Cemetery: St. Lazerian's Cathedral, Church of Ireland, Old Leighlin

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Carlow Index


Contributed by Anna Ryan 


Of your charity, pray for the repose of the Soul of, Rev.
John Foley, C.C., whodied, January 25th 1917,also his
father, Patrick Foley, died, February 27th1894, and his
brother, Christopher, died, November 18th 190, also his
brother,Daniel, died, February 29th 1925, also his nephew,
Michael, Foley, died young.

In loving memory of, William Lawlor, Mullinavat, late of,
Old Leighlin, whodeparted, Feb. 5th 1914, aged, 60 years,
his wife, Mary (Kinsella), departed,Nov. 27th 1925, aged, 70
years, their daughter, Annie Lawlor, Mullivat,departed, Dec.
3rd 1943, aged, 60 years.

Underneath lie the remains of the children of, James and
Margaret Cullen. Of theTown of Carlow, Denis, depart. this
life, July 17th 1851, aged, 13 years,Frances,  died, July
15th 1938, 10, Patrick, died, July 6th 1947, aged, aged
10,also , Thomas Frances Elizabeth, who died young, Paul A.
Cullen, departed, 18thNovember 1948, aged,20 years, also,
Peter F. Cullen., who died, 23rd April 1950,aged, 23 yrs.
James Cullen, Dept. 4th April 1959.

Erected by, James Foley of, Baunleath. In memory of his
wife, Anne Foley, (aliasDoran), who departed this life,
April 7th 1841, aged, 36 years, also the abovenamed, James
Foley, who departed this life, March 1st 1868, aged, 56

In loving memory of, Elizabeth Wall, Parknakyle, who died,
9th June 1950, aged,83 years, her daughter, Philomena, died,
1918, aged, 2 years, and her husband,John Wall, died, 9th
Dec. 1915, aged, 81 years.

John Tyndall, F.R.S. Educationalist, Scientist, Mountaineer,
born, here, August2nd 1820, died, Hindhead, England,
December 4th 1893.

Erected to the memory of, Patrick Woods, Lower Seskin, died,
9th Oct. 1970,aged, 75 yrs, his wife, Hanna, died, 19th Jan
1937, aged 80 yrs. also hissister, Margaret, died, 21st
March 1916, aged, 17 yrs.

Erected by, Thomas Carpenter. Knockaranna. In memory of, his
beloved wife, MaryCarpenter, who died, March 1884, aged, 64
yrs. also the above, Thomas Carpenter,died, Jan. 12th 1893,
aged, 87 yrs, his son, Patrick Carpenter, who died, June15th
1916, aged 65 yrs. and his daughter in law, Anne Carpenter
(alias Clear)who died, August 29th 1922, aged 58 yrs. and
his grand son, Timothy  Carpenter,died in Australia, Dec.
28th 1928, aged, 27 yrs. and his grand son, Thomas,died,
25th June 1950, aged, 53 yrs. his wife, Bridget (nee Shore),
died 12thDec. 1950, aged, 53 yrs. Timothy Joseph Carpenter,
died in infancy, 1941.

Of your charity, pray for the Soul of, Thomas Hanlon, of
Fenniscourt, who died,April 13th 1902, aged 61years, also
his father and mother, Patrick and CatherineHanlon, also
three of his children who died young, also his wife, Ellen
Hanlon,died, June 3rd 1915, aged 72 years, and their son,
Patrick, died, May 22nd aged,60 yrs. and their daughter,
Ellen, died, Feb. 11th 1955, aged, 72 yrs.

Erected by, her many friends. In loving memory of, Margaret
Whittaker, who died,April 11th 1918, aged 98. For 66 years,
Sextons of St.Lazerians Cathedral. Welldone though good and
faithful servant.

Erected by, Bridget Cleare, Banacagole. In loving memory of
her father, JamesCleare, who departed, Jan. 24th 1910, aged,
77 years, her mother, CatherineCleare, departed, July 16th
1882, aged 59 years, her brother, John, departed,July 24th
1894, aged, 30 year, her brother, Patrick Cleare, departed,
Nov.9th1929, aged, 68 years, the above, Bridget, departed,
Feb. 26th 1940, aged, 80years, her sister in law, Margaret
Cleare, departed, Sept. 23rd 1952.

In loving memory of, Martin Neill, Banagagile? who departed,
Oct. 22nd 1844,aged, 27 years, also his father, James, died,
5th May 1817, aged, 42 year, hismother, Bridget Lawler,
departed, May 18th 1818, aged, 39 years.

Erected by, The Widow Lawlor. In loving memory of her
husband, Patrick of,Raheen, who departed this life, Sept.
18th 1859, aged, 64 years.

In loving memory of, James Lawlor, who departed, Feb. 2nd
1947, aged, 82 years,his wife, Catherine, departed, Jan. 4th
1952, aged, 75 years, their son, JamesLawlor, died, Oct.
31st 1942, aged, 33 years, and their children, who

In loving memory of, John Comerford, Parknaykyle, who
departed, Aug. 9th 1907,aged, 82 years, his wife, Julia,
died, Aug. 2nd 1907, aged, 62 years, theirgrand children,
Lena, 29th March 1936,aged 18, Bridget, died, 6th
Sept.1941,aged, 18, Katie, died, 27th Jan. 1943, aged 26,
William, died, 10th Dec.1944,aged 20 , Annie, died, 29th
April 1945, aged, 26, James, died, 30th Sep.1945, aged, 15.

In memory of, James Holmes, of Leighlin Bridge, who
departed, Jan. 1865, aged,73 years, Catherine, his wife,
departed, June 29th 1869, aged 70 years, hisdaughter,
Margaret (alias Holmes), died, May 12th 1877, aged, 31
years, theirson, Thomas, died, Dec. 4th 1889, aged, 65

Erected by, James Molloy, Raheen. In memory of his beloved
wife, Debro Molloy,departed, Jan. 16th 1885, aged, 65 years,
his son, Thomas Molloy, died, May 4th1916, aged, 61 years,
his daughter, Margaret Bone, (alias Molloy), departed,Oct.
15th 1878, aged, 28 years, the above, James Molloy,
departed, Jan. 1st1904, aged, 84 years, Lena Molloy,
departed, April 21st 1921, aged, 25 years,his daughter in
law, Ellen Molloy, departed, Dec. 17th 1952, aged 75
years,Thomas Molloy, died, Jan. 18th 1961, aged, 75 years,
Thomas Molloy, died, Jan18th 1961, aged, 63 years, Mary
Molloy, died, March 4th 1969, aged 57 years,their son,
Thomas, departed, Feb, 8th 1953.

Erected by, Patrick Carroll, Coon, Co. Kilkenny. In loving
memory of  hisfather, Michael, who departed, May 16th 1811,
aged, 53,years, his mother, MaryCarroll, died, may 16th
1821, aged, 64 years.

Erected by, Thomas Sheehan, U.S.A. In loving memory of his
father, James,Baurnfea. who departed this life, Aug. 7th
1896, aged, 39 years, his mother,Bridget, died, April 6th
1891, aged, 32 years, his sister, Kate, departed, Nov.2nd
1899, aged, 18 years, his brother, John, died, May 28th
1939, aged, 58years, Mary Sheehan, wife of the above, John,
departed, March 21st 1946, aged,75 years, their son, James,
departed, Oct. 25th 1977, aged, 70 years.

Erected by, Thomas Sheehan, Minemore? In loving memory of
his father, PatrickSheehan, who departed this life, 26th
Jan. 1820, aged, 65 years, his mother,Mary, departed, March
25th 1848, aged, 76 years, also his son, Pat. died, aged,
8 years

Erected by, Michael Connelly of, Bannagole. In memory of his
beloved son,
Michael Connelly, who departed this life, Nov. 1st 1884,
aged, 26 years, hiswife, |Mary Connelly, departed, Dec.
1854, aged, 77 years, the above, ThomasConnelly, departed
July 7th 1856, aged, 82 years, his son, Thomas
Connelly,departed, April 23rd 1876, aged, 71 years, his
grand daughter, CatherineConnolly, departed, Sept. 18th
1882, aged, 13 years,  Catherine, wife of theabove, Thomas
and their son, Michael, also his wife, Ellen Connelly, and
theirson, Thomas ,William, John, and Patrick also their
grandson, William Connelly,of the above, Michael and Ellen,
his uncle and aunt , Michael and Margaret.

In loving memory of, Patrick Neill, Clanmore. who departed
this life, Dec. 1st1884, aged, 80 years, his wife,
Catherine, departed, Feb. 12th 1826, aged, 60years, their
daughter, Mary and her husband, John McDonald, of Old
Leighlin,their son, Thomas and his wife, Mary, Mary
McDonald, departed, March 25th 1976,aged, 80 years, her
sister, Annie, departed, Sept. 15th 1981, aged, 79 years.

In loving memory of my dear husband, William Lawlor,
Mullinavat, late of  OldLeighlin, who departed this life,
Feb. 5th 1944, aged, 60 years, also his wife,Mary Lawlor,
(nee Kinsella),  died, Nov. 27th 1925,aaged,70 years,
theirdaughter, Annie, Mullinavat, who died, 3rd Dec.
1943,aged,  69 yrs.

In loving memory of, Rev. John Foley, C.C., departed this
life, Jan. 25th 1917,also his father, Patrick Foley,
departed, Feb. 27th 1894, his mother, Christina,departed,
Nov. 18th 1900, his brother, Daniel, departed, Feb. 13th
1925, hisnephew, Michael, died young.

In loving memory of, Thomas Hanlon, Fenniscourt, departed
this life, April 13th1902, aged, 61 years, his father,
Patrick, his mother, Catherine, his threechildren who died
young, his wife, Ellen, departed, June 3rd 1915, aged
72years, their son, Patrick, departed, May 22nd 1933, aged,
60 years, theirdaughter, Ellen, departed, 11th Feb. 1955,
aged, 72 years.

Erected by, Hugh Carpenter, Raheen. In loving memory of  his
father, TimothyCarpenter, who departed, April 7th 1841 aged,
78 years, also his brother,Patrick Carpenter, who departed,
March 10th 1822, aged, 18 years, his mother,Mary, departed,
July 1850, aged, 76 years, the above, Hugh, departed, Dec.

Erected by, James Doran, of Raheen. In memory of his beloved
wife, Mary (aliasCullen), who departed, Jan. 1st 1875, aged,
46 years, their daughter, MaryDoran, departed, Sept. 13th
1864, aged 16 years, his son, Ambrose Doran,departed, Aug.
5th 1886, aged, 43 years, his wife, Margaret, departed,
Dec.15th 1906, aged, 45 years, their daughter, Helen,
departed, Nov. 16th 1893,aged, 7 years.

Erected by, Ambrose Doran, Feamore. In loving memory of his
father, John, whodeparted , July 12th 1862, aged, 74 years,
his mother, Mary Doran, departed,July 19th 1845, aged, 46
years, Catherine Doran, departed, 167, aged, 40 years.

Erected by, Patrick Carpenter, who departed this life, Sept.
16th 1799, aged, 60years, his wife, Anne (nee Higgins),
departed, January 28th 1810, aged, 69years, his son, Thomas.
(old headstone and hard to read)

Erected by, James Rice, Johnsduffs Wood. In loving memory of
his father, Thomas,who departed, April 30th 1900, aged, 84
years, his mother, Margaret, departed,Jan. 18th 1891, aged,
65 years, his brother, Michael, departed, April 6th
1904,aged, 55 years, his sister, Margaret,  departed, 3rd
June 1913, aged, 49 years,his daughter, Maggie, departed,
June 15th 1913, aged, 6 years, the above, James,departed,
Nov. 22nd 1926, aged, 75 years, his wife, Anne, departed,
Feb. 25th1930, aged, 67 years.

Erected by, Thomas Byrne, Paeknakyle. In loving memory of
his father, Patrick,departed, May 12th 1810, aged, 67 years,
his mother, Mary, departed, April 8th1828, aged, 88 years,
the above, Thomas, departed, Sept 11th 1868, aged, 96years,
his nephew, Thomas, departed, Sept. 6th 1878, aged, 54
years, his grandson, Thomas Byrne, of the above Thomas
Byrne, John's daughter, Margaret Mary,wife of John, departed
May 15th 1962, his grand son, baby John, departed, April10th
1942, Thomas son of Mary Byrne departed, Jan. 1st 1985,
aged, 73 years.

This stone was erected by, Bridget Carnew (nee Scanlin). In
memory of herbeloved husband, Denis, who departed this life,
June 13th 1796, aged, 40 years.

Erected by, Denis Carnew, Old Leighlin. In memory of his
beloved father,Patrick, departed, 1847, aged, 75 years, his
mother, Judith (nee Fitzpatrick),of Derrynane House, Co.
Kildare, 1852- aged, 75 years, his wife, Mary (neeLynch),
died, Jan. 6th 1882, aged, 62 years, the above, Denis,
departed, Jan13th aged, 82 years,  Matthew Carnew, departed,
March 14th 1932, aged, 75 years,his wife, Bridget, departed,
June 15th 1943, aged, 96 years, their son, Denis,departed,
Aug. 3rd 1968, aged, 80, years, his wife, Mary (nee Wynne),
departed,June 20th 1988, aged, 93 years.

Erected by, Julia McCabe, of Thomasock. In memory of her
beloved husband,Patrick McCabe, who departed, July 8th 1913,
aged, 62 years, the above, Julia,departed Aug. 4? 1943,
aged, 85 years.

Erected by, Patrick Murphy, of Raheenwood. In loving memory
of his  father,Thomas Murphy, departed, May 11th 1812, aged,
71 years, his mother Anne Murphy,departed, July 14th 1821,
aged, 75 years, his wife, Margaret Murphy, departed,1841,
aged, 48 years, the above, Patrick Murphy, departed, Nov.
12th 1910, aged,98 years, his wife, Mary Murphy, departed,
March 26th 1897, aged, 64 years,their son, John, died young,
their son, Patrick, departed, April 30th 1951,aged, 80
years, their daughter, Anne, departed, July 21st 1956, aged,
77 years,Margaret and James, died in the U.S.A., Joseph,
departed, Sept. 8th 1969,Bridget and Jane, died, in the

Erected by, Michael Purcell, Bagenalstown. In memory of his
father, Stephen, whodeparted, Jan. 1st 1913, aged, 42 years,
his brother, Stephen Purcell, killed inaction in France,
1917, aged, 22 years, his two brothers, died young,
also,Katie Purcell, departed, Oct. 25th 1929, aged, 70
years, the above, Michael,departed, Oct. 13th 1965, aged 75
years, his sister, Mary Purcell, departed,July 14th 1998,
aged, 96 years.

Erected by, Catherine Tynan, Ratheaden. In memory of her
beloved husband, JohnTynan, departed, Nov. 23rd 1887, aged,
86 years, the above, Catherine, departed,Oct. 8th 1895,
aged, 86 years.

Erected by, John McCabe. In memory of his beloved, father,
James, of Tomnasock,who departed, Nov. 22nd 1927, aged, 80
years, also his grand parents, John andElizabeth McCabe,
also his uncles, Patrick, Michael and John, died in
America,hi s mother, Catherine McCabe, departed, Dec. 20th
1940, aged 78 years, PatrickMcCabe, departed, January 31st
Jan. 1962, his sister, Catherine, departed, Jan.22nd 1966.

Erected by, Rev. J.B. McNally, California. In loving memory
of his farther,James Morgan McNally, who departed, 1858,
aged 74 years, his mother, MaryMcNally, departed, 1849,
aged, 72 years, their children, Michael, 1847, aged,19,
Mary, 1880, aged, 56, Thomas, 1890, aged, 78, John, 1902,
aged, 77, hiswife, Anne, their sons, Michael and Patrick,
Patrick's wife, Mary, and theirchildren, Mary , Patrick and

In loving memory of, John and Margaret Woods, The Ridge, Old
Leighlin, departed,1927, their sons, John Phelan, 1924,
their daughter, Annie Phelan, departed,Nov. 11th 1971, aged,
86 years, her husband, Patrick Phelan, departed, May
19th1964, aged, 83 years.

In loving memory of. Margaret (nee O'Neill) Forde, wife and
sister, who died,10th April 2000, aged, 63 years.

In loving memory of, William Forde, Glenville Core,
accidentally killed inCanada, Oct. 6th 1932, aged, 29 years,
his wife, Margaret (nee Caine), departed,Oct. 8th 1956,
aged, 59 years.

Erected by, Mary Murphy. In loving memory of her beloved
husband, Patrick,Raheenwood, Old Leighlin, who departed,
Aug. 11th 1971, aged 77 years, theabove, Mary Murphy,
departed, Oct. 17th 1972, aged, 73 years.

Erected by, William Watchhorn. In loving memory of his
father, Richard, whodeparted, Jan. 30th 1880, aged, 35
years, his brother, Henry, who died young.

Erected by, Thomas Shirley. In loving memory of his brother,
John, who departedthis life,  May 18th 1914, aged, 74 years,
his wife, Kate, departed, Feb. 2nd1912, also his daughter
Elizabeth Frances, departed, Feb. 2nd 1912, the above,James
Shirley, departed, March 6th 1925.

In loving memory of, Abraham Shirley, Knockdawn, who
departed, Dec. 10th 1974,aged, 76 years, his brother,
Thomas, departed, July 8th 1955.

Erected by, Thomas Shirley. In loving memory of his brother,
John Shirley, whodeparted, May 16th 1914, aged, 76 years,
his wife, Kate, departed, Feb. 2nd1916, his daughter,
Elizabeth Frances, departed, March 8th 1915.

In loving memory of, H.H.E. Peacock, Dean of, Old Leighlin,
1983-1988, born,10th May 1913, died, 7th June 1995.

In loving memory of, Nathaniel Hayes, Monemore, who
departed, Jan.  18th 1936,aged, 77 years, his son, Nathaniel
Hayes, Ballybannon, Milford, who departed,Dec. 27th 1945,
aged, 38 years, his wife, Susanna, departed, April 17th
1962,aged, 59, Richard Hayes, Moneymore, departed, August
9th 1973, aged, 76 years,his  wife, Evelyn Hayes, departed,
Dec. 3rd 1988, aged, 73 years.

In loving memory of, Mary Stone, Augharue, Bilboa, who
departed, December  5th1971, aged, 76 years, her brother,
William, died at, Janesville, June 21st 1881,aged, 87 years.

In loving memory of, William E. Marshall. B A. H. Dip.
ED.The Ridge, Old Leighlin. Born, 11July 1920, died, Dec.
8th 1957, his parents, Frances E. Marshall, departed, April
6th 1981, aged, 79 years, Thomas H. Marshall, departed,Oct.
22nd 1981, aged, 83 years.

In loving memory of, Annie Noel Smyth, The Ridge. who
departed this life, June18th 1919, aged, 16 years, her
brother, William Humphrey Smyth, departed, Jan.20th 1928,
aged, 21 years, their aunts, Elizabeth Smyth, departed ,
Jan. 5th1918, aged, 47 years, Jane Annie Smyth, departed,
Oct 20th 1939, aged, 67 years.

In loving memory of, John Hatton, Coolnagh Ha? In loving
memory of his wife,Anne, who departed, Jan 14th 1903, aged,
70 years.

In loving memory of, William Smyth. The Ridge, who departed,
July 14th 1915,aged, 72 years, his wife, Maria, departed,
Sept. 11th 1908, aged, 54 years,their sons, Nathanial R.
departed, June 2nd 1895, aged, 27 years, Edward Fennell
Smyth, departed, Nov. 12th 1887, aged, 20 years, John,
departed, Nov. 3rd 1908,aged, 35, years.

Erected by, Mark Scanlan. In loving memory of his daughter,
Sarah Anne,departed, July 5th 1885, aged, 29 years, (old
head stone and hard to read)

In loving memory of, Nathanial Smyth, Ballinabolfy. who
departed, May 1st 1822,his two sons, Wesley Knox, departed,
Nov. 1st 1916, James Sutcliffe, departed,Sept. 20th 1922,
his wife, Ellen Amelia, departed, Feb. 15th 1914.

Erected by, Michel Dwyer, Monduff. In loving memory of hi
son, Michael Dwyer,who departed, June 8th 1893, aged, 17
years, his daughter, Ellen, departed, May24th 1895, aged, 10
years, his daughter, Kate, departed, March 2nd 1896, aged,21
years, the above, Michael, departed, March 5th 1906, aged,
72 years, his son,James, died in New York, March 23rd 1912,
aged, 26 years, his wife, Annie Dwyer,departed , Oct. 16th
1916, aged, 62 years.

In loving memory of, John Lennon, Knochawn, who departed,
Feb. 24th 1990, aged,88 years, also his wife, Mary,
departed, March 19th 2003, aged 99 years, his mother, Mary,
departed, Oct. 3rd 1906, aged, 28 years, his father,
Patrick,departed, June 19th 1947, aged, 71 years, his
daughter, Statia, died young, his uncle, James Lennon,
departed, Nov. 8th 1964, aged, 84 years.

Erected by, Rigley. U.S.A. In loving memory of his father,
Thomas Rigley, The Ridge, departed, May 1st 1921, aged, 78
years, his brother, Francis, departed,July 11th 1916, aged,
47 years, his sister, Deborah, departed, June 30th
1926,aged, 35 years.

Erected by, Thomas Dolan, the Ridge. In loving memory of his
parents, Philip,departed, Sep. 15th 1930, aged, 62 years,
Mary, departed, August 19th  1950,aged, 81 years, the above,
father, Thomas, departed, Jan. 29th 1972, aged 64years, his
brother, John, departed, May 27th 1975, aged, 69 years,
Philip Dolan,departed, Feb. 1st 1985, aged,73 years.

In loving memory of, Luke Roche, Monemore, departed, May
26th 1923, his wife,Mary, departed, April 4th 1960.

In loving memory of Thomas Hanlon, Fenniscourt, departed,
April 13th 1902, aged,61 years, his father, Patrick, his
mother, Catherine, his three children died young, his wife,
Ellen, departed, June 3rd 1915, aged,  72 years, their
son,Patrick, departed, May 22nd 1932, aged, 60 years, their
daughter, Ellen,departed, Feb. 11th 1953, aged, 72 years.

Erected by, James Nolan. In loving memory of his daughter,
Margaret, who departed, July 1st 1865, aged, 9 years, his
son, Thomas Nolan, departed, Nov.28th 1874, aged, 14 years,
the above, James Nolan, departed, March 22nd 1898,aged, 90
years, his daughter, Teresa, departed, July 20th 1899, aged,
22 years,his daughter, Bridget, died in Chicago, his wife,
Jane, departed, Feb. 1901,aged, 64 years, his son, Philip,
departed, January 19th 1927, aged, 59 years,Julia Nolan,
wife of Philip, departed, Dec. 3rd 1953, aged, 80 years,
James, son of Philip, departed, April 25th 1970, aged, 65,
years, also, Maureen, daughter of Philip, departed, February
17th 1991, aged, 71 years, also, Kathleen,daughter of
Philip, departed, February 19th 1993, aged, 81 years. John,
son of Philip, departed, Sept. 19th 2002, aged, 85 years.

Erected by, Miles Quirke, Coolcullen. In loving memory of
his wife, Elizabeth(nee Stafford), who departed, August 12th
1866, aged, 70 years, her daughter, Margaret, departed, July
11th 1845, aged, 15 years, his son, died young.

Erected by, Hugh Quirke. In loving memory of his son,
Edward, who departed, Dec.18th 1808, aged, 19 years, George
Quirke, Coolcullen, departed, November 1919,aged, 61 years,
his wife, Mary, departed, January 13th 1934, aged, 70
years,their son, Thomas, departed, February 6th 1939, aged ,
42 years, his wife, Mary,departed, March 1923, aged, 39

Erected by, Ellen Quirke, Coolcullen. In loving memory of
her husband, Thomas,who departed, December 17th 1913, aged,
75 years, the above, Ellen, departed,January 31st 1944,
aged, 90 years.

Erected by, Mary Ryan. In loving memory of her father,
Thomas, who departed,April 25th 1870, her mother, Ellen
Ryan, departed, February 23rd 1872, her brothers, James
Ryan, departed, May 20th 1848, aged, 41 years,,
Patrick,departed, August 7th 1875, aged, 41 years, the
above, Mary Ryan, departed, Nov.11th 1875, aged, 72 years,
Thomas Ryan, departed, Nov. 3rd 1944, his wife,Catherine,
departed, June 5th 1947, aged, 68 years, his brother, John,
departed,November 1957, aged, 58 years.