W. Drummond & Sons. Pembroke, Carlow
c.1931 - 1939
1931 - In October 1931,
we purchased the late Mr. James Dugan’s
interest in his premises at Pembroke and 5
Dublin Street, Carlow.
1934 – In order to cope with the growing
of our Nursery business we took over fifteen
acres at Killeshin, Carlow, principally for
the production of Roses and Fruit Trees and
Shrubs. This Nursery is now established and
almost up to its full production capacity.
1938- We found accommodation at 5 Dublin
Street to be unequal to the requirements of
our expanding seed business. We decided that
the best interest of our customers would be
served by establishing the seed business and
stores on the Pembroke Nursery grounds.
1939 – We have now erected an entirely new and
up to date block embracing a shop, offices and
stores with floor space of 14,000 square feet,
where we will be in a position to provide for
the growing requirements of our business.
- Our
New Address is:
- W.
Drummond & Sons, Ltd
Seedsmen and Nurserymen
Pembroke, Carlow.
Head Office, 57 & 58 Dawson Street,
Dublin, C2
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