Carlow County - Ireland Genealogical Projects (IGP TM)

The Carlow Morning Post

Previously published in the Carlow Past & Present Vol. 1. No 5 1996

This article first appeared in the The Times,
Saturday, Jul 31, 1824; pg. 4; Issue 12405; Col C

Horrible Fanaticism

The Carlow Morning Post gives the following account of the unfortunate maniac who destroyed the child lately, under a notion of casting a demon out of it: - “The Rev. Mr. Carroll had been refused ordination in our college here, an objection having been raised at the time he offered himself, if not to the sanity of his intellects, at least to the general correctness of his religious impressions. He removed afterwards to a neighbouring dioceses, where, not being so much known as in Carlow, whatever was defective about him unfortunately escaped observation, and he was ordained. He now exhibits to the world a melancholy proof of he extreme danger which may arise to society from the appointment of an insufficient person to exercise the functions of a Christian clergyman.”

The vehicle now so much in fashion, called the Stanhope, takes its name from the Hon. Fitzroy Stanhope, of well-known celebrity, and who; we are unfortunately obliged to remember, had his foot and instep amputated, in consequence of being upset in a gig, - Sporting Magazine.

Yesterday morning, as early as seven o’clock, the family of Mr Wharton, bookseller, near the turnpike at Walworth, were violently alarmed by a large dog; of the Newfoundland species, rushing into the shop, foaming at the mouth, and making its way upstairs. Great fears were entertained, not only for the safety of the other inmates of the house, but more particularly for the alarm it might have occasioned to Mrs Wharton, who has but recently been confined, and to whom any sudden fright in her present situation might have proved fatal. For some time no person could be prevailed upon to venture up stairs, till one man, more courageous than the rest, seized a poker, determining to face the enraged animal, and followed by another armed with a large spade; by their united efforts the rabid animal was destroyed. We understand that the dog, which was a very valuable animal, belonged to Mr Groom, who is a nurseryman residing in the neighbourhood.

On Thursday afternoon an inquisition was held at the London Hospital, and continued yesterday, before J. W. Unwin, Esq., upon the body of James Wales, who came to his death in a battle with an Irishman named Henry Neary, with whom he had been drinking, and had quarrelled in a public-house. Though it appeared in evidence that the deceased had been the aggressor, the Coroner, in charging the jury, remarked, that it did not justify the act that followed; they had mutually agreed to fight what is termed a pitched battle, and as the deceased had come to hid death in consequence of the injuries he had received fro Neary, it was, in his opinion, a clear case of manslaughter. The jury concurring in this opinion returned a verdict accordingly. Neary, on hearing of the death of the deceased, attended voluntarily, and was committed to prison on the Coroner’s warrant, where he must remain until October before his trial comes in. He has a wife and four children, and the deceased a wife and three children, both of whom depended on their exertions for support.

THE CONNAUGHT JOURNAL Galway, Monday, June 14, 1824

CARLOW, JUNE 10 1824 - The Fair of Orchard, in this County, held on Tuesday last, presented but a poor show of Cattle, yet the supply was fully equal to the demand. Pigs were a complete drag, owing to a considerable number having died on the Fair-green from the scorching rays of the sun!! On Monday last, apple potatoes to our market advanced to the enormous price of fifteen shillings per barrel.



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