Headstones: Bevan, Joseph Vallence
Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Dublin Index
File contributed by: Bridgid Wilson 
lokoff.wilson@sympatico.ca July 13, 2015, 6:59 pm


Cemetery: Colonial Park Cemetery, Savannah, Georgia

Joseph Vallence Bevan
The was "None, No None!"reads the epitaph on this tomb, 
"Against  Whose Name the Recording Angel Would More 
Reluctantly Written Down Condemnation" Born at Dublin, 
Ireland,son of a Georgia planter, Joseph V. Bevan attended 
the University of Georgia for two years and graduated in 
1816from the College of S.C. after which he enlarged his 
education in England. There he became the friend of the 
celebrated William Godwin who wrote the young Georgian a 
widely published letter suggesting the course of studies. In 
1842 Bevan became the first official historian of Georgia. 
The legislature and powered him to collect and publish the 
papers and documents in the state archives. This he did with 
method and industry and was the first to recognize the 
importance of copying the colonial records of Georgia in 

Bevan served Chatham County in the Legislature in 1827. A 
former editor of the Augustine Chronicle, he became in 1828 
co-editor and co-Publisher of the Savannah Georgian. His 
projected history of Georgia was never completed, death 
cutting short the career of the popular Savannahian at the 
age of 32. 

Georgia Historical Commission 1964

Additional Comments:
Signage over grave stone. Original stone is worn away.

All images Copyright by Photographer