Antrim Obituaries: Whiteford, Hugh Boyd  December 13, 1850

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Antrim Index


File contributed by: Donna Magee July 11, 2023, 12:23 am


Belfast, Northern Ireland, The Belfast Newsletter (Birth, Marriage and Death 
Notices), 1738-1925, Linen Hall Library; Belfast, Northern Ireland.

Obituary for Hugh Boyd Whiteford  s/o John Whiteford and unk Boyd

On 13th inst. At his house in Lisburn, of fever, contracted by his attendance on 
the patients in the hospital, Hugh Boyd Whiteford, M.D.. During his professional 
career in Lisburn, his conduct has been uniformally marked by disinterested 
philanthropy; and he has now, in the prime of life, at the early age of 36, 
fallen a victim to his humanity and bnevolence-so speedy was the progress of the 
disease, that he was snatched from his friends almost before they could believe 
the melancholy tidings. Did we require any proof of the high estimation in which 
he was held by all classes of society it would be found in the marked  
demonstrations of respect shown to his memory. During the interment of his 
remains, which took place at 10 o'clock, on the morning of Wednesday, almost 
every shop was closed, and business suspended. In addition to a very large 
number of the respectable inhabitants of the town and neighbourhood, a dense 
multitude of the poorer classes accompanied the procession, and crowded round 
the grave to take a last look and last farewell of their friend and benefactor,- 
Seldom has a similar event produced such sensations of unfeigned sorrow; and the 
proofs of this feeling to those must be highly gratifying to his surviving 
friends,, if anything can be gratifying to those who have sustained so severe a 

Additional Comments: The Whitefords had earlier lived in/near Ballycastle.  Hugh 
Boyd relocated to Lisburn after he became a Dr. Hugh Boyd Whiteford was my ggg 
grandmother (Jane)s brother. She married Patrick Jamieson. They lived for a time 
on Cape Fair Head before migrating to Ontario, Canada circa 1844.