Clare - Canceled Valuation Books, c. 1863

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Clare Index


File contributed by: C. Hunt
Transcribed by Joe Quinn 


**= later occupant
In fee = owned by occupant
Ho = House, Off = Office or outbuilding
(If only one name is show as changed it is assumed that the other name is the same.)
(?) not certain of name


(O.S.30)                                           Kilfarboy, Leagard South,  Burdett MORONY Lessor in fee.
1         John Mc GUIRE       Burdett MORONY       Land
2                             Burdett MORONY
3                             Burdett MORONY
4a                            Burdett MORONY                                  1-4a inc, joined with parentheses
5         Martin FOX          Burdett MORONY       House & Land
6a        Thomas HOULAHAN     Patk ROCHFORD sen    House & garden
7         Martin FOX          Burdett MORONY       Land
8         Susan MORONY        Burdett MORONY       Land
9         John LINNANE        Burdett MORONY       Land
10?a      Rev Michael BUGLER  Annie Mc MAHON       Herds house & Land
10B       James QUINN         Burdett MORONY       Bog (reclaimed)
b         Charles CONNOR      Annie Mc MAHON       House
**        Charles CONNOR      Rev Michl BUGLER     House
11a       Patrick  FOX        Cornelius DOHERTY    House & Land
12a       James HARRISON      Burdett MORONY       Office & Land              12a & 13 joined with parentheses
13                            Burdett MORONY
a         Michael FITZPATRICK James HARRISON       House
b         Michael DALY        James HARRISON       House
14        James HARRISON      Burdett MORONY       Land
15a       Patrick BURKE       Burdett MORONY       House, offices & land
bc                            Burdett MORONY
16                            Burdett MORONY
17                            Burdett MORONY                                  15a,bc,16,17 joined with parentheses
18        Michael O BRIEN     Burdett MORONY       Bog (reclaimed)
19        Patrick LEARY       Burdett MORONY       House & Land
20a       Michael Mc MAHON    Burdett MORONY       Land
21b                           Burdett MORONY       Bog (reclaimed)            20a, 21b joined with parentheses
?         Michael Mc MAHON    Burdett MORONY       Land                       scratched out
22A & 22B Michaell Mc MAHON   Burdett MORONY       Land                       scratched out
23        Michaell Mc MAHON   Burdett MORONY       Land                       scratched out
22.24 ?                                            Land
23B       Michael GOONAN      Robert MORONY        Land
24a                                                House & Land               22.24? - 25 inc, joined with parentheses
25        Michael GOONAN      Robert MORONY        Land                       scratched through
26        Patrick HOGAN       Robert MORONY        Land
27a       James KINDLE        Robt.? MORONY        House & Land
**        Robert MORONY       Burdett MORONY       Land                       House scratched out. House down.
28        Patrick CUFFE       Burdett MORONY       Land
**        Rev Michael         Burdett MORONY       Land
29a       Robert MORONY       Burdett MORONY       House, offices & land
b         Michael O'CONNOR
b         Patrick HOGAN       Robert MORONY        House                      b,b, joined with parentheses
B         Edward MORONY       Burdett MORONY       Land                       30A,B, joined with parentheses
31a       Francis GOOLD
          (MORONY)            Burdett MORONY       Stewarts ho,off,land       both joined with parentheses
32ab                                               Res herds ho,off,land
33                                                 Land
34a                                                Office & Land
34b       Edward MORONY       Burdett MORONY       Labourers house            32ab-34b inc, joined with parentheses
35        Edward MORONY       Burdett MORONY       House, offices & land
36        Edward MORONY       Burdett MORONY       Land
37a       William KENNEDY
**        Michael FITZPATRICK Edward MORONY        House & land
38        Fanny MORONY        Denis D'ESTERRE      Land
a         John MANGAN         Fanny MORONY         House
39        James HOWARD        Burdett MORONY       Land
40Aa                                               House & land
B         John KELLY          Burdett MORONY       Land                       40Aa,B, joined with parentheses
41        Michl LYNCH         Burdett MORONY       Bog (reclaimed)
          John SULLIVAN       Burdett MORONY       Bog (reclaimed)
          Patrick LISTON      Burdett MORONY       Bog (reclaimed)
          Frank LEARY         Burdett MORONY       Bog (reclaimed)
          Patrick SULLIVAN    Burdett MORONY       Bog (reclaimed)
          James LEARY         Burdett MORONY       Bog (reclaimed)            people shared different portions of the Bog
42        Patrick CUFFE       Burdett MORONY       Land
**        Rev Michael         Burdett MORONY       Land
43        Burdett MORONY      In Fee               Bog
44        Thomas ORGAN        Thomas MORONY        House & land
45a       Thomas Mc NAMARA    Burdett MORONY       House & land
b         Burdett MORONY      In Fee               Land
46                                                 House & land               46,47, joined with parentheses
47        James O NEILL       Burdett MORONY       House & land
48A       Patrick Morony                           House & land               48A,B,49, joined with parentheses
49        Patrick MORONY      Burdett MORONY       land                       all scratched through
50        Peter HUGHES
**        Thomas ORGAN        Burdett MORONY       House & Land
A         vacant              Peter HUGHES         House
51a       Rev W WOLFENDEN     Burdett MORONY       House, offices & land
52Aa                                               Ho,off,gate lodge & land
B                                                  Land
C         Burdett MORONY      In Fee               Land                       52Aa-C inc, joined with parentheses
b         Burdett MORONY      In Fee               Bathing lodge & offices
c         John BERGIN         Burdett MORONY       Atlantic Hotel,off,land
d         John EGAN
**        Vacant              Burdett MORONY       Bath, house & garden
53a       George A DARTNELL   Burdett MORONY       House, offices & land
54a       Anna Maria MORONY   Burdett MORONY       House, offices & land
55        Francis MORONY      Burdett MORONY       House, offices & yard
56        Fanny WHITECOME     Burdett MORONY       House, offices & yard
57A       Francis GOOLD       Burdett MORONY       House, offices & land
B         (MORONY)            Burdett MORONY       House & garden             57A,B, joined with parentheses
58        Arthur RUSSELL      Burdett MORONY       House, offices & land
59        Henry MORONY        Burdett MORONY       Gate lodge

Source: FHL# 818434