St. Columba's Cemetery, Letterkenny, County Donegal, Ireland
Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Donegal Index
Contributed by: Janice Friel


Photo No.0
In Loving Memory | of | KATE FRIEL, Drumlurgagh | Died 6th
Oct. 1966 aged 80 years | JAMES FRIEL | Died 9th Sep. 1973
aged 55 years | SUSAN FRIEL | Died 18th June 1992 aged 63
years | PATRICK FRIEL | Died 27th April 1996 aged 83 years

Photo No.1
In Loving Memory | of | FRANCES FRIEL BARNES | Who died 7th
July 1966 | JULIA FRIEL | Died 2nd March 1980 | R.I.P.

Photo No.2
In Loving Memory of | BERNARD FRIEl | Drumbrick | Died
16th August 1955 | WILLIAM FRIEL | Died 8th October 1957
| SALLY FRIEL | Died 28th January 1963 | PATRICK FRIEL |
Died 27th November 1989 | Rose Friel  | Died 21st June

Photo No.3
In Affectionate Memory | of | MICHAEL FRIEL BARNES, Termon
| Died 27th January 1958 | His brother PATRICK | Died
13th Feb 1964 | Sheelach Friel wife of PATRICK | Died 27th
Mar 1972.

Photo No.4
In Loving Memory of | PATRICK FRIEL | Knocknabollan |
Died 19th August 1978 | FANNY FRIEL | Died 13th April 1973.

Photo No.5
Thy Will Be Done | In Loving Memory | of | JAMES MURPHY
| Donegal Town | Died 13th May 1974 | His Sister MARGARET
FRIEL | Died 21st Sept. 1963.

Photo No.6
In Loving Memory | of | PATRICK MURPHY | The Mullins |
Died 1st April 1977 Aged 58 Yrs.

Photo No.7
Erected By | SARAH MURPHY  | In Loving Memory of | Her
Husband JOHN  | Died 14th August 1968 | His Father JOHN |
Died May 1930 | SARAH ANN MURPHY | Died 17th Feb 1987.

Photo No.8
In Loving Memory | of | ANNE WILSON | Died 3rd Jan. 1915 |
EDWARD WILSON | Ballydevitt Died 28th March 1972 | His Wife
ELLEN MARY | Died 4th Aug. 1973 | Aged 83 Years | His Son
EDWARD CRUMMER | Died 13th July 1856 | Aged 24 Years | 'Gone
But Not Forgotten'.

All images Copyright by Photographer