 Mary Jane             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Labourer                                          Charles J. Ward                  
10/4/1881     27/7/1881       Rachel Maggie                    Joseph               NEVILLE                  Anne                  not listed     Lisdough * ( Lisdoo?)		                     Caretaker                                         Charles J. Ward                  
6/8/1881      9/10/1881       Humes                            John                 WILSON                   Martha                not listed     Aghanure (Aghinure?)		                     Farmer                                            F. Bevan                              Sponsors, G. Bell, C. Wilson & S. Bell.                  
17/8/1881     30/10/1881      Magdalin Adelaide                James                HALL                     Mary                  not listed     Kitnamullagh (Kiltnamullagh?)	                     Farmer                                            William Cripps Ledger                  
9/10/1881     3/11/1881       Robert Benjamin Noble            Robert               KENNEDY                  Emma Jane             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Mechanic                                          R.N. Atwell                           Birth date given as 3/11/1881 & baptismal date as 9/10/1881. Assumed these to be reversed                  
8/9/1881      18/11/1881      Isabella                         Andrew               ARMSTRONG                Anne                  not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Labourer                                          R.N. Atwell                  
8/11/1881     21/11/1881      Isabel                           not listed           not listed               Mary A.               KERR           illegible			                     not listed                                        William Cripps Ledger                  
20/10/1881    13/1/1882       Catherine                        not listed           not listed               Mary                  O'BRIEN        Maguiresbridge		                     not listed                                        J. Pritchard                          Child listed as illegitimate                  
18/10/1881    20/1/1882       Elizabeth                        Francis              FAIR                     Elizabeth             not listed     Drumgoon			                     Labourer                                          J. Pritchard                  
7/10/1881     20/2/1882       William Hamilton                 Robert               ARMSTRONG                Eliza Jane            not listed     Clay				                     Farmer                                            J. Pritchard                  
31/12/1881    20/2/1882       James                            Robert               STOCKDALE                Margaret              not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Station Master                                    J. Pritchard                  
31/12/1881    27/2/1882       Frances Elizabeth Alexandra      Luke                 KNIGHT                   Frances               not listed     Abbey Lodge			                     Gentleman                                         A. H. Hamilton                  
28/12/1881    27/2/1882       Joseph                           James                GRAYDON                  Margaret              not listed     Drumgoon			                     Coachman                                          J. Pritchard                  
12/2/1882     2/3/1882        William Thomas                   Robert               HENDERSON                Jane                  not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Baker                                             J. Pritchard                  
27/2/1882     7/5/1882        Eliza Jane                       Thomas               IRWIN                    Elizabeth             not listed     Tully				                     Scutcher                                          Joseph Abbott                  
31/3/1882     7/5/1882        Maggie Jane                      John                 MCLOUGHLIN               Lizzie                not listed     Coolcran			                     Labourer                                          Joseph Abbott                  
20/5/1882     not listed      Eliza Anne                       William              MCFARLAND                Margaret              not listed     Coolcrannel?			                     Labourer                                          Joseph Abbott                  
27/6/1882     5/7/1882        Mary Anne                        Thomas Henry         HAZLETT                  Annie                 not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Blacksmith                                        Robert A. Atwell                  
22/7/1882     13/8/1882       Anne Jane                        John                 TAYLOR                   Mary Anne             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
10/4/1882     14/8/1882       Maud                             William              GARDINER                 Catherine             not listed     Corrard, Maguiresbridge	                     Farmer                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
7/8/1882      20/8/1882       William John                     Hamilton             DICK                     Jane                  not listed     Lislea			                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
?/?/1871 *    21/8/1882       Emma                             John?                CANNAVAN                 Catherine             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Cattle Dealer                                     Abraham Augustus Watson                  
?/?/1876 *    21/8/1882       Thomas William                   John                 CANNAVAN                 Catherine             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Cattle Dealer                                     Abraham Augustus Watson                  
14/6/1882     21/8/1882       Eliza Jane                       William              DOUGLAS                  Margaret              not listed     Aghanure (Aghinure?)		                     Farmer                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
9/7/1882      21/8/1882       George                           William              RAINBIRD                 Selina                not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Carpenter                                         Abraham Augustus Watson                  
1/5/1882      29/8/1882       Elizabeth                        Joseph               NEVILLE                  Anne                  not listed     Lisduff			                     Caretaker                                         Abraham Augustus Watson                  
2/9/1882      12/11/1882      Henry                            Hamilton             IRWINE                   Mary Anne             not listed     Tully				                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
4/12/1882     14/1/1883       George Robert                    James                BURNSIDE                 Mary Anne             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Car Driver                                        Abraham Augustus Watson                  
3/12/1882     3/5/1883        Amelia                           Robert               SHAW                     Amelia                not listed     Lisaderney (Lisadearny?)	                     Farmer                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
7/1/1883      20/5/1883       Thomas                           John                 RAINBIRD                 Margaret              not listed     Gledstown			                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
29/1/1883     10/6/1883       Catherine Letitia                Finley               PARKINSON                Sarah                 not listed     Tully				                     Farmer                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
30/4/1883     8/7/1883        Walter                           Thomas               MATILDA                  Patterson             not listed     Lisaderney (Lisadearny?)	                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
25/5/1883     29/7/1883       Elizabeth                        John                 WILSON                   Martha                not listed     Aughanure (Aghinure?)		                     Farmer                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
30/7/1883     22/8/1883       William James                    William              LENDRUM                  Mary Anne             not listed     Skeagh			                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
27/8/1883     28/8/1883       Louisa                           Robert               STOCKDALE                Margaret              not listed     Drumgoon			                     Station Master, G.N.R. (Great Northern Railway)   Abraham Augustus Watson                  
24/7/1883     4/9/1883        Eliza Jane                       not listed           not listed               Eliza Jane            BEATTY         Skeagh			                     not listed                                        Abraham Augustus Watson                  
22/7/1883     7/9/1883        George William                   George               NOBLE                    Mary Anne             not listed     Aughnascue (Aghnaskew?)	                     Farmer                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
31/8/1883     19/9/1883       Anne Jane                        William Thomas       GRAHAM                   Mary                  not listed     Mullaghmakervy (Mullaghmakevy?), Maguiresbridge    Carpenter                                         William Cripps Ledger                  
4/10/1883     13/11/1883      Anne                             Charles              MCCLINTOCK               Mary                  not listed     Aughanure (Aghinure?)		                     Farmer                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
14/11/1883    22/11/1883      William Alexander                William              SIMONTON                 Charlotte             not listed     Drummeer			                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
26/7/1883     3/12/1883       Rebecca Adelaide                 Thomas               HALL                     Eleanor               not listed     Leiboly (Lebally?)		                     Farmer                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
22/8/1883     16/12/1883      Julia Anna                       Abraham Augustus     WATSON                   Julia Anna Blake      not listed     The Parsonage, Maguiresbridge	                     Clergyman                                         John William Kaye                  
1/3/1884      11/4/1884       Elizabeth Nixon                  Robert Benjamin      KENNEDY                  Emma Jane             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Mechanic                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
25/2/1884     13/4/1884       William                          Johnston             THOMPSON                 Mary Jane             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Thatcher                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
24/5/1884     5/7/1884        Alexander                        John                 FYFE                     Mary                  not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
6/6/1884      11/7/1884       Samuel                           Humphrey             BOYD                     Jane                  not listed     Drumbroughas (Drumbrughas?)	                     Farmer                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
6/6/1884      11/7/1884       Humphrey                         Humphrey             BOYD                     Jane                  not listed     Drumbroughas (Drumbrughas?)	                     Farmer                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
19/6/1884     11/7/1884       Robert                           Robert               HENDERSON                Jane                  not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Baker                                             John Crawford Irwin                  
7/8/1884      7/9/1884        Mary Ellen                       Hamilton             DICK                     Jane                  not listed     Giltagh			                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
30/9/1884     30/9/1884       Eva                              Abraham Augustus     WATSON                   Julia Anna Blake      not listed     The Parsonage, Maguiresbridge	                     Clerk                                             Abraham Augustus Watson                  
15/8/1884     12/10/1884      Cymina *                         Thomas               IRVINE                   Elizabeth             not listed     Tully				                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
1/10/1884     24/10/1884      Frances Anne                     Francis              SWINDLE                  Frances Anne          not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Shopkeeper                                        Abraham Augustus Watson                  
1/11/1884     30/11/1884      Sarah Ellen                      John                 TAYLOR                   Mary Anne             not listed     Drumgoon			                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
12/11/1884    6/12/1884       Anne Eliza                       Hamilton             HUNTER                   Margaret Jane         not listed     Lislea			                     Farmer                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
4/12/1884     29/12/1884      William James                    Thomas               CHARTRES                 Elizabeth Sarah       not listed     Cornashannel			                     Farmer                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
20/12/1884    20/1/1885       Emma Jane                        William              MACFARLAND               Margaret              not listed     Drumgoon Lane, Maguiresbridge	                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
3/2/1885      2/4/1885        Margaret Emma                    Mark                 PERRY                    Alicia                not listed     Lisnagole			                     Farmer                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
2/4/1885      20/4/1885       William James                    Thomas               BOOTH                    Mary Anne             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
25/3/1885     7/6/1885        George James                     William              WILSON                   Elizabeth             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Primitive Methodist Preacher                      Abraham Augustus Watson                  
6/5/1885      13/6/1885       Martha                           John                 WILSON                   Martha                not listed     Aughanure (Aghinure?)		                     Farmer                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
5/6/1885      12/7/1885       Thomas John                      James                BURNSIDE                 Mary Anne             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Car Driver                                        Abraham Augustus Watson                  
30/3/1885     18/7/1885       John? Thomas                     illegible            ARMSTRONG                Eliza Jane            not listed     Clay				                     Farmer                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
1/7/1885      30/7/1885       Joseph James                     Joseph               NEVILE *                 Anne                  not listed     Lisduff			                     Caretaker                                         Abraham Augustus Watson                  
5/1/1886      12/1/1886       Frederick William                Robert Benjamin      KENNEDY                  Emma Jane             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Car Driver                                        Abraham Augustus Watson                  
3/12/1885     1/2/1886        Johnston                         Johnston             THOMPSON                 Mary Jane             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
14/11/1885    8/2/1886        Emily Maud                       Thomas               HALL                     Eleanor               not listed     Leiboly (Lebally?)		                     Farmer                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
9/3/1886      19/3/1886       James Edward                     not listed           not listed               Mary                  LITTLE         Coolcrannel			                     not listed                                        Abraham Augustus Watson                  
18/3/1886     26/3/1886       Francis                          Robert               STOCKDALE                Margaret              not listed     Drumgoon			                     Station Master, G.N.R. (Great Northern Railway)   Abraham Augustus Watson                  
9/3/1886      30/3/1886       James Alexander                  David                BEATTY                   Rosanna               not listed     Gledstown			                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
28/4/1886     28/5/1886       Edward                           not listed           not listed               Sarah                 BEATTY         Gledstown			                     Servant                                           Abraham Augustus Watson                  
29/5/1886     5/6/1886        William Robert                   not listed           not listed               Jane                  SOMERS         Kilnair?			                     not listed                                        Abraham Augustus Watson                  
9/1/1886      5/7/1886        John Thomas                      not listed           not listed               Martha                ARMSTRONG      Coolcrannel			                     Servant                                           Abraham Augustus Watson                  
2/7/1886      16/7/1886       George                           Thomas               CHARTRES                 Elizabeth Sarah       not listed     Cornashannel			                     Farmer                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
3/7/1886      1/8/1886        Thomas                           Thomas               IRVINE                   Elizabeth             not listed     Tully				                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
4/8/1886      6/8/1886        Charles Philip                   Luke                 KNIGHT                   Frances               not listed     Abbey Lodge			                     Sub Sherriff                                      Abraham Augustus Watson                  
28/6/1886     30/9/1886       Robert                           Robert               ARMSTRONG                Eliza Jane            not listed     Clay				                     Farmer                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
10/6/1886     17/10/1886      Emily Caroline Frances           Abraham Augustus     WATSON                   Julia Anne            not listed     The Parsonage, Maguiresbridge	                     Clerk                                             Abraham Augustus Watson                  
25/9/1886     17/10/1886      Maria                            John                 TAYLOR                   Mary Anne             not listed     Drumgoon			                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
16/11/1886    17/12/1886      Francis                          Francis              SWINDLE                  Frances Anne          not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Merchant                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
7/12/1886     30/12/1886      William Francis                  not listed           not listed               Martha Jane           CLINGAN        Maguiresbridge		                     not listed                                        Abraham Augustus Watson                  
9/12/1886     19/1/1887       William John                     Charles              MCCLINTOCK               Mary                  not listed     Aughinure (Aghinure?)		                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
21/8/1886     1/4/1887        Fawcett                          Robert               SHAW                     Amelia                not listed     Lisaderney (Lisadearny?)	                     Farmer                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
1/5/1887      28/6/1887       Edith May                        Robert Benjamin      KENNEDY                  Emma Jane             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Car Driver                                        Abraham Augustus Watson                  
8/6/1887      3/7/1887        William John                     William              MCFARLAND                Margaret              not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
18/5/1887     10/7/1887       Amelia Caroline                  Charles              MCGRATH                  Anna Maria            not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Goods Clerk, Clogher Valley Tramway               Abraham Augustus Watson                  
9/5/1887      15/7/1887       Elizabeth                        John                 WILSON                   Martha                not listed     Aughanure (Aghinure?)		                     Farmer                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
23/5/1887     12/8/1887       Joseph                           Joseph               NEVILLE                  Anne                  not listed     Lisduff			                     Caretaker                                         Abraham Augustus Watson                  
19/8/1887     22/9/1887       Elizabeth                        Thomas               BOOTH                    Mary Anne             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
15/9/1887     29/10/1887      Victor William LeEstrange?       Abraham Augustus     WATSON                   Julia Anne Blake      not listed     The Parsonage, Maguiresbridge	                     Clerk                                             John William Kaye                  
10/9/1887     4/11/1887       Robert Victor                    Johnston             THOMPSON                 Mary Jane             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
7/11/1887     15/11/1887      Anne Jane                        William              SIMONTON                 Charlotte             not listed     Drummeer?			                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
25/6/1887     22/12/1887      James                            Andrew               ALLEN                    Anne                  not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Baker                                             Abraham Augustus Watson                  
12/12/1887    26/12/1887      John Thomas                      Thomas               CHARTRES                 Elizabeth Sarah       not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Grocer                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
29/10/1888    12/2/1889       Eva Jane                         William              RAINBIRD                 Jane                  not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Carpenter                                         Abraham Augustus Watson                  
29/3/1888     6/5/1888        Letitia                          Thomas               IRVINE                   Elizabeth             not listed     Tully				                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
3/5/1888      1/6/1888        Mary Jane                        Stewart              CREIGHTON                Letitia               not listed     Drumgoon			                     Herd                                              Abraham Augustus Watson                  
20/5/1888     22/6/1888       Maggie Elizabeth                 David                BEATTY                   Rosanna               not listed     Hollywood,Tully		                     Herd                                              Abraham Augustus Watson                  
22/6/1888     16/9/1888       Ethel Florence                   Thomas               HALL                     Eleanor               not listed     Leiboly (Lebally?)		                     Farmer                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
24/10/1888    8/11/1888       Isabella                         not listed           not listed               Sarah                 BEATTY         Hollywood, Maguiresbridge	                     Servant                                           Abraham Augustus Watson                  
9/1/1889      22/2/1889       Isabella                         John                 MCCRACKIN                Isabella              not listed     Kilnashanbola (Killashanbally?)                    Railway Porter                                    Abraham Augustus Watson                  
16/9/1888     15/3/1889       George Henry                     Robert               ARMSTRONG                Eliza Jane            not listed     Clay				                     Farmer                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
5/4/1889      19/5/1889       James                            Robert               ARMSTRONG                Eliza Jane            not listed     Clay				                     Farmer                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
23/6/1889     8/7/1889        Eveleen                          not listed           not listed               Mary                  LITTLE         Coolcrannel			                     not listed                                        Abraham Augustus Watson                  
11/7/1889     22/7/1889       Thomas                           William              SIMONTON                 Charlotte             not listed     Drummeer			                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
1/6/1889      5/8/1889        Eveleen Margaret                 Humphrey             BOYD                     Jane                  not listed     Drumbrughas			                     Farmer                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
17/7/1889     8/8/1889        Margaret                         John                 WILSON                   Martha                not listed     Aughanure (Aghinure?)		                     Farmer                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
30/11/1889    5/12/1889       Robert                           Thomas               CHARTRES                 Elizabeth Sarah       not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Shopkeeper                                        Abraham Augustus Watson                  
BORN          BAPTISED        CHILDS  NAME                     FATHERS NAME         FATHERS NAME             MOTHERS NAME          MOTHERS NAME   RESIDENCE			                     OCCUPATION                                        BAPTISED/REGISTERED BY                COMMENTS                  
5/1/1890      15/1/1890       William Robert                   John                 TAYLOR                   Mary Anne             not listed     Drumg-----?			                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
3/2/1890      7/2/1890        Thomas James                     John                 KYLE                     Mary Anne             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Hawker                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
4/12/1889     8/2/1890        Robert                           Noble                CLARKE                   Jane                  not listed     Kilmore			                     Farmer                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
11/12/1889    6/4/1890        Reginald Henry Nickson           Abraham Augustus     WATSON                   Julia Anne Blake      not listed     The Parsonage, Maguiresbridge	                     Clergyman                                         Abraham Augustus Watson                  
22/11/1889    18/4/1890       Joseph                           Robert               SHAW                     Amelia                not listed     Lisadearney (Lisadearny?)	                     Farmer                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
13/2/1890     25/4/1890       Margaret Ellen                   Johnston             THOMPSON                 Mary Jane             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
4/5/1890      18/5/1890       Martha Jane                      Charles              MCCLINTOCK               Mary                  not listed     Aughinure (Aghinure?)		                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
12/9/1890     15/9/1890       Robert                           Thomas               IRVINE                   Elizabeth             not listed     Killycloghey (Killycloghy?)	                     Herd                                              Abraham Augustus Watson                  
12/9/1890     15/9/1890       Noble                            Thomas               IRVINE                   Elizabeth             not listed     Killycloghey (Killycloghy?)	                     Herd                                              Abraham Augustus Watson                  
30/10/1890    1/12/1890       Alfred                           William              MCFARLAND                Margaret              not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
4/11/1890     16/12/1890      Anne                             John                 ROBERTS                  Catherine             not listed     Gledstown			                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
25/5/1890     7/1/1891        Emma Jane                        Isaac                HAMILTON                 Mary Anne             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Hotel Proprietor                                  Abraham Augustus Watson                  
14/12/1890    20/1/1891       William James                    not listed           not listed               Annie                 CREIGHTON      Gledstown			                     not listed                                        Abraham Augustus Watson                  
11/12/1890    2/2/1891        Leslie                           Robert               ARMSTRONG                Eliza Jane            not listed     Clay				                     Farmer                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
15/2/1891     29/2/1891       Elizabeth Margaret               Thomas               TROTTER                  Elizabeth             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Carpenter                                         Abraham Augustus Watson                  
13/11/1890    23/3/1891       George                           not listed           not listed               Sarah                 HICKS          Gledstown			                     not listed                                        Abraham Augustus Watson                  
7/4/1891      10/4/1891       Samuel                           William              SIMONTON                 Charlotte             not listed     Drummeer			                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
1/4/1891      21/4/1891       James                            James                LINDSAY                  Margaret              not listed     Cornashannel			                     Caretaker                                         Abraham Augustus Watson                  
17/5/1891     6/7/1891        John                             John                 WILSON                   Martha                not listed     Aughinure (Aghinure?)		                     Farmer                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
31/5/1891     9/7/1891        Samuel                           not listed           not listed               Catherine             CLINGAN        Maguiresbridge		                     not listed                                        Abraham Augustus Watson                  
9/2/1892      19/2/1892       Sarah                            Stewart              CREIGHTON                Letitia               not listed     Drumgoon			                     Herd                                              Abraham Augustus Watson                  
24/2/1892     3/3/1892        Alfred                           Charles              MCCLINTOCK               Mary                  not listed     Aughinure (Aghinure?)		                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
4/4/1892      5/4/1892        David                            David                BEATTY                   Rosanna               not listed     Hollywood, Tully		                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
12/3/1892     5/5/1892        William Henry                    John                 KYLE                     Mary Anne             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Hawker                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
28/5/1892     1/6/1892        Anne                             Thomas               IRVINE                   Elizabeth             not listed     Killycloghey (Killycloghy?)	                     Herd                                              Abraham Augustus Watson                  
28/5/1892     4/6/1892        William John                     Thomas               CASSIDY                  Jane                  not listed     Gledstown			                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
28/5/1892     10/6/1892       Eliza Jane                       not listed           not listed               Annie                 CREIGHTON      Maguiresbridge		                     not listed                                        Abraham Augustus Watson                  
15/3/1892     6/7/1892        Isabella                         Adam                 SMITH                    Margaret              not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Tin Smith                                         Abraham Augustus Watson                  
17/6/1892     27/7/1892       Francis Henry                    Thomas               CHARTRES                 Elizabeth Sarah       not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Grocer                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
27/7/1892     6/8/1892        John Thomas                      Thomas               TROTTER                  Elizabeth             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Carpenter                                         Abraham Augustus Watson                  
13/7/1892     7/8/1892        John Francis                     Isaac                HAMILTON                 Mary Anne             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Hotel Proprietor                                  Abraham Augustus Watson                  
1/12/1892     1/12/1892       Henry                            William              DELMORE                  Celia                 not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Shoemaker                                         Abraham Augustus Watson                  
1/6/1892      2/12/1892       Frederick                        Humphrey             BOYD                     Jane                  not listed     Drumbrughas			                     Farmer                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
21/10/1892    2/12/1892       Margaret Anne                    John                 CAMPBELL                 Elizabeth             not listed     Drumgoon			                     Steward                                           Abraham Augustus Watson                  
23/11/1892    31/1/1893       William Edgar                    Robert               HAMILTON                 Margaret Anne         not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Merchant                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
4/12/1892     16/2/1893       Elizabeth                        William              RAINBIRD                 Jane                  not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Carpenter                                         Abraham Augustus Watson                  
17/2/1893     4/3/1893        John Francis                     John                 TAYLOR                   Mary Anne             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
8/4/1893      21/4/1893       William Henry                    Edward               BEACOM                   Annie Jane            not listed     Lislea			                     Farmer                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
28/3/1893     28/4/1893       Richard John                     Richard              HOWE                     Mary Jane             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Blacksmith                                        Abraham Augustus Watson                  
15/4/1893     3/5/1893        Hariet                           William              MCFARLAND                Margaret              not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
19/3/1893     30/5/1893       Rebecca                          John                 WILSON                   Martha                not listed     Aughinure (Aghinure?)		                     Farmer                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
9/7/1893      26/7/1893       Margaret Ellen                   William              SIMONTON                 Charlotte             not listed     Drummeer			                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
11/8/1893     27/9/1893       Sarah Jane                       William              IRVINE                   Margaret              not listed     Coolcrannel			                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
20/9/1893     20/10/1893      Edmund                           Robert               ARMSTRONG                Eliza Jane            not listed     Clay				                     Farmer                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
18/12/1893    4/2/1894        Robert Given                     Robert               HAMILTON                 Margaret Anne         not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Merchant                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
6/3/1894      8/3/1894        John James                       Edward               BEACOM                   Annie Jane            not listed     Lislea			                     Farmer                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
22/1/1894     16/3/1894       Andrew                           Hugh                 ROSS                     Eliza                 not listed     Leiboly (Lebally?)		                     Farmer                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
17/1/1894     21/3/1894       Elizabeth Maud                   Charles              MCCLINTOCK               Mary                  not listed     Aughinure (Aghinure?)		                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
16/4/1894     3/5/1894        Margaret Jane                    Thomas               BOOTH                    Mary Anne             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
2/5/1894      7/5/1894        Hamilton                         Thomas               IRVINE                   Elizabeth             not listed     Killycloghey (Killycloghy?)	                     Herd                                              Abraham Augustus Watson                  
21/1/1894     10/6/1894       Francis Richard John McDonnell   Abraham Augustus     WATSON                   Julia Anne Blake      not listed     The Parsonage, Maguiresbridge	                     Clergyman                                         Abraham Augustus Watson                  
15/6/1894     22/7/1894       James Frederick                  Johnston             THOMPSON                 Mary Jane             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
10/5/1894     28/7/1894       Robert                           John                 LEE                      Elizabeth             not listed     Killycloghey (Killycloghy?)	                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
17/7/1894     14/8/1894       William John                     John?                CAMPBELL                 Elizabeth             not listed     Drumgoon			                     Steward                                           Abraham Augustus Watson                  
28/8/1894     4/10/1894       William Robert                   Richard              HOWE                     Mary Jane             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Blacksmith                                        Abraham Augustus Watson                  
16/1/1895     17/3/1895       Emily Maud                       James                LUNNEY                   Hannah                not listed     Garravoghill (Garvoghill?)	                     Farmer                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
11/3/1895     29/3/1895       Edward James                     Edward               BEACOM                   Annie Jane            not listed     Lislea			                     Farmer                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
1/3/1895      15/4/1895       George Francis                   William              RAINBIRD                 Jane                  not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Carpenter                                         Abraham Augustus Watson                  
14/7/1895     22/7/1895       Isabella                         William              SIMONTON                 Charlotte             not listed     Drumeer (Drummeer?)		                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
17/5/1894 *   6/8/1895        Emily                            Robert               ARMSTRONG                Elizab Jane           not listed     Clay				                     Farmer                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
28/8/1895     7/9/1895        Henry Acheson                    Henry                BOOTH                    Annie Margaret        not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
18/9/1895     19/9/1895       Robert Henry                     William              SIMONTON                 Charlotte             not listed     Drummeer			                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
22/9/1895     18/11/1895      Frances Maud                     Charles Edward       CHARLESTON               Frances Amelia        not listed     Corrard			                     Factory Overseer                                  Abraham Augustus Watson                  
25/11/1895    17/12/1895      Mary Jane                        Robert               PHAIR                    Elizabeth Anne        not listed     Coolcrannel			                     Farmer                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
20/1/1896     24/2/1896       Douglas Charles                  Charles              MCCLINTOCK               Mary                  not listed     Aughinure (Aghinure?)		                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
20/4/1896     27/4/1896       Robert Francis Maguire           Alexander            IRVINE                   Jane                  not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Land Steward                                      Abraham Augustus Watson                  
13/4/1896     17/5/1896       Alexander Francis                George               ARMSTRONG                Elizabeth             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
22/3/1896     26/6/1896       John Robert                      William              IRVINE                   Margaret              not listed     Conawaries?, Clabby		                     Scutcher                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
22/5/1896     5/7/1896        William Albert? Foster           William              GRAHAM                   Margaret              not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Merchant                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
21/6/1896     16/7/1896       Mary Anne                        James                REILLY                   Catherine             not listed     Coolcrannel			                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
17/7/1896     4/8/1896        Florence Gertrude                William David        PARKINSON                Margaret              not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Merchant                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
4/8/1896      8/8/1896        George Edmund                    not listed           not listed               Sarah Jane            FORSTER        Corryanne (Curryann?)		                     not listed                                        Abraham Augustus Watson                  
5/7/1874 *    17/11/1896      Henry                            Henry                BOOTH                    Mary Anne             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
5/11/1896     16/12/1896      William Edward                   Robert               PALMER                   Mary                  not listed     Drumgoon			                     Land Steward                                      Abraham Augustus Watson                  
25/11/1896    9/1/1897        Sarah Ellen                      John James           TAYLOR                   Jane                  not listed     Lisduff			                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
7/1/1897      19/1/1897       Sarah Anne                       Thomas               BOOTH                    Mary Anne             not listed     Chapel Lane, Maguiresbridge	                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
18/11/1896    27/1/1897       Catherine                        William John         SHERRITT OR SKERRITT?    Annie                 not listed     Kilnashanbola (Killashanbally?)                    not listed                                        Abraham Augustus Watson                  
17/3/1897     11/4/1897       John James                       James                LUNNY                    Hannah                not listed     Garravoghill (Garvoghill?)	                     Farmer                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
2/5/1897      3/5/1897        Margaret Jane                    William              DELMORE                  Celia                 not listed     Chapel Lane, Maguiresbridge	                     Shoemaker                                         Abraham Augustus Watson                  
8/3/1897      16/5/1897       William Johnston                 Robert               MARSHALL                 Letitia               not listed     Drumgoon			                     Station Master, G.N.R. (Great Northern Railway)   Abraham Augustus Watson                  
15/4/1897     18/6/1897       Sarah Jane                       James                LINDSAY                  Margaret              not listed     Cornashannel			                     Herd                                              Abraham Augustus Watson                  
31/5/1896 *   20/7/1897       Elizabeth                        Robert               ARMSTRONG                Eliza Jane            not listed     Clay				                     Farmer                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
16/8/1897     22/8/1897       Noble Ernest                     William              GRAHAM                   Margaret              not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Merchant                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
16/8/1897     22/8/1897       Gertrude Olive                   William              GRAHAM                   Margaret              not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Merchant                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
29/7/1897     4/11/1897       Margaret Annie Isabella          Robert               HAMILTON                 Margaret Anne         not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Post Master                                       Abraham Augustus Watson                  
4/11/1897     25/11/1897      Mary                             not listed           not listed               Annie                 CREIGHTON      The Alley, Maguiresbridge	                     not listed                                        Abraham Augustus Watson                  
5/1/1898      5/1/1898        Anne Jane                        Henry                BOOTH                    Annie Margaret        not listed     Coolcrannel			                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
14/10/1897    21/1/1898       Margaret Anne                    William              IRVINE                   Margaret              not listed     Conawaries?, Clabby		                     Miller                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
5/1/1898      6/2/1898        Edith Miriam                     William David        PARKINSON                Margaret              not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Merchant                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
3/2/1897      8/2/1897        John George                      William              SIMONTON                 Charlotte             not listed     Drummeer			                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
2/11/1897     23/2/1898       Emily Jane                       Hugh                 ROSS                     Eliza Anne            not listed     Leiboly (Lebally?)		                     Farmer                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
4/9/1897      24/3/1898       Alice Susanna                    Edward               BEACOM                   Annnie Jane           not listed     Lislea			                     Farmer                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
21/3/1898     20/4/1898       Letitia                          not listed           not listed               Mary Anne             BEATTY         Tully				                     not listed                                        Abraham Augustus Watson                  
2/6/1898      2/6/1898        Margaret Anne                    William              RAINBIRD                 Jane                  not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Carpenter                                         Abraham Augustus Watson                  
12/6/1898     8/9/1898        Mary Florence                    Johnston             THOMPSON                 Mary Jane             not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
19/1/1899     28/1/1899       Elizabeth                        not listed           not listed               Martha                VEITCH         Elbow Lane, Maguiresbridge	                     not listed                                        Abraham Augustus Watson                  
25/8/1898     21/3/1899       Eliza Jane                       George               ARMSTRONG                Elizabeth             not listed     Killyshanboley (Killashanbally?)                   Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
20/2/1899     5/4/1899        Edith Elizabeth                  John                 ROBINSON                 Mary Jane             not listed     Lisnagole			                     Farmer                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
12/2/1899     7/4/1899        Mary Alice Maud                  William              GRAHAM                   Margaret              not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Merchant                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
28/4/1899     29/4/1899       Margaret Jane                    Thomas               CHARTRES                 Elizabeth Sarah       not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Farmer                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
12/6/1899     29/6/1899       Mary Florence                    Thomas               BOOTH                    Mary Anne             not listed     Lisnagole			                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
25/6/1899     3/7/1899        William John                     William              DELMORE                  Celia                 not listed     Chapel Lane, Maguiresbridge	                     Shoemaker                                         Abraham Augustus Watson                  
2/5/1899      16/7/1899       Melvin Wilson                    James                LUNNEY                   Hannah                not listed     Garravoghill (Garvoghill?)	                     Farmer                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
25/5/1899     27/7/1899       Martha Elizabeth May             Thomas               HUMPHREYS                Margaret Anne         not listed     Drumgoon			                     Miller                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
21/7/1899     28/7/1899       James Edward                     William              SIMONTON                 Charlotte             not listed     Drummeer			                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
14/3/1899     1/8/1899        Samuel                           Robert               ARMSTRONG                Eliza Jane            not listed     Clay				                     Farmer                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
4/5/1899      8/8/1899        Florence Elizabeth               not listed           not listed               Elizabeth             YAW            Maguiresbridge		                     not listed                                        Abraham Augustus Watson                  
14/7/1899     26/10/1899      Thomas Irwin                     Robert               HAMILTON                 Margaret Anne         not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Post Master                                       Abraham Augustus Watson                  
14/9/1899     27/10/1899      Ethel Margaret Isabella          William              RUDDELL                  Cathleen Elizabeth    not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Scripture Reader                                  Abraham Augustus Watson                  
14/10/1899    30/10/1899      John George                      James                BELL                     Mary Eleanor          not listed     Corrard			                     Farmer                                            Abraham Augustus Watson                  
25/10/1899    30/10/1899      Lily Josephine                   Charles              MCCLINTOCK               Mary                  not listed     Aughinure (Aghinure?)		                     Labourer                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  
22/10/1899    21/11/1899      James Andrew                     William John         SHERRITT OR SKERRITT?    Annie                 not listed     Killyshanbolley (Killashanbally?)                  not listed                                        Abraham Augustus Watson                  
13/10/1899    26/11/1899      Mary Mildred                     William David        PARKINSON                Margaret              not listed     Maguiresbridge		                     Merchant                                          Abraham Augustus Watson                  

ACHESON               Elizabeth                        16/6/1867       
ACHESON               Emma Jane                        11/3/1866             
ACHESON               James William                    15/8/1869       
ADAMS                 Robert                           5/7/1868        
ALGEO                 Henry                            23/1/1877             
ALLEN                 Charlotte?                       9/5/1869        
ALLEN                 James                            22/12/1887            
ALLEN                 Letitia Margaret                 31/10/1872      
ALLEN                 Noble Andrew                     5/3/1877              
ALLEN                 Thomas                           27/5/1866             
ARMSTRONG             Alexander                        15/10/1872      
ARMSTRONG             Alexander Francis                17/5/1896             
ARMSTRONG             Andrew                           16/9/1877             
ARMSTRONG             Edmund                           20/10/1893            
ARMSTRONG             Eliza Jane                       21/3/1899             
ARMSTRONG             Elizabeth                        20/7/1897             
ARMSTRONG             Emily                            6/8/1895              
ARMSTRONG             George                           9/10/1870       
ARMSTRONG             George Henry                     15/3/1889             
ARMSTRONG             Isabella                         18/11/1881            
ARMSTRONG             James                            19/5/1889             
ARMSTRONG             Jane                             11/4/1875       
ARMSTRONG             John? Thomas                     18/7/1885             
ARMSTRONG             Leslie                           2/2/1891              
ARMSTRONG             Margaret                         30/9/1868       
ARMSTRONG             Robert                           30/9/1886             
ARMSTRONG             Samuel                           1/8/1899              
ARMSTRONG             William Hamilton                 20/2/1882             
BARTON                David                            15/7/1867       
BARTON                Mary                             10/8/1867       
BEACOM                Alice Susanna                    24/3/1898             
BEACOM                Edward James                     29/3/1895             
BEACOM                John James                       8/3/1894              
BEACOM                William Henry                    21/4/1893             
BEATTY                David                            5/4/1892              
BEATTY                James Alexander                  30/3/1886             
BEATTY                Maggie Elizabeth                 22/6/1888             
BEATTY                Margaret Jane                    9/11/1873       
BEATTY                Mary Anne                        31/7/1876       
BEATTY                William Irwin                    30/11/1872      
BELL                  John George                      30/10/1899            
BELL                  Margaret Anne                    17/9/1871       
BELL                  Mary                             18/10/1868      
BELL                  Sarah Eleanor                    23/9/1866             
BLEAKLEY              David?                           21/6/1874       
BLEAKLEY              George Richard                   4/2/1872        
BLEAKLEY              Robert                           5/7/1868        
BOARDMAN              James                            3/9/1865              
BOOTH                 Anne Jane                        5/1/1898              
BOOTH                 Elizabeth                        22/9/1887             
BOOTH                 Henry                            17/11/1896            
BOOTH                 Henry Acheson                    7/9/1895              
BOOTH                 Margaret Jane                    3/5/1894              
BOOTH                 Mary Florence                    29/6/1899             
BOOTH                 Sarah Anne                       19/1/1897             
BOOTH                 William James                    20/4/1885             
BOYD                  Eveleen Margaret                 5/8/1889              
BOYD                  Frederick                        2/12/1892             
BOYD                  Humphrey                         11/7/1884             
BOYD                  James Thomas                     7/12/1873       
BOYD                  Samuel                           11/7/1884             
BRYANS                Elizabeth Jane                   25/8/1872       
BURNSIDE              George Robert                    14/1/1883             
BURNSIDE              Robert                           10/10/1880            
BURNSIDE              Thomas John                      12/7/1885             
BURNSIDE              William James                    15/7/1879             
CAMPBELL              Margaret Anne                    2/12/1892             
CAMPBELL              William John                     14/8/1894             
CANNAVAN              Emma                             21/8/1882             
CANNAVAN              Thomas William                   21/8/1882             
CARLTON               Emma Jane                        2/7/1876        
CARROLL               William                          19/9/1866             
CARSON                Louisa Jane                      25/3/1866             
CARTER                Jane                             6/4/1877              
CASSIDAY              John Robert                      3/5/1878              
CASSIDY               William John                     4/6/1892              
CHARLESTON            Frances Maud                     18/11/1895            
CHARTRES              Francis Henry                    27/7/1892             
CHARTRES              George                           16/7/1886             
CHARTRES              John Thomas                      26/12/1887            
CHARTRES              Margaret Jane                    29/4/1899             
CHARTRES              Robert                           5/12/1889             
CHARTRES              William James                    29/12/1884            
CLARKE                Jane                             8/6/1865              
CLARKE                Robert                           8/2/1890              
CLARKE                Thomas                           19/4/1868       
COALTER               Margaret Jane                    24/11/1872      
CONNAWIN?             George                           2/9/1877              
CONNELLY              Priscilla Rebecca                26/12/1866            
COULTER?              Mary                             11/10/1874      
CRANSTON              Elizabeth                        2/1/1868        
CREIGHTON             Mary Jane                        1/6/1888              
CREIGHTON             Sarah                            19/2/1892             
DAVIS                 Mary? Jane                       24/2/1872       
DELMORE               Henry                            1/12/1892             
DELMORE               Margaret Jane                    3/5/1897              
DELMORE               William John                     3/7/1899              
DENNIS                Catherine Elizabeth              23/10/1870      
DENNIS                Francis                          17/11/1873      
DENNIS                John James                       7/4/1867        
DENNIS                Joseph Henry                     31/12/1876      
DENNIS                Leticia                          20/9/1875       
DENNIS                William                          10/12/1865            
DEVERS                Isabella                         17/4/1869       
DEVERS                Mary Jane                        24/5/1868       
DEVERS                Robert                           16/7/1866             
DICK                  Mary Ellen                       7/9/1884              
DICK                  William John                     20/8/1882             
DOONAN                Mary Jane                        17/6/1866             
DOONAN                Samuel Little                    4/8/1868        
DOONAN                Walter                           21/6/1868       
DOONAN                William                          28/12/1869      
DOUGLAS               Eliza Jane                       21/8/1882             
DOUGLAS               Elizabeth                        4/2/1872        
DOWNEY                Elizabeth                        27/5/1866             
ELLIOTT               Irwin?                           17/9/1868       
ELLIOTT               Thomas William                   15/3/1873       
ELLIOTT               William                          26/5/1867       
ELLIOTT               William John                     14/5/1871       
FAIR                  Elizabeth                        20/1/1882             
FAIR                  Margaret                         8/9/1872        
FAIR                  Mary Jane                        11/8/1867       
FAIR                  Matilda                          19/12/1869      
FERRIS                Alice                            6/1/1878              
FIFE                  Catherine                        28/9/1873       
FIFE                  Elizabeth                        16/1/1876       
FIFE                  Emma Jane                        9/6/1878              
FIFE                  James                            30/12/1869      
FIFE                  Sarah                            16/4/1871       
FOWLER                Margaret                         21/1/1872       
FYFE                  Alexander                        5/7/1884              
GARDINER              Fanny Amelia                     2/3/1872        
GARDINER              Joseph Henry                     6/4/1873        
GARDINER              Louisa Ellen                     31/1/1871       
GARDINER              Maud                             14/8/1882             
GARDINER              Robert                           25/2/1866             
GARDNER               Alfred                           15/6/1876       
GARDNER               Carolina?                        28/11/1878            
GRAHAM                Adam                             18/2/1867       
GRAHAM                Anne Jane                        19/9/1883             
GRAHAM                Elizabeth                        29/2/1872       
GRAHAM                Francis                          11/6/1871       
GRAHAM                Francis                          9/3/1870        
GRAHAM                Gertrude Olive                   22/8/1897             
GRAHAM                James                            30/12/1869      
GRAHAM                John                             25/4/1865             
GRAHAM                Mary Alice Maud                  7/4/1899              
GRAHAM                Mary Jane                        25/4/1865             
GRAHAM                Noble Ernest                     22/8/1897             
GRAHAM                William                          19/5/1867       
GRAHAM                William Albert? Foster           5/7/1896              
GRAYDON               Joseph                           27/2/1882             
HALL                  Annie Magdalin                   ?/1/1879              
HALL                  Elinor Jane                      13/6/1876       
HALL                  Emily Maud                       8/2/1886              
HALL                  Ethel Florence                   16/9/1888             
HALL                  John Thomas                      2/4/1879              
HALL                  John William                     2/6/1872        
HALL                  Leticia Jane                     7/6/1877              
HALL                  Magdalin Adelaide                30/10/1881            
HALL                  Mary Anne                        31/5/1881             
HALL                  Mary Elizabeth                   5/6/1881              
HALL                  Rebecca Adelaide                 3/12/1883             
HALL                  William                          30/6/1876       
HAMILTON              Emma Jane                        7/1/1891              
HAMILTON              John Francis                     7/8/1892              
HAMILTON              Margaret Annie Isabella          4/11/1897             
HAMILTON              Martha Anne                      19/1/1865                
HAMILTON              Robert Given                     4/2/1894              
HAMILTON              Thomas Irwin                     26/10/1899            
HAMILTON              William Edgar                    31/1/1893             
HARVEY                William                          14/5/1871       
HAYES                 Mary Jane                        14/8/1870       
HAZLETT               Mary Anne                        5/7/1882              
HENDERSON             Robert                           11/7/1884             
HENDERSON             William Thomas                   2/3/1882              
HOEY                  Margaret Rebecca                 15/8/1867       
HOG                   Thomas                           6/11/1870       
HOGG                  Margaret                         27/5/1866             
HOWE                  Finlay                           4/2/1872        
HOWE                  Richard John                     28/4/1893             
HOWE                  William Robert                   4/10/1894             
HUMPHREYS             Martha Elizabeth May             27/7/1899             
HUNTER                Anne Eliza                       6/12/1884             
HUNTER                Annie Jane                       16/3/1865             
HUNTER                Catherine                        10/5/1876       
HUNTER                Henrietta Charlotte              22/3/1880             
HUNTER                Margaret                         25/5/1878             
HUNTER                Nixon Hamilton                   15/11/1874      
HUNTER                William                          2/2/1872        
HURST                 James William                    15/9/1872       
ILLEGIBLE             Alexander                        18/2/1875       
ILLEGIBLE             James Hawell                     29/11/1874      
IRVINE                Alice                            30/9/1866             
IRVINE                Anne                             1/6/1892              
IRVINE                Cymina *                         12/10/1884            
IRVINE                Hamilton                         7/5/1894              
IRVINE                John Robert                      26/6/1896             
IRVINE                Letitia                          6/5/1888              
IRVINE                Margaret Anne                    21/1/1898             
IRVINE                Margaret Jane                    not listed      
IRVINE                Noble                            15/9/1890             
IRVINE                Robert                           15/9/1890             
IRVINE                Robert Francis Maguire           27/4/1896             
IRVINE                Sarah Jane                       27/9/1893             
IRVINE                Thomas                           1/8/1886              
IRWIN                 Eliza Jane                       7/5/1882              
IRWIN                 Joseph                           20/6/1877             
IRWIN                 Mary                             13/6/1878             
IRWIN                 Robert                           18/9/1870       
IRWIN                 William                          12/6/1880             
IRWINE                Henry                            12/11/1882            
JOHNSTON              Jane                             2/2/1880              
JOHNSTON              Margaret Anne                    4/5/1877              
JOHNSTON              Mary Anne                        ?/5/1874        
JOHNSTON              Thomas Robert                    30/1/1870       
JOHNSTON              William                          31/7/1876       
KENNEDY               Edith May                        28/6/1887             
KENNEDY               Elizabeth Nixon                  11/4/1884             
KENNEDY               Frederick William                12/1/1886             
KENNEDY               Isabella                         2/11/1879             
KENNEDY               Robert Benjamin Noble            3/11/1881             
KNIGHT                Charles Philip                   6/8/1886              
KNIGHT                Elizabeth Noble                  24/4/1880             
KNIGHT                Frances Elizabeth Alexandra      27/2/1882             
KNIGHT                George Willis                    4/6/1876        
KNIGHT                Luines? Francis Skilten?         19/1/1879             
KNIGHT                Mary Frances Edwine or Edwina    9/5/1877              
KYLE                  Thomas James                     7/2/1890              
KYLE                  William Henry                    5/5/1892              
LAWE?                 Eliza Jane                       5/1/1877        
LEE                   Robert                           28/7/1894             
LENDRUM               William James                    22/8/1883             
LINDSAY               James                            21/4/1891             
LINDSAY               Sarah Jane                       18/6/1897             
LOVITT?               Emma Jane                        20/6/1859       
LOWRY                 John Thomas                      17/11/1867      
LUNNEY                Emily Maud                       17/3/1895             
LUNNEY                Melvin Wilson                    16/7/1899             
LUNNY                 John James                       11/4/1897             
MACDONAGH             John Thomas                      10/5/1876       
MACFARLAND            Emma Jane                        20/1/1885             
MARSHALL              William Johnston                 16/5/1897             
MASON                 John Francis                     not listed      
MATILDA               Walter                           8/7/1883              
MATTHEWS              George Rennick Ruthurn?          27/2/1865             
MCCLELLAND            Charles                          7/5/1865              
MCCLELLAND            John                             29/4/1866             
MCCLINTOCK            Alfred                           3/3/1892              
MCCLINTOCK            Anne                             13/11/1883            
MCCLINTOCK            Anne                             5/11/1871       
MCCLINTOCK            Douglas Charles                  24/2/1896             
MCCLINTOCK            Elizabeth Maud                   21/3/1894             
MCCLINTOCK            Lily Josephine                   30/10/1899            
MCCLINTOCK            Martha Jane                      18/5/1890             
MCCLINTOCK            William John                     19/1/1887             
MCCOLLUM              Henry                            16/3/1873       
MCCRACKIN             Isabella                         22/2/1889             
MCFARLAND             Alfred                           1/12/1890             
MCFARLAND             Eliza Anne                       not listed            
MCFARLAND             Hariet                           3/5/1893              
MCFARLAND             William John                     3/7/1887              
MCGRATH               Amelia Caroline                  10/7/1887             
MCLOUGHLIN            Maggie Jane                      7/5/1882              
MCMULLEN              Anne                             19/9/1875       
MCSEVAN?              Richard Alexander                9/2/1873        
MCVITTIE              Sarah Anne                       21/4/1867       
MONTGOMERY            Annabella                        10/2/1867             
MONTGOMERY            Frances                          24/2/1879             
MONTGOMERY            Letitia Elizabeth                10/11/1872      
MONTGOMERY            Mary Jane                        6/6/1869        
MONTGOMERY            Sarah Jane                       10/1/1875       
MONTGOMERY            William George                   27/9/1876       
MORRISON              Annabella                        25/11/1866            
MORRISON              Josephine                        20/10/1867      
MORRISON              Margaret                         12/11/1865            
MORRISON              Margaret Anne                    25/8/1875       
MORRISSON *           James                            30/5/1869       
NELSON                James                            29/4/1870       
NELSON                Sophia Catherine                 not listed      
NELSON                William                          not listed      
NEVILE *              Joseph James                     30/7/1885             
NEVILLE               Anne Jane                        18/11/1877            
NEVILLE               Elizabeth                        29/8/1882             
NEVILLE               John Robert                      22/3/1875       
NEVILLE               Joseph                           12/8/1887             
NEVILLE               Rachel Maggie                    27/7/1881             
NOBLE                 George William                   7/9/1883              
NOBLE                 James William                    19/9/1869       
NOBLE *               Noble                            22/6/1873       
not listed            Catherine                        13/1/1882             
not listed            Edward                           28/5/1886             
not listed            Eliza Jane                       10/6/1892             
not listed            Eliza Jane                       4/9/1883              
not listed            Elizabeth                        28/1/1899             
not listed            Eveleen                          8/7/1889              
not listed            Florence Elizabeth               8/8/1899              
not listed            George                           23/3/1891             
not listed            George Edmund                    8/8/1896              
not listed            Isabel                           21/11/1881            
not listed            Isabella                         8/11/1888             
not listed            James                            22/6/1881             
not listed            James Edward                     19/3/1886             
not listed            Jane                             17/9/1865             
not listed            John James                       13/8/1866             
not listed            John Thomas                      5/7/1886              
not listed            Letitia                          20/4/1898             
not listed            Margaret                         8/4/1865              
not listed            Mary                             25/11/1897            
not listed            Mary Jane                        11/2/1869       
not listed            Mary Jane                        19/2/1869       
not listed            Mary Jane                        7/1/1866              
not listed            Robert                           24/12/1866            
not listed            Robert                           4/6/1865              
not listed            Robert                           6/9/1866              
not listed            Samuel                           9/7/1891              
not listed            Sarah                            31/3/1881             
not listed            William Francis                  30/12/1886            
not listed            William James                    20/1/1891             
not listed            William Robert                   5/6/1886              
not listed            William Thomas                   31/7/1866             
PALMER                William Edward                   16/12/1896            
PARKER                Joseph                           29/12/1876      
PARKINSON             Catherine Letitia                10/6/1883             
PARKINSON             Edith Miriam                     6/2/1898              
PARKINSON             Florence Gertrude                4/8/1896              
PARKINSON             Henry                            12/12/1869      
PARKINSON             James                            8/12/1867       
PARKINSON             John Finley                      8/2/1880              
PARKINSON             Mary Jane                        26/1/1877             
PARKINSON             Mary Mildred                     26/11/1899           
PARKINSON             Robert Moreton                   18/11/1866            
PATTERSON             Anna Louisa                      31/5/1868       
PATTERSON             John Thomas                      17/1/1870       
PATTERSON             Joseph                           7/4/1875        
PATTERSON             Narriett                         21/7/1872       
PATTERSON             Robert Johnston                  20/1/1879             
PATTERSON             William Frederick                27/9/1880             
PERCY                 Mark                             11/6/1871       
PERRY                 Anna Elizabeth                   27/9/1880             
PERRY                 James                            19/9/1876       
PERRY                 Margaret Emma                    2/4/1885              
PERRY                 Samuel                           12/3/1878             
PHAIR                 Elizabeth                        23/4/1865             
PHAIR                 Mary Jane                        17/12/1895            
PHILLIPS              William                          22/12/1872      
PRENTICE              Annie                            25/2/1876       
PRENTICE              George                           19/6/1879             
PRENTICE              William                          14/5/1877             
PRENTICE              William Alexander                23/5/1881             
PRENTICE?             Thomas                           7/12/1873       
RAINBIRD              Elizabeth                        16/2/1893             
RAINBIRD              Elizabeth Jane                   16/5/1875       
RAINBIRD              Eva Jane                         12/2/1889             
RAINBIRD              George                           21/8/1882             
RAINBIRD              George Francis                   15/4/1895             
RAINBIRD              James Robert                     27/11/1878            
RAINBIRD              John                             20/6/1869       
RAINBIRD              Margaret Anne                    2/6/1898              
RAINBIRD              Robert                           24/11/1867      
RAINBIRD              Thomas                           20/5/1883             
RAINBIRD              William                          2/3/1866              
REILLY                Mary Anne                        16/7/1896             
ROBERTS               Anne                             16/12/1890            
ROBINSON              Edith Elizabeth                  5/4/1899              
ROBINSON              Isaac                            27/5/1879             
ROBINSON              James Arthur                     11/2/1866             
ROBINSON              John                             19/9/1869       
ROBINSON              Mark Robert                      4/4/1867        
ROBINSON              Montgomery                       22/1/1871       
ROBINSON              William                          4/4/1867        
ROBINSON              William Thomas                   5/4/1876        
ROBINSON?             Thomas                           15/11/1874      
ROSS                  Andrew                           16/3/1894             
ROSS                  Emily Jane                       23/2/1898             
RUDDELL               Ethel Margaret Isabella          27/10/1899            
SHAW                  Amelia                           3/5/1883              
SHAW                  Fawcett                          1/4/1887              
SHAW                  Joseph                           18/4/1890             
SHAW                  Thomas Robert                    10/2/1879             
SHAW                  William George                   11/1/1877             
SHERRETT OR STERRET?  William John                     26/3/1871       
SHERRITT or SKERRIT?  Catherine                        27/1/1897           
SHERRITT or SKERRITT? James Andrew                     21/11/1899          
SIMONTON              Anne Jane                        15/11/1887            
SIMONTON              Isabella                         22/7/1895             
SIMONTON              James Edward                     28/7/1899             
SIMONTON              John George                      8/2/1897              
SIMONTON              Margaret Ellen                   26/7/1893             
SIMONTON              Robert Henry                     19/9/1895             
SIMONTON              Samuel                           10/4/1891             
SIMONTON              Thomas                           22/7/1889             
SIMONTON              William Alexander                22/11/1883            
SLATER                Margaret Anne                    28/6/1867       
SMITH                 Isabella                         6/7/1892              
SOMERS                Sidney                           4/7/1880              
STOCKDALE             Francis                          26/3/1886             
STOCKDALE             James                            20/2/1882             
STOCKDALE             Louisa                           28/8/1883             
SUMERVILLE            James                            7/5/1876        
SUMMERS               Emily                            6/11/1877             
SUMMERS               Margaret Anne                    13/8/1876       
SUMMERS               Maria                            19/2/1879             
SWINDLE               Charles                          2/4/1879              
SWINDLE               Frances Anne                     24/10/1884            
SWINDLE               Francis                          17/12/1886            
SWINDLE               Joseph                           9/5/1877              
TAYLOR                Anne Jane                        13/8/1882             
TAYLOR                George Henry                     11/9/1869       
TAYLOR                John Francis                     4/3/1893              
TAYLOR                Maria                            17/10/1886            
TAYLOR                Sarah                            6/9/1874        
TAYLOR                Sarah Ellen                      30/11/1884            
TAYLOR                Sarah Ellen                      9/1/1897              
TAYLOR                Thomas                           30/9/1872       
TAYLOR                William Robert                   15/1/1890             
THOMPSON              Christopher                      27/6/1869       
THOMPSON              Edward                           22/5/1870       
THOMPSON              Elizabeth                        22/9/1872       
THOMPSON              Emma Jane                        24/7/1881             
THOMPSON              George                           11/5/1879             
THOMPSON              George                           13/6/1879             
THOMPSON              James                            27/5/1866             
THOMPSON              James Frederick                  22/7/1894             
THOMPSON              James William                    6/6/1875        
THOMPSON              Johnston                         1/2/1886              
THOMPSON              Margaret Ellen                   25/4/1890             
THOMPSON              Mary Anne                        9/5/1877              
THOMPSON              Mary Florence                    8/9/1898              
THOMPSON              not listed                       23/3/1868       
THOMPSON              Robert Victor                    4/11/1887             
THOMPSON              Sarah                            25/2/1866             
THOMPSON              William                          13/4/1884             
TIERNEY               John James                       19/2/1880             
TRIMBLE               Mathew                           9/7/1865              
TRIMBLE               Richard                          3/7/1867        
TROTTER               Elizabeth Margaret               29/2/1891             
TROTTER               Ellen                            16/3/1867       
TROTTER               John Thomas                      6/8/1892              
VEITCH                not listed                       23/12/1866            
WALKER                William                          20/2/1865             
WATSON                Emily Caroline Frances           17/10/1886            
WATSON                Eva                              30/9/1884             
WATSON                Francis Richard John McDonnell   10/6/1894             
WATSON                Julia Anna                       16/12/1883            
WATSON                Reginald Henry Nickson           6/4/1890              
WATSON                Victor William LeEstrange?       29/10/1887            
WILEY                 Margaret Anne                    28/8/1869       
WILEY                 Martha Elizabeth                 14/1/1876       
WILEY                 Sarah Jane                       16/3/1880             
WILEY?                Geraldine? Rachel                14/5/1871       
WILSON                Elizabeth                        15/7/1887             
WILSON                Elizabeth                        29/7/1883             
WILSON                George                           24/7/1878             
WILSON                George James                     7/6/1885              
WILSON                Humes                            9/10/1881             
WILSON                John                             22/11/1879            
WILSON                John                             6/7/1891              
WILSON                Margaret                         8/8/1889              
WILSON                Martha                           13/6/1885             
WILSON                Mary Jane                        17/1/1869       
WILSON                Rebecca                          30/5/1893             
WILSON                Robert                           19/11/1875      
WILSON                Sarah Ellenor                    27/5/1877             
WILSON?               Thomas                           13/12/1874      

be 22/9/1870 be 28/12/1871 e 18/9/1871 her way round er way round ay round ay round