Headstones: Abbey Graveyard (CoI), Ferrybank - County Waterford
Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Waterford Index
File contributed by:  Steve Rogers
Transcribed by Valerie Ackroyd


*Hint - Use Ctrl-F to Find Names

Photo No.0
Abbey entrance

Photo No.1
To the memory of JOHN ADIE | Late Master and Owner of the Sloop | St.
(?) Helens of Limekilns Parish of Dumfarline, County of Fife | Scotland
who departed this life on | the 21st Day of October in | the Year of our
Lord 1822 and | ... the 7 Children to lament his loss | ... 48 Years of
his Age....

Photo No.2
In affectionate memory | of | ELLEN | Second child of | THOMAS and ELLEN
AINSWORTH | of Newgate ... Waterford | Who died December 27th 1866 aged
1 (?) year | Also | ELLEN | The beloved wife of | THOMAS AINSWORTH | Who
died May 15th 1867 aged 28 years | THOMAS AINSWORTH | Who died July 15th
1893 aged 55 years | JOHN HAROLD | Second son of the above | THOMAS
AINSWORTH | Who died at Buluwayo Africa | December 27th 1895. Aged 21

Photo No.3
Sacred | to the memory of | JOHN ALLEN Master Mariner | of Portland
County of Dorset | departed this life 2nd of June | 1848 aged 41 years.
| Erected by his affectionate Wife

Photo No.4
Sacred | To the memory of HENRY FREDERIC ALSTON | of Anne Mountlane (?)
Captain of ... | Regiment who departed this life May | 18th 1847 (?),
aged 54 (?) Years | Also | HAROLD ALCOCK ALSTON | Son of the above died
at Richmond Virginia | April 22nd 1865 aged 49 (?) years

Photo No.5
Sacred | to the memory of | ANNE | The beloved wife of the | Revd.
JOSHUA ANDERSON | Who departed this life | the 24th March 1854 | Aged 69
years | ... | Also | to the memory of | CATHERINE ANDERSON | ...
daughter of the | Revd. JOSHUA ANDERSON | Who died on the 1st day of
February 1855 | Aged 28 (?) years | Also of | The Revd. JOSHUA ANDERSON
| Rector of Myshall in the Co. of Carlow | Who died on the 6th day of
April 1859 | Aged 90 years. | JANE ELLEN ANDERSON | 2nd daughter of
Revd. JOSHUA ANDERSON | Died March 14th 1906 aged 84. | PAUL CHRISTMAS
ANDERSON | 4th son of Revd. JOSHUA ANDERSON | Aged 90 years. Died 24th
Feb. 1907

Photo No.6
Another view of No. 6, ANDERSON

Photo No.7
Another view of No. 6, ANDERSON

Photo No.8
Another view of No. 6, ANDERSON

Photo No.9
Erected by Mrs. JANE ... | in memory of her beloved ... | BENJAMEN
ANDERSON | who departed this life the first ... | 1834 aged 47 Years |
Mrs. JANE AN... | Died Decr. 6th ...

Photo No.10
Part of 9. Together the two parts read: Erected by Mrs. JANE
ANDERSON | in memory of her beloved Husband Captn. | BENJAMEN ANDERSON
of London | who departed this life the first of March | 1834 aged 47
Years. Mrs. JANE AN... | Died Decr. 6th...

Photo No.11
And her eldest son | CHARLES BEVAN CAREW | ANDERSON | Col. R.A.M.C. OBE.
FRCS. | Born 12th April 1894 | Died 17th July 1979.

Photo No.12
JAMES | CAREW O'GORMAN | ANDERSON | Born 22 July 1893 | Died 9 November

Photo No.13
Loving memory | of | MURIEL LOUISE ANDERSON | Beloved sister of | PAUL
ALEXANDER ANDERSON | of Ballymountain | Went to her rest | 15th Jan.
1927 aged 33.

Photo No.14
In loving memory of | PAUL ALEXANDER ANDERSON | of Mount Prospect | Died
10th October 1942 | Aged 62 years. | And of his wife | AILEEN ANN | Died
13th January 1944. | And also of their son | Lieutenant ALEXANDER
WILLIAM | ANDERSON R.N. | Lost at sea on active service | in the
Submarine H.M.S. Trooper | on 17th October 1943 | Aged 21 years.

Photo No.15
ANDERSON family plot.

Photo No.16
In | loving memory | of | ROBERT CAREW ANDERSON | Taken from us | Feb
2nd 1885 | Aged 70

Photo No.17
To the dear memory | of | Brigadier General | Sir FRANCIS JAMES ANDERSON
| K.B.E. C.B. Late P.E. | of Ballydavid Co. Waterford | Born Feb. 17th
1860 | Died March 6th 1920 | Erected by his sorrowing wife | Per ardua
ad astra | And of his beloved wife | FRANCES ALICE | Who died January
8th 1947

Photo No.18
In | loving memory | of | SUSANNA ANDERSON | Sixth daughter of | Revd.
JOSHUA ANDERSON (see No. 5) | Died 14th Sept. 1911. | Also of |
HENRIETTA ANDERSON | 5th daughter of the | Revd. JOSHUA ANDERSON | Died
26th Jan. 1927 | Aged 99 years.

Photo No.19
See No. 20, ANDERSON

Photo No.20
1881 | Aged 23 | "So he giveth his beloved sleep" | THOMAS WILLIAM
ANDERSON | Passed away Sept 5th 1925 | Aged 73 | And his wife | ELLEN
CAREW ANDERSON | Died 5th April 1944 aged 94

Photo No.21
1860 | Aged 10 years & 8 months.

Photo No.22
(See No. 21, ANDERSON) MARGARET | Wife of JAMES ANDERSON | Died Feby
29th 1864 | Aged 42.

Photo No.23
(See No, 21 & 22, ANDERSON) JAMES ANDERSON | Died Oct. 22nd 1867 | Aged

Photo No.24
In loving memory of | WILLIAM PERCEVAL ANDERSON | Dearly loved second
son of | Maj. Genl. G. A. ANDERSON G.B. | And of ELLEN his wife | Born
9th July 1895 died 11th August 1912

Photo No.25
... | ELIZABETH READ, wife of ... | Died 19th July 1873 aged 36 yrs |
Also to the above named | THOMAS ELLIOTT ANGEL | Died 17th June 1878
aged 67 yrs | Also DEBORAH wife of the above | T. E. ANGEL | ... aged 70
yrs ...

Photo No.26
Sacred to the memory | of | WILLIAM ANTHONY | Master Mariner of
Waterford | Born Decr. 22nd 1805 | Died Novr. 22nd 1880. | Also | ROBERT
JOHN | Accidentally drowned June 7th 1871 | Aged 17 years | And |
WILLIAM THOMAS | Died Feby 1st 1889 aged 40 years | Sons of above. |
Also | REBECCA wife of WILLIAM ANTHONY | Died in Cork | Feby 20th 1906
aged 94 years

Photo No.27
Another view of No. 26, ANTHONY

Photo No.28
Sacred | to the memory of | GEORGE AUDLEY | Who departed this life |
April 24th 1864 | Aged 63 years

Photo No.29
R. B. | 1837

Photo No.30
This stone | is placed as a last tribute | of affection by his afflicted
parents | in memory of | WILLIAM CURRAGHMORE BALL | | Who died 14th of
August 1848 | Aged 4 (?) years

Photo No.31
Sacred | to the Memory | of Mr. ROBERT BARRY Master of the | Ship Lady
Frances of Sunderland | in the County of Durham who died | December the
3d 1829 aged 33 (?) | years

Photo No.32
Here lyes ye Body of MARTHA | BATES & MARY her Daughter | Died 1737

Photo No.33
Sacred | to the memory of | CHARLOTTE ELISE BECHER | Died 13th March
1874 | Aged 2 (?)

Photo No.34
View of BECHER stone, No. 33.

Photo No.35
A la memoire | d' ADELINE BEHM | Nee le 3 d'aout 1865 | Decedee le 15
mars 1866 | ALBERT BEHM ne le | 25 novembre 1866 | Decede le 26 feorier
1868 (?) | Quand nous vous rejoindrons | nous serons consoles. | VICTOR
OMEGA BEHM | Decede le 21 octobre 1887 | age de 5 ans

Photo No.36
BENFIELD family plot

Photo No.37
Sacred | to the memory of GEORGE BEREY | third son of the Late | SAMUEL
BEREY Esquire | of Edge Hill Liverpool | who departed this life 10
January 1847 | Aged 52 years | Erected by his affectionate wife

Photo No.38
This Stone was Erected by | RICHD. BERNARD | of the City of Waterford in
Memory of | SARAH WILLCOK BERNARD | who departed this life April the 9th
1807 in | the 42 Year of her Age

Photo No.39
In | memory of | EMMELINE L. BLOOMFIELD | Died 10th August 1966

Photo No.40
In | memory of | GODFREY H. BLOOMFIELD | Died November 21st 1946

Photo No.41
In | memory of | Mrs. F. G. BLOOMFIELD | of New Park, | Died February
19th 1906

Photo No.42
BLOOMFIELD family plot

Photo No.43
In | memory of | RICHARD BOND | Late of Newhaven | In the County | of
Sussex | Master Mariner | [rest illegible]

Photo No.44
Sacred | to the memory of | AGNES BOUTCHER | who departed this life |
19th of April 1841 | aged 56 years

Photo No.45
Here lieth the body of ELIZA BRADLEY | who departed this life the 16 of
January | 1830 Aged 37 years

Photo No.46
Sacred | to the memory of | Mrs. FRANCES BRAMMER | Who departed this
life | on the 31st of May 1865 | Aged 73 years. | Blessed are the pure |
in heart for they shall see | God

Photo No.47
FRANCES | The beloved wife of | JOSEPH BROWNE Esq | of Waterford |
Entered into her rest 24th July 1845 (?) | Aged 59 years | Also her
sister | ANNA | Fourth daughter of the late | EDWARD TOTTENHAM Esqr. |
Gorey & Waterford | She lived by faith | in the Son of God and knowing |
that his people are loved ... | She departed full of hope | April 15th
1854 | Aged 50 years | Also | CHARLOTTE TOTTENHAM | Who died March 10th
1862 | Aged 64 years | Also | MARY TOTTENHAM | Aged 62 | Also JOSEPH
BROWNE who fell asleep in Jesus | July 16 1869 in his 91st year

Photo No.48
To Eternal Life | Mrs. HANNAH BROWNE | Departed this life 2nd January
1849 | Aged 64 years | At the Residence of her Son in Law | GEORGE
MILLER Esqr. | Comptroller of H.M. Customs | Waterford

Photo No.49
Sacred | to the memory of | ELIZABETH | wife of | HENRY BUCKERIDGE | who
departed this life | August 10th 1841

Photo No.50
Erected | to the memory of | JOHN BULL | of the City of Waterford | his
affectionate Wife | AGNES | A.D. 1828

Photo No.51
In | loving memory of | FRANCES MARY | Wife of JAMES P. BURKITT | The
eldest daughter of | WILLIAM MORRIS, Belle Lake | Died April 2nd 1914
(?) | Aged 64 years

Photo No.52
Another view of No. 51, BURKITT

Photo No.53
In loving memory of | JOHN ROBERT CAMPION | Canon of Ossory | And Rector
of this Parish | Died May 12th 1951 | And his wife EILEEN ETHEL | Died
29th Sep. 1975

Photo No.54
Sacred | to the memory of | ANN the wife of | ROBERT CHADDOCK | Died 1st
July 1847 | Aged  54  years. | Also George E. Chaddock | Died  April 7th
1836 ...

Photo No.55
Erect'd by JOHN CANNON | in Memory of his Wife | MARY CANNON alias WALSH
who depd | this life June 28th 1792 agd 38 yrs, also | two of their
Children who died Young

Photo No.56
In | loving memory | of | RICHARD CHALK | Who died in 1873, Aged 77. |
And his wife ELIZA | Died 1st May 1877, Aged 62. | Erected by their son
| RICHARD CHALK | Who died 31st January 1939 | Aged 84 years

Photo No.57
Sacred to the memory of NANNIE | Daughter of the Revd. WILLIAM McCANCE |
and JANE CARLISLE his Wife. | Fair and Gentle Being she lived only to
pro... | She was born on the 13 day of January 1833 | And died on the 6
day of December 1840 | In full assurance of a Resurrection to Eternal |
life through Jesus Christ her Lord | MARY CARLISLE widow of the Late |
CHARLES CARLISLE, Colonel of the | Hon. East India Company's Artillery |
Died 30 March 1864 Aged 83 years

Photo No.58
Here lyeth ye body of FREDERICK | CHRISTIAN Esqr. Comptroller of ye |
Custom House of this City who | died May 1687 in ye 57 year of his age |
As also ye body of his son MINARD | CHRISTIAN Esqr. Recorder of this |
City who died ye 8th of August | 1714 in ye 47th year of his age.

Photo No.59
Sacred to the memory | of | the Revd. JOSEPH CHRISTIAN REA | of
Christendom and Cromwells Rock | in the County of Kilkenny | who
departed this life | the 13th day of September 1829 | Sincerely and
Deservedly regretted | Aged 60 Years

Photo No.60
Sacred | to the memory of | HARRIETTE SARAH | The beloved wife of |
JOSEPH CLAMPETT | T.C. Merchant | Waterford. Who fell | asleep in Jesus
| on the 25th January 1876 | Aged 55 years. Also of | her youngest son |
FRANK EDWIN | Who fell asleep | 6th December 1865 | Aged 3 years

Photo No.61
JOSH. CLAMPETTS | Burial Ground | MARY CLAMPETT Depd. this Life |
Septeber 2nd 1813 | Aged 15 Months | SARAH depd Octr. 1816 agd 9 Mths |
ANNE June 1819 6 yrs | MARYANNE Sept. 1829 10 yrs | GEORGE Oct. 15th
1845 27 yrs | The above JOSH. CLAMPETT depd. | 1 May 1848 Aged 66 years
| Also | ANN the beloved wife | of said JOSH, depd | this life Aug 25th
1853 | Agd 66 yrs

Photo No.62
Sacred | to the memory of | ROBERT CLAMPETT | Who departed | this life |
17th March 1862 | aged 66 years | In loving memory of | LUCY EILEEN
(Peggy) | Dearly beloved daughter of | EDGAR W. & AGNES L. CLAMPETT |
Who died 15th August 1915 | Aged 3 years 8 months | In loving memory of
| EDGAR WILLIAM CLAMPETT | Died December 14th 1941 | In his 83rd year |
Peace perfect peace

Photo No.63
In loving memory | of | ROWLAND BROWNING | Youngest son of | JOSEPH &
LUCY CLAMPETT | Who died Sep. 25th 1880 | Aged four months. | Aldn.
JOSEPH CLAMPETT | Entered into rest | Jany 20th 1895 | Aged 75 years |
So he giveth his beloved | sleep | EDGAR FERGUS | CLAMPETT | 1914 -

Photo No.64
Erected | by MARTHA CLARKE | of Waterford | in memory of her Daughter |
ANNA MARIA | Died march the 17th 1829 | aged 16 months.

Photo No.65
Another view of Photo No.64, CLARKE

Photo No.66
The Burial place | of GEORGE COATES | & family | Erected | by his
affectionate | Granddaughter MARY COATES

Photo No.67
Beneath lie the remains of GERALD | COGHLAN who depd this life June 7th
| 1805 aged 75 years. Also his wife | MARY COGHLAN alias TRECY who depd
| his life Decbr. 1st 1814 aged 79 years

Photo No.68
Erected by EDMOND CONNERY of the | city of Waterfrd. Cooper in memory |
of his Wife CATHERINE CONNERY alias | WALSH who departd this life |
January 29th 1803 Aged 59 Yrs.

Photo No.69
In memory of ANNA | The beloved wife of JOHN COOMBE | of Waterford
Merchant | Who died January 7th 1836 | Aged 35 years. | Also of
CHARLOTTE | Their infant daughter | who survived her mother | only a few
days. | Also of their daughter AUGUSTA | Who died April 1st 1862 | Aged
27 years | Also of ALICE HAWKINS COOMBE | Granddaughter of the above
named | JOHN and ANNA COOMBE | Who died April 1st 1860 | Aged 4 years.

Photo No.70
Here lyeth the Body of HUGH CORMIE of | city of Waterford Merchant who
Depd | this life  March 1800 Aged 82 Years

Photo No.71
Sacred | to the memories of | ANN CORRY | Who died Dec. 28 1869 | Aged
92 years. | Her daughter | MARY CONNOR | Who died Feb. 3 1858 | Aged 43
years. | Also her grandaughter | ANNA MARIA CONNOR | Who died in 1844 |
Aged 1 year.

Photo No.72
In | loving memory of | THOMAS GEORGE | CROKER | Abbey House | 1923 -

Photo No.73
Beneath | are interred | the mortal remains | of JOHN DART | of
Waterford | Died Dec. 8th 1819 | Aged 51. | Also of MARTHA | His wife |
Died March 26th 1834 | Aged 58

Photo No.74
Erected by | EDWARD HENRY DART | in memory of his beloved Mother |
SOPHIA B. DART | who departed this life July 5th 1863 | aged 61 years.

Photo No.75
Erected by | ROBERT DAVIES of Swansea | In memory of his wife |
ELIZABETH DAVIES who depd. | this life 21st June 1839. | Aged 44 years.
| Also their infant son | DAVID ROBERT DAVIES.

Photo No.76
In Memory | of | WILLIAM DAVIES of Haverfordwest | in the County of
Pembroke | Mariner | Obiit 2nd August A.D. 1823 | Aged 41 Years

Photo No.77
Sacred to the memory of | ELIZABETH | The beloved Wife of | WILLIAM
DAVIS | She departed this life | 29th December 1855 aged 71 |

Photo No.78
Another view of No. 77, DAVIS

Photo No.79
In loving memory | of | Mrs. DOMINICK DeCOURCY | Miss SARAH DeCOURCY |
Miss HANNAH DeCOURCY | Blessed are the dead | which die in the Lord

Photo No.80
Sacred | to the memory of | CHARLES | The beloved husband of | ANNE
DeCOURCY | He fell asleep in Jesus | Decr. 31 1862 | Aged 42.

Photo No.81
Sacred to the memory of | WILLIAM HENRY | The beloved child of | JOHN &
ELIZA DeCOURCY | Who died Jany 24th 1861 | Aged 14 years | Also | ELIZA
the beloved wife of | JOHN DeCOURCY | [rest underneath foliage]

Photo No.82
The vault of | HENRY DENNY | Waterford

Photo No.83
SARAH DENNY | The beloved wife of HENRY DENNY died Feby. 9th 1855 | Aged
60 years | Also | HENRY DENNY | Husband of the above who died January
3rd 1870 aged 84 years

Photo No.84
To the memory of | SARAH DILLON | Wife of THOMAS DILLON | Who died March
27th 1869 | Aged 82 years

Photo No.85
To the memory of | THOMAS DILLON | Cathedral Square, Waterford | Who
died August 17th 1859 | Aged 71 years

Photo No.86
To the dear memory of | WILLIAM DILLON | Late of Galway, | Who entered
into rest | March 24th 1945 aged 81 years | And his wife | SARAH | Who
entered into rest | November 26th 1955 aged 78 years | "Till we meet

Photo No.87
Sacred to the memory of | JANE STUART | the beloved Wife of | the Revd.
THOMAS WADE DOOLITTLE | Wesleyan Minister | who departed this life at
Waterford the 23rd of | February 1836

Photo No.88
Erected to | the memory of | Miss MARY DOWDEN | of Cathedral Square | in
the City of Waterford | Who departed this life | 18th Sepr. 1872, Aged
87 years | Also to the memory of | MATTHEW WADE BIGGS Esq. | of Manor
Street | Who departed this life | 9th Novr. 1872, Aged 65 years. | And
of his beloved wife | ELIZABETH JANE BIGGS | Who died 9th June 1873.

Photo No.89
View of No. 88, DOWDEN et al.

Photo No.90
The burial place | of | JOHN DOWNEY | and family

Photo No.91
To the Memory of | Captain JAMES DAY of Appledore | in County of Devon
who departed | this life Decr. 20 1819 | Aged 53 Years

Photo No.92
Sacred | to the memory of | Capt. JOHN HINKS | of the Brig Three Sisters
| of Bideford in the County | of Devon who departed | this life the 6th
day of | February 1827 | Aged 45 Years

Photo No.93
Beneath this tomb lies interred the body | of Mr. MICHAEL DUNN of the
city of Waterford | Who departed this mortal existence | Feb. 12 1825. |
With the hope of a glorious resurrection | He was sincerely lamented by
a numerous circle | of Relatives and Friends | and deeply regreted by
the Poor in general who were | ever the partakers of his Charity and
Benevolence | By the Sacred Decree of the Merciful Providence | He was
torn in the prime of life aged 35 Years of his Age | by a malignant
fever from the endearments of a dutiful family | of five Children | and
from the Bosom of his affectionate Wife who as a duteous | tribute to
his Memory has erected this Monument.

Photo No.94
This Stone was Erected by PATRICK DUNN | of the city of Waterford Baker.
Here Lieth | the Body of his Father LAURENCE DUNN who | departed this
life Febry the 13th 1768 | Aged 44 yrs. Also the Body of his | Mother
MARY DUNN alias BURKE who | departed this life May ye 20th 1769 | Aged
40 years. Also the Body of his | ... WILLIAM DUNN who Departed | this
life ...

Photo No.95
Sacred | to the memory of | JANE ELLIS | The beloved wife of | RICHARD
ELLIS | Who departed this life | April 20th 1853 | Aged 28 years. | Also
SARAH GRACE ELLIS | Infant of the above | Aged 2 months | A true and
loving wife | A tender mother dear | A firm and faithful friend | Lies
sleeping here

Photo No.96

Photo No.97
Sacred | to the memory of | ALICE LOUISA, | The dearly loved wife of |
GERALD PURCELL FITZGERALD | of the Island Waterford, | Who died at
Duarte Los Angeles Co. | California | The 23rd day of March 1898 | And
was buried here | On the fifteenth day of the following month.

Photo No.98
Here lies the body of EDMOND | FLANAGAN who depd this life | May 5th
1738 age 62 yrs. | also his son THOS. who depd | Septr. 10th 1770 aged
60 yrs.

Photo No.99
Here Lieth the Mortal Remains of | Captain WILLM. FORAN | of the City of
Waterford | Many years in the Trading Service | Aged 69 years | this
Tomb was Erected by his | Disconsolate Widow | He depd. this life the
26th April 1811.

Photo No.100
Here Lyeth ye Body of | MICHAEL FORHAN who Dep | arted this Life May ye
29th | 1752 Aged 26 years | Also ye Body of MARY FORHAN | alias WELSH
who Departed this | life March ye 9th 1767 Aged 72 years

Photo No.101
Underneath this stone | are interred the remains | of CHARLES GERRARD
FORTH Esqr. | who departed this life July 20th 1845 | Also his wife |
CATHERINE JANE BELVEDERE FORTH | who departed this life September 15th

Photo No.102
Another view of No. 101, FORTH

Photo No.103
NATHL. FREEMAN | departed this Life | 12th December 1825 | Aged 10

Photo No.104
Sacred to the memory | of Mrs. ELIZABETH GANNON | Beloved wife of Mr.
WILLIAM GANNON | of this City who died 13th June 1870 | Aged 75 years |
She had been 22 years valued nurse | in the family of the late | THOMAS
POTTINGER Esq. | Mount Pottinger Co. Down | And this stone is erected |
by Lady SMITH GORDON his 4th daughter | in testimony of the affection |
and respect in which she was held | by all the family.

Photo No.105
In loving memory of | FRANCES D. GARRAWAY | of Rockshire | Died | Sept.
15th 1909 | Also | In loving memory of her husband | Col. CHARLES SUTTON
GARRAWAY | Who fell asleep | Dec. 17th 1916 aged 85. | Also of their
elder son | Sir EDWARD F. C. GARRAWAY, K.C.M.G. | Who died 27th June
1932 | at Rockshire. | Greatly Beloved | Also of | WINIFRED MARY HARVEY
| Beloved wife of the above | Died 23rd April 1947.

Photo No.106
To | the beloved memory | of | Mrs. MARY ANNE GARRAWAY, | Widow of the
late | Colonel CHARLES GARRAWAY, | H.E.I.C.S. | Born May 9th 1795 | Died
October 9th 1890. | Deeply lamented | by her family and friends.

Photo No.107
Mrs. MARGARET GAVEN senr. died Decr. | 27th 1797 aged 60. Mrs. ELLEANOR
| VEACOCK her Daughter died Decr. 26 | 1839 aged 56 with two Infant |

Photo No.108
Here lieth the Remains of | Mr. PETER GEALE | Late of the City of
Waterford, | who died on the 23rd of October 1831. | Universally loved &
regretted | Aged 46 Years | Also the remains of MARY GEALE | relict of
the above PETER GEALE | who died Sepr. 26th 1841 | Aged 77 years. | Also
the Body of | Mrs. JANE JONES | died March 29th 1856 Aged 87

Photo No.109
And of his mother | ELEONORA GIBBON | Who passed on 12th July 1953 |
EDWARD ACTON GIBBON | His father on 22nd July 1965 aged 91

Photo No.110
In loving memory of | JOHN MONK GIBBON | Our beloved physician | Born
9th January 1907 | Died 26th October 1931 | Aged 24

Photo No.111
Erected by HENRY and ELIZA | GILL in memory of their departed | Children
HANNAH aged 16 years who | died Octb. 6th 1835. William aged 6 years |
who died on the 11th of December the | same year | Also of HENRY GILL
the Father of the | above Children who died the 15th of May | 1841 aged
52 Years

Photo No.112
See No. 113, GLEESON

Photo No.113
Sacred | to the memory of | MICHAEL GLEESON | Who died on the 10th of |
April 1836 aged 62 years | To MARY his wife | Who died on the 22nd of
March 1860 aged 70 years | And | MARY ANNE their daughter | Who died on
the 2nd of | March 1835 aged 7 years | This monument is erected by |
their son and her brother | JOHN J. GLEESON POWER | as a mark of his
affectionate | remembrance and a frail record | of his hope of one day
meeting them | Here the wicked cease from trouble | and the weary are at
rest | R.I.P.

Photo No.114
Sacred | to the memory of | NICHOLAS GOSS, Master | Mariner, who was
drowned | in the river Suir | October 18th 1839 | aged 37 years.

Photo No.115
The | family burial place | of | BENJAMIN GRAHAM | 1810.

Photo No.116
Sacred to the memory of | SAMUEL GRAHAM | Second son of | CHARLES and
ANNA GRAHAM | of the City of Waterford | Who fell asleep in Jesus |
March 19th 1855 | His last words were | Christ died for me

Photo No.117
Here lieth the Body of | RICHARD GRANGER son | of Capt. JOSEPH GRANGER |
who Departed this Life October | the 13th, 1736 Aged 3 Years | Also the
Body of Mr. ROGER | VIGORS who Departed this | life Sept. the 21st 1784
(?) Aged 52 | Years | Also the Body of Mrs. ESTHER | VIGORS who Departed
this | Life March the 17th 1785 (?) Aged ... Years

Photo No.118
... | of | SARAH MORGINIE | Died 25th Jany 1861 aged 1 year | WILLIAM
HOWARD | Died 27th Jany 1861 aged 2 years | And RICHARD HORACE who | was
drowned 6th July 1897 | Aged 25 years | Children of J. P. GRAVES | and
S. M. GRAVES of Waterford | JAMES PALMER GRAVES | Died 24th June 1901 |
Aged 79 years | SARAH MORGINA GRAVES | Born Feb 4th 1830 died Oct 21
1919 | The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away

Photo No.119
Here Lyeth ye Body | of SAML. GREENE Esq. who | Departed this Life ye 25
day | of April 1733 & in ye 67th | year of his Age

Photo No.120
Underneath are Deposited | the Remains of | THOMAS GREENSLADE | Native
of Minehead | in | Somersetshire | who Departed this Life | Feby 1st
1811 | Aged 23 yrs. | Short was his life | Great was his pain | Great
was our loss | Much more his gain

Photo No.121
This Stone was placed here | by MARY HALL as a Memorial of | Affection
for her beloved Husband | EDWARD HALL who departed this | life February
27th 1832 | Aged 83 Years

Photo No.122
Sacred | to the memory of | HANNAH | wife of JOHN FALL | Who departed
this life | March 13 1871 | Aged 65 years | Not lost but gone before

Photo No.123
Sacred | to the memory of | SARAH HALL | Relict of the late | EDWARD
HALL Junr. | of this City | She slept in Jesus | on the 16th Day of
March 1849 | Aged 69 Years

Photo No.124
JOHN HAMILTON's | Family | Burial Ground

Photo No.125
Sacred | To the Memory of | JAMES YOUNG HARDIE | Son of THOMAS G. HARDIE
| of Glasgow Civil Engineer who | departed this life | January 1st 1843
Aged 4 years | and 9 months

Photo No.126
This tomb is erected to the memory of | RICHARD HARDING Waterford
Militia | aged 56 | by his affectionate Wife MARY HARDING | Deservedly
regretted by all who knew him he depd. this life | relying with true
Christian confidence in the hope of | a blessed resurrection through
Christ preserving to | the last that which characterised him through
life ...

Photo No.127
Erected in memory of | WM. HARRISON of Lincolnshire near Boston | by his
affectionate Widow | who died 27th April 1845 | Aged 63 years

Photo No.128
Sacred | to the memory | of | J. N. ALLEN HARVEY | died Sepr. 7th 1860 |
aged 10 years.

Photo No.129
Sacred | to the memory of | Captain JASON HASSARD | late of | Her
Majesty's 74th Regiment | who departed this life on | the 18th of Septr.
1842. | This tribute is erected by his | affectionate Widow | Here lies
| Also ANNE relict of the Late | Sir FRANCIS J. HASSARD | died May 13th
1854 Aged 61 years | ELIZA Aged 84 Years | Widow of the above | Captain

Photo No.130
Sacred | to the memory of | RICHARD HASSARD Esq | Second son of |
MICHAEL DOBBYN HASSARD | of Glenville, Co. Waterford | Who departed this
life November 4th 1892 | Aged 33 years

Photo No.131
Here lies the Body of | WILLIAM HENRY HASSARD Esq. | Formerly Recorder
of the | City of Waterford | Who died on the 6th October 1857

Photo No.132
This Stone was Erected | by MICHAEL HEARN in | Memory of his Wife
CATHERINE | HEARN who Depard. this life | the 3rd of May 1818 Aged 42
yrs | Also her Husband MICHAEL HEARN | who | departed this life
September the 14th 18... | ... Also his son CORNELI... | died April the
13th 1834 (?) | 24 years |

Photo No.133
Here lieth the Body of IZABEL HEARN | Daughter of | JAMES and MARY
JOANNA HEARN | of Lisbon | Born 15 November 1823. | Died 7 September
1826. | Also Here lies the Body of | ELIZABETH HEARN who | departed this
life the 6th of | April 1828 Aged 82

Photo No.134
Here lieth the Body of | Capt. JOHN HELLYER | who Depd. this life | Oct.
22 1817 Aged 72 Years

Photo No.135
Erected by RALPH HINCKS | in memory of his beloved Mother | ANNE HINCKS
alias TIMPSON | and wife of WILLIAM HINCKS who depd. | this life on the
12th January 1829 at her | Son's residence Rosegarland Cottage | County
of Wexford | at the advanced Age of 92 Years. | Here Also lies buried
RALPH HINCKS Esquire | who died on the 30th August 1860 | of Suir View
and Rosegarland Co. Wexford

Photo No.136
Here Lieth the Body of Mr. | WILLIAM HINCKS who Departed | this life on
the 17 day of June 1792 | in the 63 year of his age | Also his Daughter
MARGARET on the | 18th Novembr. 1805 aged 23 years.

Photo No.137
Another view of No. 136

Photo No.138
Sacred to the memory of | DEBORAH HOEY | who departed this Life Novr.
11th 1828 aged 73

Photo No.139
In | loving memory | of | EMILY | Wife of ANDREW HORN | of Park Road
Waterford | Who was called to her eternal | home on Friday June 13th
1879 | Aged 33 years.

Photo No.140
In fond memory | of | JAMES | Eldest son of | JOHN & ISABELLA HORN | Who
was drowned while bathing | in Tramore Bay | 23 June 1859 aged 18 years

Photo No.141
HORN family plot

Photo No.142
Erected by | JOHN HORNE London | In memory of his father | MATTHEW | Who
died March 8th 1878 | Aged 91 years | Also | His mother MARY | Who died
Novr. 14th 1896 | Aged 84 years

Photo No.143
Sacred | to the memory of | WILLIAM HORNICK of Waterford | who departed
this life 28 Oct 1847 | Aged 49 years | Erected as a testimony of
respect | by his affectionate widow & children | Also MARY his beloved
wife | who departed this life 17 March 1853 | Aged 51 years

Photo No.144
... the Body of JOHN HOWARD Esqr. | who Departed this Life on the 3rd
day of July 1807 | Aged 59 Years | Also of his Wife MARGARET HOWARD |
Who Departed this Life the 23rd of July 1808 | Aged 62 Years | Sacred to
the memory | of | WILLIAM BISTON (?) Surgeon Royal Navy | died 3rd
January 1801. | Aged 65 Years | Also of FRANCES BISTON his Wife | and
Sister of the above JOHN HOWARD | died ...

Photo No.145
Here Lieth the Body of | ROBT. HOWARD who Departed | this Life April the
4th 1760 | Aged 34 | Also the Body of MARY COS | TELLOE Als. DELAHONT
Wife of | WILLIAM COSTELLOE who Departed | this Life February the 23rd |
1781 Aged 49

Photo No.146
Another view of No. 145

Photo No.147
Erected by EDWD. CAIN in memory | of JUDITH DORAN alias MACEVOY | who
Depd. this life Febry 25th 1797 agd. | 39 yrs. Also his Daughter MARGT.
CAIN | who Depd. life June 1st 1796 agd. 3 yrs.

Photo No.148
Here lieth the Body of | MARTIN FORRISTAL who departed ...

Photo No.149
Erected by PATRICK FORRISTAL in me | mory of his Father MARTIN FORRISTAL
| who depd this life Jan 14 1784 Agd | 68 Yrs. Also his Son MARTIN
FORRISTAL who | Died Decemr. 1808 Agd. 25 Yrs. Also his | Son PATRICK
FORRISTAL Died Dece. 12. 1815 | Agd. 29 Yrs. Also the Body of the above
| PATRICK FORRISTAL who Depd. this life 6th | May 1826 Aged 82 Yrs

Photo No.150
Erected by | JOHN GARRET in Memory | of his beloved Son | WILLM. GARRET
who died | Novr. 5th 1848 aged 10 years

Photo No.151
Another view of No. 150

Photo No.152
Erected | In memory of Mr. JAMES GORMAN | of the City of Waterford who |
departed this life on 29th day of March | 1814 Aged 51 Years. Also 4 of
his | Children who died young
Photo No.153
CATHERINE daughter of GEORGE | [HEGARTY] Died 30 Aug. 1969

Photo No.154
CATHERINE wife of GEORGE [HEGARTY] | Died April 19th 1953

Photo No.155
EDWARD, son of GEORGE [HEGARTY] | Died Oct 9th 1954.

Photo No.156
Also his father GEORGE HEGARTY | Died Nov 22nd 1945 aged 84 years

Photo No.157
ROBERT HARVEY HEGARTY | Died Nov 2nd 1935 aged 32 years

Photo No.158

All images Copyright by Photographer