Carlow County - Ireland Genealogical Projects (IGP TM)

Carlow Morning Post
5th September 1822

Kindly provided by Mr Michael Purcell, Carlow 2007

(Transcribed from facsimile copy by Mrs J. Brennan)

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The Carlow Morning Post






(Which distinctions have been fairly and honourably obtained.)

RESPECTFULLY begs leave to inform the Inhabitants of Carlow and its Vicinity, that as he has finished his Course of Lecturers on Botany, he will now practice the different branches of his Profession in this Town and neighbourhood.

Doctor Broom. In the course of his long experience, has given particular attention to the Disorders incident to Men, Women, and Children, and by his accurate knowledge of Medicine in general, and the Medicinal Properties of Herbs in particular, from a perfect acquaintance with Botany, has been enabled to perform many wonderful Cures; as various Testimonials from respectable Inhabitants in different parts of Ireland will testify.

During the space of ten months he has, under Providence, restored above ONE HUNDRED BLIND PERSONS TO SIGHT. His Cures of Deafness, Lameness, Coughs, Consumptions, Rheumatisms, Gout, Diabetes, Gravel, Dropsies of every kind, Jaundice, Madness, Hysterics, Hypochondriac, the various Nervous Complaints, Spitting and Throwing of Blood, Scurvy, EPILEPSY, KING’S EVIL CANCERS AND SORES of long standing have attracted general admiration. He has scarcely ever failed in any of the numerous disorders he has undertaken to cure. His easy and safe Medicines, while they cure, strengthen the general tone of the constitution.

A CERTAIN INVIDIOUS AND PREVALENT DISEASE, the Doctor removes in the shortest time possible, with the greatest ease and certainty, without injuring the Patient by tedious courses of Mercury as is too often the case with unskilful Practitioners. His mode of Cure is peculiar to himself. His Patients may, in general, walk about, and do their ordinary business, without the least danger, the treatment not having for many years, been known to fail in a single instance.

As Doctor Broom's chief desire is t do good to his fellow creatures, he earnestly requests that persons into whose hands this paper may come will show it to those who are labouring under any desperate disorders; and he has no doubt by they will in a short time have cause to glorify God for the re-establishment of their health.

The Doctor has been a successful Practitioner in MIDWIFERY for upwards for twenty years: and in any difficult case requests, he may be called upon, even where there may not be pecuniary means of satisfying an experienced and regular Professor.

Doctor Broom is to be consulted at Mr. Clarke's Academy, where he resides.

Carlow, July 22, 1822.



Sir – That the Public may have an opportunity of knowing the Cure Doctor Broom has, under Providence, performed on my son, I would be glad you would give this a place in your Paper, for the good of mankind in general, but in particular for those who may be afflicted with the whiter swelling, or any scrofulous complaint; a disease which for ages has been looked upon as incurable.

For upwards of two years my son had been greatly distressed with a white swelling in his thigh, and had suffered so much that every person who knew him, despaired of his recovery. I had placed him under the care of several eminent Medical Gentlemen, but they had all failed, and left me without the least hope of saving my son’s life. Some of those respectable Medical Gentlemen told me that his life could not be saved; others informed me that his thigh might be taken off, but that they doubted if he could recover.

When I heard of Doctor Broom’s arrival in Carlow, and of the many wonderful Cures performed by him in other places, I was advised to consult him, tho’. I had not the least hope of my son’s recovery, for his whole thigh had become so very large, that I had no other expectation than that the swelling would enter his body and kill him immediately.

My son had likewise suffered so much from extreme pain, that he was reduced to a skeleton; for many weeks he scarcely knew what sleep was; and his cries, from severe sufferings, were almost incessant.

When I consulted Doctor Broom, he gave me reason to believe that he would save my son’s life: he has done so, to the astonishment of all who knew his distress; for soon after Dr. Broom took him under his care, the swelling decreased, and his health rapidly returned; so that I now make known his recovery for the good of others, who may be groaning under distress, and who may have despaired of ever finding one who could give them the least hope of recovery.

The above statement can be proved by many.

I am, Sir, your obedient servant,


P. S. – The Doctor has been very successful in my neighbourhood in cases of Fever.

Cross-Roads, Brown’s-hill, Sept, 2, 1822.


Monday, February 11, 1822


From The Twenty-Fifth Of March Next,

The House and Lands of Ballymurphy, containing 140 Acres, situate within one mile of the Town of Tullow.

Proposals will be received by JOHN ALEXANDER, Esq. of Milford.

Thursday, February 14, 1822


The Tullow Hunt will meet, at 10 o’clock in the morning at the following places: - February 12, Kellystown Steeple; 15, Oak-Park; 19, Castlemore-Moat; 22, Oak-Park; 26, Fenagh; March 1, Burton-Hall.

Selected transcripts from The Carlow Morning Post Jan 1818 to Aug 1822 transcribed by Susie Warren:

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