Land: In the matter of the Estate of Michael Joseph Browne, Esq (Carraun) 1855
Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Galway Index
Land Records
Transcribed by C. Hunt

and others - Petitioners
Situate in the
Counties of Galway and Roscommon
County of the Town of Galway
Will be Sold by Public Sale, in Lots
On Tuesday, the 4th day of December, 1855


LOT NO. 14
Part of Killower, called Carraun, situate in the Barony of Clare, and County of Galway,
held in Fee-Simple

                               	        	       STATUTE MEASURE
                               	        	       A.  R. P.
1    Part of KILLOWER, called    JAMES NEWAL           20  1  38       Lease, dated 1st May, 1824, from MICHAEL JOSEPH BROWNE to JAMES NEWAL,
     CARRAUN                    				       for lives of JAMES DALY, who is dead , and JAMES POTTER, who is still
								       living, at the yearly rent of �0�510 2s.0d, late Irish currency. Quantity
                                                                       stated in lease to be 12 acres 2 roods, and 20 perches. Rent abated by
                                                                       Master of Chancery to �0�57 9s. 0d., yearly pending cause of GREVILLE
                                                                       against BROWNE, but this abatement will not be binding on the purchaser.

1a   "  "                        Said JAMES NEWAL      23  0  34       Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on 1st May in each year.

2    "  "                        WINIFRED O'BRIEN,     23  0  34       Lease, dated 1st May, 1828, from MICHAEL JOSEPH BROWNE to BERNARD
                                 and MARGARET LARDNER,                 O'BRIEN, for the lives of JAMES DALY, RODERICK M'DERMOTT, and JAMES
                                 representatives of                    POTTER, one of whom only, namely, JAMES POTTER, is now living. Quantity
                                 BERNARD O'BRIEN		       stated in lease to be 14 acres, plantation measure. Reservation to lessor,
                                                                       his heirs and assigns, of all royalties and timber, with liberty to smelt
                                                                       coal and work the same on the premises, and also liberty of hunting,
                                                                       hawking, fishing, and fowling. Covenant by lessee that he, his heirs, &c.,
                                                                       and his and their undertenants and servants, should grind their corn and
                                                                       mill their cloth in the next convenient mill of the lessor, his heirs, &c.
                                                                       Proviso against alienation, on breach of which lease to be void; and co-
                                                                       venant by lessee not to have more than 10 acres in tillage any one year,
                                                                       under a penalty of �0�51 for every acre tilled over that quantity. The rent
                                                                       reserved is �0�520 yearly, but the lease contains a proviso, that if the
                                                                       lessee should perform the covenants, the rent should be reduced to �0�512
                                                                       18s. 1d. The counterpart of the lease is not forthcoming, but a compared
                                                                       copy will be handed to the purchaser. Rent abated by Master of Chancery
                                                                       to �0�59 10s. 6d. yearly, pending cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE, but this
                                                                       abatement will not be binding on the purchaser.

3    "  "                        THOMAS LEENANE        14  3   7       Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on 1st May in each year.

4    "  "                        MICHAEL FARRELL       14  3   8       Lease, dated 10th May, 1824, from MICHAEL JOSEPH BROWNE to MICHAEL
                                                                       FARRELL, for lives of JAMES DALY, who is dead , and JAMES POTTER, who is
                                                                       still living, at the yearly rent of �0�57 6s.2d, late Irish currency. Quantity
								       stated in lease to be 9 acres 22 perches. Rent abated by Master of Chancery
								       to �0�55 16s. 11d., yearly pending cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE, but this
								       abatement will not be binding on the purchaser.

4a   "  "                        Said MICHAEL FARRELL   8  2   4       Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on 1st May in each year.

5    "  "			 JOHN HESSIAN, 		4  3   7       Lease, dated 10th May, 1824, from MICHAEL JOSEPH BROWNE to PATRICK
                                 representative of		       FARRELL, for lives of JAMES DALY, who is dead, and JAMES POTTER, who is
                                 PATRICK FARRELL                       living. at the yearly rent of �0�57 6s. 2d., lat Irish Currency. Quantity
								       stated in lease to be 9 acres and 22 perches, Plantation measure.
								       Reservation to lessor, his heirs and assigns, of all royalties and timber,
								       with liberty to smelt coal and work the same on the premises, and also
								       liberty of hunting, hawking, fishing, and fowling. Covenant by lessee that
								       he, his heirs, &c., and his and their under-tenants and servants, should
								       grind their corn and mill their cloth in the next convenient mill of the
								       lessor, his heirs, &c. Proviso against alienation, on breach of which lease
								       to be void; and covenant by lessee not to have more than 5 acres in tillage
								       any one year, under a penalty of �0�51 for every acre tilled over that quantity.
								       The counterpart of this lease is not forthcoming, but a compared copy will be
								       handed to the purchaser. Rent abated by Master of Chancery to �0�55 8s. yearly,
								       pending cause of GREVILLE against BROWNE, but this abatement will not be
								       binding on the purchaser.

6    "  "		         Representative of       15  0  13     Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on 1st May in each year.
                                 HUBERT FARRELL

7    "  "                        JOHN KEENAN              0  1  25     Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on 1st May in each year.

8    "  "			 MATHEW HORAN             3  0  23     Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on 1st May in each year.

9    "  "                        MICHAEL NALLY            1  0  18     Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on 1st May in each year.

10   "  "			 JAMES LEENANE            0  2  14     Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on 1st May in each year.

*Encumbered Estates vol 20 part 2