Church: FERMANAGH, Burials Recorded in Killadeas (CoI) 1888-1951
Ireland Genealogy Project Archives
Church Records
Contributed by George Armstrong

PRONI MIC 1/283/1

ROW   NAME                      SURNAME         ABODE                                                  DATE           AGE           RECORDED BY
1     Catherine                 WINTER          Drumhoney                                              25/1/1888      78            R. Gumley
2     Ann                       MAGEE           Bunninubber                                            16/2/1888      74            R. Gumley
3     Thomas A.                 HUNTER          Cules                                                  15/6/1888      41            R. Gumley
4     Elizabeth                 HUMPHREY        Irvinestown Parish                                     17/3/1889      29            R. Gumley
5     Thomas                    MAGEE           Arney                                                  4/9/1889       33            R. Gumley
6     Christopher               BELL            Rockfield                                              15/11/1889     23            R. Gumley
7     Pheobe                    LEONEN          Owl Island                                             7/6/1890       86            R. Gumley
8     Sarah Bell                ARMSTRONG       Rockfield                                              11/6/1890      84            R. Gumley
9     Elizabeth                 GREAVES         Drumcaw                                                26/1/1891      79            R. Gumley
10    Elizabeth                 MCGOWAN         Rossfad, Parish of Trory                               28/7/1891      87            R. Gumley
11    William                   MCTAGGART       St. Angelo, Parish of Trory                            27/11/1891     91            R. Gumley
12    William                   CRIGHTON        Bunninubber                                            28/11/1891     70            R. Gumley
13    Robert                    GUMLEY          Bunninubber                                            12/1/1892      58            Charles T. Ovenden
14    James                     JOHNSTON        Innistoney? ( Inish Doney?) Island                     28/2/1892      100           W. Whittaker
15    William                   MAGEE           Bunninubber                                            4/4/1892       24            John R. Gumley
16    Catherine                 TORRENS         Tullyclay                                              4/7/1892       19            John R. Gumley
17    E.                        TORRENS         Tullyclay                                              30/9/1892      60            John R. Gumley
18    Anne Jane                 FLEMING         Rockfield                                              25/1/1893      25            John R. Gumley
19    John                      JOHNSTON        Castle Archdale Parish                                 21/4/1893      27            John R. Gumley
20    James                     ARMSTRONG       Rockfield                                              26/1/1894      27            John R. Gumley
21    John                      MAGEE           Drogan                                                 31/1/1894      40            John R. Gumley
22    Margaret                  IRVINE          Castle Archdale Parish                                 10/5/1894      80            John R. Gumley
23    James                     BOA             Rockfield                                              1/3/1896       44            John R. Gumley
24    Dennis                    CHURCHILL       Goblusk (Gublusk?)                                     2/6/1895       73            John R. Gumley
25    Irvine                    KELLY           Rossclare                                              26/10/1895     14            John R. Gumley
26    Anne Jane                 BELL            Prospect                                               17/12/1896     78            John R. Gumley
27    Alexander                 ROBINSON        Tully                                                  25/5/1897      86            John R. Gumley
28    Thomas                    MAGEE           Drogan                                                 11/2/1898      84            John R. Gumley
29    Christopher               TUMATH          Irvinestown                                            15/3/1898      80            W.J. Nicholson
30    John                      TUMATH          Irvinestown                                            12/4/1898      85            John R. Gumley
31    William                   SMITH           Tully                                                  11/8/1898      73            John R. Gumley
32    Anne                      ROBINSON        Tully                                                  1/10/1898      72            John R. Gumley
33    Sarah K.                  JOHNSTON        Drumpan? (Drumpeen?) Parish of Castle Archdale         3/11/1898      25            John R. Gumley
34    Daniel                    MCMORRIS        Cules                                                  15/5/1899      40            John R. Gumley
35    James                     MACKEY          Rossquier (Rossgweer?) Parish of Castle Archdale       4/7/1899       69            John R. Gumley
36    Catherine                 MORRISON        Castle Archdale Parish                                 1/12/1899      58            John R. Gumley
37    Eliza                     MCDONAGH        Drumsluce (Drumsluice?)                                7/3/1900       60            John R. Gumley
38    Irvine Martha             TUMATH          Irvinestown                                            14/9/1900      28            John R. Gumley
39    Mary                      HOWDEN          Tully                                                  20/9/1900      80            John R. Gumley
40    Isabella                  ROBINSON        Tully                                                  18/2/1901      98            John R. Gumley
41    Jane                      AIKEN           Enniskillen                                            21/4/1901      50            John R. Gumley
42    John Gerard               IRVINE          Killadeas                                              18/3/1902      78            John R. Gumley
43    James                     TORRENS         Whitehill                                              24/6/1902      76            John R. Gumley
44    Sydney                    TERNAN          Owl Island, Parish of Innismacsaint (Inishmacsaint?)   18/8/1902      17            John R. Gumley
45    Elizabeth Daniell         IRVINE          Killadeas                                              5/12/1902      63            John R. Gumley
46    Eliza                     MAGEE           Drogan                                                 24/7/1903      89            J. Ruddell
47    William                   CHARLETON       Tully                                                  12/9/1903      81            John R. Gumley
48    John Irvine               KEYS            Tully                                                  12/12/1903     21            John R. Gumley
49    Elizabeth                 KELLY           Rossclare                                              2/10/1904      62            John R. Gumley
50    Mary Jane                 MACKEY          Parish of Castle Archdale                              9/5/1906       67            John R. Gumley
51    Catherine                 MORRISON        Irvinestown Parish                                     19/7/1906      87            John R. Gumley
52    Samuel                    SMYTH           Near Bundoran Junction                                 17/8/1906      86            Mary
53    John                      MAXWELL         Drumcaw                                                21/8/1906      80            John R. Gumley
54    Margaret                  MCINTYRE        Drumcaw                                                30/9/1906      72            John R. Gumley
55    Hannah                    ARMSTRONG       Druminchin (Druminshin?)                               10/3/1907      31            John R. Gumley
56    Mary Jane                 BELL            Oghills (Oghill?)                                      27/10/1907     64            John R. Gumley
57    Catherine                 TUMATH          Irvinestown                                            2/1/1908       67            John R. Gumley
58    George                    KELLY           Rossinan (Rossinnan?) Parish of Castle Archdale        7/5/1909       73            J. Crosbie Oates
59    William                   INGRAM          Killadeas                                              15/7/1909      86            Edward M. Gumley
60    Emily                     CREIGHTON       Killadeas                                              31/7/1909      7             Edward M. Gumley
61    Kathleen                  IRVINE          Goblusk (Gublusk?) House, Killadeas                    28/11/1909     41            John R. Gumley
62    Jane                      JOHNSTON        Cules                                                  19/3/1910      71            John R. Gumley
63    Joseph                    ARMSTRONG       Druminchin (Druminshin?)                               20/7/1910      77            John R. Gumley
64    John                      WEIR            Cules, Parish of Killadeas                             18/10/1910     90            John R. Gumley
65    Robert                    TIERNAN         Owl Island, Parish of Innismacsaint  (Inishmacsaint?)  22/1/1911      73            John R. Gumley
66    Robert                    BIRD            Killadeas                                              31/1/1911      82            John R. Gumley
67    Anne                      BIRD            Killadeas                                              15/2/1911      86            John R. Gumley
68    Florence                  GUMLEY          The Rectory, Killadeas                                 18/3/1911      75            John R. Gumley, F.H. Gumley & E.M.Gumley
69    Sarah                     JOHNSTON        Cules                                                  9/4/1911       35            John R. Gumley
70    James                     MAGEE           Killadeas                                              30/1/1912      65            Richard Booth Bryan, Wesleyan Minister from Irvinestown
71    Mary                      AIKEN           Whitehill, Drumharvey, Parish of Irvinestown           30/3/1912      90            Richard Booth Bryan
72    James                     ARTHURS         Garvery?, Kilskeery, Co. Tyrone                        ?/?/1912       not listed    Richard Booth Bryan
73    Elizabeth                 MCDONAGH        Yhe Laundry, Rockfield, Killadeas                      17/9/1912      38            Richard Booth Bryan
74    Henry                     MACKEY          Lisnarick (Lisnarrick?), Parish of Castle Archdale     9/3/1913       79            Richard Booth Bryan
75    George                    NOBLE           Bunninubber, Killadeas                                 16/11/1913     30            Richard Booth Bryan
76    William                   TAYLOR          Druminchin (Druminshin?) More, Killadeas               14/4/1914      not listed    Richard Booth Bryan
77    Margaret                  JOHNSTON        Drogan, Killadeas                                      30/10/1914     69            Richard Booth Bryan
78    Letitia                   CREIGHTON       Tully, Killadeas                                       12/2/1915      not listed    J. Crosbie Oates
79    Elizabeth                 BUCHANAN        Killadeas                                              1/1/1916       80            Richard Booth Bryan
80    Nellie                    MCGOWAN         Killadeas                                              22/6/1916      10            Robert Watson
81    Elizabeth Catherine       MACKEY          Lisnarick (Lisnarrick?)                                23/8/1916      69            Robert Watson
82    James                     MAGOWAN         Rossfad                                                31/12/1916     86            A. McMyair
83    Matilda                   MITCHELL        Cules                                                  10/9/1917      70            Robert Watson
84    Henry                     MAGEE           Bunninubber                                            26/2/1918      69            Robert Watson
85    Francis                   GREAVES         Killadeas                                              19/3/1918      81            Robert Watson
86    Susan                     MAGOWAN         Rossfad                                                21/6/1918      77            A. McMyair
87    James                     KELLY           Killadeas                                              23/11/1918     92            Robert Watson
88    Mary                      INGRAM          Killadeas                                              9/4/1919       94            Robert Watson
89    Mary Olivia               GUMLEY          Leeds                                                  7/5/1919       52            J.R. Gumley, E. Gumley & Robert Watson
90    James                     IRVINE          Killadeas                                              31/10/1920     74            Robert Watson
91    John                      JOHNSTON        Cules                                                  9/2/1921       87            Robert Watson
92    Caroline                  IRVINE          Killadeas                                              20/5/1921      40            Robert Watson
93    Nicholas                  STAUNTON        Rossclare Sanatorium                                   3/6/1921       45            Robert Watson
94    William                   MARSHALL        Rossfad                                                11/6/1921      72            Robert Watson
95    Mary                      TORRENS         Bunninubber                                            26/5/1922      54            Robert Watson
96    Jane                      GREAVES         Drumcaw                                                17/9/1922      74            Robert Watson
97    Henrietta                 MACKEY          Bangor                                                 not listed     not listed    Robert Watson
98    Thomas                    SHARPE          Drogan                                                 6/4/1924       79            Robert Watson
99    Henry                     MAGEE           Drogan                                                 15/4/1924      80            Robert Watson
100   Harry                     MACKEY          Lisnarick (Lisnarrick?)                                26/12/1924     not listed    George Kingston
101   Violet                    NOBLE           Rossclare                                              22/2/1926      9 months      Robert Watson
102   Sarah                     SHARPE          Drogan                                                 24/2/1926      85            Robert Watson
103   not listed                CREIGHTON       Killadeas                                              27/3/1926      58            Robert Watson
104   Susan                     NOBLE           Bunninubber                                            14/8/1926      57            E.M. Gumley
105   James                     JOHNSTON        Innishdoney (Inish Doney?) Island                      not listed     74            Robert Watson
106   Thomas                    NOBLE           Rossclare                                              9/2/1929       6 months      Robert Watson
107   James                     MAGEE           Enniskillen                                            14/1/1930      illegible     Robert Watson
108   Catherine                 ARMSTRONG       Druminchin (Druminshin?)                               13/1/1931      84            Robert Watson
109   Samuel                    SMYTH           Killadeas                                              18/2/1932      71            Robert Watson
110   Ellen                     MCGRATH         Drumcaw                                                20/11/1932     60            Robert Watson
111   Geraldine                 MAUDE           Killadeas                                              2/5/1934       72            Robert Watson
112   Georgina                  IRVINE          Killadeas                                              16/8/1934      73            Robert Watson
113   Clara M.                  MACKEY          Bangor                                                 19/12/1934     65            Robert Watson
114   Catherine                 CREIGHTON       Cules                                                  1/2/1935       59            Robert Watson
115   Mary                      MAXWELL         Shanmullagh                                            8/2/1935       86            H. Macmanaway
116   Mary Jane                 PATTON          Drumcreen, Parish of Magheracross                      12/2/1935      85            Robert Watson
117   Mary C                    IRVINE          Killadeas                                              4/8/1935       66            Robert Watson
118   not listed                BROWNE          Drogan                                                 not listed     not listed    Robert Watson
119   Lancelot                  IRVINE          Killadeas                                              26/3/1936      66            Robert Watson
120   Robert H.                 TIERNAN         Island (as record)                                     4/6/1936       14            Robert Watson
121   William                   JOHNSTON        Cules                                                  17/2/1937      74            R.J. Kerr
122   J.G.c. (Major)            IRVINE          Killadeas                                              2/18/1938      72            Robert Watson
123   James                     CREIGHTON       Rossclare                                              21/2/1938      76            Robert Watson
124   James                     KELLY           Bunninubber                                            20/11/1938     19            Robert Watson
125   William                   AIKEN           White Hill North, Drumadravey (Drumadravy?)            23/12/1939     81            R.W. Heavenes
126   Gregory                   MORAN           Drumcaw                                                12/2/1940      78            Robert Watson
127   James                     INGRAM          Killadeas                                              25/4/1940      80            Robert Watson
128   Mary                      TAYLOR          Derrygonnelly                                          19/11/1940     71            Thomas Stothers
129   Annie                     JOHNSTON        Cules                                                  13/3/1941      72            Robert Watson
130   John                      PERRY           Cules                                                  14/5/1941      66            Robert Watson
131   Frederick V.              MAUDE           Killadeas Glebe                                        13/3/1942      82            W.J.D.W. Craig
132   Mary Anne                 JOHNSTON        Innisdoney (Inish Doney?) Island                       22/3/1942      81            Robert Watson
133   Margaret                  CREIGHTON       Killadeas Post Office                                  7/11/1942      68            Robert Watson
134   Edith                     JOHNSTON        Rossclare                                              19/11/1942     36            Robert Watson
135   Audley Mary Clare         BOTHWELL        Irvinestown                                            10/1/1943      3 1/2         Robert Watson
136   Elizabeth                 IRVINE          Dring, Ballinamallard                                  4/4/1943       73            Robert Watson
137   William Peregrine Daniel  IRVINE          Killadeas                                              5/4/1944       75            J. Switzer
138   Emily                     JOHNSTON        Lack                                                   5/1/1945       1 week        A.J.A. McQuaide
139   William John              KERR            Rossclare                                              3/7/1945       78            J. Switzer
140   Kenneth George            NOBLE           Bunninubber                                            23/8/1946      6 weeks       J. Switzer
141   Emily                     DEVERS          Killadeas                                              30/8/1946      83            J. Switzer
142   William                   ARMSTRONG       Druminchin (Druminshin?)                               28/1/1947      66            J. Switzer
143   Jane                      JOHNSTON        Cules                                                  2/12/1947      78            J. Switzer
144   Joseph                    CHITTICK        Cules                                                  28/1/1948      84            J. Switzer
145   David                     NOBLE           Killadeas                                              2/3/1948       72            J. Switzer
146   John                      CREIGHTON       Killadeas                                              12/7/1948      71            J. Switzer
147   Margaret Violet           GANT            Laragh?, Parish of Trory                               16/8/1948      26            J. Switzer
148   Geoffrey                  IRVINE          Goblusk (Gublusk?), Killadeas                          8/10/1948      73            J. Switzer
149   Annie?                    NOBLE           Bunninubber                                            1/8/1949       51            J. Switzer
150   Charles                   NOBLE           Rossclare                                              8/8/1949       64            J. Switzer
151   Christopher               JOHNSTON        Innisdoney (Inish Doney?) Island                       15/1/1950      49            J. Switzer
152   Margaret                  GRAY            Ballindullagh                                          30/11/1950     77            J. Switzer
153   Ralph                     ARMSTRONG       Drumcaw                                                21/1/1951      47            J. Switzer


SURNAME           FORENAME                  ROW
AIKEN             Jane                      41
AIKEN             Mary                      71
AIKEN             William                   125
ARMSTRONG         Catherine                 108
ARMSTRONG         Hannah                    55
ARMSTRONG         James                     20
ARMSTRONG         Joseph                    63
ARMSTRONG         Ralph                     153
ARMSTRONG         Sarah Bell                8
ARMSTRONG         William                   142
ARTHURS           James                     72
BELL              Anne Jane                 26
BELL              Christopher               6
BELL              Mary Jane                 56
BIRD              Anne                      67
BIRD              Robert                    66
BOA               James                     23
BOTHWELL          Audley Mary Clare         135
BROWNE            not listed                118
BUCHANAN          Elizabeth                 79
CHARLETON         William                   47
CHITTICK          Joseph                    144
CHURCHILL         Dennis                    24
CREIGHTON         Catherine                 114
CREIGHTON         Emily                     60
CREIGHTON         James                     123
CREIGHTON         John                      146
CREIGHTON         Letitia                   78
CREIGHTON         Margaret                  133
CREIGHTON         not listed                103
CRIGHTON          William                   12
DEVERS            Emily                     141
FLEMING           Anne Jane                 18
GANT              Margaret Violet           147
GRAY              Margaret                  152
GREAVES           Elizabeth                 9
GREAVES           Francis                   85
GREAVES           Jane                      96
GUMLEY            Florence                  68
GUMLEY            Mary Olivia               89
GUMLEY            Robert                    13
HOWDEN            Mary                      39
HUMPHREY          Elizabeth                 4
HUNTER            Thomas A.                 3
INGRAM            James                     127
INGRAM            Mary                      88
INGRAM            William                   59
IRVINE            Caroline                  92
IRVINE            Elizabeth                 136
IRVINE            Elizabeth Daniell         45
IRVINE            Geoffrey                  148
IRVINE            Georgina                  112
IRVINE            J.G.c. (Major)            122
IRVINE            James                     90
IRVINE            John Gerard               42
IRVINE            Kathleen                  61
IRVINE            Lancelot                  119
IRVINE            Margaret                  22
IRVINE            Mary C                    117
IRVINE            William Peregrine Daniel  137
JOHNSTON          Annie                     129
JOHNSTON          Christopher               151
JOHNSTON          Edith                     134
JOHNSTON          Emily                     138
JOHNSTON          James                     105
JOHNSTON          James                     14
JOHNSTON          Jane                      143
JOHNSTON          Jane                      62
JOHNSTON          John                      19
JOHNSTON          John                      91
JOHNSTON          Margaret                  77
JOHNSTON          Mary Anne                 132
JOHNSTON          Sarah                     69
JOHNSTON          Sarah K.                  33
JOHNSTON          William                   121
KELLY             Elizabeth                 49
KELLY             George                    58
KELLY             Irvine                    25
KELLY             James                     124
KELLY             James                     87
KERR              William John              139
KEYS              John Irvine               48
LEONEN            Pheobe                    7
MACKEY            Clara M.                  113
MACKEY            Elizabeth Catherine       81
MACKEY            Harry                     100
MACKEY            Henrietta                 97
MACKEY            Henry                     74
MACKEY            James                     35
MACKEY            Mary Jane                 50
MAGEE             Ann                       2
MAGEE             Eliza                     46
MAGEE             Henry                     84
MAGEE             Henry                     99
MAGEE             James                     107
MAGEE             James                     70
MAGEE             John                      21
MAGEE             Thomas                    28
MAGEE             Thomas                    5
MAGEE             William                   15
MAGOWAN           James                     82
MAGOWAN           Susan                     86
MARSHALL          William                   94
MAUDE             Frederick V.              131
MAUDE             Geraldine                 111
MAXWELL           John                      53
MAXWELL           Mary                      115
MCDONAGH          Eliza                     37
MCDONAGH          Elizabeth                 73
MCGOWAN           Elizabeth                 10
MCGOWAN           Nellie                    80
MCGRATH           Ellen                     110
MCINTYRE          Margaret                  54
MCMORRIS          Daniel                    34
MCTAGGART         William                   11
MITCHELL          Matilda                   83
MORAN             Gregory                   126
MORRISON          Catherine                 36
MORRISON          Catherine                 51
NOBLE             Annie?                    149
NOBLE             Charles                   150
NOBLE             David                     145
NOBLE             George                    75
NOBLE             Kenneth George            140
NOBLE             Susan                     104
NOBLE             Thomas                    106
NOBLE             Violet                    101
PATTON            Mary Jane                 116
PERRY             John                      130
ROBINSON          Alexander                 27
ROBINSON          Anne                      32
ROBINSON          Isabella                  40
SHARPE            Sarah                     102
SHARPE            Thomas                    98
SMITH             William                   31
SMYTH             Samuel                    109
SMYTH             Samuel                    52
STAUNTON          Nicholas                  93
TAYLOR            Mary                      128
TAYLOR            William                   76
TERNAN            Sydney                    44
TIERNAN           Robert                    65
TIERNAN           Robert H.                 120
TORRENS           Catherine                 16
TORRENS           E.                        17
TORRENS           James                     43
TORRENS           Mary                      95
TUMATH            Catherine                 57
TUMATH            Christopher               29
TUMATH            Irvine Martha             38
TUMATH            John                      30
WEIR              John                      64
WINTER            Catherine                 1