Carlow County - Ireland Genealogical Projects (IGP TM)

Pat Purcell Papers
The "Battle" continues....

By kind permission of Mr Michael Purcell

The "Battle" continues....

War of Independence, Jan. 1919 -- July 1922.

[Note added by Michael Purcell 2010 - Following the letter from the Irish Transport and General Workers Union a letter from Sinn Fein was delivered to Carlow Urban Council.]

In July 1919 Captain Johnson, B. Company, Norfolk Yeomanry based in Carlow Military Barracks, wrote to  Carlow Urban Council  requesting the use of Carlow Town Hall in order to give a "complimentary concert " to celebrate "Peace Day 1919" (19th July, also referred to as "Victory Day").

Sinn Fein Cumann, Carlow.

Carlow 13th July 1919.

A Chara - I have been instructed by my committee to forward to you the enclosed resolution, and to request you to place it before your Council at its meeting on Monday 13th July:-

"It has been brought to our notice that the section of the Army of Occupation stationed in Carlow, are arranging to celebrate the signing of peace by holding a dance in Carlow Town Hall, the property of the people of Carlow.”

Mindful of the fact that Irishmen have been and are being, arrested and imprisoned by this same army of occupation, and that James Lennon, T.D. for the County of Carlow, is at present in solitary confinement in Belfast jail.

And further mindful of the fact that in the words of the Irish Hierarchy, “we have the evils of military rule exhibited at our doors. In this ancient civilising nation the people are not permitted to rule themselves through men of their own choice. The work is done for them by some stranger without any knowledge of the country".

Now, we, the committee of the Carlow Branch of the Sinn Fein organisation, representing the political opinions of the vast majority of the ratepayers of Carlow, earnestly request you, the civil governors of the town , to refuse this application of the alien forces in our midst, and thus protest in a very practical fashion against the tyranny and militarism which denies to this ancient nation her lawful rights.

Thanking you in anticipation,

Yours faithfully, Michael Behan. Secretary.


The above is a true and accurate transcript of the original document.

Transcribed by M. Purcell c2010.
Old newspapers in the PPP.
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