Brief notes on
Arles National School:
new Arles National School built a few hundred yards south of the church on
the Ballickmoyler Road and was opened and blessed by Monsignor Conway in
June 1961. It replaced the old school which was built in the church grounds.
The first pupils in the new school moved from the old school on 1st
September 1961.
Between 1960 and 1989 the old school remained
empty and became a tumble-down ramshackle of a building. In 1989 all that
changed and the building was transformed into being a modern centrally
heated community centre for the region and is now known as the Arles
Community Centre.
Fr. Killian became PP of Arles in 1931 on the
death of Fr Farrell and improved conditions at the Arles National School
very quickly, We all had a warmer building and a hot drink of Coco was
served at 12 noon every day. The cost was 1d (One Penny) per week for each
child. Mr & Mrs Whelan were the school teachers at the time and were not
always pleased with the extra work they had to endure each day. In 1932
all the children in the school at roll call had to shout their names in
Irish and the master had to write them down in Irish in the roll book.
When I (Michael
Brennan) attended school at Arles (1952-1959) our
Parish Priest was Albert G Byrne and there is a reference to him in the
book ''Gravestone Inscriptions" Killeshin, Sleaty, Graiguecullen,
Mayo, Arles, Doonane, Castletown, Rathaspick, Shrule, Rathnure etc with
historical notes. 1997. by Paul Redmond N.T.
Also we didn't receive any Coco at 12 noon each
day. If you didn't live near the school and couldnt go home for lunch
you brought sandwiches in a brown paper bag and you sat in the graveyard
to have your lunch.
Arles National School

- (Click on photo to enlarge)
- This photo kindly donated by William Muldowney.
- It has recently come to our notice that
a number of peoples names are
- missing from the newspaper
cutting. One of those persons
is my first cousin Patricia (Kitty)
Brennan which I have now added to the list below.
- I have also noticed that there
are no Moran's mentioned and I am sure there are others.
- Front Left to Right: F. McCarthy, Harry
Jeffares, Gerry. Kealy, Tom Farrell, G. Fennell, John Bolger,
Johnnie Lawler, Jim Kehoe, P. Farrell, Abban Farrell, Mick Shea
- 2nd Row: Paddy Lawler, Christy Miller,
Paddy Bracken, Richard Kehoe, Paul Bracken, Tom Jeffers, Anthony
McCarty, Peadar Byrne, Michael Fenlon, John Fitzpatrick, Jimmy
Fitzpatrick, George Dunne, M. Brown, Nancy Dunne.
- 3rd Row: John McCaffrey, Mary McCaffrey,
Michael Byrne, Ann McCaffrey, Eileen Wall, Maura Byrne, Mary
O’Brien, Lil O’Brien, Ann O’Brien, Agnes O’Brien, Collette Wall,
Collette Whelan, Mary Doran, Patricia (Kitty) Brennan. (Cooper
- 4th Row: Annie Byrne, Maureen Wynne, Alice
Kealy, Kathleen Kehoe, Agnes Kelly (Gurteen), Katie Miller,
Bridie Kealy, Julia Fitzpatrick, Lizzie Muldowney, Kitty Keane,
Kathleen Farrell.
- Back Row: Nancy Bolger, Jenny Kealy,
Margaret Wall, Peggy Wall, (Maidenhead), Judy Miller, Ena Wynne,
M. Kehoe (Arles), Angela Byrne, Carrie Jeffers, Ruby Jeffers.
Arles NS Pupils

- A school photo of Arles
Pupils c.1957/58
submitted by Nora O'Keeffe Sept 2010
- (Click on photo to enlarge)
Back row: Nora MacDarby, Mary
Farrell, Nora Quinn, Carmel Dillon, Patricia Nash,
Mary Deegan, Eileen Murphy, Elizabeth Myron R.I.P.
Middle: two girls Rena
MacDarby, Catherine Keightley.
- Second row: Peter Bracken, Joe
Byrne, Michael Brennan, John Dolan, Paddy Kennedy,
Michael Bolton, Frank Farrell.
- Front row: Seamus Nash, Frank
Byrne, Sean Brennan, Seamus Byrne, Gerry Delaney,
John Joe Morrissey, Paddy Nolan R.I.P.
- Front: Larry Wall
holding Leslie Taylor.
- Source of image & names Nora
O'Keeffe Sept 2010 & Eileen Culleton 2015
School Outing to Dublin c.1962-63
above picture is of the Arles School outing.
- (Click on photo to enlarge)
- (Source: F & R. Farrell , Luton.)
- The picture was taken on top of the Independent House in Dublin
some time in 1962-63?
- Back Row Left to Right;
Peter Byrne,
Peter Bracken, Seamus Nash, Sheila Nash, Margaret
Cooney, Frank Byrne, Eleanor Dolan, Mary Farrell (Strand), Elizabeth
Myron, Frank Farrell, Tessie Kennedy. Betty Noctor, Jim Harney
(Teacher), Jim Miller, Michael Bolton, Pat Keightly.
- Middle Row
Left to Right;
- Tony Kennedy, Breda Doogue, Breda Nash, Betty Cooney, Claire
Brennan (no relation), Sadie Conway, Breda Byrne, Margaret Miller, Mary
McDonald, Mary Keightly. Young man at the end... ...Flemming?
- Front Row
Left to Right;
- Michael Boran, Liam Myron, Catherine Mulhall, Concepta Conway,
Noleen Byrne, Carmel Dillon, Betty Keightly, Ann Farrell, Noreen Byrne, Eileen
McDonald, John McDonal.
(Tommy Kennedy is also in the picture somewhere.)
Pray for the soul of Very
Rev. Albert G. Byrne.
Ordained 1908. Parish Priest of Arles
from 1941-1963'.
(Source William Muldowney ex pupil)