Fermanagh - Alphabetical List of Landowners in 1870's - M-N

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Fermanagh Index


File contributed by: Bradley Fox

Owner Name                       Owner Residence-1873-75]
McAloon, Andrew                  xxxx               Maguiresbridge            
McAloon, Hugh                    xxxx               Fyaght                    
McBrien, Henry                   xxxx               Pettigo                   
McBrien, John                    xxxx               Derrygonnelly             
McCaffrey, Joseph                Stoneyhill         Lisnaskea                 
McCaffrey, Thomas                Slushhill          Lisnaskea                 
McCartney, Anne                  xxxx               Clogher                   
McCartney, Francis               Lacton-road        Liverpool                 
McCartney, James                 xxxx               Maguiresbridge            
McCauley, Robert                 xxxx               Gortnakelly               
McCleland ,Alex                  xxxx               Knockmanoul               
McCleland, John                  xxxx               Clenaghan                 
McCleland, John                  xxxx               Strabane                  
McClintock, James                xxxx               Pubble                    
McClintock, John                 xxxx               Pubble                    
McClung, Mr.                     xxxx               Fintona                   
McCreery, John                   xxxx               Farnamullen               
McCreery ,Samuel                 xxxx               Farnanmllen               
McCuIlagh, James                 Corfad             Ballibay                  
McDonnell, James and Alexander   Kilturk North      Newtownbutler             
McElroy, Rev. T.                 xxxx               Fivemiletown              
McElroy, Thomas                  xxxx               Enniskillen               
McGregor, James                  Parkhill           Irvinestown               
McGrotty, John                   Brookhill          Pettigo                   
McKelvey, Rev. Wm. [Reps of]     xxxx               Dublin                    
McKenna, Mary                    Doocham            Lisnaskea                 
McKnight, Charlotte              Diamond            Monaghan                  
Madden, John                     Roslea Manor,      Roslea                    
Magee, Mary                      xxxx               Ederney                   
Maguire, Arthur                  xxxx               Corranney                 
Maguire, Bernard                 xxxx               Irvinestown               
Maguire, Edward                  Gortoral House     Swanlinbar                
Maguire, Hugh [Reps of]          xxxx               England                   
Maguire, James                   Dresteman          Derrylin                  
Maguire, James                   xxxx               Tempo                     
Maguire, John                    Knockninny         Derrylin                  
Maguire, John                    Townhall-street    Enniskillen               
Maguire,Nathaniel                Bonebrook          co. Leitrim               
Maguire,Thomas                   xxxx               Lisnaskea                 
Mahood, Mary Jane                xxxx               Enniskillen               
Mathews, J. E.                   xxxx               Maguiresbridge            
Matthews, George                 Kilalea            co. Armagh                
Maude, Maurice C.                xxxx               Lenaghan                  
Mayne, John                      xxxx               xxxx                      
Mayne, John [Reps of]            xxxx               xxxx                      
Mayne, Robert                    xxxx               Dublin                    
Mayne, Robert [Reps of]          xxxx               xxxx                      
Mayne, Samuel                    xxxx               Crockaraven               
Mayne, William                   xxxx               Golan                     
Mears, Charles [Reps of]         xxxx               xxxx                      
Moffet, Mary                     xxxx               Magheramore               
Moffet, William                  Drumschool         Irvinestown               
Moffett, James                   Drumschool         Irvinestown               
Moffit, Mrs                      xxxx               Ture, co Cavan            
Montgomery, Hugh                 xxxx               Tully                     
Montgomery, Hugh De Fellenberg   xxxx               Fivemiletown              
Montgomery, James                xxxx               Drumhirk                  
Montgomery, Jane                 xxxx               Tully                     
Montgomery, Mat.                 Lettir             Pettigo                   
Montgomery, Miss                 xxxx               xxxx                      
Montgomery, Thomas               xxxx               Crockaleen                
Montgomery, William              xxxx               India                     
Moore, Marshall                  xxxx               Scarva                    
Moore, William                   xxxx               Clones                    
Moore, William                   xxxx               Drumbad                   
Moorhead, John M [Reps of]       xxxx               Kilrooskey                
Moorhead, Joseph C. [Reps of]    xxxx               Cloncallick               
Morrison, Catherine              xxxx               Currin                    
Morrison, George                 xxxx               Currin                    
Morrison, James                  xxxx               Currin                    
Morrison, William                xxxx               Currin                    
Morrow, George                   xxxx               Pettigo                   
Mosgrove,Mary A.                 xxxx               Tullyrain                 
Murray Mrs.  [Reps of]           xxxx               xxxx                      
Nixon, Rev. Alexander            Knockballymore     Clones                    
Nixon, Alex. [Reps of]           xxxx               Enniskillen               
Nixon, Frederick [Reps of]       xxxx               xxxx                      
Nixon, George                    xxxx               xxxx                      
Nixon, John                      xxxx               Clinumphry                
Nixon, Mrs.                      xxxx               Enniskillen               
Nixon, Phibbs                    xxxx               Thornhill                 
Nixon, Robert                    xxxx               Clinumphry                
Nixon, William                   xxxx               Thornhill                 
Noble, Alexander                 Drunwainbane       Newtownbutler             
Noble, Anne                      xxxx               Sydare                    
Noble, Archibald                 Glasdrummond       Lisnaskea                 
Noble, Arthur                    Knockmaddaroe      Newtownbutler             
Noble, Richard                   Manville           Lisnaskea                 
Noble, Rev Robert                xxxx               xxxx                      
Noble, Capt. William             Holly House        Plumstead, Kent           
Noble, William                   Sydare             Ballinamallard            

Note: "Mc" names transcribed from "M'" for ease in searching.

Extracted from - Return of Owners of Land In Ireland: A Summary for 
each Province & For All Ireland. Presented to both Houses of Parliament 
by Command of the Queen [Out of Copyright]