Old Glanworth Graveyard, County Cork, Ireland
Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Cork Index
File contributed by:Jan Kenney Fortado janfortado@comcast.net
Transcribed by Joyce Tunstead


Photo No.0

Photo No.01

Photo No.1
In Memory of | our dear Dad | BILLY GALLAGHER |
Carrigdownane House | Kildorrery | Died 18. April 1971 |
Aged 52 years | Rest in Peace
On the base of the Headstone: - GALLAGHER | Forever loved by
his wife KATHLEEN | and children | EMER, GERALDINE, TONY |
RICHARD, LIAM, HILARY | (last line not visible).

Photo No.2
Erected | in memory of | DENNIS GALLAGHER of Bohera(sh) |
died August 12th 1811 | Aged 67 yrs.

Photo No.3
Here lieth the Body of | DANL. GOLLAHER who | Died
April 6 1770 | Age 60 yrs. Also his | son JOHN Departd. this
| life Fobrury (sic) 2d. 1778 | Age 27 yr. | PIERCE
GALLAGHER died 19 Jan. 1975 | JOE GALLAGHER died 25 Jan.

Photo No.4
Erected by EDMD. GALAHAR | in memory of his brothr. |
The Rev. WM. GALAHAR | decsd. March 26th 1800 | Aged 41
years | May he rest in peace

Photo No.5
Erected | by | her beloved | children to the memory |
of MARY CARROLL who | died April 30th 1870 aged 52 yrs |
also her daughter | MARY A. CARROLL died | Septh. 8th 1882
aged 22 yrs. | JOHN CARROLL of | Clogher, Shanballymore |
died March 21 1953 aged 34 yrs. | His father | MICHAEL
CARROLL | died June 13th 1955 aged 68(?) yrs.

Photo No.6
Erected by JOHN FARRELL | in memory of his daughr. |
CATHRN. who died Juy(sic) 9th 1856 | aged 19 yrs. Also his
son | JAMES died July 8th 1856 (or 1857) | aged 22 yrs. MARY
died | July 27th 1857 Aged 16 yrs. | BRIDGET died August
30th 1857 | Aged 24 yrs. (Note: A second photo of this
Headstone may be found at Photo No. 20)

Photo No.7
In Loving Memory of | DOLLY SEYMOUR | (née O'DRISCOLL)
| Barry Park | died 18th Oct. 1987 aged 69 years | Her
husband TOM | died 18th Oct. 1980 aged 58 years | Interred
nearby her maternal family | the O'NEILL'S

Photo No.8
This stone was errected (sic) | by JOHN FARRELL in memo
| of his Father MAURICE | departed April 11th 1766 | Aged 75
years Also (remainder illegible)

Photo No.9
In | Loving | Memory of | JAMES O'FARRELL | Newgrove,
Glanworth | died 4. October 1974 | His wife ABINA | (nee
CAHILL) | died 2. March 1968 | Their son JAMES | died 13
October 1966 | Their son RICHARD | died 4. January 1994

Photo No.10
O Holy Cross under thy shadow I will rest | Erected by
| ELLEN O'FARRELL alias O'BRIEN | of Shanballymore | in
memory of her beloved husband | MAURICE O'FARRELL | died
April 15th 1896 aged 50 years | R. I. P. (Note: A second
photo of this Headstone may be found at Photo No. 19)

Photo No.11
Erected | to the memory of | DENIS GALLAGHER |
Ballinamongree, Glanworth | who died 10 July 1884 | His
daughters | ANNIE died 26 Feb. 1922 | ELLIE died 8 March

Photo No.12
This stone was erected | by WILLIAM ROCHE to the | memory
of his Father | DAVID ROCHE who dep- | arted this life on
the 5th (?) of  (....) aged 60 [the rest is underground]

Photo No.13
Here lieth the | body of WILLIAM | ROCHE, Senior of |
Derrivylane, who | depd. this life on | the 27th of January
| 1822 | ag'd 77 years | Registered.

Photo No.14
In Loving Memory | of | JAMES ROCHE | died 29 March
1976 | His brother-in-law | DENIS COTTER | died 1 Jan. 1981
| whose wife | ELLEN COTTER nee ROCHE | died 6 April 1989

Photo No.15
In Loving Memory of | JOHN & BRIDGET, ROCHE |
Derryvillane | and of their son-in-law | WILLIAM O'KEEFFE |
Corbally | who died 22. April 1972 | aged 66 years

Photo No.16
Erected by | JAMES ROCHE of | Dirrivilane in memory |
of his wife ANNE COLBRT. | who died July 23 1847 | aged 48
years Also | her daughter MARY AHERN | who died July 30 1847
| aged 24 years.

Photo No.17
This stone is Erected by | DAVID ROCHE in Memory | of
his son JOHN ROCHE.

Photo No.18
In Loving Memory of | CATHERINE HANNAN | Boherash,
Glanworth | died 16. Nov. 1938 | Her husband WILLIAM | died
27. Dec. 1973 | R. I. P.

Photo No.19
Another Photo of Headstone Photo No. 10

Photo No.20
Another Photo of Headstone Photo No.6

Photo No.21
In Loving Memory of | JOHN GALLAGHER | Ballinhalisk,
Kildorrery | died 16. Dec. 1977 | aged 55 years | Rest in
Peace. On the base of this Headstone: - GALLAGHER | Erected
by his loving wife HELEN | and children DENIS, KERENE, KEVIN
| Remainder of inscription not visible.

All images Copyright by Photographer